[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 359

"Translator, you say the job is boring? I'm freelance correcting one technical instruction for installing a bank server, from English to Russian. Before that the instruction was either in Promt or somewhere else, but from now on "UnZip and click "finish" translates to "Unzip the fly and click the end". "

The person is relying on the letter of the future law, reading it DONE, just as a judge convicting you for disobeying a police officer would do.

Yes, he may be overreacting somewhere, but this is a draft of the LAW, and I personally doubt that it will be turned towards you and me in the event of a conflict of interest.

He is relying on something that does not yet exist, in other words he is dreaming, you can tell by his words that he is afraid of the future law if he criticises it that way. Any law is a restriction of human rights and freedoms. Koddan someone may have been afraid of the law we have now. Were their fears justified?
North, it's a fake Friday provocation that will get you banned again and Sanek and Gip will get away with it.

ricky tiki tavi works )


people are robots )

They should be pipsing.

He relies on something that does not yet exist, in other words he dreams, you could say he is afraid of the future of the law if he criticises it that way. Any law is a restriction of human rights and freedoms. Koddan someone may have been afraid of the law we have now. Were their fears justified?

They have. The law of this country, it's a way of life. Fundamental. It's the way the country lives. And it looks like shit.

why graying drivers are NOTHING funny at all


Watch out for the mate
