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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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适用于MetaTrader 5的付费技术指标 - 42

icon 技术指标的信号外汇和股票市场的开仓交易和平仓交易起着至关重要的作用。指标的本质就是一种交易品种的数学转换,旨在预测未来的价格变化。 测试技术指标可以更有利于预测市场行为并从中获利。
Weis Wave Double Side Alert
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
The Weis Wave Bouble Side Indicator for MT5 is part of the toolkit (Wyckoff Academy Wave Market) The Weis Wave Bouble side Indicator for MT5 was created based on the already established Weis Wave created by David Weis. The Weis Wave Double Side indicator reads the market in waves as R. Wyckoff did in 1900. It helps in the identification of effort x result, cause and effect, and Supply and demand Its differential is that it can be used below the zero axis and has a breakout alert showing Who is s
VSA Candle Signal
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
The VSA Candle Signal for MT5 is part of the toolset (Wyckoff Academy Price and Volume). Its function is to identify the correlation of Price and Volume in the formation of the candle. Its creation is based on the premises of R.Wyckoff , a precursor in the analysis of Price and Volume. VSA Candle Signal for MT5 assists in decision making, leaving your reading clearer and more fluid. See the images below.
Force and Weakness Trading
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
The Force and Weakness Indicator for MT5 Forex is part of the (Wyckoff Academy Price and Volume) Toolkit The Force and Weakness Indicator for MT5 Forex was developed to identify the Strength and Weakness of volume in an accumulated way. Enabling the vision of a panorama between price and volume. The Indicator can be used as an oscillator and as a histogram. As usual it has all the premises of R. Wyckoff's three laws when put together with the price: Cause and Effect, Effort x Result and Supply a
WAPV Force and Weakness MT5
Eduardo Da Costa Custodio Santos
The Force and Weakness Indicator for MT5 Real Volume is part of the (Wyckoff Academy Price and Volume) toolset The Force and Weakness Indicator for MT5 Real Volume was developed to identify the Strength and Weakness of volume in an accumulated way. Enabling the vision of a panorama between price and volume. The Indicator can be used as an oscillator and as a histogram. As a fantasy it has all the premises of R. Wyckoff's three laws when put together with the price: Cause and Effect, Effort x Res
Description:  The "Trend Finder Multi Time Frames multi pairs" indicator is a new technical analysis tool designed to assist traders in identifying and confirming trends across multiple timeframes and multiple pairs at the same time. By combining the strengths of various timeframes, this indicator offers a comprehensive view of the market's direction, helping traders make more informed decisions. Features: Multi-Timeframe Analysis: The indicator analyzes trends on different timeframes (e.g., M1
Trend SR mt5
Natasha Diedericks
This indicator takes input from Support and Resistance levels, combined with a special trend filter. Easily spot tops and bottoms, and trade with more confidence. Great for scalping. This indicator can be used on all time frames and pairs. Features alert function. No need to set up the indicator. How to use: Simply attach to any chart. Zoom chart out completely. Red histogram line color = Selling opportunities. Blue histogram line color = Buying opportunities. See pictures below. To spot highs/
Tool converted from tradingview indicator. Modified version with pivot points calculated in a more intuitive way. This tool displays relative   volatility   and directional trend. Excellent way to pickup diversions and reversals. Length can be lowered to 11 or 13 in settings to show price range. Can be used to identify patterns such as parallel channels and likely direction of price action.
该指标使用所谓的“邪恶”数字作为权重系数。它们的对立面是“可憎”的数字,也出现在该指标中。将数字划分为这两类与汉明权重有关,汉明权重由特定数字的二进制表示法中的单位数确定。 使用这些数字作为加权因子会产生趋势跟踪指标。此外,可恶的数字给出了更敏感的指标,而邪恶的数字给出了保守的指标。它们之间的差异不是很大,只有在市场价格剧烈波动时才能注意到。使用该指标可以帮助确定新趋势的开始。这使得可以更准确地确定开仓时刻。 指标参数: Type numbers   - 选择数字类型,Evil 或 Odious; iPeriod   - 指标周期。指标的灵敏度取决于此参数。它越小,对价格变化和市场趋势变化的敏感度越高。 图中显示了指标操作的示例。
ZigZag Scalper mt5
Natasha Diedericks
This indicator gives you a modified ZigZag, combined with a trend filter. Great for scalping. Perfect for channel trading. Features alert functions.  No need to set up the indicator. How to use: Simply attach to any chart. Buy when the golden line stops below the price.  Sell when the golden line stops above the price. It also helps to keep the audible alert set to true. Best results when checking two or more timeframes before entering trades on the lower time frames. Use as you see fit for your
本指标的目的是识别反转点. 蓝色箭头是做多信号,它对应的黄色星是止损. 红色箭头是多空信号,它对应的黄色星是止损. 报警功能: 如果产生了信号,指标会发送三种报警:弹窗,邮件,或者手机推送 Inputs: Popup Window Alert: 弹窗报警,默认是关闭的 Email Alert : 邮件报警,默认是关闭的 Mobile Push Alert: 手机推送报警,默认是关闭的. MetaTrader 4 Version : Reversal Point   请注意,这个信号是逆势的,可能会连续失败.   请注意,这个信号是逆势的,可能会连续失败.   请注意,这个信号是逆势的,可能会连续失败.   请注意,这个信号是逆势的,可能会连续失败.   请注意,这个信号是逆势的,可能会连续失败.   请注意,这个信号是逆势的,可能会连续失败.  
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The RSI Cross Alert Indicator is a powerful technical analysis tool designed to assist traders in identifying potential trend reversals and generating timely buy or sell signals. This user-friendly indicator is suitable for both novice and experienced traders, providing valuable insights into market trends and price movements. Key Features: - RSI
ADX Trend Helper
Semen Kompaniiets
ADX 指标(平均方向指数)是一种旨在衡量市场趋势强度的技术工具。 ADX 指标用于各种目的,例如测量趋势强度、寻找趋势和交易范围,以及作为各种外汇交易策略的过滤器。 一些最好的交易策略是基于跟随市场趋势。还有一些策略可以让交易者通过逆势交易来获利。无论如何,如果你能及时发现新出现的趋势,你赚钱的机会就会明显增加。 对于交易者来说,好消息是现代交易软件会自动为您进行这些计算。 在这种情况下,您无需单独下载 ADX 指标:ADX 会自动包含在平台指标列表中 如您所知,ADX 指标用于确定市场是否呈趋势。 但是你怎么知道趋势何时发生? 因此,ADX 的范围从 0 到 100。Wilder 认为高于 25 的值表明市场存在趋势,而低于 20 的值表明趋势较弱或根本没有趋势。 出于这个原因,许多现代技术分析师认为 25 的值是市场中“趋势”和“无趋势”之间的关键点。
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The Bollinger Bands Cross Alert Indicator is a versatile tool in the world of technical analysis, designed to assist traders in identifying potential trend reversals and significant price movements. This powerful indicator is based on Bollinger Bands, a popular volatility indicator, and offers real-time alerts for accurate and timely trading deci
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The Stochastic Cross Alert Indicator is a valuable technical analysis tool that helps traders with better signals for identifying potential trend reversals and momentum shifts. Designed to work seamlessly on various financial instruments, this indicator provides real-time alerts and customizable parameters, making it a versatile addition to your t
Yvan Musatov
ComplexVector is an indicator based on market analysis using the mathematical apparatus of complex numbers. The essence of the indicator is that it, with clear impulses, indicates the points in time when it is necessary to make decisions. The impulses are like a cardiogram showing the heartbeat of the market. For example: it may be the moment of planning a new entry. this may be the moment to exit the position. if you work with a series that is in a drawdown, you are recommended to close it in
ComplexVectorHL is an indicator that characterizes the change in short-term market trends. The indicator is based on market analysis using the mathematical apparatus of complex numbers. The essence of the indicator is that it, with clear impulses, indicates the points in time when it is necessary to make decisions. The impulses are like a cardiogram showing the heartbeat of the market. The indicator has pulses only in one direction (unlike the previous development of ComplexVector), the pulses
Elliot Waves Master
Mahmoud Sabry Mohamed Youssef
Hello Everyone ,  I am not an Elliot pro , but I promise to let you see it in a different way , have you ever considered to see 3 probabilities of different time frames on same chart ? this will not only enhance your trades entry , but will give you confidence and certainty when everything is not clear. in my indicator you will be able to select 3 time frames of your choice , define number of candles per each time frame , give the color per each trend (Bearish or Bullish), not only that , you
Orion Vwap Bands
Joao Paulo Botelho Silva
Fundamentação teórica   A VWAP é uma média móvel ajustada pelo volume, ou seja, o peso de cada preço corresponde ao volume de ações negociadas no período, dando mais importância ao período em que se tenha mais negociações. A Orion Vwap Bands permite que o usuário use plote 8 bandas que podem ser utilizadas como suportes e resistências para o preço. Cada banda é calculada a partir da Vwap Tradicional: Ex.: Se escolhermos o valor 0.25 para a plotagem da Banda 1, pega-se o preço da Vwap e acrescent
AW Candle Patterns
AW Trading Software Limited
AW 蜡烛形态指标是高级趋势指标与强大的蜡烛形态扫描仪的组合。它是识别和突出显示 30 个最可靠的烛台形态的有用工具。此外,它是一个基于彩色条的电流趋势分析器,带有   可调整大小和定位的插件多时间框架趋势面板。根据趋势过滤调整模式显示的独特能力。 优点: 轻松识别蜡烛形态 不重绘结果 内置多时间趋势面板 禁用模式类型(1、2、3 根蜡烛) 显示形态时趋势过滤的调整 显示模式列表: 锤模式 固定/固定 看跌 Harami / 看涨 Harami 看跌 Harami Cross / 看涨 Harami Cross 枢轴点反转向上/枢轴点反转向下 双柱低位收盘价较高/双柱低位收盘价较低 收盘价反转向上 / 收盘价反转向下 中性条 /     两个中性条 双内/内/外 向上推力杆/向下推力杆 晚星/晨星 晚上十字星 / 早上十字星 吞没看跌线/吞没看涨线 镜子酒吧 流星 乌云盖顶 十字星 输入变量: Main settings Trend Filtering Mode - Adjustment of trend filtering when displaying patterns Pat
Fabiano Luiz Roberto
Tape Reading, flow monitoring. FabFlowInPrice   is a powerful indicator for those who like Tape Reading (Times & Trades). It presents the volumes traded at each price level, considering the purchase, sale and direct aggressions for each level. Excellent tool for market flow analysis. Thought of flow so monitor who is attacking the most, buyers, sellers or direct exchanges, thought FabFlowInPrice. The indicator displays information in 4 distinct and fixed periods, on any timeframe: @Day - All t
Vix 75 Fractal Scalper
Lesedi Oliver Seilane
Volality 75 Fractal Scalper Non-repaint The arrows appear on the current candle.  momentum and trend based strategy Works on all timeframes from the 1 Minute to the Monthly timeframe Bollinger bands have been added to show the trend direction whether its bullish or bearish Blue fractal arrow is your buy entry Orange fractal arrow is your sell entry you can use the Vix 75 fractal scalper in combination with other indicators.   
KT Bulls Bears MT5
This indicator shows the bullish/bearish market regime using the no. of bars moved above and below the overbought/oversold region of RSI. The green histogram depicts the Bull power, while the red depicts the Bear power. Features It can be used to enter new trades or validates trades from other strategies or indicators. It comes with a multi-timeframe scanner that scans the bulls/bears power across all the time frames. It's a perfect choice to boost the confidence of new traders via validating t
KT Balance of Power MT5
The indicator measures the buying and selling force between the buyers and sellers in the form of a histogram/oscillator by using a BOP equation: BOP = Moving Average of [close – open)/(high – low)] Igor Levshin first introduced the Balance of power in the August 2001 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. Features Quickly find the buying and selling pressure among the traders. It comes with simple inputs and an interface. All Metatrader alerts included.  Applications
KT SSL Indicator MT5
SSL stands for Semaphore Signal Level channel. It consists of two moving averages applied to high and low, respectively, to form a price following envelope. Buy Signal: When the price closes above the higher moving average. Sell Signal: When the price closes below the lower moving average. Features It comes with a multi-timeframe scanner that scans for the new signals across all the timeframes. A straightforward personal implementation of the classic SSL effortlessly finds the trend direction.
Back to the Future это индикатор который определяет направление тренда. Определяет  четыре уровня для роста и падения  1-й уровень  флета 2 -й уровень  коррекции  3-й уровень продолжения тренда и 4-й уровень  возможного разворота. Индикатор рисует трендовые линии краткострочного и долгострочного тренда. Так же индикатор определяет  динамические сел и бай зоны в виде прямоугольников. От ближайшего максимума или минимума рисует фибо уровни для определения целей движения.  В меню индикатора отключа
KT Hull MA MT5
5 (1)
It's a modified, and improved version of the classic HMA developed initially by Alan Hull in 2005. It uses a combination of three weighted moving averages to reduce the lag. Long Entry: When HMA turns blue from red with an upward slope. Short Entry: When HMA turns red from blue with a downward slope.   Features It comes with a multi-timeframe scanner which scans for the new signals across all the timeframes.  HMA reduces lags which usually come with the traditional moving averages. Effectively
该指标基于椭圆形。这种形状用于空气动力学和空间技术。甚至子弹也有某种椭圆形。 在技​​术指标中使用这种形式可以在指标的灵敏度和稳定性之间实现折衷。这为其应用提供了额外的可能性。 指标参数: iType   - ogive 表单的类型。 iPeriod   - 指标周期。 iFactor   是用于抛物线和指数形式的附加参数。有效值为 0 - 255。如果 iFactor = 0,则指标退化为简单移动平均线。 iChannel   - 一个允许您建立价格变动的上下通道的参数。有效值为-128到127。如果值为正,则绘制上通道,如果值为负,则绘制下通道。 通过组合这些参数,可以获得不同的结果。该指标可用于跟踪市场中的趋势价格变动。通过建立渠道,您可以获得价格可以移动的最近目标。通道边界值可以作为止盈止损。使用 iFactor,您可以实现金融时间序列所需的平滑程度。
place a vwap line starting from the line placed on the chart parameters: tick_mode: enable to use ticks instead of bars. this uses a lot more cpu processing power prefix: prefix to add for line created by indicator line_color: set the color of the line created line_style: set the line style of the line created applied_price: set the price of bar to use of the bar std_dev_ratio: set the multiplier for the std dev channel
King sly
Yeny Lucia Caro Useda
indicador para opciones binarias que siempre funciona en favor de la tendencia principal , por favor identifiquela en temporalidades altas para poder tomar operaciones en las temporalidades bajas , puede usar una media movil de cualquier periodo para identificarla , recomendada la de 50 periodos exponencial  ideal para operar el mercado de indices sinteticos del broker deriv y/o divisas, se puede acompañar de cualquier oscilador usando unicamente el nivel 50 para validar tendencia alcista o baji
Indicator developed by the Brazilian and analyst Odir Aguiar (Didi), consists of "Moving Averages", famously known as "Didi needles", where it allows the viewing of reversal points. The concept is very simple, when you enter 3 Moving Averages on display, a period equal to 3, one equal to 8 and the other equal to 20, then the formation of the indicator that works in axis or line center equal to 0 (zero) appears. ). Moving averages must intersect when approaching line 0. The scanner monitors 10
HEIKEN PLUS is the only indicator you really need to be a successful trader , without in depth knowledge of the forex trading or any tools. Also there is automatically trading EA available now: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/89517? with superb SL/TP management! and sky high profit targets !!! Very suitable tool for new traders or advanced traders too. This is MT5 version. For MT4 version visit :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/85235?source=Site HEIKEN+ is a combination of 2 i
Volatility Vision: Essential for Forex and Stock Markets 发现Volatility Vision:您的交易革命 完美适合初学者和专业交易者 简单入门指南: 通过我们的 用户手册 ,学习如何有效使用它。 Volatility Vision 指标是一个强大的工具,可以在您的图表上精确描绘波动率水平。这个多功能工具是整合到您的交易策略中必不可少的,兼容所有货币对和股票市场。 利用 波动率阈值 ,自信地管理您在一周内的交易。 Volatility Vision的优势 增强准确性: 显著减少了常见于随机振荡器的误报。 早期信号: 比RSI更早捕捉交易信号,帮助您抓住错失的机会。 市场领先: 在MACD响应之前提供前瞻性见解。 可靠性: 避免了CCI常见的误信号陷阱。 轻松配置 输入ATR值以开始(默认值为15)。所有级别都是固定的,以保持一致的分析;切换时间框架以刷新数据。 指标指南 蓝线: 每日波动率。 红线: 每周波动率。 橙线: 每月波动率。 将Volatility Vision与传统的ATR结合使用,以获得更多战略机会。今天就增强
Do you like trade Technical Analysis like I do? Then you will like this indicator, because it automatically calculates the support and resistance of the asset in simultaneous timeframes, or the famous MTF (Multi Time Frame). In addition to support and resistance, it is possible to have alert signals when the price breaks or touches (or both). Its configuration is very simple. The visual is fully configurable. Enjoy it!
策略的基本原理 根据前一个交易日的收盘价、最高价和最低价数据通过一定方式计算出六个价位,从大到小依次为:突破买入价、观察卖出价、反转卖出价、反转买入、观察买入价、突破卖出价。以此来形成当前交易日盘中交易的触发条件。 追踪盘中价格走势,实时判断触发条件。具体条件如下: 突破 在空仓条件下,如果盘中价格超过突破买入价,则采取趋势策略,即在该点位开仓做多。 在空仓条件下,如果盘中价格跌破突破卖出价,则采取趋势策略,即在该点位开仓做空。 反转 持多单,当日内最高价超过观察卖出价后,盘中价格出现回落,且进一步跌破反转卖出价构成的支撑线时,采取反转策略,即在该点位反手做空。 持空单,当日内最低价低于观察买入价后,盘中价格出现反弹,且进一步超过反转买入价构成的阻力线时,采取反转策略,即在该点位反手做多。 设定止损条件。当亏损达到设定值后,平仓。 设定是否隔夜留仓。
!! FLASH SALE !!   Over 80% off !!     For ONE week only. Now only $47 - normally $297! >>>      Ends on 30 June 2023 - Don't miss it! Buy and Sell Arrows On The Chart According To Price Action Sends Alerts On MT5 To Your Phone To You Email Does NOT repaint. Works on any pair, any timeframe.     10 Activations allowed so you are free from limitations. MT4 Version here . For spreads from a tiny 0.1 pips RAW/ECN Accounts,  click here . Check out my Waka Esque EA signal here: >>   High Risk Se
The indicator refers to the means of probabilistic analysis. Prediction is performed by the Monte Carlo method together with a mathematical model of a neuron. But, the modeling of samples for this method is made not artificially, but comes from the original "nature", that is, from history. The number of samples and the detail of their modeling is achieved using the lower (relative current) timeframe. Indicator algorithm : In general terms, the algorithm boils down to the fact that the indica
Ever needed a Boomap-like indicator for you MT5? Here you are!! FULL WORKING DEMO VERSION available on Channel: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/011107AFAAE3D801 With this indicator you will see all the important levels, in which the largest bid and ask order are sitting. This indicator will show show all the history on limit order planed on the book. It will work only for futures broker who support level 2 order book. You can visualize the orders with colors and or with a text indicating the
Un indicador bueno, fácil, legible y práctico. Da señales acotadas entre cero y uno. Fácil de comprender para los inversores. Brinda perspectivas comerciales cercanas y a más largo plazo a los inversores y los ayuda a encontrar buenas oportunidades. El indicador da una señal cero en las caídas de precios y el valor de la señal es igual a uno en las subidas de precios. Una vez más, un nuevo tipo de indicador y rango limitado entre cero y uno.
UR DivergenceSpotter MT5
Krzysztof Jan Debski
UR發散觀察儀   UR DivergenceSpotter 是多年經驗的結晶,有時最簡單的方法就是最好的。 一些指標之間存在良好的相關性,但當它們不匹配時 - 價格試圖“重新調整” - 正是在那個時刻我們通過 UR DivergenceSpotter 收到信號。 使用 UR Divergence Spotter 的優勢: 無參數 蠟燭創建後不重繪 當信號不再有效時發出信號(這意味著您可以持有更長時間的交易,將止損設置為 BE 並讓它運行,獲取部分利潤或完全關閉它!)。 該指標是多年經驗和觀察的結果。 它堅固且經過測試。 最好在更高的時間範圍 (h1/h4) 中使用以獲得更好的結果和更安全的信號。 另一種方法是將它與我的其他指標(如 UR TrendExhaustion 或 UR VolumeTrend)一起使用,以獲得更好的信號准確性。 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求! 為什麼選擇 UR DivergenceSpotter? 如前所述 - 該指標是將體驗整合到一個指標中。 以某種方式對其進行編碼,以便每個人都可
UR VolumeTrend MT5
Krzysztof Jan Debski
UR 成交量趨勢   UR VolumeTrend 是顯示交易量持續趨勢的最清晰的交易量指標。 與 UR TrendExhaustion 等其他指標完美配合,以發出局部頂部和底部信號。 僅限於 2 個參數 - 值越高,顯示的趨勢越長。 梯度極端顯示成交量可能耗盡以捕捉潛在的逆轉。 兩條線 - 成交量趨勢和平均值。 最大優勢:簡單且可適應所有資產。 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求! 為什麼選擇 UR VolumeTrend? 所有人都會同意,成交量是把握趨勢的關鍵。 這個震盪指標是我所有交易量工具的總和,壓縮成一個易於使用的指標。 它以易於查看的方式顯示正/負音量。 後面的界面顯示音量與過去相比是否可能會耗盡 - 或者它是否會推到新的水平。 如何使用 UR VolumeTrend? 請參閱下面的描述以更熟悉它: 設置 Volume Period:值越高,它會嘗試捕捉的趨勢越大 交易量趨勢:此附加行顯示僅基於交易量的潛在反轉條目 展示 漸變界面:顯示基於過去的極值水平。 成交量主線:顯示成交量是看漲*高於 0*
The Correctness Structure Bars indicator displays the bar structure in digital terms. How to Interpret the Information Provided by the Indicator It is very simple, all you have to do is analyze the chart. We will explain the work using an example, take the EURUSD instrument on the D1 timeframe, install this indicator and analyze the information provided by the indicator. The indicator works in the bottom of the chart and gives the result in the form of a histogram, that is, each bar (when a bar
The Correctness Complex Structure indicator displays the complex structure of the bar, taking into account tick volumes in digital terms. How to interpret the information provided by the indicator. It's very simple, it's enough to analyze the chart. We will explain the work using an example, take the EURUSD instrument on the D1 timeframe, install this indicator and analyze the information provided by the indicator. The indicator works in the bottom of the chart and gives the result in the form
Impulse Change
Tatiana Savkevych
Impulse Change is an indicator of impulses for decision making. The main task of this indicator is to warn the trader about the moment of price changes. Do you often doubt when to make a decision? Leave the market or wait? This indicator is for you, Impulse Change will help you and provide a clearly defined correct hint. There are always moments in history in which the behavior of the market differs sharply from what happens for the longest periods of time, such uncharacteristic behavior can
Impulse Creative
Tatiana Savkevych
Impulse Creative is a more advanced indicator of impulses for making decisions (compared to the Impulse Change indicator). The main task of this indicator is to warn the trader about the moment of price changes and also to give a command to enter according to the current trend. To determine the trend, use any other tool, this development forms only an entry point but not the entry direction. First, look at the screenshots and notice that we see clearly expressed figures that the indicator form
Ivan Simonika
CalcFlat is a flat indicator. At first glance, a simple indicator, but if you look at the screenshots for people who are not specialists, it may seem that the indicator is not very informative. But in fact, the indicator is very informationally active. It needs to be adjusted for each instrument and each timeframe. Very flexible in the settings there are two key settings, but they can significantly change the results of the display of the indicator. In addition to the main histogram, the indic
CalcFlat Creative is a flat indicator. This is a more advanced version of the CalcFlat indicator. Three lines have been added for this indicator, which significantly improve the performance of the predecessor indicator. In addition to the two existing levels that the user reacted to and which were static, now the indicator has three dynamic lines on top of the main chart and interpreted as: signal line base, signal minimum, signal maximum. These lines are formed due to the additional indicato
In the Apple
Vitalii Zakharuk
In the Apple is a stable indicator of exit points, no signal will change or redraw. The indicator displays buy and sell signals with recommended markers for exiting a position. Each exit marker is accompanied by an information mark about the profit from the operation. The label consists of two parts. The first label displays the profit from the last operation in instrument points, and the second label displays the total balance. The total balance starts to be calculated from the moment when th
Levels StopTP
Anton Polkovnikov
水平(極值、止損、獲利) 用於更改止損訂單的放置水平(由用戶手動完成,指標僅可視化水平)。它也可用於在與運動相反的水平上獲取部分利潤。 該指標將允許您採取大部分強勁的運動。您不必擔心過早退出該職位。如果您陷入強勢走勢,只需觀察支撐位並在價格突破該水平時止損退出。 該指標並非旨在搜索入場位置 設置: 極值區域 - 最初搜索極值的區域。 在這種情況下,之前有 2 根蠟燭,之後有 2 根蠟燭。 类型级别-负责级别的值-蜡烛的极端或收盘价 Any Break - 啟用此參數可在第一級更改時提供更高的靈敏度。 重新開始新的一天 - 用於具有潛在大範圍第一根蠟燭的工具的日內圖表。 否則,第一根帶有尾巴的蠟燭可能會立即決定全天的水平。 Bar's Quantity - 顯示指標的左側蠟燭數 .... 演示版在"讨论"。 出于某种原因,MQL默认制作的演示不起作用。
Renko Plus
Eadvisors Software Inc.
With Renko Plus you can use the features in the Indicator functionality, just add it to the Metatrader5 chart.             The Renko chart is a type of chart, developed by the Japanese, that is constructed using price movement rather than standardized prices and time intervals like most charts. It is believed to be named after the Japanese word for bricks, "renga", as the graphic looks like a series of bricks.             A new brick is created when the price moves a specified pri
AlgoKing Chandelier Exit Indicator (MT5) The Chandelier Exit Indicator is a volatility based indicator that maximizes returns using the Average True Range (ATR) value and the highest high or lowest low of a period. Benefits Should be used as a trailing stop. Helps you exit a position when you have a respectable profit. Identifies a high probability of a trend reversal when the price moves against the prevailing trend by a distance equal to 3x the average volatility. Join the AlgoKing Lightning
Shift Trend
Nadiya Mirosh
Shift Trend is an indicator of the formation of entry signals, entry points. The indicator must be selected to work for a sufficiently short period of time. But who works in short ranges, then this indicator is well suited. Options: Length1 - The first parameter. Length2 - Second parameter; PointActivity - Parameter controlling peak levels. PointMinDist - The parameter that sets the minimum distance. AvgLengthBar - Bar averaging.
Change Analyzer - The indicator can be called an indicator of market balance. Since the indicator is on the zero line, then the market is balanced in a certain timeframe and a certain instrument. Based on two virtual windows and their mutual placement, this graph is built. As a result of its work, the price chart normalizes relative to the zero line, which helps to draw conclusions about the price behavior. The indicator is somewhat reminiscent of the overbought and oversold system, but the al
Nasdaq 5 Gage MT5
Kambiz Shahriarynasab
For Nasdaq trading, the most important principle is to know the trend of the fund. This indicator with 6 green and red lights provides you with the daily path of this important indicator. This indicator has been tested for 6 months and has a win rate of over 85%. Be sure to contact me before purchasing to get the necessary instructions on how to use and set up this indicator. You should use a broker that has dollar index, vix, and commodities. MT4 Version You can contact us via Instagram, Teleg
Acceleration Force Meter Indicator - is a trend system that join market in trend phase and after trend pull-back. AFM indicator - is the system that watchs market phases from flat to extreme volatility and prefers to enter in market when it's active, more volatility, ignoring most flat places. This is 100% complete trading system including enter and exit points. It works well with profitable trades - maximizing take profit targets(analysis of recent market volatility, its pips range to adapt cur
Volality Index Scalper
Lesedi Oliver Seilane
5 (1)
Volality Index scalper indicator  Meant for Volality pairs such as Volality 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 The indicator works on all timeframes from the 1 minute to the monthly timeframe the indicator is non repaint the indicator has 3 entry settings 1 color change on zero cross 2 color change on slope change 3 color change on signal line cross Orange line is your sell signal Blue line is your buy signal.
My Point MT5
Claudia Ramona Angerer
Diagnosis of major and minor pivot Trend detection with many signals Can be used in all symbols Can be used in all time frames Settings: Back Show: The number of candles it displays If you need any adjustments, or have any questions or suggestions, message me How to trade: Blue: sell signal Red: buy signal Blue and red at the same time: no signal Exit signal: Opposite signal
UR HighsAndLows MT5
Krzysztof Jan Debski
你的高點和低點   UR Highs&Lows 對價格變動及其波動性進行深入分析,並創建價格變動的通道。 該通道現在作為振盪器移動,並與價格偏差重疊,以表明潛在的耗盡和可能的逆轉。 使用 UR Highs&Lows 的優勢: 無參數 您有 3 條線描述價格變動 - 白線是價格的平均值,藍線是價格的極值 直方圖是價格背景下最大偏差的可視化 該界面展示了兩個極端(上部紅色區域和下部藍色區域)上任一條線的耗盡 最大優勢:簡單且可適應所有資產。 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求! 為什麼是 UR 高點和低點? 該指標可用作獨立的進入或退出指標。 由於它對價格的依賴 - 它可以應用於每個圖表,其偏差計算算法基於多年的經驗和觀察。 如何使用 UR Highs&Lows ? 請參閱下面的描述以更熟悉它: 設置 沒有任何 展示 價格平均主線(白色):價格的平均值。 價格極值(藍色):價格極值的計算通道。 直方圖:顯示波動率的偏差。 極端區域:價格將耗盡並可能反轉的區域。 添加 我所有的工具在組裝後都能發揮最佳效果。
Trading Direction is an indicator that will never go against a long trend, stable, accurate and without the slightest redrawing. The indicator goes through the whole story! You can find settings for any tool for which there is a free TDO utility . Trade rules. When a signal appears (always at the bar opening price), we immediately close the opposite position, if it exists, despite the fact of a drawdown or profit. And we open a new position following the arrow in the right direction. And these
Golden section price action indicator - is a trend-scalping complete system with enter and exit points. Indicator is based on most powerfull price action japan patterns that are filtered by volume, volatility, market phase. Pattern is not a simple combinations of candles. Patterns must have "weight" to move market in right direction. "Weight" - is the summary of pattern's volume, the size of pattern candles according to last average volatility and ofcourse pattern must appear in correct market p
Multi-Timeframe Chart Overlay Indicator The Timeframe Overlay indicator displays price action for multiple timeframes on a single chart, allowing you to quickly assess different timeframes from a single chart. The advantage is to observe and follow the correlations of price movements in real time to help you find potential trades at a glance. ---- Symbol 1 ---- Symbol                           = EURUSD Correlation Inverse         = false Display                           = true Ratio       
Andriy Sydoruk
The Recuroid indicator shows very good entry points. Just look at the screenshots, then download the free version and look in the strategy tester and see for yourself. The system is based on two key algorithms. The first algorithm (managed) creates a system of balanced transition from the buy zone to the sell zone and vice versa, draws arrows and lines, and forms entries. The second algorithm (managing) corrects the initial data for the first algorithm (managed) by measuring virtual windows, t
Divergence is one best ways to trade the financial market as it is a leading indicator of price action that detect high probability reversal and continuation setups.   The AlgoKing Divergence Detector is an RSI and Stochastics Indicator with Divergence Detection. Features Hidden Divergence for trend continuation. Standard or Normal Divergence for trend reversal. Screen Alerts. MetaQuotes Notifications. Email Notifications. RSI Indicator built in. Stochastics Indicator built in. Types of Divergen
Flag Pattern pro is a   Price Action (PA)   analytical tool that scans the   continuation patterns   known as   "Flag and Pennant Patterns"   . Flag and Pennant patterns are continuation patterns characterized by a move in a previous trend direction after a shallow retracement usually below 50% of the original move . Deep retracements can however be sometimes found at the 61.8 % levels. The original move is know as the   flag pole   and the   retracement   is called the flag. Indicator Fundam
Introduction to Chart Pattern MT Chart Pattern MT is a chart pattern scanner to detect the triangle pattern, falling wedge pattern, rising wedge pattern, channel pattern and so on. Chart Pattern MT uses highly sophisticated chart pattern detection algorithm. However, we have designed it in the easy to use with intuitive user interface. Chart Pattern MT will show all the patterns in your chart in the most efficient format for your trading. You do not have to do tedious manual pattern detection an
Drawing Pack MT5
John Louis Fernando Diamante
This indicator provides several drawing tools to assist in various methods of chart analysis. The drawings will keep their proportions (according to their handle trendline) across different chart scales, update in real time, and multiple drawings are supported. # Drawing Option Description  1 Grid box draggable boxed grid, user defines rows x colums, diagonal ray option  2 Grid partial or fullscreen grid, sized by handle line  3 Grid flex a diagonal grid, sized and sloped by handle line  4 Cyc
Andrei Trukhin
This indicator is designed for those people who want to trade and earn on any instruments and timeframes.The indicator gives out very good points to enter the market,it is very easy to trade,the arrows will show when to open trades,set and trade without thinking about anything,stop loss and take profit, set each one yourself,it all depends on your trading style,someone scalps and someone holds trades on a few days.In the strategy tester, the indicator simply cannot physically show accurate resu
https://c.mql5.com/31/761/best-trend-indicator-logo-200x200-8493.png 该指标用一条红绿相见的实线来反映市场价格的万千变化。 绿线表明市场价格处于上 升期间 , 红线表明市场价格处于下跌期间。 实线颜色 的改变预示着市场已经发生变化行情极有可能会出现逆转!   建议您在日K线图上使用该指标。该指标不适合您做超短线交易! 众所周知,趋势线是技术分析家们用来绘制的某一证券 (股票) 或商品期货过去价格走势的线。目的是用来预测未来的价格变化。这条 趋势 线是通过联结某一特定时期内证券或商品期货上升或下跌的最高或最低价格点而形成的。它可以预测该证券或商品期货是处于上升的趋势还是处于下跌的趋势。但是,您一定要认识到每一个指标都有是有缺陷的,这个世界上没有任何一个指标可以精准的预测到市场未来的发展方向。因此,我建议您在使用这个指标的时候结合其他的技术分指标,以此获得更好 的 效果 。
Artificial Power
Tatiana Savkevych
Of all the tasks that a trader faces when entering a market, the main task is to determine the direction of the trend. The Artificial Power indicator will help you with this task. Whatever goal the trader sets for himself, the tool to achieve it will be mainly trend indicators. The Artificial Power indicator without delay and redrawing is used by traders in trend strategies in trading on financial markets (Forex, CFD, binary options). This indicator is designed to detect trends in price moveme
Gann 9 plus
Yin Zhong Peng
Gann 9+ 指标简介 江恩矩阵图( Gann Squares ),又称江恩四方图,或甘氏矩阵,它是江恩理论中最简易明确的技术分析,也是江恩一直致力使用的推算工具,堪称是江恩一生的精华和精髓。Gann 9+指标是使用矩阵图找出股票或期货的未来高点或低点。 指标输入 1 基数和步数可以默认设置为1; 2 倍数为-1时自动获得倍数,当然也可以自行填写;(价格除以倍数就是起算值) 3 多与空表示从起算点往上或往下算目标价; 4 表示要不要显示基准线; 5  价格除以倍数是起算值,是否对起算值进行四舍五入; 6 表示要展示多少个目标价。 交易方法建议: 1、画出来的线会有明显的支撑和压力,甚至是反转;突破后加仓,到达后减仓; 2、配合其它头皮和振荡指标,成功率大大增加; 3、尽量当主/辅助指标使用,但不能只看一个指标。 特别说明:此指标针对对江恩理论有一定了解的人使用。

