适用于MetaTrader 5的付费技术指标 - 5
Harmonic patterns are characteristic series of price movements with respect to Fibonacci levels, which statistically precede price reversals. This indicator searches for harmonic patterns. It is capable of recognising 26 classical and non-classical harmonic patterns : Classical Gartley Butterfly Alternate Butterfly Bat Alternate Bat Crab Deep Crab Three Drives Non-classical Shark Alternate Shark Cypher 5-0 Anti Gartley Anti Butterfly Anti Alternate Butterfly Anti Bat Anti Alternate Bat Anti Crab
标准偏差通道的多货币和多时间框架指标。 显示市场的当前方向。 在面板上,您可以看到线性回归通道水平的突破和触及(按价格)。 在参数中,您可以指定任何所需的货币和时间范围。 此外,该指标还可以在触及水平时发送通知。 通过单击单元格,将打开该符号和句点。 这是 MTF 扫描仪。
默认情况下,从图表中隐藏仪表板的键是“D”。 «标准偏差通道建立在线性回归趋势的基础上,代表使用最小二乘法在价格图表上的两点之间构建的常见趋势线。 结果,这条线被证明是价格变化的确切中线。 它可以被视为一条均衡价格线,任何向上或向下的偏转分别表明买家或卖家的超活跃性。
标准偏差通道由两条平行线组成,与线性回归趋势上下等距。 通道框架与回归线之间的距离等于收盘价与回归线的标准差值。 所有价格变化都发生在标准偏差通道内,其中下框作为支撑线,上框作为阻力线。 价格通常会在短时间内超过通道框架。 如果它们在通道框架之外停留的时间比平时更长,则预测趋势转向的可能性»
参数 Show Linear Regression on the chart — 在当前图表上绘制标准偏差通道。
Standard De
Very powerful indicator! converted from TradingView with upgraded alerts and added notifications. Ideal use in EAs.
Use as a supplementary Indicator to confirm your entries, but it is as good on it's own.
The indicator consists of 3 different Trend Meters and a 2 Trend Bars which are used to confirm trend
How to Use:
The more Trend meters are lit up the better =>>
-more GREEN COLOR at one bar means more confirmation to open buy trade,
- more RED COLOR signals for one bar = more
Trap Play refers to a market situation where price initially makes a new high or low, luring traders into believing a strong trend is forming. However, the price quickly reverses and invalidates the breakout, trapping those traders who entered positions based on the initial move. This sudden reversal often results in a rapid exit of positions, leading to significant price movement in the opposite direction. Trap plays can occur in various financial markets and timeframes and are characterized
Every indicator has its advantages and disadvantages. Trending ones show good signals during a trend, but lag during a flat. Flat ones thrive in the flat, but die off as soon as a trend comes. All this would not be a problem, if it was easy to predict when a flat changes to a trend and when a trend changes to a flat, but in practice it is an extremely serious task. What if you develop such an algorithm, which could eliminate an indicator's flaws and enhance its strengths? What if such an algorit
The Session Volume Profile indicator displays the distribution of trade volume across price levels for a specific trading session. It visualizes areas of high and low trading activity, helping traders identify support and resistance zones. The profile's peak, known as the Point of Control (POC), represents the price with the highest traded volume.
The inputs of the indicator:
volumeBars(Row Size) : Determines the number of price bins or rows for the volume profile. A larger number results in
Introducing Volume Orderflow Profile , a versatile tool designed to help traders visualize and understand the dynamics of buying and selling pressure within a specified lookback period. Perfect for those looking to gain deeper insights into volume-based market behavior! MT4 Version - https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/122656/ The indicator gathers data on high and low prices, along with buy and sell volumes, over a user-defined period. It calculates the maximum and minimum prices during t
This indicator scans the breakout of congestion zones . This indicator unlike any other congestion indicator you will find in the market right now, it uses an advanced algorithm not peculiar to most traditional congestion indicators available today . The advanced algorithm used to define the congestions is greatly responsible for the high rate real congestion zones and low rate fake congestion zones spotted by this product.
Congestion are
ADX 指标用于确定趋势及其强度。 价格的方向由 +DI 和 -DI 值显示,ADX 值显示趋势的强度。 如果+DI高于-DI,则市场处于上升趋势,如果相反,则市场处于下降趋势。 如果 ADX 低于 20,则没有明确的方向。 一旦指标突破该水平,中等强度的趋势就会开始。 值高于 40 表示强劲趋势(下降趋势或上升趋势)。
平均方向运动指数 (ADX) 指标的多货币和多时间框架修改。 您可以在参数中指定任何所需的货币和时间范围。 此外,当趋势强度水平被交叉时,以及当 +DI 和 -DI 线被交叉时,指标可以发送通知。 通过单击带有句点的单元格,将打开该符号和句点。 这是 MTF 扫描仪。
与货币强度计类似,仪表板可以自动选择包含指定货币的货币对,或以该货币为基础货币的货币对。该指标在“货币对集合”中指定的所有货币对中搜索货币;其他货币对将被忽略。并根据这些货币对计算该货币的总 ADX。您可以看到该货币的强弱程度。
参数 ADX Period — 平均周期。 ADX Applied Price — 价格类型。 Clear th
The balance of supply and demand is a simple and effective market analysis method. The supply and demand diagram can show you in advance, even before the trend reversal, where the supply ends and the demand is already emerging, where the demand ends and the supply is emerging, while substantially increasing the probability of making a deal in the right direction and with a high profit factor.
Indicator signals The indicator uses the price/volume values to generate signals: ED – excess demand.
O WA Order Block FVG bos MT5 é um indicador com base no estudo de SMC (Smart Money Concepts) criado pelo ICT Inner Circle Trader, eleplota no seu gráfico as informações de Order Blocks em 3 tempos gráficos diferentes, fair Value Gaps e Regiões de Liquidez além do BOS ( Break os Structures), tudo em um só indicador. Dessa forma você não precisa colocar essas informações de forma manual. Agora você tem tudo isso de forma automática em seu gráfico.
** All Symbols x All Timeframes scan just by pressing scanner button ** *** Contact me to send you instruction and add you in "Head & Shoulders Scanner group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users. Introduction: Head and Shoulders Pattern is a very repetitive common type of price reversal patterns. The pattern appears on all time frames and can be used by all types of traders and investors. The Head and Shoulders Scanner indicator Scans All charts just by pressing
介绍黄金闪电剥头皮指标,这是在M1、M5和M15时间框架上剥头皮黄金的终极工具。该指标使用先进的AI神经网络开发,保证了稳定的盈利能力和卓越的交易结果。为了确保精准和高效,黄金闪电剥头皮指标在M15时间框架上提供最佳表现。 主要特点: 先进的AI神经网络: 利用尖端AI技术实现无与伦比的准确性。 无重绘: 保证信号可靠,无重绘,确保一致的表现。 多时间框架剥头皮: 针对M1、M5和M15时间框架进行优化,其中M15时间框架提供最佳结果。 全面的信号: 提供清晰的买入/卖出信号、盈利(TP)和止损(SL)水平,帮助做出明智的交易决策。 优势: 高准确性: 通过高度精确的信号实现卓越的交易成功。 实时警报: 通过即时警报和信号保持领先地位。 用户友好: 使用简便,提供清晰的说明和支持。 终身访问: 享受终身访问权限和当前版本的免费更新。 专家支持: 获得我们专家团队的终身个人支持。 使用方法: 将黄金闪电剥头皮指标安装到您的MT5平台上。 按照指标提供的买入/卖出信号进行操作。 利用TP/SL水平优化您的交易。 交易建议: 盈利(TP): 使用20至50点作为盈利目标。 止损(SL
Dark Breakout is an Indicator for intraday trading. This Indicator is based on Trend Following strategy, providing an entry signal on the breakout. The signal is provided by the arrow, which confirms the breaking of the level. We can enter in good price with this Indicator, in order to follow the main trend on the current instrument. It is advised to use low spread ECN brokers. This Indicator does Not repaint and N ot lag . Recommended timeframes are M5, M15 and H1. Recommended working pairs
该指标自动构建和更新具有不同周期(快和慢)的两个趋势通道。趋势是使用线性回归确定的。也可以使用 1 个自定义频道,您可以自行构建。
该指标的一个有趣特征是接收背离信号 - 这是当价格处于不同时期的相反通道区域时。这是一个强烈的信号。
可以使用以下类型的通知:电子邮件、推送通知、警报,以及以 wav 格式播放您选择的任何声音。
大家好,这是 Rangers Fx,我们成功地创建了捕捉 Crash 1000 指数、Crash 500 指数和 Crash 300 指数峰值的指标,事实上,这个指标词针对所有可用的 Crash 以及未来仍将出现的其他 Crash。如何使用该指标 首先,您必须将时间范围调整为 M1/M5 时间范围,该指标将向您发送警报,告知何时进行卖出交易以及何时退出/平仓交易 (X),并且不要害怕您开仓交易,只要该指标不向您显示退出标志 (X),您就处于亏损状态,这意味着您仍处于市场的正确方向。该指标不可重新绘制,它只会向您显示您所看到的内容在教程中仅此而已,请随意在 Mql5 上测试此指标或通过 WhatsApp 我获取它或直接在 Mql5 上购买 Dàjiā hǎo, zhè shì Rangers Fx, wǒmen chénggōng de chuàngjiànle bǔzhuō Crash 1000 zhǐshù,Crash 500 zhǐshù hé Crash 300 zhǐshù fēngzhí de zhǐbiāo, shìshí shàng, zhège zhǐbiāo cí
三个时间帧指示器面板。 该指标以基于 CAppDialog 类的面板形式制作。可以使用鼠标将面板最小化或在当前图表周围移动。 该指标在面板中显示当前交易品种的三个时间帧。在当前版本中,指标具有最少数量的设置 - 这些是三个时间帧的参数:“较新时间帧”、“ 中间 时间帧 ”和“ 较旧 时间帧 ”。 启动时,指标面板会自动复制当前图表的所有属性并将它们应用到三个时间帧(例如,背景颜色、条形颜色、网格、周期分隔符、交易量...)。但是:指标面板不会复制 EA 交易和其他三个时间帧的指标。 如果您更改了当前图表的属性,则将仅应用三个时间帧的更改:删除并重新附加指标面板后或切换当前图表的时间帧后。 指标的应用。 推荐作为手动交易的助手 - 它可以让您节省空间,同时了解三个额外时间框架的价格结构。
本指标是实践实战交易完善的波浪自动分析的指标 ! 案例...
注: 波浪分级用西方叫法不习惯,因受到缠论(缠中说禅)命名方式习惯的影响,我是将基础波浪命名为 笔 ,将二级波段命名为 段 ,同时具有趋势方向的段命名为 主趋段 (以后笔记中都是这种命名方式,先告知大家),但是算法上和缠论关系不大切勿混淆.反映的是本人分析盘面总结的 千变万化纷繁复杂的运行规律 .
对波段进行了标准化定义,不再是不同人不同的浪 , 对人为干扰的画法进行了排除,在严格分析进场起到了关键的作用 .
使用这个指标,等于将交易界面提升美感,抛弃最原始的K线交易带你进入新的交易层次.如果不是为了交易,在宣传上也将使客户观感提升层次. 指标内容: 1. 基础波浪 (笔) : 首先我们找出了价格波动过程中的基础波动拐点,当然他的有序性低,为下一步的计算提供基础. 2. 二级波段( 段 ) :在基础波浪的基础上,通过算法分析得到层级更明显的二级波段,二级波段为波浪提供了分析基础 3. 波浪( 浪 ): 有着更清晰的趋势,更清晰直观的方向.分析一个波浪是否延续,需要看二级波段的形态,分析二
多货币和多时间框架指标 MACD。 仪表板可以显示传统(真实)MACD 和 MetaTrader 中内置的 MACD。
在面板上,您可以看到指标的当前状态 - MACD 线的移动方向、它们的交点以及带有指标图表的弹出窗口。 在参数中,您可以指定任何所需的交易品种和时间范围。 扫描仪还可以发送有关线相互交叉以及线穿过零电平的通知。 通过单击单元格,将打开给定的符号和句点。
因此,您可以轻松扫描所有时间范围的所有货币对和交易品种,以找到 MACD 主线和信号线或零水平的交叉点。
显示/隐藏仪表板的热键默认为“D”。 默认情况下,启用/禁用弹出图表的热键为“C”。 用于切换图表“1”和“2”上的箭头的热键。 MACD(移动平均收敛/发散)指标(或“振荡指标”)是根据历史价格数据(最常见的是收盘价)计算得出的三个时间序列的集合。 这三个系列是:MACD 系列本身、“信号”或“平均”系列以及“背离”系列(两者之间的区别)。 MACD 系列是价格系列的“快速”(短期)指数移动平均线 (EMA) 和“慢速”(较长周期)EMA 之间的差异。 平均数系列是 MACD 系列本身的 EMA。
Merry Christmas Deals: ALL PRODUCTS priced at $35 ! Trendlines with Breaks Scanner 是一款先进的交易工具,旨在帮助交易者实时识别关键趋势和突破点。通过基于枢轴点的自动生成趋势线,该指标让交易者能够以精准和自信把握交易机会。 查看 MT4 版本: Trendlines with Breaks Scanner MT4 查看更多产品: All Products 主要功能 1. 实时突破检测 突破警报: 当价格突破趋势线时立即通知您。集成的警报功能确保您不会错过任何关键的市场动作。 无重绘突破: 突破在发生时检测到,提供准确可靠的信号,不会重绘。 2. 自动化和可自定义的趋势线 动态趋势线: 基于枢轴点自动绘制趋势线,轻松识别趋势。 可调陡度: 自定义趋势线的陡度以适应您的交易策略。 3. 多种斜率计算方法 ATR(平均真实范围): 生成稳定一致的趋势线,适合波动性较低的市场。 Stdev(标准差): 专为高波动市场设计,捕捉快速趋势变化。 Linreg(线性回归): 基于统计模型的趋势线,适
可以说,这是您可以为MetaTrader平台找到的最完整的谐波价格形成自动识别指标。它检测19种不同的模式,像您一样认真对待斐波那契投影,显示潜在的反转区域(PRZ),并找到合适的止损和获利水平。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ]
它评估过去的价格走势并显示每个过去的形态 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它显示合适的止损和获利水平
它使用突破来表明合适的交易 它在图表上绘制所有样式比率 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 受斯科特·M·卡尼(Scott M. Carney)的书的启发,该指标旨在满足最纯粹和最熟练的交易者的需求。但是,它采取了一种使交易更容易的方式:在向交易发出信号之前,它会等待Donchian朝正确方向突破,从而使交易信号非常可靠。 斐波那契投影与向量无关 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 它绘制了ABCD投影 重要提示: 为了符合 Scott M. Carney先生 的商标申诉,某些图案名称已重命名为不言自明的替代方式, Scot
可以(從屏幕截圖中查看)如何僅選擇累積燭台 delta 圖表,甚至使用蠟燭本身的趨勢線:通過選擇第二個框 u “NONE”,不會繪製趨勢線,而通過選擇顏色,體積蠟燭的趨勢線將與它們一起出現在圖表上。
注意:該指標僅適用於提供真實市場數據流並劃分賣出/買入合約 (BID / ASK) 的經紀商。 CFD、FOREX 和 CRYPTOCURRENCIES 屬於合成市場,它們沒有真實的數據流,因此該指標不適用於這些工具- AMP FUTURE 是一家提供無存款且具有真實數據流的免費模擬賬戶的經紀商,該指標可在該賬戶上運行。
50% off. Original price: $60 Support and Resistance zones indicator for MT5 is a multi-timeframe panel and alert that finds support and resistance zones and pivot points for all timeframes of MetaTrader 5 and gives alert when price has interaction with them. Download demo version (works on GBPUSD, EURJPY and NZDUSD symbols) Read the full description of scanner parameters in the blog page . Many unique features in one indicator: Integrating support and resistance zones and pivot points in one in
Professional Histogram MT5 ( PH ) is a highly efficient and reliable tool for determining the direction and strength of the trend. PH is easy to use and configure both for beginners and experienced traders. Unlike most indicators, Professional Histogram finds longer trends and gives fewer false signals. When a buy or a sell signal appears, an alert is triggered allowing you to open a position in a timely manner and avoid sitting at your PC all the time. Professional Histogram for the MetaTrad
This indicator obeys the popular maxim that: "THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND" It paints a Blue line for BUY and also paints a RED line for SELL. (you can change the colors). It gives alarms and alerts of all kinds. IT DOES NOT REPAINT COLOR and can be used for all currency pairs and timeframes. Yes, as easy and simple as that. Even a newbie can use it to make great and reliable trades. https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/115553
VWAP Tools features Daily VWAP , Weekly VWAP , Monthly VWAP , Anchored VWAP , VWAP by session and Drawing Panel to add, remove and change properties of multiple anchored VWAPs in a single indicator. With the panel of VWAP Tools you can: Draw VWAPs with a specific time interval or extend the VWAPs to the current bar time Change the properties of each VWAP individually Select a VWAP by clicking over it Delesect a VWAP by clicking anywhere on the chart Use any VWAP already drawn on the chart to dra
The indicator draws supply and demand zones. The zone timeframe can be set independently of the chart timeframe. For instance, it is possible to set M5 zones on an H4 chart. The importance of zones can be adjusted using the zone strength parameter. Demand zones are displayed if at least one candle in the range of the zone is entirely above the zone. Similarly, supply zones are displayed if at least one candle within the zone is entirely below the zone.
Live Trading Results MT4 Version Contact for Manual Guide Next Price $125 Free Scanner Dashboard (Contact me)
Strategy - Breakout / Retest / Aggressive Hello Everyone, We are excited to introduce one of the most reliable and high win rate patterns in trading: the Cup and Handle . This is the first time we are releasing this meticulously crafted indicator, boasting an impressive 95% success rate . It is versatile and effective across all types of pairs, stock
The indicator implements the author's approach to the construction of the popular "Zig-Zag" indicator.
The advantages of the "ZIgZag Level" indicator is that it filters out market noise and shows levels.
"ZIg Zag Level" is based on peaks and troughs, displays levels.
These levels can be disabled and configured.
The indicator displays the price of the level, the price tag can be disabled.
The "zigzag" line between the points can also be disabled.
The indicator has a built-in notific
Best Scalper Oscillator is an indicator for MetaTrader 5 based on mathematical calculations on the price chart. This is one of the most common and useful indicators for finding the trend reversal points. Best Scalper Oscillator is equipped with multiple types of notification (push notifications, emails, alerts), which allows opening trades in time.
Distinctive features Generates minimum false signals. Excellent for identifying trend reversals. Perfect for scalping. Suitable for working on t
All Ichimoku Signals (Selectable) : Display all reliable signals generated by the Ichimoku indicator. You can choose which signals to view based on your preferences. Filter by Signal Strength : Sort signals by their strength—whether they are weak, neutral, or strong. Live Notifications : Receive real-time notifications for Ichimoku signals.
Transparent Cloud : Visualize the Ichimoku cloud in a transparent manner.
Available Signals
Tenkensen-Kijunsen Cross Price-Kijunsen Cross Pri
Was: $49 Now: $34 Blahtech Better Volume provides an enhanced version of the vertical volume bars. Each bar is compared to the previous 20 bars. Depending on its volume, range and volume density it will be assigned a state and colour. Low Volume – Minimum volume High Churn – Significant volume with limited movement Climax Neutral – High volume with unclear direction
Climax Up – High volume with bullish direction Climax Dn – High volume with bearish direction Climax Churn – High vol
The Price Action Finder Multi indicator is an indicator of entry points that searches for and displays Price Action system patterns on dozens of trading instruments and on all standard time frames: (m1, m5, m15, m30, H1, H4, D1, Wk, Mn). The indicator places the found patterns in a table at the bottom of the screen. By clicking on the pattern names in the table, you can move to the chart where this pattern is located. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages
1. Pa
The indicator combines the features of both the Tick charts and Volume Bar charts. The mode can be selected in the indicator's settings.
Tick charts measure the number of transactions per bar. To give you an example if you have a 233 tick chart, each bar measures 233 transactions per bar and a new bar is plotted after 233 transactions. You can choose any number of ticks per bar but most traders choose Fibonacci numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233...). Volume bar charts are desi
该指标可识别30多种日本烛台图案,并在图表上突出显示它们。这只是价格行为交易者不能没有的那些指标之一。 一夜之间增强您的技术分析 轻松检测日本烛台图案 交易可靠且通用的反转模式 使用延续模式安全跳入已建立的趋势 指示器不重涂并实施警报 该指标实现了一个多时间框架 仪表板 它检测到的模式太多,以至于图表看起来非常混乱,难以阅读。交易者可能需要禁用指标输入中的不良图案,以使图表更具可读性。 它检测1条,2条,3条和多条样式 它检测逆转,持续和弱点模式 模式可以启用或禁用 看涨模式用 蓝色 标记,空头模式用 红色 标记,中性模式用 灰色 标记。
检测到的烛台模式列表 从1到5小节的突破距离(又名线罢工) 法基(又名Hikkake) 反间隙 三名士兵/三只乌鸦 锤子/流星/吊人 吞没 外上/外下 Harami 由上至下 晨星/晚星 踢球者 刺穿/乌云 皮带托 从1到5小条上升三分/下降三分 田木峡 并排间隙 视窗 前进块/下降块 审议 Marubozu 挤压警报(又称主蜡烛) Dojis
设置 PaintBars
使用条形的颜色打开/关闭图案的突出显示。 DisplayLabel
Easy Trend , as the name implies, is an indicator that easily shows the prevailing trend by bringing several indicators into one. The strategy is: when all indicators point in the same direction a signal is triggered. When red, is a signal to sell, when blue, signal to buy. It is that simple :) There are a total of 9 indicators: Moving Average, RSI, CCI, Parabolic SAR, William's Range, Stochastic, MACD, ADX and Heiken Ashi. It is possible to configure each of these indicators to suit your way of
Cobra Pivot Points 是一个用于绘制最佳优化枢轴点的指标,您可以通过下载 DEMO 自行回测。
1. 选择两种最佳枢轴模式:Cobra Pivots 或 Camrilla Pivots
2. 您可以使用任何时间范围,不限于 D1。
3. 您可以使用 Shift 参数来调整前一天的高低收盘值。 1 = 前一柱,2 = 前一柱之前的柱,依此类推。这些参数将帮助您研究和开发枢轴。
4. 触摸级别后发出警报、电子邮件或推送通知。 一旦触及水平,枢轴水平将被视为缓解,因此不会再次提醒您。 如果您想再次发出警报,则需要更改时间范围以重置警报。
5. 完全自定义线条颜色、线条样式、线条宽度、文本颜色和字体。
Cobra Pivots 分为三个区域:LZone(非常接近的剥头皮水平)、NZone(当市场盘整时)和 HZone(距离稍远的水平最适合头寸交易),可以在指标设置中显示/隐藏。
LS1 = 前一日收盘价- ((前一日最高价-前一日最低价)*0.50);
LS2 = 前一日收盘价- ((前
The indicator High Trend Pro monitors a big number of symbols in up to 4 timeframes simultaneously and calculates the strength of their signals. The indicator notifies you when a signal is the same in different timeframes. The indicator can do this from just one chart. Therefore, High Trend Pro is a multicurrency and multitimeframe indicator. High Trend Pro uses emproved versions of popular and highly demanded indicators for calculating its signals. High Trend Pro calculates the signal strength
- *简单设置:* 只需下载并运行,无需复杂配置! - *最佳性能:* 最适用于1分钟和5分钟的时间框架,同时在所有时间框架中均表现出色。 - *趋势强度检测:* 当一根强势蜡烛越过移动平均线时进入交易(确保蜡烛实体80%以上位于平均线之上)。
*“魔法策略”的一部分!* 该指标是纳斯达克100“魔法策略”的三大重要工具之一。它提供早期的交易入场信号,为了最大化收益,使用另外两个指标(在产品描述中提到)至关重要。
*超值优惠!* 目前该指标的价格远低于其实际价值。立即获取它,迈出通往财务成功的重要一步! Note : As you know, the demo version of any indicator or expert advi
指标简介 该指标根据移动平均公式设计而成,相对于 RSI 或 CCI 更稳定, 具有较小的滞后性 。该指标有三条线,设置了5个参数,两个周期参数和线条width宽度,均可手动输入设置。如果指标低于20,则为买入区域,高于80为卖出区域,也可参考金叉或下叉以及上下箭头信号; 该指标能为你带来什么? 准确的入场信号:指标设置了上下箭头信号,当出现向下箭头选择做空, 出现向上箭头选择做多 。 多周期趋势分析:将该指标加载到大周期和小周期,配合使用效果更好,根据大周期指标颜色看方向,根据小周期指标信号入场。 价格高低位判断:指标的值始终介于0-100之间,可以据此分析价格的相对位置,设置了两条临界线,当高于80时候为超买区,可选择高点做空,低于20为超卖区,选择低点做多; 设计新的EA:根据多周期指标趋势线位置或单周期 指标背离设计新的EA; 报警功能:当出现上下箭头信号以及两条线在高于80区域出现死叉或者低于20区域出现金叉时候,它能够发送邮件和massages到手机客户端,同时在电脑图表窗口发送Alert警报,让你不用一直盯盘也可以即时获得信号提醒,每次消息提醒重复次数可以手动修改,三种类
The indicator helps to enter a trade following the trend, at the same time, after some correction. It finds strong trending movements of a currency pair on a given number of bars, and also finds correction levels to this trend. If the trend is strong enough, and the correction becomes equal to the one specified in the parameters, then the indicator signals this. You can set different correction values, 38, 50 and 62 (Fibonacci levels) are better. In addition, you can set the minimum trend lengt
Professional traders know that volume is the fuel for price movement. Large players try to hide their true intentions, but they can be recognized by volume bursts. The standard vertical volume does not show us specific price levels, but the cluster volume and especially its surges provide a very clear picture and specific price levels (areas).
The DBS Cluster Search indicator searches for clusters of the specified size in tick data and highlights them with colored figures on the chart. These
这 FVG 区域指标 MT5 是一款功能强大的工具,旨在识别市场中的公允价值差距 (FVG),突出公允价值与市场价格之间的价格不平衡。这种对差距的精确识别使交易者能够发现潜在的市场进入和退出点,从而大大提高他们做出明智交易决策的能力。 FVG 区域指标具有直观且用户友好的界面,可自动扫描图表以查找公允价值缺口,并在价格图表上实时标记这些区域。这使交易者能够快速轻松地识别可能预示即将出现价格调整或趋势延续的潜在价格不平衡。 主要特点包括: 实时间隙检测: 自动识别并标记出现的 FVG。 显示间隙大小(点数): 该指标以点数显示每个已识别差距的大小,帮助交易者了解差距的重要性。 与当前价格的点差: 立即计算并显示当前价格与已确定的公平价值差距有多少点。 清晰的可视化: 视觉上不同的 FVG 区域采用颜色编码以便快速参考,帮助交易者专注于关键市场区域。 无论您是经验丰富的交易员还是技术分析新手, FVG 区域指标 提供有关市场价格不平衡的重要见解,帮助您准确、自信地完善交易策略。
参数 间隙参数 间隙填充检测百分比 -
Trend Hunter 是外汇、加密货币和差价合约市场的趋势指标。 该指标的一个特点是,它可以自信地跟随趋势,当价格略微刺穿趋势线时不会改变信号。 指标不会重新绘制;收盘后会出现入市信号。 当沿着趋势移动时,指标会显示趋势方向上的其他入场点。 根据这些信号,您可以使用较小的止损进行交易。 趋势猎人是一个诚实的指标。 当您将鼠标悬停在指标信号上时,会显示该信号的潜在利润和可能的止损。 当出现新信号时,您可以收到以下通知: 警报 推送通知 通过电子邮件通知 电报中的通知 图表的屏幕截图也会发送到 Telegram,因此您无需打开终端即可做出交易决定。 指标信号可以在电报频道中在线查看 https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/11085#!tab=comments&page=13&comment=50356403 趋势猎人扫描仪可帮助您评估其他货币对和时间范围的趋势方向。 您还可以使用扫描仪接收其他仪器的入场信号。 要自动化交易,您可以使用使用指标信号进行交易的顾问 该指标通过位于图表下方的便捷面板进行控制。 MT4 版本 https://www.
价格行为指标 MT5 根据指定(默认为 8 个)过去蜡烛的纯价格行为数据计算任何符号/工具的买入/卖出力量水平平衡。通过监控指标面板上可用的 32 个符号/工具的价格行为,这将为您提供最接近的市场情绪。超过 60% 的买入/卖出力量水平为买入/卖出特定符号(使用默认设置)提供了相当稳固的水平。价格行为指标 MT4 有 3 种计算模式,可用于标准、快速或缓慢接近价格行为,还提供可调整数量的价格行为蜡烛,以便更清晰或更平滑地适应实时变动。
价格行为指标 MT5 为您提供了根据个人喜好配置 32 个符号按钮的选项,通过添加您想要密切关注和交易最多的货币对。这样您就不会错过任何机会,因为您只需看一眼就可以在图表上全面了解当前的市场情绪。此外,当您在当前时间范围内监控的 32 个交易品种中的任何一个达到您想要的价格行为买入/卖出力量水平时,您可以向您发送终端、推送或电子邮件通知。
价格行为指标 MT5 安装和用户指南 | 更新购买的产品
特征 适合任何初学者或专家交易者的创新解决方案 根据纯价格行为数据计算任何品种/工具的买/卖力水平 3 种计算模式可用于
图表覆盖 指标在同一张图表上显示几种工具的价格走势,使您能够评估货币对相对彼此波动的差异。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ]
轻松找到超买或超卖的货币对 在同一图表上绘制最多六个货币对 必要时显示倒置符号 适应图表大小,缩放和时间表 自动价格水平计算 可定制的价格水平密度 可自定义的颜色和尺寸
什么是反向货币对? 反转货币对意味着显示两种货币之间的汇率,从而反转交易的主要货币。例如,如果要将EURUSD,GBPUSD和USDJPY绘制到同一覆盖图中,则有必要反转USDJPY以使价格反映反向汇率:JPYUSD。这样,日元/美元价格将与覆盖图的其他两个符号呈正相关关系移动,从而使图表更易于研究。
测试指标 该指标使用来自多个交易品种的价格数据绘制单个图表。由于MetaTrader 4测试仪(在撰写本文时)不支持多货币回溯测试,因此该指标无法回溯测试,因为它将不会收到来自其他本应覆盖的交易品种的报价。要测试它,请租用一个月。
输入 符号设置-键入要在覆盖图上显示的货币对或符号的名称。您需要至少输入其中之一,以便覆盖图具有两个货币对
PS Time and Spread 指标适用于MT5
通过 PS Time and Spread 指标 优化您的交易体验,这是一款为您提供关键交易信息的多功能工具。 主要功能 倒计时 :实时显示当前K线的倒计时,帮助剥头皮交易者和日内交易者精确把握时机。 点差显示 :直接在图表上监控基础资产的实时点差。此功能可根据需要打开或关闭。 可自定义设置 : 调整字体大小、样式和颜色,满足您的图表审美需求。 使用X和Y坐标调整,将指标定位到屏幕的任何位置。 可选择将倒计时显示在蜡烛图后方(背景模式)或前方,以便更清晰查看。 用户友好界面 :简单直观的输入设置,即使是初学者也能轻松上手。 为什么选择PS Time and Spread? 无论您是剥头皮交易者、日内交易者还是波段交易者,此指标都能确保您不错过任何关键时机。倒计时让您掌握每根K线的剩余时间,而点差显示则帮助快速评估市场状况。其灵活性使其成为交易者的必备工具。
The Bheurekso Pattern Indicator for MT5 helps traders automatically identify candlestick pattern that formed on the chart base on some japanese candle pattern and other indicator to improve accurate. This indicator scans all candles, recognizes and then displays any candle patterns formed on the chart. The candle displayed can be Bullish or Bearish Engulfing, Bullish or Bearish Harami, and so on. There are some free version now but almost that is repaint and lack off alert function. With this ve
Dark Oscillator is an Indicator for intraday trading. This Indicator is based on Counter Trend strategy, trying to intercept changes in direction, in advance compared trend following indicators. We can enter in good price with this Indicator, in order to follow the inversion of the trend on the current instrument. It is advised to use low spread ECN brokers. This Indicator does Not repaint and N ot lag . Recommended timeframes are M5, M15 and H1. Recommended working pairs: All. I nst
提升您的分析水平,使用 Weis Wave Box! 如果您在寻找精准和清晰的交易工具, Weis Wave Box 就是您所需要的。这款高级指标提供了对成交量波动和关键点的详细视觉分析,帮助您更好地理解市场中努力与结果之间的关系。 Weis Wave Box 的主要特点: 可自定义的成交量波动: 根据您的交易策略调整成交量波动的刻度。 可调历史记录: 专注于特定的时间段,以获得更精确和相关的分析。 刻度与实际成交量的区别: 清晰区分刻度和实际成交量,以获得更全面的市场视图。 顶部盒子可视化: 清楚地看到成交量(能量)最高的地方以及价格波动较小的地方。这种可视化帮助识别努力与结果之间的关系,突显出主导力量,并提示可能的未来价格变化。 ️ 可自定义的摆动形式: 使用五种不同的摆动形式,包括 totalVol、length、width、barDVol 和 lengthDVol,以适应您的分析需求。 Weis Wave Box 的优势: 分析清晰度: 理解努力与结果之间的关系,确定哪一方正在主导以及这可能如何影响未来的价格走势。 直观界面: 轻松导航和高效使
棘手的发现和频率稀缺是最可靠的交易方案之一。该指标使用您喜欢的振荡器自动查找并扫描常规和隐藏的发散。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ]
发现常规和隐藏的分歧 支持许多知名的振荡器 根据突破实现交易信号 显示适当的止损和获利水平
可配置的振荡器参数 可自定义的颜色和尺寸 按条形过滤大小差异 实现绩效统计 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 为了提供广阔的市场前景,可以使用不同的振荡器在同一张图表中多次加载该指标,而不会产生干扰。该指标支持以下振荡器: RSI CCI MACD OSMA 随机 动量 很棒的振荡器 加速器振荡器 威廉姆斯百分比范围 相对活力指数 由于差异可能会扩大很多,尤其是在外汇市场中,因此该指标产生了转折:它在等待交易突破之前等待donchian突破确认差异。最终结果是带有非常可靠的交易信号的重新粉刷指示器。
振荡器-选择要加载到图表的振荡器。 突破期-交易信号的突破期,以柱为单位。 发散类型-启用或禁用发散类型:隐藏,常规或两者。 最小散度单位为条形-最
The UT Bot Alert MT5 Indicator is an advanced technical analysis tool designed to help traders optimize their trading performance. This indicator is MT5 conversion of the UT Bot alerts indicator by “QuantNomad “ in Trading View website and some alert methods are added to provide real-time alerts when a trading signal is generated, in order to allow traders to act quickly and efficiently. Key Features: Alert Types: in addition to the terminal pop-up alerts, the mobile notification sends the alert
The indicator displays the fractal levels of one, two or three different higher timeframes starting beginning with the current one. When a new fractal appears, a new level is plotted. The indicator can be used for visual analysis of the current chart and applied in an EA. If more levels are needed, start a new instance of the indicator.
Features The indicator works on any timeframe and symbol. If a timeframe smaller than the current one is selected in the settings, the level of the current tim
To download MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Trend Direction Force Index - TDFI [wm]" By "causecelebre". - This indicator uses multiple levels of averaging to detect trend strength. - You can optimize filter low and filter high levels to achieve best results. - You have access to buffers to use in EAs. - This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
Gossamer is a moving average ribbon indicator that uses a novel approach to identify breakout trades in trending markets. By applying a progressive period shift to each moving average, levels of consolidation become visible. Enter trades when price breaks out in the direction of the prevailing trend. Stoploss should be located on the other side of the consolidation from the breakout. Profits can be taken at the next consolidation or the stoploss trailed and the position built. Applicable to a
"AV Grid MT5" is an indicator for MetaTrader 5, which automatically displays round numbers as horizontal lines and a sensible period separation .
Round prices can be used as support and resistance in trading.
It is an improvement on the "Grid" setting, which also draws a grid on the chart.
Improvements :
- Round levels instead of arbitrary positioning of the horizontals
- Structure by highlighting all x lines (main lines, 2 or 5 makes sense)
- Vertical lines are each in two p
Every indicator has its advantages and disadvantages. Trending ones show good signals during a trend, but lag during a flat. Flat ones thrive in the flat, but die off as soon as a trend comes. All this would not be a problem, if it was easy to predict when a flat changes to a trend and when a trend changes to a flat, but in practice it is an extremely serious task. What if you develop such an algorithm, which could eliminate an indicator's flaws and enhance its strengths? What if such an algorit
O indicador media colors se baseia num canal que pode ser criado a partir de duas médias Media colors é um indicador de tendência utilizado no trading para identificar a direção predominante do mercado. Pode ser baseado na Média Móvel Simples (SMA) e na Média Móvel Exponencial (EMA) que dá mais peso aos preços mais recentes, tornando-a mais sensível às mudanças de preço. Como Funciona: Cálculo: A EMA é calculada aplicando um fator de suavização aos preços de fechamento de um ativo financeir
This tool was developed to help traders on candle by candle and replay training. In the indicator settings, the user can set the training start datetime. The indicator will autommatically hide all candles after this datetime. So the user can make studies before starting the training. Starting the training, the user can simulate your trades quickly and easily!
This is a product developed by Renato Fiche Junior and available to all MetaTrader 5 users!
Input Parameters
Training Start - train
The B150 model is a fully revised version of the Historical Memory indicator with a significantly improved algorithm. It also features a graphical interface what makes working with this perfect tool quick and convenient. Indicator-forecaster. Very useful as an assistant, acts as a key point to forecast the future price movement. The forecast is made using the method of searching the most similar part in the history (patter). The indicator is drawn as a line that shows the result of change of the
This indicator is the mql version of the SSLHybrid indicator. Description of TradingView version: This script is designed for the NNFX Method, so it is recommended for Daily charts only.
Tried to implement a few VP NNFX Rules
This script has a SSL / Baseline (you can choose between the SSL or MA), a secondary SSL for continiuation trades and a third SSL for exit trades.
Alerts added for Baseline entries, SSL2 continuations, Exits.
Baseline has a Keltner Channel setting for "in zone"
The indicator now at your disposal is undoubtedly one of the best tools for trading in the NASDAQ 100 market, especially in the 1-minute and 5-minute timeframes. This indicator is meticulously designed for high precision and can be adjusted for other timeframes as well. Simply run it and receive good exit signals. Key Features: Specialized performance in the 1-minute and 5-minute timeframes: While this indicator works in other timeframes as well, its primary focus is on these two timeframes. Co
Percentile of Historical Volatility and Correlation Coefficient shows if the asset is cheap or expensive based on the volatility. It is used to determine a good entry point. It has two indicators built in: Historical Volatility is ranked percentile wise and its correlation to price action which gives an indication of the direction of a possible future move. Together the both indicators can give good entries and direction. Historical Volatility is a statistical measure of the dispersion of retu
Introduction to X3 Chart Pattern Scanner X3 Cherart Pattern Scanner is the non-repainting and non-lagging indicator detecting X3 chart patterns including Harmonic pattern, Elliott Wave pattern, X3 patterns, and Japanese Candlestick patterns. Historical patterns match with signal patterns. Hence, you can readily develop the solid trading strategy in your chart. More importantly, this superb pattern scanner can detect the optimal pattern of its kind. In addition, you can switch on and off individu
Average Cost Price helps you keep track of your open positions on the chart. In doing so, it provides lines and explanations on the chart. This line is the average price value of the Bid or Ask.
If you wish, you can see the average cost price by adding SWAP and COMMISSION to the average price value.
*** You can add commission manually per lot.
The legend below the Average Cost Price line gives you: * Average Buy or Sell price line, * Swap Amount, * Commission Amount, * Total Profit or Los
Flags and pennants can be categorized as continuation patterns. They usually represent only brief pauses in a dynamic market. They are typically seen right after a big, quick move. The market then usually takes off again in the same direction. Research has shown that these patterns are some of the most reliable continuation patterns. Bullish flags are characterized by lower tops and lower bottoms, with the pattern slanting against the trend. But unlike wedges, their trendlines run parallel.
Channel Vertex is a price action pattern formed by price Chanel and a triangle pattern . Price channels basically indicates possible support and resistance zones around a price movement and retracement or breakout at these levels can indicate possible trend continuation or reversal .
Majority of the times price fluctuations forms triangle patterns defined by 3 vertexes , these triangle patterns most times defines a trend continuation. A triangle pattern is a trend continuation pattern tha
ICT SMT divergence represent a situation in the market where two correlated assets, being seen within the same timeframe, exhibit opposing structure. This can be seen in two positively correlated assets, as one asset forming a higher low, while the other forming a lower low instead of higher low. Version 1.03: Add Higher TF support An ICT SMT divergence serves as the primary signal of reversal for correlated assets. If two positively correlated assets are moving higher and at a point one makes a
Market Profile helps the trader to identify the behavior if major market players and define zones of their interest. The key feature is the clear graphical display of the range of price action, in which 70% of the trades were performed. Understanding of the location of volume accumulation areas can help traders increase the probability of success. The tool can be used as an independent system as well as in combination with other indicators and trading systems. this indicator is designed to suit
This is diamond! Contact me to send you instruction and add you in group.
Diamond Pattern is based on Read The Market(RTM) concepts. The purpose of this model is to face the big players of the market (financial institutions and banks), As you know in financial markets, big traders try to fool small traders, but RTM prevent traders from getting trapped. This style is formed in terms of price candles and presented according to market supply and demand areas and no price oscillator is used in
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