Offtopic: Stealing Aleynikov or how arbitration is done ;-) - page 6

Choomazik >> :

>> what's the damage to you from stealing it?

It's written:

Experts are written based on the findings of analysts, mathematicians and others commissioned from outside,

which, if you don't understand, were commissioned and paid for. That's one.

Two is that the employee was paid for his duties.

(which he violated...).

>> three, four, five...


And most importantly, theft is the misappropriation of someone else's property.

Right? ;)

And it doesn't matter that the owner had a broken old camcorder stolen that would cost 2 new ones to fix.

She's been stolen! And that's punishable by # and the honorable title of Thief.

kombat писал(а) >>

It's been stolen! and there's a punishment for that # and the honorary title of Thief.

It's even simpler than that - money is made either because it's "hard" or because they "don't know how".

"Difficult" for a long time is the cost of a piece of a person's life.

"Don't know" is also "difficult" because you have to take the time to "find out".

So everything is measured (reduced) by the value of the piece of life a person is asking for it.

There is a unique value, I REPEAT THE ONLY VALUE, and that is time of life.

There you go. :)

kombat >> :

It's written:

which, if you don't understand, were ordered and paid for. That's one.

Two is that the employee was paid for his duties.

(which he has violated...)

Three, four, five...


And most importantly, theft is the misappropriation of someone else's property.

Right? ;)

And it doesn't matter that the owner had a broken old camcorder stolen, the repair of which will cost 2 new ones.

It's been stolen! And there's a punishment for that # and an honorary title of Thief.

It's written, yes, but be pragmatic:

1. To the competition he will not incur any code and you will not be harmed by the competition gaining your market share (what competition?). Thus there is 0 harm to you.

2. If he publishes the code, he will violate the copyright which (I hope) belongs to your firm by contract. Then you can sue him.

3. If you're afraid that he will earn money in his crib, the answer to this: you should have thought about it earlier. Forbid access to the Internet at work, prohibit all kinds of media. But in principle you are no worse off for it.

I'd be philosophical about it. By the way, no one will ask him - where's the CV from the last job?

He will not get away from his karma as a thief, but you are not a god of justice either.

kombat >> :

It seems to me too that before you call a thief, you need to find out if there was use of the code, if there was damage done. Or if there was intent. Or maybe the sysadmin is just a sick man and he's taking everything he can get his hands on... But in any case, this is an infringement of the rights of the copyright holder, illegal copying or distribution.


the codes were stolen by order of the FSB :o


Yeah - and there's some serious discussion going on ....

It depends - but I've already mapped out who not to hire ;-)

Actually, reputation is a precious thing... ;-)

Choomazik >> :

He's not getting away from his thief karma, but you're not a god of justice either. ....

Yeah... let's remember the proverb: Judge not, lest ye be judged :)))

But here's the thing... when someone steals something from you, you go to the police,

you catch the thief, you try him and put him in jail...

Yeah, well... You can say I didn't try him, but I didn't try him.

But what is your personal goal?

For the thief to be tried and punished. Because there is no punishment without a trial... ;)

It seems to me too, that before calling a thief, you need to find out if the code was used, if damage was done. Or if there was intent to do so.

When in a shop, for "accidentally" grabbing a video camera and try this...

Why? I didn't use it, I didn't do any damage, and I didn't mean to steal it.

It just happened to be... :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


I can't call him Robin Hood, either. Neither is Detochkin.

timbo писал(а) >>

You take your car to the service. You get the starter replaced, and the battery is old. You pay what is due, go home. And at night, the repairman from that service found your car in the car park in front of your house, opened it up, and took the battery out. You can't accuse him of stealing something he put there himself. Such "justice".

Excuse me, dear doctor of psychology, but your political economy is not good at all. And you're no better at economics. I'll explain it to you on my fingers.

When a simple worker comes to get a job, the level of his wages is determined by the labor market, that is, the number of jobseekers with similar qualifications. This wage is determined essentially by the cost of living, and in its sense it is the cost of the means of subsistence that the worker needs in order to reproduce his labour force. This is the ABC of political economy, formulated in the days of Smith and Ricardo.

The worker, in his job, has to perform quite specific and very limited functions. He participates in mass production and does not create immortal creations. Another peculiarity of the process is that the level of exploitation of labour is about the same in all industries. Where there are more or less perceptible differences this is reflected in wages, and quite substantially.


When it comes to intellectual labour, the situation is different. There are things whose development does not require any special creative ability or creativity per se. Expertise is enough. But even in this case there is a huge difference from material labour. An engineer develops a product once. He gets paid for it while he is working. The captalist then replicates the product for years, and makes a profit on each mark.

However, since both the worker and the engineer do not have their own conditions to support themselves, the only way for them to live is to sell their labour (intellectual) power. On these grounds, the capitalist pays the engineer according to the same law - according to the state of the engineering labour market. And in doing so he relies on the monopoly of capital to be able to provide people with jobs. All dissenters are fired. That is you do not want so - you do not get anything. At the same time the engineer's developments are the property of the capitalist. That means that the engineer is in even worse conditions than the worker. The worker gets paid as long as he/she participates in the production of the product, while the engineer gets paid only while he/she develops it. Since the development cycle is shorter than the production and profit cycle, the income that the capitalist gets from the development of the engineer in relation to his salary is many, many times greater than the income that the capitalist gets from the slave in relation to the slave's salary.


The situation is even worse when it comes to creative developments, which are unique in nature. The capitalist's approach is the same - here's your high salary, but it will all be mine and you have no right to anything, you can't sell it or pass it on to anyone else, you can't work for competitors, etc., etc. If you don't want it, stay in your Russia, India, China, etc. In fact, there is no choice for the creative intellectual any more than there is for the ordinary worker. For the capitalist, however, the benefit is quite different. A unique product gives him a monopoly on the market. And by the terms of the contract he seeks to perpetuate that monopoly. If the engineer's work can be reproduced in material form on a mass scale, thus benefiting society, Aleynikov's work for the GS will not benefit anyone in society. Only monopolistically high superprofits for the GS, which naturally will use it only for itself.

There are countless cases of revolutionary patents that are bought by sophisticated firms in order to bury them on paper and thus prolong their profits. Such was the case with the patent for the non-burning-out light bulb, which General Electric shelved forever.

For those who like to defend capitalism and free enterprise, the question is: what about free competition, which is a necessary condition for free enterprise and free markets? When the capitals have reached gigantic proportions they do not need it. You can still shout about it, but in practice it is long gone.

That is why the degree of exploitation of creative workers is generally cosmic. For comparison, it is possible to remember about B. Gates. If he had had his ideas in the beginning, he would have been a programmer today and would have earned 60-80 thousand rubles per year. If he had become a top programmer, he would have earned maybe 100-200. But he managed to implement his project himself and became one of the world's first billionaires. This is the real price of creative development.

And that is why a huge number of programmers prefer to work for the free community and make freewares.

And for the same reason SProgrammer is absolutely right .


So, Timbo, your whole "argumentation" is not even at the level of a doctor of psychology, but at the level of a philistine. And we can't even talk about the categories of "property" or "justice".


I wonder, what good will your doctorate do for mankind? For you, clearly, but for people?

kombat >> :

Here's my mother, too, watching TV (duroscope) and starting to judge. For the last year and a half, because of the rampant propaganda, she has been constantly judging Americans. And so they are, and so they are. And we live badly because of their crisis.

And if you think about it, what do we know about this situation? Two or three articles from the journos? Aren't we, with our willingness to judge, like fence-sitters discussing international politics?

kombat >> :

Yeah... let's remember the proverb: Judge not, lest ye be judged :)))

But here's the thing... when someone steals something from you, you go to the police,

you catch the thief, you try him and put him in jail...

Yeah, well... You could say, "I didn't judge him.

But what is your personal goal?

For the thief to be tried and punished. Because there is no punishment without a trial... ;)

When in a shop, for "accidentally" stealing a video camera...

Why? I didn't use it, I didn't do any damage, and I didn't want to steal it.

It just happened to be... :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


There's no way to call him Robin Hood, either. Neither is Detochkin.

That's where the difference between us comes in - it's not my personal goal to make sure that the thief is tried and punished. Speaking of punishment, read