[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 728

It's a good thing it's not "contactless"... :)
ndʟоwɔ nʞоdʟɔɐn
A husband returning home from hunting calls his wife:
- Hi, it's me. On my way home.
- How was the hunt, honey?
- Fine, we won't be buying meat for a month.
- Did you kill a moose?
- No, I drank my paycheck.

Chekist Day is exactly 40 days after Police Day - by any chance???

What kind of film!?

- I love going out, but I can't lie to my wife convincingly.
- You should go to Seryoga for experience. He picks up new girls every day and takes them to a restaurant.
- What's the big deal, a restaurant. What's the big deal.
- What's the big deal? His wife works in that restaurant.


If you get a call on the intercom and are asked an idiotic question: "Are you home? ", don't get annoyed and answer calmly: "Yes, and where are you? ".



eh-moi: I thought - the reference (about the mirror with the goddess) ...

Vladimir, I'm surprised that your attention was drawn to the second story - that's normal!


eh-moi: I thought - the reference (about the mirror with the goddess) ...

Vladimir, I'm surprised that your attention was drawn to the second story - that's normal!

I've heard a lighter version, where two girls stand in front of a mirror, look into it and laugh and say: "Somebody's going to get a beauty like that." The second version caught my attention because it is a reinforcement of this one. The second version is much stronger (emotionally).