[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 730

I just heard Medvedev say on the radio - "To speed up modernisation we need to make more films about the successes of modern Russia!
A quote to his ears.

It's a rare case where I agree with him. Parteigenossen Goebbels proved the effectiveness of such a policy long ago.

However, success is necessary. At least one.

However, success is necessary. At least one.
The village. How many times do I have to explain to you, we live much better than we did under Stalin. And also, the UR allows us to travel abroad. Not enough for you?
Just heard Medvedev say on the radio - "To speed up modernisation we need to produce more films about the successes of modern Russia!"

I agree, we need science fiction!
Village. How many times do I have to tell you, we are living much better than under Stalin. And also, the UR allows us to travel abroad. Not enough for you?

The "we have a yard more computers than in 1914" theme won't fly anymore.

We need real success.


From Bashorg:

xxx: Well that's why, I ask, to invent monitors with ever increasing viewing angles?
xxx: They should make a monitor with a 10 degree viewing angle and position it as an office monitor.
xxx: So no creeper in the back or on the side can see you do your "work" with a scarf.


xxx: it's nice to talk to someone who doesn't have to go to wikipedia to find out the meaning of every word you say...


Grandma's in the subscription office:
- I want to order a priest to come home, the internet's not working properly.
- ???
- The young man who fixed the internet last time said there was an error in the holy pair and crossed her.

The alcoholic Sidorov, who worked three days as a janitor in ten years - the rest of the time he was on a binge - did more good for society than all the officials put together
If an official is a servant of the people, what do you call a system where servants rule over masters?
Gentlemen, don't you think there is a need for an election thread? The local electorate at least reads smart books and has its own informed opinion based on analysis of many factors.
If an official is a servant of the people, then what is the name of the system in which servants rule over masters?
In fact, the original phrase was "The MP is a servant of the people".
I don't think it's funny, better to read drknn's jokes.