FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 801

And I go to Ishim. Well, it's customary - first level to fifth... By the way, how's your sense of humour?
Great. I like to joke around. I used to be on KVN, but I never got personal.
And I go to Ishim. Well, it's customary - first level to fifth... By the way, how is your sense of humour?
I don't need to get me into your conversations, I respect all religions! I respect all religions! (In fact, I think it's better not to raise the subject of religion in this forum!). Talking about currencies, jamisons and yachts is more innocuous.
God is one and clever people should understand that.......................
Where do you see denial?
There will be tomorrow .During the day, likely targets will be announced from my point of view .
I don't need to be dragged into your conversations in any way, I respect all religions! I respect all religions! (I do not think the subject of religion should be brought up in this forum!). Talking about currencies, jamisons and yachts is more innocuous.

That's it! Got it. Copy that.

And since the fifth one is tired, I'm off to bed....

hey, assholes, go to ..... not enough resources, eh?
Shaman is always out of competition... I wish he would move to the fifth level, maybe he would jump off the flyswatter and explain himself without fog)))
you can't do without fog, what can I tell you! you need harmony everywhere - the forecast has harmony - the price does not. (this can also be found in your method! - I can tell you the points where harmony is disabled, as they are the endpoints of correction - price freedom points.)
hey, assholes, let's go to ..... not enough resources?

question to the physmath....

in physics - what speed is greater than the speed of light? // the theory of relativity is too trivial. you need a better answer.

I get the feeling that you want to stand up to the Old Ones............ there are people here who were on the topic when I first sat down at the keyboard.......... I know all the "high" words you are about to write........they just don't want to teach anyone, mentor anyone, pass on their experience to anyone......... They want to communicate with Peers.......................