Crisis: Don't we care? - page 29

We have plenty of territory as it is! What's the use? You have to manage it properly and wisely!
BARS писал(а) >>
We've got enough territory as it is. What's the point? We need to manage our economy properly and wisely!

Only a strong state can manage a large territory

If it cannot, that's it - sooner or later it will lose territories.

In today's world, spheres of influence are lost first.

then come the stronger ones


The radars of the Empire used to reach Lomansz - now they barely cover Poland

Before, all movements in Europe by air were visible and under control.

now both the army and the intelligence are blind

Poland practically has missile defence systems :-))) from the USA - WHY are they there?

hardly standing against Iran :-))) is an excuse for the naive :-))


They are standing there to get control! This is the first step to get it!


Remember in 8x-9X when the Warsaw bloc collapsed they said: Nato will not go east

heh heh heh - an excuse - who believed them then?

I didn't.


the sphere of influence was redistributed.


you have to become strong first.

and in peacetime that's just the economy.


Guys, don't scare the rest of us.

Why are you making chauvinistic disputes on the programmer's forum?

My gut tells me that we are about to start talking about "Ukraine is not a country, it is the original Russian territory". That's why we Ukrainians don't like some of Russia's population.

Wake up and do some trading :)
johngull писал(а) >>

Guys, don't scare the rest of us.

Why are you making chauvinistic disputes on the programmer's forum?

My gut tells me that we are about to start talking about "Ukraine is not a country, it is the original Russian territory". That's why we Ukrainians do not like some of the Russian population.

Wake up and do some trading :)

The thread is called the CRISIS and we do not care! It is politics, money, power... the territories of the economy


There are no "ancestral territories".

There are only forces capable of holding on to a territory for a while.

Poland once considered all of Ukraine to be its "ancestral territory"

And the phrase Kievan Rus in general says that Kievan Rus Ukraine Russia is one people!


The countries are of course different now.

In the context of "Kievan Rus" - it is unclear whether they cut off the north from Ukraine or the south from Russia


"voluntarily" joined "voluntarily" separated

Territories are usually collected and divided not by people, but by certain historic figures

under specific historical circumstances


Alaska can be returned quite officially.

Case in point.

California is occupied by the USA for no reason at all. We assert our territorial claims to California and take back Alaska as compensation for our illegally used territories. That is, as it were, rent.

YuraZ >>: all air traffic in Europe used to be visible and monitored

Not so sure, Yuri. In the summer of 1986 I was at a training camp in a polar air defence unit near the White Sea and also in Finland, Norway etc. And then there were incidents when bourgeois planes flew over the established border. And in 1986 it was still the USSR.

I sometimes get this foolish impression that much of the "military power" of the USSR was declarative rather than real. And now we are nostalgic for that declarative might.

johngull >> :

Guys, don't scare the rest of us.

Why are you making a chauvinistic argument in a programming forum?

My gut says "Ukraine is not a country, but the Russian territory". That's why we Ukrainians do not like a part of Russia's population.

Wake up and do some trading :)

Highlighted is awesome!!!

Because I thought we were the people of GREAT RUSSIA.

In the context of the phrase "Kievan Rus", it is unclear whether the north was cut off from Ukraine or the south was cut off from Russia.

Well, suffice it to trace the history of the development of Kievan Rus'. The European part of modern Russia is the land conquered by Kievan prince Svyatoslav and built up/civilised by Kievan princes Yaroslav and Vladimir. I won't say anything about the conclusions :)

Actually, one should respect every nation and treat each other with respect. That is all.

On this optimistic note, let us return to the crisis.

Zhunko >> :

Highlighted is awesome!!!

Because I thought we were the people of GREAT RUSSIA.

I was writing from myself.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Not so sure, Yuri. In the summer of 1986 I was at a training camp in a polar air defence unit near the White Sea and also in Finland, Norway etc. And then there were incidents when bourgeois planes flew over the established border. And in 1986 it was still the USSR.

I sometimes get the foolish impression that much of the "military power" of the USSR was declarative rather than real. And now we are nostalgic for this declarative power.

Aleksey a mess has always been a mess everywhere!


I have an opus somewhere about an Amecican aircraft carrier

at full throttle approaching the Spanish coast, beeping to a land beacon to steer it off course.


if we're talking about a crisis:

there's a lot to talk about, but crises are necessary.

You can't do without them!

they help you see things differently!

the trader i know is thriving! he's doing well in a crisis.

the "office plankton" wash out unnecessary people and parasitic firms.

it's like cleansing the body of parasites