MQL4 and MQL5 Programming Articles


Study the MQL5 language for programming trading strategies in numerous published articles mostly written by you - the community members. The articles are grouped into categories to help you quicker find answers to any questions related to programming: Integration, Tester, Trading Strategies, etc.

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DIY multi-threaded asynchronous MQL5 WebRequest
DIY multi-threaded asynchronous MQL5 WebRequest

DIY multi-threaded asynchronous MQL5 WebRequest

The article describes the library allowing you to increase the efficiency of working with HTTP requests in MQL5. Execution of WebRequest in non-blocking mode is implemented in additional threads that use auxiliary charts and Expert Advisors, exchanging custom events and reading shared resources. The source codes are applied as well.
Kernel Density Estimation of the Unknown Probability Density Function
Kernel Density Estimation of the Unknown Probability Density Function

Kernel Density Estimation of the Unknown Probability Density Function

The article deals with the creation of a program allowing to estimate the kernel density of the unknown probability density function. Kernel Density Estimation method has been chosen for executing the task. The article contains source codes of the method software implementation, examples of its use and illustrations.
Understanding order placement in MQL5

Understanding order placement in MQL5

When creating any trading system, there is a task we need to deal with effectively. This task is order placement or to let the created trading system deal with orders automatically because it is crucial in any trading system. So, you will find in this article most of the topics that you need to understand about this task to create your trading system in terms of order placement effectively.
The Box-Cox Transformation
The Box-Cox Transformation

The Box-Cox Transformation

The article is intended to get its readers acquainted with the Box-Cox transformation. The issues concerning its usage are addressed and some examples are given allowing to evaluate the transformation efficiency with random sequences and real quotes.
Multicurrency monitoring of trading signals (Part 4): Enhancing functionality and improving the signal search system
Multicurrency monitoring of trading signals (Part 4): Enhancing functionality and improving the signal search system

Multicurrency monitoring of trading signals (Part 4): Enhancing functionality and improving the signal search system

In this part, we expand the trading signal searching and editing system, as well as introduce the possibility to use custom indicators and add program localization. We have previously created a basic system for searching signals, but it was based on a small set of indicators and a simple set of search rules.
Learn how to design a trading system by Ichimoku

Learn how to design a trading system by Ichimoku

Here is a new article in our series about how to design a trading system b the most popular indicators, we will talk about the Ichimoku indicator in detail and how to design a trading system by this indicator.
Resolving entries into indicators
Resolving entries into indicators

Resolving entries into indicators

Different situations happen in trader’s life. Often, the history of successful trades allows us to restore a strategy, while looking at a loss history we try to develop and improve it. In both cases, we compare trades with known indicators. This article suggests methods of batch comparison of trades with a number of indicators.
Analyzing the Indicators Statistical Parameters
Analyzing the Indicators Statistical Parameters

Analyzing the Indicators Statistical Parameters

The technical analysis widely implements the indicators showing the basic quotes "more clearly" and allowing traders to perform analysis and forecast market prices movement. It's quite obvious that there is no sense in using the indicators, let alone applying them in creation of trading systems, unless we can solve the issues concerning initial quotes transformation and the obtained result credibility. In this article we show that there are serious reasons for such a conclusion.
OpenAI's ChatGPT features within the framework of MQL4 and MQL5 development

OpenAI's ChatGPT features within the framework of MQL4 and MQL5 development

In this article, we will fiddle around ChatGPT from OpenAI in order to understand its capabilities in terms of reducing the time and labor intensity of developing Expert Advisors, indicators and scripts. I will quickly navigate you through this technology and try to show you how to use it correctly for programming in MQL4 and MQL5.
Creating a trading robot for Moscow Exchange. Where to start?
Creating a trading robot for Moscow Exchange. Where to start?

Creating a trading robot for Moscow Exchange. Where to start?

Many traders on Moscow Exchange would like to automate their trading algorithms, but they do not know where to start. The MQL5 language offers a huge range of trading functions, and it additionally provides ready classes that help users to make their first steps in algo trading.
Evaluating the effectiveness of trading systems by analyzing their components
Evaluating the effectiveness of trading systems by analyzing their components

Evaluating the effectiveness of trading systems by analyzing their components

This article explores the effectiveness of complex trading systems by analyzing the efficiency of its individual components. Any analysis, whether it is graphic, based on indicators, or any other, is one of the key components of successful trading in financial markets. This article is to some extent a research of few simple and independent trading systems for analyzing their effectiveness and usefulness of the joint application.
MQL5 Cookbook - Programming moving channels
MQL5 Cookbook - Programming moving channels

MQL5 Cookbook - Programming moving channels

This article presents a method of programming the equidistant channel system. Certain details of building such channels are being considered here. Channel typification is provided, and a universal type of moving channels' method is suggested. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is used for code implementation.
Graphical Interfaces X: Updates for Easy And Fast Library (Build 2)
Graphical Interfaces X: Updates for Easy And Fast Library (Build 2)

Graphical Interfaces X: Updates for Easy And Fast Library (Build 2)

Since the publication of the previous article in the series, Easy And Fast library has received some new features. The library structure and code have been partially optimized slightly reducing CPU load. Some recurring methods in many control classes have been moved to the CElement base class.
The Optimal Method for Calculation of Total Position Volume by Specified Magic Number
The Optimal Method for Calculation of Total Position Volume by Specified Magic Number

The Optimal Method for Calculation of Total Position Volume by Specified Magic Number

The problem of calculation of the total position volume of the specified symbol and magic number is considered in this article. The proposed method requests only the minimum necessary part of the history of deals, finds the closest time when the total position was equal to zero, and performs the calculations with the recent deals. Working with global variables of the client terminal is also considered.
OOP in MQL5 by Example: Processing Warning and Error Codes
OOP in MQL5 by Example: Processing Warning and Error Codes

OOP in MQL5 by Example: Processing Warning and Error Codes

The article describes an example of creating a class for working with the trade server return codes and all the errors that occur during the MQL-program run. Read the article, and you will learn how to work with classes and objects in MQL5. At the same time, this is a convenient tool for handling errors; and you can further change this tool according to your specific needs.
Improved candlestick pattern recognition illustrated by the example of Doji
Improved candlestick pattern recognition illustrated by the example of Doji

Improved candlestick pattern recognition illustrated by the example of Doji

How to find more candlestick patterns than usual? Behind the simplicity of candlestick patterns, there is also a serious drawback, which can be eliminated by using the significantly increased capabilities of modern trading automation tools.
Library for easy and quick development of MetaTrader programs (part XXVII): Working with trading requests - placing pending orders
Library for easy and quick development of MetaTrader programs (part XXVII): Working with trading requests - placing pending orders

Library for easy and quick development of MetaTrader programs (part XXVII): Working with trading requests - placing pending orders

In this article, we will continue the development of trading requests, implement placing pending orders and eliminate detected shortcomings of the trading class operation.
Universal Expert Advisor Template
Universal Expert Advisor Template

Universal Expert Advisor Template

The article will help newbies in trading to create flexibly adjustable Expert Advisors.
Timeseries in DoEasy library (part 37): Timeseries collection - database of timeseries by symbols and periods
Timeseries in DoEasy library (part 37): Timeseries collection - database of timeseries by symbols and periods

Timeseries in DoEasy library (part 37): Timeseries collection - database of timeseries by symbols and periods

The article deals with the development of the timeseries collection of specified timeframes for all symbols used in the program. We are going to develop the timeseries collection, the methods of setting collection's timeseries parameters and the initial filling of developed timeseries with historical data.
What is Martingale and Is It Reasonable to Use It?
What is Martingale and Is It Reasonable to Use It?

What is Martingale and Is It Reasonable to Use It?

This article contains a detailed description of the Martingale system, as well as precise mathematical calculations, necessary for answering the question: "Is it reasonable to use Martingale?".
Fast Testing of Trading Ideas on the Chart
Fast Testing of Trading Ideas on the Chart

Fast Testing of Trading Ideas on the Chart

The article describes the method of fast visual testing of trading ideas. The method is based on the combination of a price chart, a signal indicator and a balance calculation indicator. I would like to share my method of searching for trading ideas, as well as the method I use for fast testing of these ideas.
Neural networks made easy (Part 7): Adaptive optimization methods

Neural networks made easy (Part 7): Adaptive optimization methods

In previous articles, we used stochastic gradient descent to train a neural network using the same learning rate for all neurons within the network. In this article, I propose to look towards adaptive learning methods which enable changing of the learning rate for each neuron. We will also consider the pros and cons of this approach.
Library for easy and quick development of MetaTrader programs (part XVII): Interactivity of library objects
Library for easy and quick development of MetaTrader programs (part XVII): Interactivity of library objects

Library for easy and quick development of MetaTrader programs (part XVII): Interactivity of library objects

In this article, we are going to finish the development of the base object of all library objects, so that any library object based on it is able to interact with a user. For example, users will be able to set the maximum acceptable size of a spread for opening a position and a price level, upon reaching which an event from a symbol object is sent to the program with the spread or price level-based signal.
Evaluating the ability of Fractal index and Hurst exponent to predict financial time series
Evaluating the ability of Fractal index and Hurst exponent to predict financial time series

Evaluating the ability of Fractal index and Hurst exponent to predict financial time series

Studies related to search for the fractal behavior of financial data suggest that behind the seemingly chaotic behavior of economic time series there are hidden stable mechanisms of participants' collective behavior. These mechanisms can lead to the emergence of price dynamics on the exchange, which can define and describe specific properties of price series. When applied to trading, one could benefit from the indicators which can efficiently and reliably estimate the fractal parameters in the scale and time frame, which are relevant in practice.
Ready-made Expert Advisors from the MQL5 Wizard work in MetaTrader 4
Ready-made Expert Advisors from the MQL5 Wizard work in MetaTrader 4

Ready-made Expert Advisors from the MQL5 Wizard work in MetaTrader 4

The article offers a simple emulator of the MetaTrader 5 trading environment for MetaTrader 4. The emulator implements migration and adjustment of trade classes of the Standard Library. As a result, Expert Advisors generated in the MetaTrader 5 Wizard can be compiled and executed in MetaTrader 4 without changes.
Patterns available when trading currency baskets. Part III
Patterns available when trading currency baskets. Part III

Patterns available when trading currency baskets. Part III

This is the final article devoted to the patterns that occur when trading currency pair baskets. It considers combined trend-following indicators and application of standard graphical constructions.
Developing graphical interfaces based on .Net Framework and C# (part 2): Additional graphical elements
Developing graphical interfaces based on .Net Framework and C# (part 2): Additional graphical elements

Developing graphical interfaces based on .Net Framework and C# (part 2): Additional graphical elements

The article is a follow-up of the previous publication "Developing graphical interfaces for Expert Advisors and indicators based on .Net Framework and C#". It introduces new graphical elements for creating graphical interfaces.
Reversing: Formalizing the entry point and developing a manual trading algorithm
Reversing: Formalizing the entry point and developing a manual trading algorithm

Reversing: Formalizing the entry point and developing a manual trading algorithm

This is the last article within the series devoted to the Reversing trading strategy. Here we will try to solve the problem, which caused the testing results instability in previous articles. We will also develop and test our own algorithm for manual trading in any market using the reversing strategy.
Charts and diagrams in HTML
Charts and diagrams in HTML

Charts and diagrams in HTML

Today it is difficult to find a computer that does not have an installed web-browser. For a long time browsers have been evolving and improving. This article discusses the simple and safe way to create of charts and diagrams, based on the the information, obtained from MetaTrader 5 client terminal for displaying them in the browser.
An Insight Into Accumulation/Distribution And Where It Can Get You
An Insight Into Accumulation/Distribution And Where It Can Get You

An Insight Into Accumulation/Distribution And Where It Can Get You

The Accumulation/Distribution (A/D) Indicator has one interesting feature - a breakout of the trend line plotted in this indicator chart suggests, with a certain degree of probability, a forthcoming breakout of the trend line in the price chart. This article will be useful and interesting for those who are new to programming in MQL4. Having this in view, I have tried to present the information in an easy to grasp manner and use the simplest code structures.
Graphical Interfaces X: Text Edit box, Picture Slider and simple controls (build 5)
Graphical Interfaces X: Text Edit box, Picture Slider and simple controls (build 5)

Graphical Interfaces X: Text Edit box, Picture Slider and simple controls (build 5)

This article will consider new controls: Text Edit box, Picture Slider, as well as additional simple controls: Text label and Picture. The library continues to grow, and in addition to introduction of new controls, the previously created ones are also being improved.
Interview with Achmad Hidayat (ATC 2012)
Interview with Achmad Hidayat (ATC 2012)

Interview with Achmad Hidayat (ATC 2012)

Throughout the entire duration of the Automated Trading Championship 2012, we will be providing live coverage of the events - hot reports and interviews every week. This report spotlights Achmad Hidayat (achidayat), the participant from Indonesia. On the first day of the Championship his Expert Advisor secured its position in the third ten, which is a good start. Achmad has sparked our interest with his active participation in the MQL5 Market. He has already published over 20 products thus far.
Manual charting and trading toolkit (Part II). Chart graphics drawing tools

Manual charting and trading toolkit (Part II). Chart graphics drawing tools

This is the next article within the series, in which I show how I created a convenient library for manual application of chart graphics by utilizing keyboard shortcuts. The tools used include straight lines and their combinations. In this part, we will view how the drawing tools are applied using the functions described in the first part. The library can be connected to any Expert Advisor or indicator which will greatly simplify the charting tasks. This solution DOES NOT use external dlls, while all the commands are implemented using built-in MQL tools.
Learn how to design a trading system by Stochastic
Learn how to design a trading system by Stochastic

Learn how to design a trading system by Stochastic

In this article, we continue our learning series — this time we will learn how to design a trading system using one of the most popular and useful indicators, which is the Stochastic Oscillator indicator, to build a new block in our knowledge of basics.
Library for easy and quick development of MetaTrader programs (part XXIV): Base trading class - auto correction of invalid parameters
Library for easy and quick development of MetaTrader programs (part XXIV): Base trading class - auto correction of invalid parameters

Library for easy and quick development of MetaTrader programs (part XXIV): Base trading class - auto correction of invalid parameters

In this article, we will have a look at the handler of invalid trading order parameters and improve the trading event class. Now all trading events (both single ones and the ones occurred simultaneously within one tick) will be defined in programs correctly.
Neural networks made easy (Part 4): Recurrent networks

Neural networks made easy (Part 4): Recurrent networks

We continue studying the world of neural networks. In this article, we will consider another type of neural networks, recurrent networks. This type is proposed for use with time series, which are represented in the MetaTrader 5 trading platform by price charts.
Layman's Notes: ZigZag…
Layman's Notes: ZigZag…

Layman's Notes: ZigZag…

Surely, a fey thought to trade closely to extremums visited every apprentice trader when he/she saw "enigmatic" polyline for the first time. It's so simple, indeed. Here is the maximum. And there is the minimum. A beautiful picture on the history. And what is in practice? A ray is drawn. It should seem, that is it, the peak! It is time to sell. And now we go down. But hell no! The price is treacherously moving upwards. Haw! It's a trifle, not an indicator. And you throw it out!
MQL5 Cookbook - Creating a ring buffer for fast calculation of indicators in a sliding window
MQL5 Cookbook - Creating a ring buffer for fast calculation of indicators in a sliding window

MQL5 Cookbook - Creating a ring buffer for fast calculation of indicators in a sliding window

The ring buffer is the simplest and the most efficient way to arrange data when performing calculations in a sliding window. The article describes the algorithm and shows how it simplifies calculations in a sliding window and makes them more efficient.
A Method of Drawing the Support/Resistance Levels
A Method of Drawing the Support/Resistance Levels

A Method of Drawing the Support/Resistance Levels

This article describes the process of creating a simple script for detecting the support/resistance levels. It is written for beginners, so you can find the detailed explanation of every stage of the process. However, though the script is very simple, the article will be also useful for advanced traders and the users of the MetaTrader 4 platform. It contains the examples of the data export into the tabular format, the import of the table to Microsoft Excel and plotting the charts for the further detailed analysis.
Practical application of neural networks in trading (Part 2). Computer vision

Practical application of neural networks in trading (Part 2). Computer vision

The use of computer vision allows training neural networks on the visual representation of the price chart and indicators. This method enables wider operations with the whole complex of technical indicators, since there is no need to feed them digitally into the neural network.