Crisis: Don't we care? - page 38

blend >> :

my views are as follows: there is a world government that is subject to alien intelligence that wants to bring earth's civilization into the galactic family, but on one condition - humanity must be united in matters of self-preservation and attitude to alien values

the world government is not a government at all, but the backstage, a small group of influential old Anglo-Saxon dynasties that cannot give out all the information about intrigues around the Earth, and secondly its influence is mediated, or economically, or through some politicians who are then killed

Occasionally, behind the scenes provokes wars, because after the wars, unification is accelerated, the sovereigns stagnate and the weak unite to defeat the strong

virtually all continents are going well, those who do not want to live civilized, they become rogues and short-lived regimes, it is more difficult with africa, it is not iran, russia and venezuela all together

i do not know if i should watch "the spirit of the times" on channel 1.

i don't think wars are the way to the galactic family

spirits cannot reproduce on their own. Therefore, their other task is to breed their own kind. To do this, they create material structures - humans, aliens, etc. which are like "living incubators". The meaning of life for all sentient beings in the universe - spirits and aliens - is to serve and help others in creating conditions for reincarnation of souls. This is what the whole Universe is about - both the visible part of it and the part that we cannot see yet.

sabluk >> :

I doubt wars are the way to the galactic family

Spirits cannot reproduce by themselves. That is why their other task is to breed themselves. For that they create material constructions - people, aliens, etc. which are like "living incubators". The meaning of life for all sentient beings in the universe - spirits and aliens - is to serve and help others in creating conditions for reincarnation of souls. This is what the whole Universe is about - both the visible part of it and the part we cannot see yet.

Now we are finally talking about serious things. Otherwise, Putin, Medvedev, will shut down the Internet.

What if they change the structure of the electron a little bit and all our technology stops working?

sabluk >> :

I doubt wars are the way to the galactic family

Spirits themselves cannot reproduce. Therefore their other task is to breed their own kind. For this, they create material structures - people, aliens, etc. which are like "living incubators". The meaning of life for all sentient beings in the universe - spirits and aliens - is to serve and help others in creating conditions for reincarnation of souls. This is what the whole Universe is about - both the visible part of it and the part we cannot see yet.

Hence the simple conclusion - that star wars, which the Americans so desire, are not possible in principle! With whom to fight when many "earthly spirits" have long been living on other planets and "aliens" in our bodies. Moreover, they came here before we arrived. The seizure of planets is also absolute stupidity! Because their material bodies are not very suitable for life on Earth, and they will have to be genetically perfected for a long time. And so, what difference does it make to perfect our bodies, or bring in our own and start remaking them.

Non-star wars, on the other hand, are still possible as a relic of the past. The living incubator is not yet perfect enough and a light push with a sharp object is enough to release the immature spirit. The immaturity of the spirit manifests itself in its inability to leave the planet by transit, and to incarnate into a fresh living incubator, because the incarnation takes place on another level, inaccessible to the immature spirit. It is with his tacit consent that the non-stellar wars take place

blend >> :

Who says it's a frontal attack? or a blitzkrieg? in iraq, it didn't work out so well with saber-rattling.

"they are far from idiots", you have to be an idiot to go up against a weak russia, closely tied to the west, with compromising information on its entire elite... except to solve two problems with one radar, but it is too shallow and ineffective, it is probably one of the elements of the long term strategy. as for iran, iran is the last decent force in the mideast. its people are religious and fanatical and will support any decision of their government, although i recently read an open letter by iranian economists against ahminejad's economic policies to deploy in turkey, one has to ask turkey, if poland and czechoslovakia agreed, i do not hear anything about turkey, i do not think that the nato has coercive methods against its members, especially as turkey is not yet a member of the eu and the mood there is not so happy towards western values.

When you return from work you approach your house and a neighbour's window is pointing a double-barrelled gun in your direction... .

You go to him and say so-and-so... why?

And he smiled and said, "There's a field over there behind your house... crows flying... Piss off
But the gun is cocked and loaded... and your dining room is right across the window from which the gun is sticking out...

YuraZ >> :

On returning from work, you walk up to your house and a neighbour has a double-barrelled gun pointed out of his window in your direction... pointing

it is not loaded))) there are no warheads, we are like a neighbour with a seeker instead of a gun


Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said Friday that the U.S. missile defence base planned to be built on Polish soil will not have nuclear warheads

sol >> :

What if they change the structure of the electron a little bit and all our technology stops working?

As we know from the school course, all matter - people, food, clothes, cars, etc. - consists of atoms which are in a certain discharged state and vibrate at a certain frequency. Now if you take matter of a different density, whose atoms vibrate at a different frequency and have an even less rarefied state, then one matter can pass through the other - its atoms will freely fly past each other without colliding. In this case, for example, a being, or even entire worlds in another density can be "one in the other" without coming into contact with each other (like your soul is in your body).

blend >> :

it's not loaded))) there are no warheads, it's like a neighbour with a seeker instead of a gun


Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski made a promise on Friday that the planned US missile defence base on Polish soil would not have missiles with nuclear warheads

In general I don`t want to draw parallels, but Hitler signed peace agreement with us before the beginning of the war as well.


It comes to mind - if you want peace you should prepare for war.

blend >> :

it's not loaded))) there are no warheads, it's like a neighbour with a seeker instead of a gun


Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said Friday that the planned U.S. missile defence base on Polish soil will not have nuclear warheads

Nuclear warheads are not needed there in principle.

the task of the missile defence is to shoot down our tactical missiles on take-off, i.e. at the most vulnerable stage of flight

Once they get into the stratosphere they can't be shot down, so they position their missiles as close to our borders as possible

sol >> :

In general, I do not want to be provocative and draw parallels, but Hitler also signed a peace treaty with us before the war started.

yes, the peace treaty concerned such sensitive things as division of some part of europe in exchange for non-aggression, you know, it's hard to call it a peace treaty

sabluk >> :

nuclear warheads are not needed there in principle

The task of missile defense is to shoot down our tactical missiles on takeoff, i.e. in the most vulnerable stage of flight

after entering the stratosphere they cannot be shot down, that is why they are as close as possible to our borders

So it is for defence?) thank god, i thought they were going to attack and how can they intercept a thousand of our missiles and decoys??