MQL4 and MQL5 Programming Articles


Study the MQL5 language for programming trading strategies in numerous published articles mostly written by you - the community members. The articles are grouped into categories to help you quicker find answers to any questions related to programming: Integration, Tester, Trading Strategies, etc.

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Extending MQL5 Standard Library and Reusing Code
Extending MQL5 Standard Library and Reusing Code

Extending MQL5 Standard Library and Reusing Code

MQL5 Standard Library makes your life as a developer easier. Nevertheless, it does not implement all the needs of all developers in the world, so if you feel that you need some more custom stuff you can take a step further and extend. This article walks you through integrating MetaQuotes' Zig-Zag technical indicator into the Standard Library. We get inspired by MetaQuotes' design philosophy to achieve our goal.
Combinatorics and probability theory for trading (Part II): Universal fractal
Combinatorics and probability theory for trading (Part II): Universal fractal

Combinatorics and probability theory for trading (Part II): Universal fractal

In this article, we will continue to study fractals and will pay special attention to summarizing all the material. To do this, I will try to bring all earlier developments into a compact form which would be convenient and understandable for practical application in trading.
Tips from a professional programmer (Part I): Code storing, debugging and compiling. Working with projects and logs

Tips from a professional programmer (Part I): Code storing, debugging and compiling. Working with projects and logs

These are some tips from a professional programmer about methods, techniques and auxiliary tools which can make programming easier.
Free-of-Holes Charts
Free-of-Holes Charts

Free-of-Holes Charts

The article deals with realization of charts without skipped bars.
Prices in DoEasy library (Part 64): Depth of Market, classes of DOM snapshot and snapshot series objects
Prices in DoEasy library (Part 64): Depth of Market, classes of DOM snapshot and snapshot series objects

Prices in DoEasy library (Part 64): Depth of Market, classes of DOM snapshot and snapshot series objects

In this article, I will create two classes (the class of DOM snapshot object and the class of DOM snapshot series object) and test creation of the DOM data series.
Contest of Expert Advisors inside an Expert Advisor
Contest of Expert Advisors inside an Expert Advisor

Contest of Expert Advisors inside an Expert Advisor

Using virtual trading, you can create an adaptive Expert Advisor, which will turn on and off trades at the real market. Combine several strategies in a single Expert Advisor! Your multisystem Expert Advisor will automatically choose a trade strategy, which is the best to trade with at the real market, on the basis of profitability of virtual trades. This kind of approach allows decreasing drawdown and increasing profitability of your work at the market. Experiment and share your results with others! I think many people will be interested to know about your portfolio of strategies.
Adaptive indicators

Adaptive indicators

In this article, I will consider several possible approaches to creating adaptive indicators. Adaptive indicators are distinguished by the presence of feedback between the values of the input and output signals. This feedback allows the indicator to independently adjust to the optimal processing of financial time series values.
Experiments with neural networks (Part 1): Revisiting geometry

Experiments with neural networks (Part 1): Revisiting geometry

In this article, I will use experimentation and non-standard approaches to develop a profitable trading system and check whether neural networks can be of any help for traders.
Better programmer (Part 05): How to become a faster developer
Better programmer (Part 05): How to become a faster developer

Better programmer (Part 05): How to become a faster developer

Every developer wants to be able to write code faster, and being able to code faster and effective is not some kind of special ability that only a few people are born with. It's a skill that can be learned, that is what I'm trying to teach in this article.
Custom Graphical Controls. Part 3. Forms
Custom Graphical Controls. Part 3. Forms

Custom Graphical Controls. Part 3. Forms

This is the last of the three articles devoted to graphical controls. It covers the creation of the main graphical interface component - the form - and its use in combination with other controls. In addition to the form classes, CFrame, CButton, CLabel classes have been added to the control library.
Graphical Interfaces VIII: The Calendar Control (Chapter 1)
Graphical Interfaces VIII: The Calendar Control (Chapter 1)

Graphical Interfaces VIII: The Calendar Control (Chapter 1)

In the part VIII of the series of articles dedicated to creating graphical interfaces in MetaTrader, we will consider complex composite controls like calendars, tree view, and file navigator. Due to the large amount of information, there are separate articles written for every subject. The first chapter of this part describes the calendar control and its expanded version — a drop down calendar.
An Example of Developing a Spread Strategy for Moscow Exchange Futures
An Example of Developing a Spread Strategy for Moscow Exchange Futures

An Example of Developing a Spread Strategy for Moscow Exchange Futures

The MetaTrader 5 platform allows developing and testing trading robots that simultaneously trade multiple financial instruments. The built-in Strategy Tester automatically downloads required tick history from the broker's server taking into account contract specifications, so the developer does not need to do anything manually. This makes it possible to easily and reliably reproduce trading environment conditions, including even millisecond intervals between the arrival of ticks on different symbols. In this article we will demonstrate the development and testing of a spread strategy on two Moscow Exchange futures.
Movement continuation model - searching on the chart and execution statistics
Movement continuation model - searching on the chart and execution statistics

Movement continuation model - searching on the chart and execution statistics

This article provides programmatic definition of one of the movement continuation models. The main idea is defining two waves — the main and the correction one. For extreme points, I apply fractals as well as "potential" fractals - extreme points that have not yet formed as fractals.
Build Self Optmising Expert Advisors in MQL5

Build Self Optmising Expert Advisors in MQL5

Build expert advisors that look forward and adjust themselves to any market.
Promote Your Development Projects Using EX5 Libraries
Promote Your Development Projects Using EX5 Libraries

Promote Your Development Projects Using EX5 Libraries

Hiding of the implementation details of classes/functions in an .ex5 file will enable you to share your know-how algorithms with other developers, set up common projects and promote them in the Web. And while the MetaQuotes team spares no effort to bring about the possibility of direct inheritance of ex5 library classes, we are going to implement it right now.
Graphical Interfaces IX: The Color Picker Control (Chapter 1)
Graphical Interfaces IX: The Color Picker Control (Chapter 1)

Graphical Interfaces IX: The Color Picker Control (Chapter 1)

With this article we begin chapter nine of series of articles dedicated to creating graphical interfaces in MetaTrader trading terminals. It consists of two chapters where new elements of controls and interface, such as color picker, color button, progress bar and line chart are presented.
HTML Walkthrough Using MQL4
HTML Walkthrough Using MQL4

HTML Walkthrough Using MQL4

HTML is nowadays one of the wide-spread types of documents. MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal allows you to save statements, test and optimization reports as .htm files. It is sometimes necessary to get information from such files in an MQL4 program. The article describes one of variations of how to get the tag structure and contents from HTML.
How Reliable is Night Trading?
How Reliable is Night Trading?

How Reliable is Night Trading?

The article covers the peculiarities of night flat trading on cross currency pairs. It explains where you can expect profits and why great losses are not unlikely. The article also features an example of the Expert Advisor developed for night trading and talks about the practical application of this strategy.
MQL5 Cookbook: Analyzing Position Properties in the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester
MQL5 Cookbook: Analyzing Position Properties in the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester

MQL5 Cookbook: Analyzing Position Properties in the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester

We will present a modified version of the Expert Advisor from the previous article "MQL5 Cookbook: Position Properties on the Custom Info Panel". Some of the issues we will address include getting data from bars, checking for new bar events on the current symbol, including a trade class of the Standard Library to a file, creating a function to search for trading signals and a function for executing trading operations, as well as determining trade events in the OnTrade() function.
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 86): Graphical object collection - managing property modification
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 86): Graphical object collection - managing property modification

Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 86): Graphical object collection - managing property modification

In this article, I will consider tracking property value modification, as well as removing and renaming graphical objects in the library.
Learn how to design a trading system by Parabolic SAR

Learn how to design a trading system by Parabolic SAR

In this article, we will continue our series about how to design a trading system using the most popular indicators. In this article, we will learn about the Parabolic SAR indicator in detail and how we can design a trading system to be used in MetaTrader 5 using some simple strategies.
MQL5 Cookbook: Handling BookEvent
MQL5 Cookbook: Handling BookEvent

MQL5 Cookbook: Handling BookEvent

This article considers BookEvent - a Depth of Market event, and the principle of its processing. An MQL program, handling states of Depth of Market, serves as an example. It is written using the object-oriented approach. Results of handling are displayed on the screen as a panel and Depth of Market levels.
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 83): Class of the abstract standard graphical object
Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 83): Class of the abstract standard graphical object

Graphics in DoEasy library (Part 83): Class of the abstract standard graphical object

In this article, I will create the class of the abstract graphical object. This object is to serve as a basis for creating the class of standard graphical objects. Graphical objects feature multiple properties. Therefore, I will need to do a lot of preparatory work before actually creating the abstract graphical object class. This work includes setting the properties in the library enumerations.
Brute force approach to pattern search (Part III): New horizons

Brute force approach to pattern search (Part III): New horizons

This article provides a continuation to the brute force topic, and it introduces new opportunities for market analysis into the program algorithm, thereby accelerating the speed of analysis and improving the quality of results. New additions enable the highest-quality view of global patterns within this approach.
Deep Neural Networks (Part III). Sample selection and dimensionality reduction
Deep Neural Networks (Part III). Sample selection and dimensionality reduction

Deep Neural Networks (Part III). Sample selection and dimensionality reduction

This article is a continuation of the series of articles about deep neural networks. Here we will consider selecting samples (removing noise), reducing the dimensionality of input data and dividing the data set into the train/val/test sets during data preparation for training the neural network.
Neural networks made easy (Part 29): Advantage Actor-Critic algorithm

Neural networks made easy (Part 29): Advantage Actor-Critic algorithm

In the previous articles of this series, we have seen two reinforced learning algorithms. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. As often happens in such cases, next comes the idea to combine both methods into an algorithm, using the best of the two. This would compensate for the shortcomings of each of them. One of such methods will be discussed in this article.
How to create a custom indicator (Heiken Ashi) using MQL5

How to create a custom indicator (Heiken Ashi) using MQL5

In this article, we will learn how to create a custom indicator using MQL5 based on our preferences, to be used in MetaTrader 5 to help us read charts or to be used in automated Expert Advisors.
Graphical Interfaces V: The List View Element (Chapter 2)
Graphical Interfaces V: The List View Element (Chapter 2)

Graphical Interfaces V: The List View Element (Chapter 2)

In the previous chapter, we wrote classes for creating vertical and horizontal scrollbars. In this chapter, we will implement them. We will write a class for creating the list view element, a compound part of which will be a vertical scrollbar.
Equivolume Charting Revisited
Equivolume Charting Revisited

Equivolume Charting Revisited

The article dwells on the method of constructing charts, at which each bar consists of the equal number of ticks.
Learn how to design a trading system by Accelerator Oscillator

Learn how to design a trading system by Accelerator Oscillator

A new article from our series about how to create simple trading systems by the most popular technical indicators. We will learn about a new one which is the Accelerator Oscillator indicator and we will learn how to design a trading system using it.
Designing and implementing new GUI widgets based on CChartObject class
Designing and implementing new GUI widgets based on CChartObject class

Designing and implementing new GUI widgets based on CChartObject class

After I wrote a previous article on semi-automatic Expert Advisor with GUI interface it turned out that it would be desirable to enhance interface with some new functionalities for more complex indicators and Expert Advisors. After getting acquainted with MQL5 standard library classes I implemented new widgets. This article describes a process of designing and implementing new MQL5 GUI widgets that can be used in indicators and Expert Advisors. The widgets presented in the article are CChartObjectSpinner, CChartObjectProgressBar and CChartObjectEditTable.
Implementing an ARIMA training algorithm in MQL5

Implementing an ARIMA training algorithm in MQL5

In this article we will implement an algorithm that applies the Box and Jenkins Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model by using Powells method of function minimization. Box and Jenkins stated that most time series could be modeled by one or both of two frameworks.
Deep Learning Forecast and ordering with Python and MetaTrader5 python package and ONNX model file

Deep Learning Forecast and ordering with Python and MetaTrader5 python package and ONNX model file

The project involves using Python for deep learning-based forecasting in financial markets. We will explore the intricacies of testing the model's performance using key metrics such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), and R-squared (R2) and we will learn how to wrap everything into an executable. We will also make a ONNX model file with its EA.
Learn how to design a trading system by Standard Deviation

Learn how to design a trading system by Standard Deviation

Here is a new article in our series about how to design a trading system by the most popular technical indicators in MetaTrader 5 trading platform. In this new article, we will learn how to design a trading system by Standard Deviation indicator.
Pair trading

Pair trading

In this article, we will consider pair trading, namely what its principles are and if there are any prospects for its practical application. We will also try to create a pair trading strategy.
Developing a trading Expert Advisor from scratch (Part 21): New order system (IV)

Developing a trading Expert Advisor from scratch (Part 21): New order system (IV)

Finally, the visual system will start working, although it will not yet be completed. Here we will finish making the main changes. There will be quite a few of them, but they are all necessary. Well, the whole work will be quite interesting.
A scientific approach to the development of trading algorithms
A scientific approach to the development of trading algorithms

A scientific approach to the development of trading algorithms

The article considers the methodology for developing trading algorithms, in which a consistent scientific approach is used to analyze possible price patterns and to build trading algorithms based on these patterns. Development ideals are demonstrated using examples.
Graphical Interfaces XI: Integrating the Standard Graphics Library (build 16)
Graphical Interfaces XI: Integrating the Standard Graphics Library (build 16)

Graphical Interfaces XI: Integrating the Standard Graphics Library (build 16)

A new version of the graphics library for creating scientific charts (the CGraphic class) has been presented recently. This update of the developed library for creating graphical interfaces will introduce a version with a new control for creating charts. Now it is even easier to visualize data of different types.
The Principles of Economic Calculation of Indicators
The Principles of Economic Calculation of Indicators

The Principles of Economic Calculation of Indicators

Calls to user and technical indicators takes up very little space in the program code of automated trading systems. Often it’s simply a few code lines. But it often happens that it is these few lines of code which use up the largest portion of time, which needs to be spent on testing the Expert Advisor. Therefore, everything that is related to data calculations within an indicator, needs to be considered much more thoroughly than would seem at first glance. This article will talk precisely about this.
Decreasing Memory Consumption by Auxiliary Indicators
Decreasing Memory Consumption by Auxiliary Indicators

Decreasing Memory Consumption by Auxiliary Indicators

If an indicator uses values of many other indicators for its calculations, it consumes a lot of memory. The article describes several methods of decreasing the memory consumption when using auxiliary indicators. Saved memory allows increasing the number of simultaneously used currency pairs, indicators and strategies in the client terminal. It increases the reliability of trade portfolio. Such a simple care about technical resources of your computer can turn into money resources at your deposit.