Tell me the release date of mql5? When will mql5 be available? - page 11


It's not so bad ;) After all the backward compatibility can be provided on the server and not on the client level. If developers manage to make MT4 server support absolutely easy for brokerage companies, then any self-respecting brokerage company will gladly support a couple of servers in "cluster" - 5 and 4 in order not to lose old clients from 4 and to attract new clients to 5. I personally would be 97% satisfied with such kind of compatibility

Renat - how much can we count on such a solution to the problem?

ForexTools >> :

Renat - how much of a solution can be expected? Have you discussed this?

It was discussed, but it's impossible. Those who start MT5 will keep MT4 in parallel, as it was with MT3. If a trader wants to migrate, he will simply rebook his account to trade in MT5, and if he doesn't want to, he will stay on the previous platform.

Brokers themselves want a platform that is more suitable for the stock market and that is what we decided to do. Compatibility would have led to huge crutches that would have ruined the project in a couple of years.

ps: by the way, have a look at your profiles - maybe you will put photos or avatars. For example, I just put myself up.


There won't be full compatibility, it's already clear (for some reason I thought it would be limited to dots in variable names, but I must have been very wrong).

A person who has written something solid and working (well, let's say, thousands of lines) on MT4, which is not supported by MT5, can expect that the code written on MT4 will be supported at least temporarily, for the period of "succession rights transfer"?

Renat >> :

Those who run MT5 will also keep MT4 in parallel, as was the case with MT3.

That's exactly what I meant. i.e. two separate servers not two in one. If they will make it easy to keep two servers in parallel (if it's possible) they will not be in a hurry to refuse MT4 support and this will provide this very compatibility and will give us time and possibilities to "rebuild" their codes for 5.

Renat писал(а) >>

..., the basic history is M1 (from which everything is built on the client, access to huge histories is provided)...

that's what I don't understand ((... why not the ticks ? You can build anything from them. You can't make everything out of minutes. Information is lost in compression. This is the solution in principle. If the flow of ticks were conserved, there would be no problems with multicurrency testing. Or will you again simulate ticks in a minute and write an unclear figure of adequacy of 25% in the mode of all ticks?

Why did you make such a decision ?

nen писал(а) >>

It's a nightmare.

Here, I don't think so.

HTML, for example, doesn't change and everything doesn't change. Everything is compatible, yes compatible. And as a result, all the leading browsers display the same page differently.

falkov писал(а) >>

Dear Renat!

In your post the second paragraph contradicts the first. For if you gave a lot of new features (1st paragraph), no one will say "nothing new" (2nd paragraph)

There must be a directive from your management not to give an alpha release date. Nothing else I can reasonably explain the reluctance to give a tentative deadline, like "in the first/second half of 2009/2010".

And in general, after reading your post, wiped away the drool that appeared and went "to look in the direction of .NET"

Anyway, thank you very much for responding.

Regards, etc. - this is to the question of the manual.

SK. >> :

HTML, for example, doesn't change and doesn't change everything. Everything is compatible, yes it is.

It must have been a joke about everything being compatible in HTML? If you think everything is compatible there, have a look here I don't want to see the same tables for different MQL versions. I would like to see it reduced to a few paragraphs of text.


OK, let's put the question more constructively: approximately when will we be able to get a more or less accurate list of incompatibilities from MQ - in order to know in advance what awaits us when the platform changes?

P.S. Until now I'm writing something in MQL4 and I'm not even thinking about the upcoming "five". I don't see any promising projects, in my opinion, with some horrible incompatibility problems, yet.

Mathemat >> :

OK, let's put the question more constructively: when will we be able to get a more or less accurate list of incompatibilities from MQ - so that we know in advance what to expect when we change platforms?

>> >> well... When the beta will be released (they were going to release it by March) - we'll see everything. It's not worth to kill them - they've done a heroic deed today as it is :)