Crisis: Don't we care? - page 39

blend >> :

my views are as follows: there is a world government that is subject to alien intelligence that wants to bring earth's civilization into the galactic family, but on one condition - humanity must be united in matters of self-preservation and attitude to alien values

the world government is not a government at all, but the backstage, a small group of influential old Anglo-Saxon dynasties that cannot give out all the information about intrigues around the Earth, and secondly its influence is mediated, or economically, or through some politicians who are then killed

Occasionally, behind the scenes provokes wars, because after the wars, unification is accelerated, the sovereigns stagnate and the weak unite to defeat the strong

virtually all continents are going well, those who do not want to live civilized, they become pariahs and short-lived regimes, it is harder with africa, it is not iran, russia and venezuela all together

i don't know if i should watch "the spirit of the times" on channel one after this.

All right!... I'll let you in on the secret. Guys, I'm sorry! I did it all.

I thought about it a bit and it got out of hand...

blend >> :

Thank God, I thought they were going to attack and how could they intercept a thousand of our missiles and decoys?

Are you playing chess?

I am telling you - they can shoot down missiles on takeoff, when their speed is low, while decoys can only be intercepted in space.

not for defense but for attack...

E2E4s go first i.e. they attack with thermonuclear missiles

Our move is next i.e. we launch our Stilettos in response

they shoot down some of them on takeoff

but we don't have missile defence on cube))

>> so it turns out in this scenario we hit fewer targets than they do.

>> they want to break parity

Zhunko >> :

All right... I'll let the secret out. Guys, I'm sorry! This is all my doing...

I was thinking a little bit, and it got out of control.

It's under my control now.

blend >> :

it's not loaded))) there are no warheads, it's like a neighbour with a seeker instead of a gun


Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski on Friday promised that the planned U.S. missile defence base on Polish soil will not have nuclear warheads

When you come home from work, a normal guy, if he's sober, won't look to see if the gun is loaded... he'll make sure the gun is put away...


You really don't understand why they want to deploy missile defense in Poland...


The Europeans are sober, they've already saddled the Polish leader... ...with his missile defense boost...

sabluk >> :

Do you play chess?

I told you - only on takeoff, when speed is low, and decoys are only deployed in space.

not for defense but for attack scenario...

E2E4s go first i.e. they attack with thermonuclear missiles

Our move is next i.e. we launch our Stilettos in response

they shoot some of them down on take off

but we don't have missile defense on cube))

so the scenario is that we hit less targets than they do

kamikaze scenario, maybe the 90s bros in the back alleys were working out such plans with a 100% risk... you're a smart chess player, you know you can't checkmate in two moves

blend >> :

a kamikaze scenario, maybe the 90's backstreet gangsters were working out such plans with a 100% risk... you're a smart chess player, you know you can't checkmate in two moves

the pentagon uses a superpowered computer in their analysis department

They're looking at a lot of developmental combinations.

the results of the probe into our combat readiness are corrected by fresh calculations.

if our army gets frustrated and behaves poorly, their indicators will show a high probability that we may be mated

PS sure begs the question - why all this nonsense?

Everything is simple and harmoniously intertwined here - militarists in power lobby for orders from the military-industrial complex and at the same time officially pursue national interests

YuraZ >> :

When you get home from work, a normal guy, if he's sober, won't look to see if the gun is loaded... he'll make sure the gun is put away...


You really don't understand why they want to deploy missile defense in Poland...


The Europeans are sober, they've already saddled the Polish leader... ...with his missile-defense boosters...

I understand as best I can, in my own way,

First of all this is the first swallow, it is not excluded that the whole perimeter of EU will be covered by BMD, including Turkey, because in reality any state can theoretically acquire nuclear weapons, the border was made of barbed wire, in some places by electricity, now it will be a border with possible threats, if you cite examples from rural life, what does a villager do when he builds a house? in 90 cases the fence is for sure and if he manages to take over the neighboring plot, this fence will expand, if ukraine joins nato and georgia, elements of bMD may appear there as well, and if we join nato, as exotic as it may sound, these elements may move to siberia and the far east

Secondly: we cannot keep up in the arms race, it should be obvious, the only thing we can do is to build up or modernize our nuclear arsenal and be independent, so apart from nightmare scenarios we are not threatened by helicopter gunships, and it seems they understand it and reform the army, while the rhetoric of the offended is for internal users, there should always be an "external threat" in our country, such is the mentality

Thirdly: these games around ABM have been going on for a long time; now it will be installed, now it will not be installed; now the Europeans are against it, now the Europeans are for it; now in the Czech Republic, now in Poland the consciousness gradually gets used to the fact that the ABM will be installed; the prepared consciousness is a done deal; the only thing left is to deliver and install it.

Fourthly: the bills have to be paid, and the historical humiliations that poland and czechoslovakia have suffered are materializing in the over defence of their borders

sabluk >> :

the pentagon uses a super-powered computer in its analytical department.

If our country goes crazy and fails to react their indicators will show a good chance to checkmate us.

Let them learn to make market forecasts first))) We've all heard about super-power computers in the military departments and it turns out that analytics are taken from students' coursework (I read your link)

sol >> :

>> It's under my control now.

Find yourself another planet. On this one I play.

sabluk >> :

PS of course questions arise - why all this nonsense?

Everything is simple and harmoniously intertwined here - militarists in power lobby for orders from military-industrial complex and at the same time officially as if pursuing national interests

then it is just a businessman, and who launches a businessman into the wind, and with separation in earth orbit and risking the lives of his family and pets, the family is sacred for a businessman