FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 805

Is this forum the only thing that's keeping the whole forum going)))?
lkz for many of the members of this thread it does
Are you finding anything useful here?

I've been reading how bad it is here for a week now... the whole branch is covered in snot)))
What are you doing here, then? hilarious... )))))))))))
I'm giving all the man's word tomorrow...I'll make drawings on all 28 currency pairs ...
People are built for debauchery ! Spit it out !)))
I've been reading how bad things are here for a week now... the whole branch is snotty)))
Why do you come here then? Hilarious... )))))))))))
sorcerer, you can't be that rude to the people.
Sorcerer, you can't be so rude to the People.
Who's there)))
Oh, come on... Generalissimo!... almost fucked up)))
Platoon! Attention... Attention!

Equal to the Master !!!

witch is not allowed to be so rough with the People.

O Master, are YOU the one speaking?

Now who is going to tell us who we are and where we are going? .....

Sorcerer, you can't be so rude to the people.
The navigator's a hammer!... He's got it right away...

O Master, are YOU the one speaking?

Now who is going to tell us who we are and where we are going? .....

(the nickname again!), I was just pointing out the undignified behavior of the boy.

It is too late you have come (((, no one deals with TA, FA, everyone is waiting for something, there are endless squabbles - you will have nothing.

Have a nice stay.


(the nickname again!), I just pointed out the lad's undignified behaviour.

It's too late for you (((, no one is doing TA , FA, everyone is waiting for something, there are endless squabbles - you won't have anything.

Have a nice stay.

Sesney, so the sorcerer is not a lad))).

Why are you always telling us about your Tafa? You're sick.)


(the nickname again!), I just pointed out the lad's undignified behaviour.

It's too late for you (((, no one is doing TA , FA, everyone is waiting for something, there are endless squabbles - you won't have anything.

Have a nice stay.

Well I said Friday max on the eu will be updated....
The quid... yes (I agree with Old now) stands pretty good for a drop...
and the level I announced earlier (1.081) may sink into oblivion...
although all is not lost yet... what else do you need? I don't see anything else...
Tell me what you want....draw... what do you need?)))