[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 724


- Wass! Our cat pooped in our slippers!!!
- What?! You filthy bastard! I'll fucking kill you!
- Not in yours! It's my mother's.
- Give him some sour cream.


Woman to man:
- Darling, we've been going out a long time. I think we're getting serious. Isn't it time you introduced me to your folks?
Man, scratching the back of his head:
- I don't know... Wife and mother-in-law at the spa, kids at camp.


And we present to you the latest mosquito repellent, Raptor plates.
You take one plate, put it under your tongue, and that's it:
The mosquitoes disappear: Dinosaurs, butterflies, bears and gypsies appear...


1) According to the manager:
-The computer won't turn on -I call the administrator. Admin comes, raises his hands to the sky, mumbles to himself an incomprehensible word, turns my chair 10 times around its axis, kicks the computer - it starts to work. Again, he raises his hands to the sky, mutters something, leaves.
2) From the words of the sysadmin.
-I come to user - that fool was so rotating on the chair that the power cord got caught on the leg and went out of the computer. I swear to myself, I unscrew it, I shove the computer with my foot under the table, switch it on and walk away.


The bloke, having dug up the garden by hand at the cottage, puffs himself up, soapy, and plops down on the sofa next to his wife:
- That's it, darling, end of work! Now I'm going to rest! And tomorrow too, by the way. Listen to the schedule: In the morning my neighbour and I go fishing... until lunchtime. In the afternoon we sleep in a hammock... And in the evening: you have a headache, you don't have a headache, you have those days, you have the wrong days, as you like, but the beer in the fridge STOP!!!!


-So, what are you selling here?
-Services of all kinds. Rifles with scopes, shooting licenses, hit men on the premises.
-I see. You don't have a cash register. You're cheating, aren't you? How long have the auditors been here?
-Three weeks, may they rest in peace!


- Wass! Our cat pooped in our slippers!!!
- What?! You filthy bastard! I'll fucking kill you!
- Not in yours! It's my mother's.
- Oh, give him some sour cream.


A medical student is taking an anatomy exam.
The question comes up "facial musculature".
The student doesn't know a thing, he babbles something... The professor listened and listened, got bored, asked the question:
- "Tell me, is the gluteus medius muscle chewy or mimic?"
The student has nothing to lose and tries it at random:
- Mimic!
- When you get a smile on your face, come back for a retake...


A check on the cold and hot water meters revealed that the tenants
not only don't use hot water, but they're pumping it back into the
the water supply.


And there are some interesting links in the spam.

