[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 722


Is this the Russian folk version of the pesokot?

Catopus brazenly copied from Tyanitolkai. (from Aibolit, 1929, by Korney Chukovsky :))
A catopus brazenly ripped off by a tyanitolkai. (c) 1929, "Aibolit", Korney Chukovsky :))
Continuation of the theme.
American Wayland Moore mounted two Ford A's on a 1940 Ford chassis, and put a 1953 V8 under one of the bonnets. Work on the creation of an unusual car, in which Weylandu helped his father, took seven months, with the registration no problems, and Moore Jr. began to use it every day for the trips to the university. However, he soon abandoned the venture. "Too often my car was the cause of accidents, as those driving behind me sometimes thought I was moving towards them in their lane and also sitting with my back to the road. Sometimes this was more dangerous than fun. Only on one-way streets could I feel at ease.

A continuation of the theme.

A "live" advertisement for a tyre (wheel, disc) shop in Krasnodar.
Attracts attention, that's for sure.

ZS: I'm not the one in the picture.


A "live" advertisement for a tyre (wheel, disc) shop in Krasnodar.
Attracts attention, that's for sure.

ZS: I'm not the one in the photo.

Has photoshop been abolished yet?
I touched it with my hands! And I took the picture, too.

I touched it with my hands!

Touchscreen? Multi-finger gesture?

And I took the picture, too.

Snapshot. Got it.
I touched it with my hands! And I took the picture, too.

That's great! Does it drive? :-D
Can it go both ways at once? :-D


I type the name of one of my best turkeys into the search engine.

Three warehouses + two forums.

One has 44 downloads, the other 384.


I've been thinking: the turkey is three years old and I'm somewhere like this on the prowl...

Is it really all me...?