Offtopic: Stealing Aleynikov or how arbitration is done ;-) - page 12

timbo >> :

No, of course it was a joke. I'm an expert in financial mathematics.

I told you not to cheat people.

If you have

A + B + C < 0

it follows that

A < 0 & B < 0 & C < 0

what kind of mathematician are you?

forte928 >> :

The one thing he primarily ran through the whole article was that America is a country of snitches...

At the risk of being a little bit on the nose, but I'll say it, and that's a good thing.

Long time ago I knew a girl, a Russian from Moscow, her father was one of the famous programmers of the time

His second wife was from America and I think from the seventh grade the girl moved there during her school years

she later became the top student in the state in one year

She came to visit her daddy in the summer who moved to Yalta and met him there.

Our tourists' stories about america are always the same and boring, but the girl is displaced and immersed in the everyday life there.

unencumbered by propaganda, she told me from the inside

how they ran away from school and went to Mexico on their parents' yacht until evening, how teenage parties are supposed to be held and why it is customary to invite

a policeman to the event, you know, a lot of stuff.

I was then hit on the subject of knocking, one invites a neighbour for tea, in the process he finds out he's a tax dodger and the next day, purely as a neighbour

a knock at the tax office, or the head of the department invites his family to a barbecue on the weekend, in the evening the wives drive away, but one sat down by himself

because he arrives alone and the owner says goodbye and pats his mate on the shoulder as soon as he leaves, calls the police and gives them the car number

Snitches and hypocrites - I thought then . Rightly so, I think now.

Mischek писал(а) >>

snitches and hypocrites - I thought then. Rightly so, I reckon now.

Bears, you have to understand the difference here!

The thing is, it's not snitching, it's the concept of people's lives. They think it's right to pay their dues. You know, they think it's right. Why? Because those taxes make life better around them. Keep the cops, the environment, cleanliness. That is what is called quality of life and what Russia lacks in this respect, but there has already been progress.

Imagine for them taxes are like a house phone for the whole block of flats. That is why they are angry when all the money is handed in and one is not.

timbo >> :

This Goldman is a totally useless company; they don't even have gangsters of their own to deal quietly with this Aleynikov. They ran like suckers to complain to the police, because that would have been the only way to stop the thief.

Shit! We've come to this! Scamming a sucker - suckers are discussed ! ))))))))))))))

SProgrammer >> :

Bears, you have to understand the difference here!

The point is that it's not snitching, it's the concept of people's lives. They think it's right to pay the bounty. You know, they think it's right. Why? Because those taxes make life better around them. Keep the cops, the environment, cleanliness. That is what is called quality of life and what Russia lacks in this respect, but there has already been progress.

Imagine for them taxes are like a house phone for the whole block of flats. That is why they are angry when all the money is transferred and one is not.

That's what I'm for.

SProgrammer писал(а) >>

Bears, there's a difference to be made!

The fact is that it is not snitching, it is the concept of people's lives. They think it's right to pay their dues. You know, they think it's right. Why? Because those taxes make life better around them. Keep the cops, the environment, cleanliness. That is what is called quality of life and what Russia is lacking in this respect, but there is already progress.

Imagine for them taxes are like a house phone for the whole block of flats. That is why they are angry when all the money is gone and one is not.

That is right, if you live in a place, it should be so, it does not mean that you have to pay for it, it is just that the mentality of the FSU has developed over the years, low wages and the overall existence of more than half the population in poverty...

As one philosopher said it's easier and cheaper to govern the illiterate...

forte928 писал(а) >>

That is right, if you live in a place, it should be so, it does not mean that you have to pay for it, it is just that the mentality of the FSU has developed over the years, low wages and the overall existence of more than half the population in poverty...

As one philosopher said it's easier and cheaper to govern the illiterate...

If you are interested in my point of view, I believe that under the USSR the government did not seek to make everyone poor. Equal, yes. But that was not the goal. Because it was not necessary. That is why your thought above, associated so interestingly - in the first sentence about the USSR and in the second the opinion of some philosopher, and it is not said that he was a Soviet or anything else. So it is associated with the USSR, giving the impression that they wanted everyone to be poor in the USSR. No, that's not the right idea. They wanted everybody to be more or less equal - yes. Naturally, if you divide it among all, everyone will get less. But on the whole I do not consider the collapse of the USSR and even the collapse of socialism a good thing. Also, if you are interested in my opinion, our militarists and dogmatic ideologists are to blame for the collapse of the USSR. One stripped the country of its resources for defence. The latter were not focused on efficient management, but on management as it can be without violating the ideology of socialism. That is, to motivate people to work not with money but with something else. So we can say that it was not even the ideology of socialism, but the ideology of building communism - and in poverty, which is impossible in principle! In other words they tried to educate people in the spirit of communism (not the material motivation in life) even under socialism, as if preparing the population for communism, while there was a shortage of material goods.

But as for why it is not so with us? Just ask yourself this: have you organized an HOA in your house? Do you actively participate in this HOA? Probably not. Why not? Ask yourself. And that's exactly what they are. They think they own their town, their street. And since they are masters, they have a different world view. How do you become such masters? I don't know. You should probably start by painting the walls around your flat at your own expense, and if a bulb has burned out, change it, or go (take your time) to the housing cooperative and say it has burned out. All this is ours/yours. You/we are the owners. As long as you do not feel it and do something regardless of what the other residents do nothing will change. And if you do, others will do the same.

gip >> :

I told you not to cheat people.

If you have from

A + B + C < 0

it follows that

A < 0 & B < 0 & C < 0

then what kind of mathematician are you?

It seems to be better than from you after all.

It is objectively known that E[Ai + Bi + Ci] = 0.

Each of the processes is iid.

Obviously, no one will keep an expert who gives consistently wrong predictions. I.e. E[Ai]>=0, E[Bi]>=0, E[Ci]>=0.

So E[Ai]=E[Bi]=E[Ci]=0. That is, on average they all say nothing. At any given moment, each expert's prediction may or may not be correct, but when which is which is impossible to know.


On the subject of who owes what to whom and the right of aftr... )))

Однажды Владимир Владимирович™ Путин стоял в своем рабочем кабинете перед большим зеркалом и примерял кожаную куртку байкера, подаренную ему Александром Хирурговичем Залдостановым.
Вдруг высокие двери кабинета Владимира Владимировича™ растворились, и в помещение вошел мужчина в с тетрадкой в руках.
- Так, это что это у вас? - не здороваясь спросил мужчина, показывая пальцем на висящий надо столом Владимира Владимировича™ портрет Президента Российской Федерации Дмитрия Анатольевича Медведева.
- В смысле? - не понял Владимир Владимирович™, - Президент. А вы кто?
- Джатиев Хазби Тотырбекович, - ответил мужчина, - Советник Генерального директора Российского Авторского Общества. У вас в кабинете публично воспроизводится образ Дмитрия Анатольевича Медведева. Вы как владелец кабинета должны заплатить Российскому Авторскому Обществу три миллиона рублей.
- Сколько?!? - воскликнул Владимир Владимирович™.
- Три миллиона рублей, - отвечал Хазби Тотырбекович, - Приготовьте пожалуйста, не то мы приготовим иск в суд. А это что у вас? Телевизор? За телевизор тоже заплатить надо. Радиоточка есть? Это что у вас - флаг? За использование российского флага надо платить. А это что - герб? За герб тоже заплатите.
Хазби Тотырбекович что-то пометил в своей тетрадке и вышел из кабинета.
Владимир Владимирович™ немедленно позвонил Президенту.
- Слышь, брателло, - сказал Владимир Владимирович™, - Ща ко мне заходил какой-то Бекмамбетович и говорил, что я должен ему заплатить за то, что у меня висит твой портрет.
- Как, и к тебе тоже? - удивился Президент, - Он только что и у меня был. Говорит - что это у вас над столом висит? Я говорю - портрет премьер-министра. Он говорит - за публичное использование образа премьер-министра надо заплатить. Три миллиона рублей.
- А за телевизор? - спросил Владимир Владимирович™.
- И за телевизор, - подтвердил Дмитрий Анатольевич, - И за флаг. И за герб.
- Слушай, - подумал Владимир Владимирович™, - А ведь если ты используешь мой образ - то ты заплатишь как бы в мою пользу. А если я использую твой образ - я заплачу как бы за твой образ. Тогда получается, что никто никому ничего не должен.
- Щас, - отвечал Президент, - И ты и я должны этому Бекбулатовичу по пятнадцать процентов.
- С чего это? - удивился Владимир Владимирович™.
- Комиссия, - пояснил Дмитрий Анатольевич, - Он же работает. Ходит по кабинетам. В тетрадочке чиркает.
Владимир Владимирович™ задумчиво положил трубку.
- Живут же люди, - покачал головой Владимир Владимирович™, - Да кому нужно это промышленное производство?… Ходи да собирай…
И Владимир Владимирович™ снова посмотрел в зеркало.

As for the ex-USSR, there's not much to tell for those who have lived there consciously...

I, personally, wasn't too bad then. Now? It's not so bad either, but the idea of changing the country of residence

I've been thinking more and more... and not in America but somewhere on the shores of a Finnish lake...

Yes! We have been "given" a lot of things, but most of these "things" are either not working as they should or have remained on paper.

kombat писал(а) >>

On the subject of who owes what to whom and the right of aftr... )))

As for the ex-USSR, there's not much to tell for those who have lived there consciously...

I, personally, wasn't too bad then. Now? It's not so bad either, but the idea of changing the country of residence

I've been thinking more and more... and not in America but somewhere on the shores of a Finnish lake...

Yes! We have been "given" a lot of things, but for the most part these "things" are either not working as they should, or have remained on paper.

Isn't the homesickness making you look back where you came from?