适用于MetaTrader 5的付费技术指标 - 10
该指标从极值开始构建三周期信号和反转形态 123。信号出现在第二根蜡烛的开口处。 该形态可以通过不同方式(测试点 3、突破等)进行交易。退出通道或突破趋势线是寻找入场点的主要触发因素。 图标根据斐波那契水平着色。黄色图标表示对某一水平的测试,在该水平上信号会被放大。 使用多币种仪表盘,您可以跟踪 123 形态是在哪些货币对上发现的,以及有多少个条形图跟随该形态。 基于分形之字形。可重新绘制。因此,请在博客链接 - 123 Fractal Trading With UPD1 中研究该策略。
Bars Count – 显示历史记录。 Tooltip – 将鼠标悬停在对象上时是否显示工具提示。 Show Semaphore – 启用或禁用信号灯。 Show 123 – 启用或禁用显示 123 模式。
Period 1, 2, 3 - 信号周期。 Period 1, 2, 3 Visual – 启用或禁用单独周期的显示。
Arrow Coeff Period – 用于计算的条数。 Arrow Coeff – 平均烛台值
MT4版本: WH Trend Continuation MT4
准确的 趋势确认. 可定制的 参数. 易于 使用的界面. 实时 提醒. 全面 支持 . 利用 MT5 的趋势延续指标将您的交易策略提升到新的高度。拥抱趋势分析的力量,做出明智的交易决策,并释放利润潜力的世界。不要让机会溜走——立即开始使用趋势延续指标!
砖块图——一种备用的交易方式 如果你是一个对无数图表中的蜡烛图感到困惑的交易者,又或者说并不知道要怎么画线,也不知道支撑线阻力线怎么画,这个时候就应该另找一个适合自己的交易方法了。就像一个司机在反复遇到问题后会停下来进行全面检修一样, 一笔交易也是如此。 砖块图为盘中交易员提供了一种简单的交易方法,实际上这种方法和K线来说,具有同样的历史,并且也是起源于日本。 为了定义一个砖块图,他们只描述了一个设定点或基点的价格趋势。例如,一个10点的砖块图只能描绘出价格变动中10点的上升趋势或10点的下降趋势。 砖块图有一个得天独厚的优势,就是它的价格不和时间挂钩,也就是说只有价格变化达到了设定的数值,才会有一个新的砖块图出现,并且砖块图去掉了价格的毛刺,所以从感官上感觉会非常的舒服。
早期信号检测:由于可以在较低的时间框架上看到较高时间框架的分形水平,因此可以在开始时识别潜在的买入和卖出信号。 提高盈亏比:在较低的时间框架上提前进场,可以设置更短的止损,从而显著提高交易效率。 便捷的警报:绝不会错过任何重要信号--即时获得进场和出场机会的通知。 提高分析准确性:专注于真正重要的关键水平,忽略不必要的市场噪音。 使用基于更高的时间框架的分形水平指标,可以让您以全新的方式观察市场,改善您的交易结果。发现新的交易机会,以无与伦比的准确性和效率实现您的目标。
您准备好将您的交易提升到一个新的水平吗?隆重推出 WH Divergence Pro MT5 ,
现在,您可以定制背离信号以匹配您独特的交易策略。 购买后联系我指导您完成整个过程 主要特征 :
指标选择 :从以下选项中选择您喜欢的指标: RSI(相对强度指数)。 很棒的振荡器。 CCI(商品通道指数)。 将添加更多指标。 精确信号 :根据您选择的指标,当出现背离或收敛时接收警报。 可定制的参数 :调整灵敏度、时间范围和其他设置以微调您的信号。 非重画 :信任准确的信号,无需担心重画。 怎么运行的 :
选择您的指标 :选择与您的交易风格产生共鸣的技术指标。 现货正常背离 :当所选指标和价格朝相反方向移动时,Divergence Pro 会检测到它。 现货隐藏背离 :当指标和价格朝同一方向移动时,Convergence Pro Plus 发出潜在回调的信号。
为什么使用 WH Divergence Pro MT5 ?
指标自由度 :选择与您的分析相符的工具。 微调 :自定义参数以匹配您的风险承受能
Would you like to monitor the aggression between Buyers and Sellers, minute by minute? Now you can! Welcome to the Aggression Monitor FX ! The Aggression Monitor FX indicator was developed for those markets that do not provide REAL data Volume, i.e. like the Forex market. We developed a way to use 1-minute Tick Volume data generated by Forex (and other) Brokers and manipulate it into "aggression" information in a very visual histogram with additional analysis lines. And it worked! (but hey! you
卷方向 MT5
出于这个原因,这个指标的创建是为了除了正常的交易量之外,当蜡烛看涨或看跌时,它会为它们绘制不同的颜色,默认情况下看涨的蓝色和看跌的红色,但这些颜色可以定制为 商人的味道。
卷方向 MT5
出于这个原因,这个指标的创建是为了除了正常的交易量之外,当蜡烛看涨或看跌时,它会为它们绘制不同的颜色,默认情况下看涨的蓝色和看跌的红色,但这些颜色可以定制为 商人的味道。
RSI警报(对于Metatrader 5)
RSI警报(对于Metatrader 5)
The key level supply and demand indicator is the first supply and demand indicator with options to change settings to show different zones, giving you the choice to pick the zones you see are being respected the most and saving the settings.
The key level supply and demand DOES NOT REPAINT unlike other supply and demand currently in the market. This gives you a massive advantage to scroll back and see how price reacted on previous levels. The key level supply and demand
A brand new indicator from the developer of MOST (Moving Stop Loss) indicator Anıl Özekşi.
Optimized Trend Tracker OTT is an indicator that provides traders to find an existing trend or in another words to see which side of the current trend we are on.
We are under the effect of the uptrend in cases where the prices are above OTT ,
under the influence of a downward trend, when prices are below OTT
it is possible to say that we are.
The first parameter in the OTT indicator set by the
它基於 Ichimoku 指標的 KijunSen 線,並在此基礎上建立移動平均線 MA。當這兩條線交叉時,就會出現買進或賣出的訊號。我經常在交易中使用 KijunSen 指標線:當價格高於該線時,我只專注於買入,而當價格低於該線時,我專注於賣出。
此外,在平均 KijunSen 線並創建 KijunSen 移動平均線後,這些線的主要交點變得重要,提供更明亮、更可靠的交易訊號。這些交叉點不僅預示著機會,而且可以作為在市場上做出明智決策的催化劑,使交易者能夠清晰而自信地感知變化。如此一來,KijunSen不僅成為了一個工具,也成為了金融波動海洋中的指路明燈。
MT4 版本指標的連結:
KijunSen - KijunSen 的計算週期。
KijunSen_MA - KijunSen MA 的計算週期。
MethodMA - KijunSen MA 價格的計算方法。
ArroyBuySell - 訊號箭頭類型
基于概率的指标 该指标分析给定时期的价格变动以获得概率分布分析的关键信息,例如它们的均值和标准差,一旦有了这些信息,它就会进行所有必要的计算,最后计算出当前市场价值的概率 高于或低于给定的周期柱。
当试图为短期交易者和长期交易者以及正在寻找良好进入市场以最大程度减少回撤或一些严格止损的人寻找最佳市场切入点时,该指标可能很方便 早早被击中。 该指标很可能用作退出信号确认。
这个指标很容易使用,在子窗口的左上角指标显示买入概率和卖出概率,即使卖出概率标记为负值它也不是负值,负值有助于做出 在绘制指标期间直方图出现在下方:例如; 当指标显示 概率指标 0.83,-0.17。 它只是意味着买入的概率为 83%,卖出的概率为 17% 概率指标 0.17, -0.83, 简单的说买入的概率是17%,卖出的概率是83% 这是该指标的早期版本,价格为 55 美元,每次更新价格都会上涨,敬请期待
The indicator automatically calculates and displays the level of the maximum real volume Point Of Control (POC) of the Market Profile for the array of candles highlighted by a rectangular area. This will significantly increase the accuracy of your position entries when trading POC bounces and reversals. Attention when testing the demo version! In the MT5 strategy tester , there is no possibility of dragging a rectangle and this is a problem of limitations of the MT5 strategy
Scalper gun - главное оружие для торговли скальпингом и свингом, с визуализацией и алертом точек входа. Индикатор работает как в трендовых, так и в нетрендовых рыночных условиях. Подходит начинающим и опытным трейдерам. SCALPER GUN превосходит по скорости, качеству визуализации и точности входа популярные топовые индикаторы этого сайта!!!
Перед покупкой скачайте демо Scalper gun и сравните с аналогичными индикаторами для скальпинга в тестере MT4. Особенности Это готовая торговая система с виз
A complex of indicators of recognizing reversal moments. Detects the peaks and hollows according to the combinations of candles after they deduct from two MA. Applicable for trading systems when using early inputs. You can use a trend for scalping and intraday trade, and for detecting a trend in the early stages.
The parameters provide flexible settings for any time floms and trading tools. There are several types of warning for signals. Yellow arrow - Sell signal , pink arr
The Anchored VWAP (Volume-Weighted Average Price) indicator is a popular technical analysis tool used by traders and investors to analyze the price action over a period of time. This indicator will automatically identify the trend turning points to help traders more easily see when market is continuing the trend, pulling back, or reversing by crossing the VWAP line. Stack on multiple time frame periods to use like other moving average indicators. You can customize price calculatio
The MT5 platform indicator has standard settings and requires no modifications when connected to the chart. Modifying the indicator involves adding two functions: Marking the area when the indicator lines are in the correct sequence (green line above or below red and blue lines, and red above or below blue). This creates a confirmed cross marked by the closing price to avoid false signals during the Alligator lines' entanglement periods. Drawing horizontal rays from market structure break levels
This indicator calculates support and resistance prices in multi-timeframe with different formulation and draw them on the chart that style do you choose. And If you want, Indicator can alert you when the current price arrive these pivot levels. Formulations: Classic, Camarilla, Woodie, Demark, Floor, Fibonacci
Alert Options: Send Mobil Message, Send E-mail, Show Message, Sound Alert
Levels: PP, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, TC, BC and Middle Points Why do you need this indicator:
Market Heartbeat is in your hand! Introduction The Market Heartbeat indicator with a special enhanced algorithm (volume, money flow, cycle of market and a secret value) is a very repetitive trend finder with a high success rate . Interestingly, this Winner indicator indicates that the trend has changed its direction or the end of a trend retracement or even appears at the range market. The Market Heartbeat can use in scalping trading or trend trading. It finds immediately with alarm, n
MACD Scanner provides the multi symbols and multi-timeframes of MACD signals. It is useful for trader to find the trading idea quickly and easily. User-friendly, visually clean, colorful, and readable. Dynamic dashboard display that can be adjusted thru the external input settings. Total Timeframes and Total symbols as well as the desired total rows/panel, so it can maximize the efficiency of using the chart space. The Highlight Stars on the certain matrix boxes line based on the selected Scan M
** All Symbols x All Time frames scan just by pressing scanner button ** *** Contact me to send you instruction and add you in "Harmonic Scanner group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users. Introduction Harmonic Patterns are best used to predict turning point. Harmonic Patterns give you high win rate and high opportunities for trade in during one day. This indicator detects the best and successful patterns based on Harmonic Trading concepts . The Harmonic Patterns Scanner Sc
Swing Breakout Sequence | SBS presents a comprehensive trading strategy designed to help traders identify and capitalize on market swings and breakouts. The Swing Breakout Sequence (SBS) strategy is built around a series of well-defined steps to optimize trading decisions and improve profitability. Version 2.01: Add "golden entry" - entry by fib. Stoic added to it (fibo) he calls this setup gold SBS here is the video the description of the setup starts at 18min24sec Version 2: + Add BOS filter .
该指标显示看涨和看跌背离。指标本身(如常规随机指标)显示在子窗口中。 图形界面 : 在主窗口中,创建图形对象“趋势线” - 从“最低”价格到“最低”价格(对于看涨背离)生成,从“最高”价格到“最高”价格(对于看跌背离)生成)。该指标仅使用图形缓冲区在其窗口中绘制:“主”、“信号”、“点”、“买入”和“卖出”。 “买入”和“卖出”缓冲区显示背离 - 由于这些是真实的指标缓冲区,因此它们都可以从 EA 中读取。 点缓冲区用于更清晰地可视化分歧点。 选项 : “严格信号” - 如果将此参数设置为“true”,则看涨背离仅针对值“main”<=“Value Level #1”(默认为“25”),而看跌背离仅适用于值“main”> =“Value Level #2”(默认值为“75”)。 1.15 “最大柱数”现在限制了绘制的柱数 - 这也提高了启动指标的速度。
ZigZag 指标的多货币和多时间框架修改。 显示市场的当前方向、上次走势的高度、本次走势中的柱数以及锯齿形调整浪(水平线)的前一个点的突破。 这是 MTF 扫描仪。
您可以在参数中指定任何所需的货币和时间范围。 此外,当之字折线改变方向或突破前一点时,面板可以发送通知。 通过单击带有句点的单元格,将打开该符号和句点。
参数 Depth — 如果最后一根蜡烛的偏差小于(或大于)前一根,则 Zigzag 将不会绘制第二个最大值(或最小值)的烛台的最小数量; Deviation — 锯齿形形成局部顶部/底部的两个相邻烛台的最高点/最低点之间的最小点数; Backstep — 局部高点/低点之间的最小烛台数量; Bars to calculate ZZ — 历史中用于查找 ZigZag 点的柱的数量; ZZ-wave info — 表格中显示有关波形的哪些信息 — 仅当前波形或当前波形 + 上一个波形; Highlight the symbol when all periods are in the same direction — 方向时突出显示该符号; Symbol highl
Trend Chart Histogram is an indicator based on an algorithm using two moving averages and several oscillators. Thanks to its color code, it allows you to quickly identify the trend and take advantage of the biggest market impulses. Light colors indicate the trend, dark colors define impulses and gray indicates that you should not enter the market. It will be a very good ally in your decision-making, combined with your other indicators.
MT4 version here.
Input parameters: - Period 1 (fast per
This indicator shows external bars ("Aussenstäbe") in the chart in candle form.
The colors of the candles can be set individually.
Also different colors for bearish and bullish bars are possible.
In addition, the color of the wicks or outlines is also adjustable.
Outside bars are mentioned e.g. by Michael Voigt in the book "Das große Buch der Markttechnik".
All other candles are inner bars.
Bollinger Bands Multi Dashboard MT5 uses the value of Bollinger Bands indicator. This dashboard will monitor all symbols in the market watch. We can set up to receive an alert, notification or an email when the buy/sell signal appear on each timeframe. You can check all symbols via only 1 chart. This dashboard will check almost popular time frame (M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M10,M12,M15,M20,,M30,H1,H2,H3,H4,H6,H8,H12 and D1) in MT5. The colors can be customized. We can have a look at many pairs and many t
This is a trend following system for Binary options traders and forex scalpers. It is carefully crafted and recognizes periods of WATERFALL in the market and gives the trader the advantage and opportunity of riding with the momentum. It works on all timeframes and currency pairs especially high liquidity pairs. Avoid news events 15mins before and after. Always have your money management script or system in place. Tested on Deriv synthetics as well, please check screenshots. The mt4 version can b
Alright. This indicator works on MT5 and is very easy to use. When you receive a signal from it, you wait for that candle with the signal to close and you enter your trade at the beginning of the next new candle. A red arrow means sell and a green arrow means buy. for easy identification of trade signal. Are you okay with that?
The indicator cost $500. We release new updates of the indicator every month and the updates are for free once you bought the indicator first time. This indicator was
Our Spike Detector is specifically engineered to cater to the unique needs of traders in the Boom and Crash indices markets. This tool is optimized for M1 (1-minute) and M5 (5-minute) timeframes, ensuring you receive timely and actionable insights.
Key Features: 1. **Non-Repainting**: Our detector guarantees accuracy with non-repainting signals, ensuring your data remains consistent and reliable. 2. **Push Notifications**: Stay updated with real-time push notifications, so you never miss a cr
It is a very simple indicator to display daily loss percentage, open position loss percentage, monthly loss percentage and monthly profit percentage. MT4 version
We assure you that we welcome any suggestions to improve this indicator and make the necessary changes to improve this indicator.
You can contact us via Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, email or here. We are ready to answer you.
RSI Dashboard uses the value of Relative Strength Index indicator. The parameters can be adjusted via the Edit boxes of this dashboard. The monitoring pairs will be selected by adding to the Market Watch (no need to set prefixes or suffixes) , you can monitor many pairs as you like. This dashboard will check almost popular time frame (M1,M5,M15,M30,H1,H4 and D1). The colors can be customized. We can have a look at many pairs and many time frames without opening the chart. In addition, we can
Aroon crossover Dashboard uses the value of Aroon indicator. The Aroon period can be adjusted via the Edit box of this dashboard. The monitoring pairs will be selected by adding to the Market Watch (no need to set prefixes or suffixes) , you can monitor many pairs as you like. This dashboard will check almost popular time frame (M1,M5,M15,M30,H1,H4 and D1). The colors can be customized. The Aroon indicator has been included in to this Dashboard, you do not need purchasing it. Crossover signal c
Fractal Advanced - displays Fractal and Alligator indicators on the price chart. Has wide options for settings and customization. It is also equipped with alerts and a hotkey system. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages
1. The indicator does not fill the entire chart with fractals, but allows you to display only relevant signals. 2. The number of fractals is adjusted by scrolling the mouse while holding down the Shift key. 3. Instantly show/hide the Alligator
This indicator is designed for M1 timeframe and shows: Sum of points when the price goes up (Green Histogram). Sum of points when the price goes down (Red Histogram). In other words, by the number and ratio of bullish points to bearish ones, you can do a technical analysis of the state of the market.
If the green histogram prevails over the red one, you can conclude that at the moment the buyers are stronger than the sellers, and vice versa, if the red histogram prevails over the green, the s
MultiVWAP A radical reworking of the well-known VWAP, which is in fact a completely new unique tool. It gives you the opportunity to put 5 types of different VWAPs on the chart: Volume - standard VWAP calculated based on volume No volume - no volume in calculations, which allows using the indicator on the charts, for which the broker does not supply volumetric data Volatility - new development, the calculation is based on unsteady volatility Buyer - VWAP calculation is based on current market bu
"Piranha" - an autonomous trading system that determines overbought and oversold levels on the chart. Red and blue zones represent overbought and oversold levels respectively. Entry points are marked with arrows: a downward arrow in the red zone for "sell" and an upward arrow in the blue zone for "buy". The Take profit level is indicated by the green moving average. Key features: Adjusting the Take profit level as the green moving average changes position. Averaging ability when a new market e
Range Detector is an indicator that identifies ranges in the market and displays their presence on the price chart.
You can use this indicator to determine the flet and, accordingly, to determine the direction of opening a position or closing an opposite position.
Maximum History Bars - maximum number of history bars for calculating the indicator. Average True Range Period - ATR indicator period (used to calculate the difference between mov
This is a well-known ZigZag indicator. But it differs by the fact that its plot is based on values of the middle line which is set by a user. It can display Andrews’ Pitchfork and standard or Bobokus Fibo levels. NO REPAINTING.
Parameters Period МА — middle line period. Default value is 34. Minimum value is 4. Maximum value is set at your discretion. Used to calculate price — type of price used for the midline calculations. The averaging method — type of smoothing for the middle line. Turning
The Double Stochastic RSI Indicator is a momentum indicator which is based on the Stochastic Oscillator and the Relative Strength Index (RSI). It is used help traders identify overbought and oversold markets as well as its potential reversal signals. This indicator is an oscillator type of technical indicator which plots a line that oscillates within the range of zero to 100. It also has markers at levels 20 and 80 represented by a dashed line. The area below 20 represents the oversold area, wh
Crash 900 Precision Spike Detector The Crash 900 Precision Spike Detector is your ultimate tool for trading the Crash 900 market with precision and confidence. Equipped with advanced features, this indicator helps you identify potential sell opportunities and reversals, making it an essential tool for traders aiming to capture spikes with minimal effort. Key Features: Non-Repainting Signals: Accurate, non-repainting signals that you can trust for reliable trading decisions. Audible Alerts: Stay
The purpose of the Combo OnOff indicator is combine differerent tecniques and approachs to the market in order to spot signals that occur simultaneosly. A signal is more accurate if it is validate from more indicators as the adaptive expectations can be used to predict prices.The On-Off feature and alarms help to look for the better prices to enter/exit in the markets
Moving Averages are statistics that captures the average change in a data series over time
Bollinger Bands is formed by upp
END OF SEASION 2024 , New Deals, Enjoy Reduced Prices on All Products! ️ Indicator USER MANUAL, trade setups, solving issues, etc : Direct Download Here ( for users only ) Hello World! Introducing.. SMCpro tool and Indicator for MetaTrader 5 , a cutting-edge feature designed to revolutionize your trading experience. With innovative ICT Smart Money Concept, you gain unparalleled insight into market dynamics, empowering you to make informed trading decisions like never befor
The Zero-Lag MA Trend Levels indicator combines a Zero-Lag Moving Average (ZLMA) with a standard Exponential Moving Average (EMA) to provide a dynamic view of the market trend. This indicator automatically plots the EMA and ZLMA lines on the chart. The colors of the lines represent the market trend.
With EMA: ++ green (uptrend) when EMA > zlma ++ red (downtrend) when EMA < zlma With ZLMA: ++ green (uptrend) when the line is trending up ++ red (downtrend) when the line is trending down
This indicator draws regular bullish and bearish divergences in real-time onto the charts. The algorithm to detect those divergences is based on my 10+ years experience of detecting divergences visually. The divergences are drawn as green and red rectangles on the charts. You can even do forward testing in the visual mode of the strategy tester.
Parameters Fast EMA Period: The period of the fast EMA of the MACD. Default value is 12.
Slow EMA Period: The period of the slow EMA of the MACD. Def
The indicator displays a matrix of indicators across multiple timeframes with a sum total and optional alert. Custom indicators can also be added to the matrix, in a highly configurable way. The alert threshold can be set to say what percentage of indicators need to be in agreement for an alert to happen. The alerts can turned on/off via on chart tick boxes and can be set to notify to mobile or sent to email, in addition to pop-up. The product offers a great way to create an alert when multiple
Dark Sprint is an Indicator for intraday trading. This Indicator is based on Trend Following strategy, also adopting the use of the atr to determine the right volatility. We can enter in good price with this Indicator, in order to follow the strong impulse on the current instrument.
Key benefits
Easily visible sprint lines Intuitive directional arrows Automated adjustment for each timeframe and instrument Easy to use even for beginners Never repaints, never backpaints, Not Lag 100% compati
MT4 Version Available Here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/43555
Telegram Channel & Group : https://t.me/bluedigitsfx
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Recommended Broker: https://eb4.app/BDFXOsprey *All In One System Indicator, Breakthrough solution for any Newbie or Expert Trader! The BlueDigitsFx Easy 123 System makes it easy to identify important areas of market structure. It alerts you to changes in market structure which typically occur when a revers
Certainly. Here's the explanation in English: This program is a custom indicator that calculates the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) and shows the crossovers between the MACD and Signal lines. Here are the main functions of the program: MACD Calculation: Calculates the difference between the Fast EMA (Exponential Moving Average) and Slow EMA. This difference forms the MACD line. Signal Line Calculation: Creates the Signal line by taking a simple moving average (SMA) of the MACD valu
PACK 2 do Phi Cubic Fractals com opção para extender os indicadores no FUTURO, para o lado direito do gráfico Este produto contem os indicadores do PACK 2 (ROC full / SAINT 8 / SAINT 17 / SAINT 34 / SAINT 72 ) + MODO FUTURO Phi ROC - indicador do tipo oscilador, semelhante ao MIMAROC, que é capaz de mostrar a direção e a força do mercado, bem como determinar o ponto de entrada ótimo; Phi SAINT - indicador do tipo oscilador, semelhante ao SANTO do Phicube, que é capaz de mostrar a direção e a
Indicator Description: FVG Imbalance Zones The FVG Imbalance Zones indicator is a powerful tool designed to identify potential price imbalances on financial charts. Developed by Pierre-Alexis Blond, this innovative indicator marks regions where significant price shifts may occur, offering traders valuable insights into potential market turning points. Key Features: Imbalance Detection: FVG Imbalance Zones identifies potential price imbalances in the market, pinpointing areas where supply and d
Cycle Identifier Pro: Advanced Swing Highs & Lows Indicator Description: Unlock the full potential of your trading strategy with Cycle Identifier Pro , a cutting-edge indicator meticulously designed to pinpoint swing highs and swing lows with unparalleled precision. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just starting out, Cycle Identifier Pro offers the tools you need to navigate any market condition across all timeframes with confidence. Key Features: Accurate Swing Detection : Swing Highs and Lo
Optimized Trend Tracker OTT is an indicator that provides traders to find an existing trend or in another words to ser which side of the current trend we are on.
We are under the effect of the uptrend in cases where the prices are above OTT ,
under the influence of a downward trend, when prices are below OTT
it is possible to say that we are.
The first parameter in the OTT indicator set by the two parameters is the period/length.
OTT will be much sensitive to trend movements if i
OSW 主日历
>日历每 5 分钟自动更新一次。
>如果消息导致货币走强,则货币名称和国家/地区将设置为蓝色,否则为红色,中性为灰色。 (这是一个概率)
将此指标添加到图表并设置 ZigZag 的 ExtDepth 设置
特征 :
-启用/禁用上、下或中线的警报 - 在几秒钟内发出警报后添加暂停 - 使用图表上的按钮暂停或取消暂停趋势通道 - 通过在输入字段中添加点来添加早期警报,例如 ETH 价格是 2900.25,这里的数字 25 是“点”,所以如果您在输入字段中添加 25 以点为单位,并且如果趋势通道下线的值为 2900.25,那么您将在 2900.50 获得早期警报(从设置中增加 25 点)
- 启用/禁用定向触摸,更多信息请参见屏幕截图,当价格触及底部阻力和顶部支撑时考虑定向触摸,添加此功能是为了避免来自多个警报的噪音 如果您在 1 分钟到 5 分钟图表中交易,Extdepth 的推荐设置为 55
如果您交易 1 小时到 4 小时图表,Extdepth 的推荐设置为 21
您可以根据图表上的需要调整任何其他 Extdepth,找到最佳趋势通道并暂停它并等待买入或卖出警报,
Gāi zhǐbiāo yòng yú jiāoyì fánróng hé bēngkuì, shì chāojí qūshì zhēntàn. Dāng shìchǎng chǔyú shàngshēng qūshì shí, lìyòng qiáng xìnhào bǔzhuō jiānfēng, dāng chǔyú xiàjiàng qūshì shí, shǐyòng chángguī xìnhào bǔzhuō gèng duō jiānfēng. Gāi zhǐbiāo běnzhí shàng shì jùyǒu yīdìng shùxué luójí de jiàgé xíngwéi jīchǔ. Tā jǐn yòng yú bǔzhuō jiān cì. Gāi zhǐbiāo jùyǒu yǐxià shūchū 1. Xìnhào qiáng 2. Chángguī xìnhào 3. Yóujiàn tíxǐng 3. Zhōngduān Alert de Alert Power
它已在 3 分鐘和 5 分鐘圖表上對多個貨幣對(歐元/美元、歐元/日元、美元/日元...等)進行了測試。它也適用於 Pocketoption OTC 市場,例如 EUR/JPY OTC 和 EUR/USD OTC。
對於初學者來說, 如果您使用 martingale,那麼建議的設定是, 初始投資:1.00 美元 馬丁格乘數:2.5 馬丁格步驟:5
對專家交易者來說, 如果您使用 Martingale,那麼您的初始投資將根據您的風險管理策略來決定。但我強烈推薦 2.5 乘數並將步數保持在 5。
這是一個基於燭台價格行為的機械設計指標。 它適用於任何給定的交易工具,每當產生買入或賣出衝動時都會發出警報,但是有一個視頻和解釋文件用於驗證信號,還提供入場和出場技術。 在 youtube benjc trade Advisor 上搜尋並找到該產品的解釋影片。
最新版本具有趨勢和振盪器約束功能,可過濾訊號並使其更加準確。 它還呼籲提高無限使用和租賃產品的價格。
該系統使您在訊號產生後立即進行交易。 優點是執行交易時系統訊號遭受的回撤較少。 當設定無效時,損失非常嚴重。
目的是減少您的眼睛疲勞,因為計算機會為您觀看圖表,並在設定準備就緒時向您發出警報。 它還支援推播通知,以便即使在遠端情況下也可以向您的手機電錶 ID 提供訊號,此時電腦必須在線且指示器運行。
最終該指標可以無限使用。 我建議在狙擊手進入的較小時間範圍內使用該指標,也可以降低風險的大小。
Automatically detect bullish or bearish order blocks to optimize your trade entries with our powerful indicator. Ideal for traders following ICT (The Inner Circle Trader). Works with any asset type, including cryptocurrencies, stocks, and forex. Displays order blocks on multiple timeframes, from M2 to W1. Alerts you when an order block is detected, migrated, or a higher timeframe order block is created/migrated. Perfect for both scalping and swing trading. Enhanced by strong VSA (Volume Spread A
ICT killzones是市场中特定的时间段,在这个时间段内,交易量和波动性往往会增加,为了帮助交易者全面了解市场情况并更好地制定交易策略,我们开发了这个指标。 该指标用不同颜色识别ICT killzones的5个时间段,并跟踪标识出时间段内价格区域,高低支点参考线将会自动延伸,直到支点价格被突破或者交易时间段结束。该指标可以帮助您找到交易突破点以进行顺势交易。 5个killzones都是可以自行定制颜色和时间段的,可以根据您的喜好进行细微调整,或者调整为完全不同的时间区域。指标将会自动跟踪调整。 第一次使用时需要设置时差偏移,在Current Broker UTC Shift填入 MetaTrader 经纪人时间的UTC时差(例如MetaTrader默认使用莫斯科时区为UTC+3,则填入3。如已经更改为北京时间,则填入8) 使用夏令时的地区,在实施夏令时的时候,Current NY to UTC Shift填入-4,在实施冬令时的时候, Current NY to UTC Shift填入-5. 相关话题标签: 交易时段,市场时间,外汇交易时间,交易时间表,市场开盘/收盘时间,交易时
这个 Gann Candles 指标将一系列 W.D. Gann 的策略整合到一个交易指标中。Gann 是一位传奇交易员,生于 1878 年至 1955 年。他最初是一名棉农,1902 年 24 岁时开始交易。他的策略包括几何、天文学、占星术、时间周期和古代数学。尽管 Gann 写了几本书,但没有一本书包含他的所有策略,因此需要多年的学习才能学会。他还是一位虔诚的圣经和古希腊和埃及文化学者,并且是苏格兰礼仪共济会的 33 级会员。
为了简化我认为最好的 Gann 策略,我将它们简化为一个指标,当这些策略同步或不同步时,该指标只会为您现有的价格条着色。这大大减少了潜在的图表混乱。此外,我将输入设置的数量减少到只有两个:
FastFilter 和 SlowFilter FastFilter 和 SlowFilter 都必须设置为 5 或更多,如将指标附加到图表时在“输入”选项卡中所述。
Gann Candles 适用于常规时间图表(M5、M15、M20 等)和自定义图表(Renko、范围条等)。指标不会重新绘制。
由于设置错误的takeprofit损失了多少利润。 有多少蜡烛图案拒绝工作,因为在他们形成的地方没有投标人感兴趣的领域。 在选择正确的全球方向时,错过的利润和无利可图的条目总是三分五裂的耻辱。 当我们试图在没有明确目标的情况下进行交易时,交易会带来很多痛苦和混乱。 通常,在交易手册或分析师预测中,他们会按照他们看到的方式绘制渠道和水平。 这没用! 问题是在这样的绘图中没有明确的规则和系统。 而这些大师的预测并不能得到真正成功交易的支持。 一百个人会画一百个不同的频道。 作为真正的交易者,我们每天都需要一个明确的计划。 基于这样的计划,我们将能够使我们的交易有利可图,并且更加有意识。 在从股市收集数据的同时,我们发现了大量积累的明显模式。 我们的方法是系统化水平的构建,并使它们达到任何金融工具的共同标准。 它的工作原理,它的工作原理惊人! 水平反映了市场参与者下达大限价订单的实际点。 股票价格计算出这样的水平非常准确。 使用"Tru"指标,您可以确定您的决定将在真正重要的交易量积累点做出。 你将获得一个强大的优势比其他投标人. 一个额外的免费添加是能够绘制重要的每周水平和标记烛台模式。
欢迎使用双峰指标 MT5 --(双顶/双底)-- 双顶底指标是一种技术分析工具,旨在识别市场中潜在的反转模式。
这种模式表明市场正在失去动力,可能已准备好趋势逆转。 *购买后联系我,向您发送 说明和步骤指南。 特征:
自动图表注释:指标自动在图表上标记双顶底形态 易于使用:该指标用户友好,可以轻松应用于 MT5 平台中的任何图表。 可定制:指标具有可定制的设置 自定义警报 。 适用于任何乐器。 该指标可与其他技术分析工具结合使用,以确定趋势方向和反转形态的潜在强度。 总的来说,双顶和双底指标是寻求识别市场潜在趋势逆转的交易者的强大工具。
而其多时间框架分析和趋势确认功能为交易者提供了对潜在交易机会的宝贵见解。 如果你有任何问题随时问。
如果您在交易中習慣使用趨勢線,它可能會很有用。 可調參數包括:
蠟燭標識:突破後何時發出信號 以及三種類型的警報: 發送郵件 聽得到的警報 推送通知
為了測試目的,我們建議使用 MetaTrader 4 而不是 MetaTrader 5 的策略測試器,因為它不支持繪製趨勢線。
MT4 版本在: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/111112?source=Site+Market+My+Products+Page
ICT Liquidity Levels 是一个高级指标,为追求精准交易的交易者设计,利用机构水平进行交易。该指标显示重要的每日和会话价格水平,提供符合 ICT Silver Bullet 策略的结构化视图,从而更加清晰和聚焦。 功能: 全面关键水平: 指标标记关键价格水平,包括: 每日高点和低点(当前和前一天) 伦敦会话高低点(当前和前一天) 纽约早盘和下午会话高低点(当前和前一天) 纽约午夜开盘价 ICT Silver Bullet 时间段内显示: 关键水平仅在 Silver Bullet 时间段内显示,减少图表杂乱,让交易者轻松扩展目标水平。 溢价和折价区: 每个会话使用颜色区分溢价和折价区域,参考纽约午夜开盘价。该视觉区分增强高概率区域的决策。 灵活的水平控制: 用户友好的控制面板允许交易者根据个人策略显示或隐藏任何关键水平。 ICT Key Levels 指标提供直观的工具,支持基于 ICT 的策略,适合追求机构关键水平的交易者。
使用 WolfeWaveBuilder 指标加入交易! 这是专门为获得最成功和最有利可图的投资决策而创建的独特工具。 它是真实账户的理想选择,并受益于经过全面测试和几乎有保证的交易策略。 不要错过你的机会! 开始使用 WolfeWaveBuilder 指标赚钱交易!
MT5版本 https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/8920
为 Wolfe Waves 策略提供信号。 显示趋势。 自 1980 年以来一直使用的行之有效的策略! 简单的进入信号。 不重绘也不滞后。 有声音信号,E-Mail 和电话上的通知。
等到箭头出现,终端中出现消息或通知邮件,电话。 你打开一个交易。 建议在价格越过 1-4 线时出场。 为了更好地理解策略,建议阅读理论。
High_period - 用于计算高周期模型的最小柱数 Low_period - 用于计算低周期模型的最小柱数 Trigger_Sens - 计算分
货币强度计,为您提供当前哪些货币强,哪些货币弱的快速视觉指南。 该仪表测量所有外汇交叉货币对的强度,并对它们进行计算以确定每种货币的整体强度。 我们根据 28 对的趋势计算货币的强度。
通过访问我们的 MQL5 博客,您可以下载该指标的免费版本。 购买前试用,不受 Metatrader Tester 限制: 单击此处
1. 文档 所有趋势货币强度文档(说明)和策略详细信息均可在我们 MQL5 博客的这篇文章中找到: 单击此处。
2. 联系方式 如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请通过私信联系我。
3. 作者 SAYADI ACHREF,金融科技软件工程师,Finansya 创始人。
MetaTrader 5 (MT5) 的 ThreeLine Strike 指标 。此高级工具旨在帮助您精准轻松地识别市场中的潜在逆转。
无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的交易者,该指标都可以增强您的交易决策并最大化您的利润。 Contact me after purchase for guidance 主要特征: 准确的反转信号 :根据三线打击模式(技术分析中经过验证的蜡烛图形态)检测潜在的趋势反转。 可自定义的设置 :使用可调节的参数(例如,执行模式、时间范围和视觉偏好)来定制适合您的交易风格的指标。 实时警报 :当三线打击模式形成时立即收到通知,这样您就不会错过重要的市场机会。 用户友好界面 :直观的设计可以轻松解释信号并将其集成到您的交易策略中。 兼容性 :与您现有的 MT5 设置无缝集成,获得顺畅、高效的交易体验。 为何选择三线走势指标? 提高您的交易绩效 :通过可靠、及时的反转信号增强您的决策能力。 节省时间和精力 :自动化您的分析并专注于执行有利可图的交易。 适合所有交易者 :无论您是日内交易者、波段交易者还是长期投资者,该指标都适合您的交易风格。 立即试用三线走势指标,让
RSI 交叉警报 是一个功能强大的通知系统,专为在其交易策略中使用 相对强度指数 (RSI) 的交易者而设计。该指标侧重于识别 RSI 交叉,当快速 RSI 线穿过慢速 RSI 线上方或下方时发生。通过结合这些交叉点,该指标可以有效地过滤掉错误信号,让交易者做出更准确的交易决策。 RSI 交叉警报提供了几个增强其功能和可用性的关键功能。它适用于任何时间框架和交易品种,为交易者提供灵活的交易方式。该指标还拥有用户友好的参数,允许交易者根据自己的喜好和交易策略轻松定制其设置。此外,该指标可以在图表上绘制之前的信号,使交易者能够分析历史交叉模式。 为确保交易者不错过重要的交易机会,RSI Crossover Alert 包含一个快速通知系统。该系统提供及时的弹出消息提醒,让交易者了解潜在的 RSI 交叉和信号机会。通过及时收到这些警报,交易者可以立即采取行动并利用有利的市场条件。 该指标的参数设置包括调整快速RSI周期、慢速RSI周期、RSI应用价格、起始蜡烛指数、历史计算周期、箭头距离、买入箭头字符、卖出箭头字符、买入颜色、卖出颜色和警报重置周期的选项.交易者可以微调这些参数以符合他们个
The Bollinger R (Bollinger Reversals) is designed to recognize short term high profitable counter trend patterns from the chart. This system combines both Bollinger Bands and mean reversion to define positions where the market could potentially reverse direction. This is the MT5 version of Bollinger R Description Bollinger Bands are well known in the trading community. I have added the concepts mean reversion and "distance between Price and a Moving Average" to help confirm and trade the “bounce
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