适用于MetaTrader 4的新技术指标 - 60

The Market Reversal Catcher indicator looks for market reversal points or major pullback. To do this, it analyzes previous price movements and using a flexible algorithm for estimating the probability of a reversal, also gives recommendations on entry points and sets recommended profit targets for positions opened on a signal.
Market Reversal Cather User Guide - Read
Version for MetaTrader 5 - here The indicator is very easy to use and does not require a lot of information to understand how i

此供需区域指标在图表上绘制区域并在价格达到或突破区域时发送警报。也可以使用它来提醒常规双顶/底部而不是区域。可以使用 RSI、ADX、成交量和发散过滤器来过滤出最强的设置。结合您自己的规则和技术,该指标将允许您创建(或增强)自己的强大系统。该指标适用于已经熟悉供应需求以及在决定关闭或打开交易时如何使用它的更有经验的交易者。 特征
支持以下分歧: MACD、OsMA、RSI、CCI、随机指标和真棒。 这些区域有 3 种颜色(可通过输入进行调整)。未测试区域为深色,测试区域为中等,破损区域为浅色。 区域外边界的价格以及区域测试的数量都写在每个区域。 该指标可以将信号写入全局变量,EA 可以使用这些变量进行自动交易。 输入参数
请在 此处 找到输入参数的说明和说明。

MT4 外汇指标“Room_UP_DWN_Day_Week_Month”
- 指标“Room_UP_DWN_Day_Week_Month”是非常有用的辅助交易工具。 - 它向您显示每日、每周和每月最有可能的水平,可以通过价格(价格范围水平)达到。 - 每日范围对日内交易者有用。 - 每周和每月范围适用于波动和长期交易者。 - 指标非常适合规划您的获利目标或安排止损。 .................................................................................................................... // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获取: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。

Features: Find these engulfing patterns: Simple Engulf Stick Sandwich Engulf Three Line Strike Rising Three Morning Star Doji Scanner is useful to make your strategy better. Don't always go by Win/Loss percentage. Because this tool is not based on past results. Basic Settings: For All Patterns You can set: First:Last Candle Ratio This will make sure that the earlier opposite candle is at least this given ratio in height as compared to the engulfing candle. This is not checked for Three Line Stri

Bollinger Bands Breakout Strategy has an Arrows and Scanner Dashboard indicator set. It is for MT4 (Metatrader 4) platform.
When price breaks out of a Bollinger Outer Band in a powerful way, it becomes a great position for scalping. Because the next few bars will most likely keep going in the same direction. Especially if Middle band is also sloping towards that breakout. It's also great for Binary options when using 2-3 next few bars.
Strategy: BUY Bollinger Bands:
- Price breaks out of Bo

The key level order block indicator automatically draws order-blocks for you on the chart. The indicator compliments any strategy and can also be used as an independent tool. It can work with smart money concepts, harmonic patterns, supply and demand, flag patterns, Quasimodo strategy and many more.
The key level order block DOES NOT RE-PAINT, giving you confidence when a signal appears and also helps when looking back. The key level order block includes an on/off button on the c

This indicator allows you to load different prices, price lines, from file. You can easily import the same information between all your windows, without the worry of replicating the same information window to window. In addition, up to 6 different groups are allowed to be able to configure their visualization in a different way and the possibility of activating or not visually each group, at your convenience.
Configuration, indicator variables:
-IndicatorON_OFF: Allows you to enable or disab

The key level breaker block indicator automatically draws breaker blocks for you on the chart. Breaker blocks are, in short, failed order blocks, but create strong support and resistance zones when price comes back to re-test them.
The key level breaker block DOES NOT RE-PAINT, giving you confidence when a signal appears and also helps when looking back. The key level breaker block includes an on/off button on the chart to easily keep the charts clean after analysis by just one

List of buttons to switch between symbols on multiple charts 1. Set x, y coordinates (horizontal, vertical) for list of buttons. 2. Show/hide buttons by clicking button or keypress. 3. The number of columns of the button list. 4. The color of the buttons and the color of the current symbol button. 5. The button list is separated by commas. If the list is empty, the indicator takes the list of symbols in the Market Watch. 6. Set the keypress to show and hide the list of buttons. 7. Multiple Char

The Variations Moving Average indicator has eight types of non-standard moving averages.
Double MA - DMA Triple MA - TMA Hull MA - HMA Jurik MA - JMA Adaptive MA - AMA Fractal Adaptive MA - FAMA Volume Weighted MA - VWMA Variable Index Dynamic MA - VIDMA
Works as a trend indicator. Indicator settings Type MA Shift MA Show Trend Period MA Method MA Applied Price MA Color MA

This indicator has good trend malleability and a good trend resistance support line. Index characteristics The color changes, following the trend of different levels. The support and resistance line means that the price follows or reverses.
Basic display A price tag showing historical support and resistance. Shows the approximate recommended range of historical entry positions, as well as take-profit and stop-loss recommendations, and target forecasts. Display the judgment of the current direct

::: THE MAGIC PRICE LEVEL ::: * this smart indicator detects market direction By identifying super candles and Big Price Actions to generate major support/ resistance levels * It detects the major breakout Candles with Candle body size and shows it in a separate window to give a great indication of market power and direction * Support resistance lines are detected by a unique strategy using bars patterns and bars size * the only major magic Price level will be showed on the chart depending o

指标在指定区域显示水平音量分布 (BOX) 和最大音量 (POC).
产品特点 。 1. 您可以使用刻度或仅使用价格。 2. 自适应网格间距 (M1-MN) 。 3. 自适应大容量(Median)搜索步骤取决于框大小。 4. 框线和按钮的自动变色龙颜色。 5. 多个框,易于创建和删除 。 6. 70% 体积区域(在设置中启用) 。 7. 触碰最大水平音量线有提示 (POC) 。 8. VWAP 。 9. 控制面板 。
使用成交量配置指标探索市场。 我是为自己做的,但现在你也可以使用它。
主要设置 。 Calc Histo Mode – 直方图计算方法 (Market Profile – 按价格计算, Tick Volume Profile – 按刻度计算) 。 Mode Step In Pips – 按点计算中线 。 Vertical Step – 直方图的垂直步长(以点为单位的线之间的距离) 。 Data Source – 自动选择报价时间范围(最多 H1 从 M1 获取报价) 。 Touch First Bar - 打开以使扩展 POC 线在第一次触摸时停止 。 Hide B

- 动态支撑和阻力水平:随着图表上新的重要关键点的出现进行调整。 - 多时间框架支撑和阻力水平:能够在任何其他时间框架上显示任何时间框架的水平。例如,在M5上显示每日水平。 - 使用智能算法,其中包括历史数据,与其他S&R指标不同。 - 在检测水

真正的供需指标 - 将允许您快速确定所有时间范围内的阻力位和支撑位。 该指标对那些在交易中使用技术分析的人很有用。 该指标易于使用,只需在图表上拖放,该指标就会向您显示最可能的支撑位和阻力位。 切换时间范围时,您将看到新选择的时间范围的水平。
推荐机器人黄牛 - 测试 。
输入参数 使用价格标签 - 开启/离开在水平附近显示价格图标 价格水平颜色 - 选择价格图标的颜色 价格 Lebel 大小 - 价格图标大小 支持/抵抗级别颜色 - 选择级别的颜色 订阅我的 page ,我还有很多其他有用的产品。 如果您喜欢这个指标 ,请留下评论,它将进一步激励我免费分享有用的产品。 感谢您选择本产品。 我将努力继续以有用和高质量的产品取悦您。 如果您有任何问题,请随时与我们联系!

Boom and Crash Spike Detector 指标是根据主要用于检测价格中的 Boom 和 Crash 的高级策略进行编码的。 植入了复杂的算法来检测价格中高概率的繁荣和崩溃。 它会在潜在的繁荣或崩溃阶段发出警报: 繁荣阶段:当价格上涨过快时。 崩溃阶段:当价格下跌过快时。
限时优惠:该指标仅适用于 30美元和终身。
向手机发送推送通知 在计算机或笔记本电脑上弹出并发出警报 显示非重绘箭头(向上箭头表示潜在繁荣,向下箭头表示潜在崩溃) 与所有对一起工作。
时间范围:H1 和 H4 推荐货币对:处于趋势阶段的货币对。
SAYADI ACHREF,金融科技软件工程师和 Finansya 创始人。

该指标实时提供买入和卖出信号。 当根据主要趋势选择方向时,大约75-80%的信号被处理为利润。 绝对所有的信号都保留在图表上,并且不会改变它们的位置,因此您可以在历史记录和策略测试中轻松测试指标的操作。 指标设置简单且合乎逻辑:速度参数负责信号的数量和频率,最佳值从10到40取决于工作时间,历史参数负责历史中显示信号的条数。 该参数的值过高会导致终端的负载增加。 其他参数与警报和通知有关。 该指标是通用的,它适用于任何时间框架,并与任何趋势策略完美结合,在运动开始和建立趋势位置时提供非常高质量的切入点。 输入本身既可以在信号条击穿处,也可以直接在信号出现时(不太可靠)。 我建议在信号出现在图表上之前的最后一个显着极值之后放置止损。 使用这个和我的其他指标的每日外汇市场评论可以在我的博客上查看链接: https://www.mql5.com/ru/users/mike0320/blog

Scalping channel - 價格走勢方向指標。通道看起來在哪裡,價格就會在那裡移動。當通道向下看且價格處於通道頂部時,我們打開賣出交易。當通道向上且價格處於通道底部時,我們開啟買入交易。這是在 M1、M5、M15、M30 時間範圍內進行日內交易的簡單剝頭皮策略。
如果您手動交易此交易策略,您每天將收到 7 到 35 個信號。也就是說,您每天可以開立 7 到 35 筆交易。該指標適用於 GBPUSD、EURUSD、AUDUSD、XAUUSD、USDJPY、CADUSD、EURJPY、EURCAD 貨幣對。此外,該指標很好地顯示了 BTC 加密貨幣和其他貨幣的信號。
指標設置: period_line - 此參數指示通道的寬度併計算通道對最小價格變化的敏感度。

Scalping Snake Pro 是一種獨特的剝頭皮指標,可向交易者顯示價格反轉時刻且不會重繪。與 Internet 上的許多其他指標不同,該指標不會重新繪製其值。它在第一個柱上繪製信號,這樣您就不會遲到開倉交易。當信號出現時,該指標通過電話和電子郵件向交易者發送通知。您只需 147 美元即可獲得所有這些功能。
如何使用該指標進行交易? 打開 H1 時間框架。貨幣對 GBPUSD 或 EURUSD。我們正在等待指標將繪製藍線的第一個柱。我們開立交易買入並設置 TakeProfit +20 點。止損將是相反方向的信號,即紅線。要打開賣出交易,請等待指標繪製紅線的第一個柱。之後,我們開立交易出售。止盈 20 點。止損將是相反方向的信號,即藍線。 該指標是否正在重繪? 不,該指標不會重繪。 這個指標是遲到的信號嗎? 不,這個指標沒有滯後。它在第一個柱上顯示信號。 這個指標可以用在你的機器人上嗎? 是的你可以。該指示器使用內存緩衝區,可以將其集成到任何機器人中。 客戶通過購買該指標得到什麼? 您獲得此指標 + 您在鏈接 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/

Scalping Points Pro 是一種在圖表上顯示可能的價格反轉點且不會重新繪製其信號的指標。此外,指標通過電子郵件和推送向交易者發送信號。該指標信號的準確度在 M5 時間框架上約為 92-94%,在 H1 時間框架上超過 95%。因此,該指標允許交易者準確地打開交易並預測進一步的價格走勢。
該指標不會重新繪製其信號。 該指標適用於從 M1 到 D1 的時間範圍。 每個購買指標並撰寫評論的人都將收到我們贈送的用於自動交易的機器人。
指標設置: Period_Ma_Short - 短移動週期。 Period_Ma_Long - 長移動週期。 signal - 向電子郵件和推送發送通知。

Contact me after payment to send you the User-Manual PDF File. Volume Profile Indicator A functional and useful tool that can improve your trading plan.
This indicator calculates volume in price levels(typical volume indicator shows only candle volumes).
With the volume of price levels, you can identify important areas that have the potential to reverse. You can also see the volume of support and resistance levels and decide on them.
Using volume profiles along with Price Action and

MT5 Version Elliot Wave Oscillator MT4 Elliot Wave Oscillator MT4 is an indicator designed to support Elliot Wave counts. The default settings help filtering out the noise in the market allowing a clear perception for the waves counts in differnt timeframes. Elliot Wave Oscillator high customization level allows the you to optimize this indicator to your personal preferences. Shorter Periods and faster reactive MAs will provide more infomation but will require a higher level of experience for

Introduction to Support Resistance Risk Management Support Resistance is the most trusted technical analysis. However, the risk management for the support and resistance is not practiced often. Hence we provide one effective risk managment method for the support and resistance trader. In the book: Scientific Guide To Price Action and Pattern Trading (Wisdom of Trend, Cycle, and Fractal Wave), how to use Support Resistance is described as well as Fibonacci Analysis, Harmonic Pattern, Elliott Wave

MT5 Version Multi Timeframe MA MT4 Multi Timeframe MA MT4 is an indicator that offers the representation of up to 3 MAs with different Periods and Timeframes. This allows the user to reprensent in one chart and timeframe information coming from other timeframes and get notified as any of the MAs crosses another one. Multi Timeframe MA is the first indicator in the market that offers Multi Timeframe interactions and a high customization level from up to 7 different MA types (SMA, EMA, WMA,

This strategy is best used for Trend based trading. While market is trending, price still makes smaller ranges. Darvas boxes show breakouts from these small ranges, while still following the original market trend. Detailed Description: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747919
Darvas - Check Darvas Box Breakout
- Check Price Above/Below MA or Darvas Box has crossed MA
- Min, Max Box Height
- Max Distance Between Entry Price and Darvas Box
Other Indicators:
- NRTR Trend Check

Description: For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post here . The "Candlestick Pattern Finder with Alerts and Hide Button" is a sophisticated technical analysis tool designed to elevate your trading experience by identifying key candlestick patterns in the market. This powerful indicator offers valuable insights into price action, enabling you to make well-informed trading decisions. Unlock Candlestick Insi

Description: For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post here . The "MACD Crossover with Alert and Button" is a valuable technical analysis tool designed to help traders spot potential trend changes and trading opportunities in the market. This indicator provides essential insights into the market's momentum, enabling you to make well-informed trading decisions. Master the MACD Indicator: The Moving Average Co

Definition : A Market Profile is an intra-day charting technique (price vertical, time/activity horizontal). Market Profile is best understood as a way to see order in the markets. Market Profile was a way for traders to get a better understanding of what was going on, without having to be on the trading floor. The current indicator is developed based on Easy-to-Use architecture including a wide range of visual settings.
Major Features of Indicator : Various Views of Market Profile The indicat

Order Block 探测器可以自动识别行情趋势市场框架的突破,并将其标识出来,让交易客户很容易就识别出趋势框架的突破。在趋势框架突破后,可将order block区域自动绘制出来。为了更加准确的画出Ob区域,我们还根据其交易原理,自动寻找原始K线左右两侧的K线,通过更加细微的量化规则判断,画出更准确的OB区域。 指标特点: 1.自定义设置市场框架突破标识颜色,自定义支撑OB区域和阻力OB区域颜色。 2.不同周期行情,采用独立优化算法,寻找OB区域更加准确。
3.被突破的OB无效OB区域,自动剔除。 4.当市场价格进入到OB区域,可自动弹出提醒,提示用户关注可交易的机会。
产品官网: www.daily888.com/OB

The indicator signals the appearance of a possible divergent bar based on the shape of the bar without angulation detection. A bullish divergent bar is a bar that closes in its upper half (the higher the better), has a lower minimum than the previous bar, and drops sharply away from the Alligator indicator. A bearish divergent bar is a bar that closes in its lower half (the lower the better), has a higher high than the previous bar, and moves up sharply from the Alligator.
SETTINGS History - hi

The indicator signals the appearance of a possible divergent bar based on the shape of the bar and its standard deviation from the Alligator indicator. A bullish divergent bar is a bar that closes in its upper half (the higher the better), has a lower minimum than the previous bar, and drops sharply away from the Alligator. A bearish divergent bar is a bar that closes in its lower half (the lower the better), has a higher high than the previous bar, and moves up sharply from the Alligator. Stand

This indicator draws on the chart high and low prices of different periods . And If you want, Indicator can alert you when the current price arrive these levels. Alert Options: Send Mobil Message, Send E-mail, Show Message, Sound Alert Time Periods: M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1, MN Inputs: TimeShift: You can set start hour for calculating. And that way you can see levels independently from broker server's time-zone. PipDeviation: You can set price sensibility for alert (Default: 3) Lines

PAX BDB Trade Chaos system of Bill Williams (Bearish/Bullish divergent bar)
One of the signals of the "Trade Chaos" system of Bill Williams. (First wiseman) When bar moving away from the "Alligator" indicator and there is divergence on the Awesome Oscillator indicator, it shows a potential point of movement change. It is based on the opening/closing of the bar, the position relative to the previous ones, the Alligator and AO. When trading, the entrance is at the breakthrough of the bar(short

separate indicator window for Currencies Strength smooth lines for up to 20 symbols based on (5) time frames &&& MAIN Window Power TABLE for up to 20 Symbols for (5) timeframes and the Total calculated Symbols strength for each
1- Currencies Strength - It draws smooth lines for up to 20 currencies pairs representing Volatility strength and power calculated by 5 selected time frames not only ***Works on any Time frame but i recommend from M15 M30 H1 .... (lowest frames need higher index of

Binary Strong Indication Indicator is Designed Based on 14 Different Strategies Based. You can Use Binary Strong Indication Indicator for Binary Option Trading or if you want you can Try it for Forex. Time-Frame : M1 Depend on your choice on which time frame you want to get Indication. Trade Time Duration: 60 Seconds or 5 Minutes Mostly we Used it for 60 seconds in iq option but you can use it for any binary broker. Input Parameters : HLB = 30 it means Highest & Lowest Point of 30 Bars. This Val

** All Symbols x All Timeframes scan just by pressing scanner button ** After 17 years of experience in the markets and programming, Winner indicator is ready. I would like to share with you! *** Contact me to send you instruction and add you in "123 scanner group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users. Introduction The 123 Pattern Scanner indicator with a special enhanced algorithm is a very repetitive common pattern finder with a high success rate . Interestingly, this Winner in

[ MT5 Version ] How to trade using Order Blocks: Click here Discover the future of trading with Order Block Indicator , meticulously crafted for traders who demand unparalleled accuracy and customization. Whether you're scalping or swing trading, this tool is your gateway to mastering Order Blocks and Supply and Demand Zones—critical areas where price reversals often occur. Why Choose Order Block Indicator? Transform Your Trading Strategy: Precision Analysis: Pinpoint potential accumulation

KT Bollinger Shots works using a striking blend of the slingshot pattern and the mean-reversion phenomenon applied to financial markets.
In addition, a mathematical algorithm is used with variable deviation to fine-tune the indicator's signals on a different level.
Winning Trade: After a signal, if price touches the middle band in profit, it is considered a winner. Losing Trade: After a signal, if price touches the opposite band or touches the middle band in loss, it is considered a loser.

Advanced Indicator Scanner is a multi-symbol multi-timeframe scanner that works with hundreds of custom indicators available across the web including mql5 website market and codebase indicators.
Advanced Indicator Scanner features:
Scans your indicator in 28 customizable instruments and 9 timeframes. Monitors up to 2 lines(buffers) of an indicator. Showing of indicator value on buttons. You can choose between 3 alert modes: Single symbol and timeframe Multiple timeframes of a symbol Multiple

Color Levels - удобный инструмент для тех, кто использует технический анализ с использованием таких инструментов, как Трендовая линия и Прямоугольник. Имеется возможность настройки двух пустых прямоугольников, трех закрашенных и двух трендовых линий. Настройки индикатора крайне просты и делятся на пронумерованные блоки: С цифрами 1 и 2 вначале - настройки пустых прямоугольников (рамок); С цифрами 3, 4 и 5 - настройки закрашенных прямоугольников; С цифрами 6 и 7 - настройки трендовых линий. Объе

Description: For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post here . The "Show TP and SL Values" Indicator is a valuable technical analysis tool designed to enhance your trading experience by displaying the (TP) and (SL) levels directly on your chart. This simple yet effective tool provides traders with crucial information, allowing for better decision-making and risk management. Key Features: TP and SL Display:

Description: For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post here . The Moving Average 5EMA Indicator is a valuable tool designed to provide comprehensive insights into market trends and potential entry and exit points. It incorporates five exponential moving average (EMA) lines, each representing the average price over different periods. This powerful combination offers a deeper understanding of price movements a

Get FREE Advanced Online Course and Learn About Our Advanced Trading System, Link in the Bio! Click Here.
Our Mission and Vision: Why Am I Even Here?Here is The Deal Brother, We Offer: Premium Quality Indicators: The Highest Quality Possible Algorithms. Unlimited Activations: Can be used on Unlimited number of Computers, MT4s and MT5s for lifetime. Inexpensive Prices: 30$ is the lowest price possible, Knowing that more than 50% of our Indicators are 100% FREE.
But Why Am I telling You this?

MT5インジケータ こちらに サイト とがあります。 このインジケータは3つのパターンでサインを表示(切り替え可能)します。 ① 移動平均線のクロス ② ボリンジャーバンドと短期移動平均線とのクロス ③ ボリンジャーバンドと短期移動平均線とのクロスと、中期移動平均線と長期移動平均線の角度 移動平均線のクロス 指定した短期移動平均線と長期移動平均線のゴールデンクロスでは買いサイン、デットクロスでは売りサインを表示します。 ディフォルトでは短期は5,長期は20となっています。 もちろん変更可能になります。 移動平均線の種類をEMA(指数平滑移動平均線)やSMMA(平滑化移動平均)などに変更可能で適する価格も変更可能になります。 ボリンジャーバンドと短期移動平均線のクロス ボリンジャーバンド(以降BB)と短期移動平均線のクロスでサインを表示します。 ディフォルトではBB+1σと5MAのゴールデンクロスで買いサイン、BB-1σと5MAのデットクロスで売りサインでサインを表示します。 BBの期間や、B

This indicator simplifies your entry zones by displaying the areas where you can plan your entry that potentially could give you high risk/reward ratios. Other than picking the most optimal entry points, the Hot Zone indicator can act as your typical support/resistance indicator for pullbacks for all timeframes. You can use this indicator as the only trading indicator or use it with another indicator for reentry purposes. Besides, when using Hot Zones, the risk/reward ratio should be well abov

Coral Rate of Change Dashboard displays "rate of change" calculations across multiple symbols and timeframes simultaneously. See at a glance which pairs are moving, and how quickly. Receive alerts when any symbol + timeframe is experiencing very strong movement. You can display data for currency pairs, or for individual currencies (takes the average for each currency across all available pairs). See the CoralDash product description for the core functionality of the dashboard (symbol exposu

Description: For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post here . The "High Spread Alert" Indicator is a valuable tool for traders, providing real-time information about spread fluctuations in the forex market. As a technical analysis tool, it helps traders make informed decisions by alerting them to periods of high spread, which can impact trading conditions and execution. Key Features: Spread Monitoring: The i

Индикатор "Trend zone" Помощник трейдеру, показывает на графике текущую тенденцию. Он надеюсь станет незаменимым индикатором в ваше трейдинге. Индикатор не перерисовывается и не меняет свои значения про переключение временных периодов The "Trend zone" indicator is a trader's assistant, shows the current trend on the chart. I hope it will become an indispensable indicator in your trading. The indicator does not redraw and does not change its values about switching time periods

Индикатор "BO indicator at zero bar" для торговли бинарных опционов. Индикатор выдаёт свои сигналы на нулевом баре не перерисовывает и не меняет свои показатели при переключении временных периодов. Рекомендую использовать индикатор совместно с другим индикатором как фильтр "BO indicator at zero bar" indicator for binary options trading. The indicator gives its signals on the zero bar, does not redraw and does not change its indicators when switching time periods. I recommend using the indicato

Индикатор "Reversal zone" показывает силовые уровни и возможные точки разворота на текущем графике. Индикатор "Reversal zone" поможет трейдеру разобраться с текущей ситуацией The "Reverse zone" indicator shows power levels and possible reversal points on the current chart. The "Reverse zone" indicator will help the trader to deal with the current situation

Индикатор "Zigzag levels" основан на индикаторе зигзаг. Индикатор показывает зоны уровней поддержки и сопротивления относительно индикатору зигзаг. Индикатор "Zigzag levels" сделает хорошую службу в вашем трейдинге. Всем больших профитов!!! The Zigzag levels indicator is based on the zigzag indicator. The indicator shows the zones of support and resistance levels relative to the zigzag indicator. The Zigzag levels indicator will do a good service in your trading. Big profits for everyone!!!

加入 考拉交易解决方案频道 在MQL5社群中,获取有关所有考拉产品的最新信号和新闻,加入链接如下: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/koalatradingsolution 描述 :
我们很高兴推出基于外汇市场 (PSAR) 中专业和流行指标之一的新免费指标 该指标是对原始抛物线 SAR 指标的新修改,在专业 SAR 指标中,您可以看到点和价格图表之间的交叉,这交叉不是信号,而是谈论运动结束的可能性,您可以从新的蓝点开始买入,并在第一个蓝点之前设置止损,最后您可以在点交叉价格图表时退出。
如何打开买入或卖出信号? 通过第一个蓝点打开买入交易并通过第一个红点打开卖出交易
正确的止损在哪里? 安全止损可以在第一个点上,(在第一个蓝点的买入情况下和在第一个红点的卖出情况下)
正确的止盈在哪里? 止盈可以根据止损距离和RR进行调整,所以我的建议是2 RR,是止损的2倍
如果我们盈利但仍未达到 tp,那么退出点在哪里? 第一个退出警报可以在点和价格图表之间交叉。
该指标何时释放警报? 一旦新的点出现在新的方向,指标就会释放警报

** All Symbols x All Timeframes scan just by pressing scanner button ** *** Contact me to send you instruction and add you in "RSI scanner group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users.
Introduction RSI divergence is a main technique used to determine trend reversing when it’s time to sell or buy because prices are likely to drop or pick in the charts. The RSI Divergence indicator can help you locate the top and bottom of the market. This indicator finds Regular divergence for pul

A machine translation from the English product description was used. We apologize for possible imprecisions. 使用了英文产品描述的机器翻译。 我们对可能的不准确表示歉意。 最喜 欢的烛台价格行为模式的可视化系统。 附加后,指 标将自动在图表上标记下一个模式: 匹诺曹酒吧 - 带有长“鼻子”的小型条形杆,非常著名的反向模式; 内柱 - 一个柱,其范 围位于前一个柱的范围内。 它代表市 场的不确定性; 外柱 - 其范 围超出前一个柱的范围的柱。 它代表市 场的不确定性; 导轨图案 - 两个随之而来的对立柱,具有几乎相等的、较大的实体。 反向模式,实际上与更高时间框架的匹诺曹柱线模式相吻合; 主蜡 烛形态 - 蜡 烛的第五根,其中四个后续蜡烛的范围在第五根蜡烛的范围内 - 主蜡 烛。 这种模式代表市场整合,尤其是在较短的时间范围内。 差距 - 后 续柱的收盘价和开盘价 之 间的差距,不应忽视。 该指标的开发考虑了高性能要求。

MT5 Version Wave Trend MT4 Wave Trend is an oscillator, which helps identifing in a extremely accurate manner market reversals. The Oscillator being obove the overbought level and a cross down of the fast into the slow MA usually indicates a good SELL signal. If the oscillators is below the oversold level and the fast MA crosses over the slower MA usually highlights a good BUY signal. The Wave Trend indicator can be also used when divergences appear against the price, indicating the current mo

BeST Swing Strategy is a Metatrader indicator based on the corresponding Jim Berg's work about volatility as described in his article "The Truth About Volatility" (TASC 2/2005).The indicator consists of 2 channel lines deriving as (MA +/- times the ATR) and can be used as a standalone trading system.The outlier prices of the Market as of the indicator's values can be used for producing Entry and Exit Signals.
Advantages of the indicator == Uses 2 Swing Strategies (Normal and Reverse)
== Never

Contact me after payment to send you the User-Manual PDF File. ADVANCE PRICE ACTION TRADING CONCEPT. To test the indicator, you can download the demo version on my product list. it’s free (only shows patterns that have occurred in the past of the market). Quasimodo is a reversal trading pattern that appears at the end of an uptrend. As a price formation, the Quasimodo pattern is depicted by three peaks and two valleys, where: First, the middle peak is the highest, while the outside two peaks

The only volatility calculator for ANY custom time period. Place up to 5 vertical lines on chart at your chosen times to find the average volatility / expected price movement for any custom time period starting at each line time (e.g. from the time you opened your trade or from the start of a session etc). Use the average volatility to set achievable take profit targets for your trades. Also use the visual on-chart HISTORICAL lines to easily analyse price action at specific times of day + get

The Qv² Halifax - Indicator developed through a complex series of calculations, which aims to easily identify buylng and selling signals.
Buy signal are indicated by up arrows.
Sell signal are indicated by down arrows.
An important detail: In order to make the indicator work, the timeframes M1, M5. M15. M30, H1 D1 must be all updated.
It can be used on all pairs (I use it on Gold).
it is a very good deal in the trending market
To learn more about my work click here

RSI Trend Line is a simple indicator that draws trend lines.
Level Step - the step between the highs and lows.
Period_RSI - standard parameter of the RSI indicator.
Upper Line Color - sets the color of the trend lines for UP.
LowerLine Color - sets the color of the trend lines for Down.
Alerts - the parameter is responsible for On/Off notifications when trend lines intersect with RSI. By default, it is On.

The indicator is activated at the beginning of each week and detects both bullish and bearish ORDERBLOCK potentials. These levels are of high operational probability, being able to use a minimum ratio of 3 to 1 to maximize profits. It is recommended to use pending orders at the OB levels of the chart and place the SL up to a maximum of 20 pips from the entry price.
Submit the indicator to Backtesting to become familiar with its performance and complement it with other trend or oscillation type

The indicator is triggered at the start of each trading day and detects both bullish and bearish ORDERBLOCK potentials. These levels are of high operational probability, being able to use a minimum ratio of 3 to 1 to maximize profits. It is recommended to use TimeFrame M5 to M30 for a proper display and consider pending orders at the OB levels of the chart and place the SL up to a maximum of 20 pips from the entry price.
Submit the indicator to Backtesting to become familiar with its performan

Coral Heatmap is a currency strength meter based on the ATR values for the selected timeframe. There are two main view modes: All Currencies (default) - see the ranked strength of all currencies in a single view Selected Currency - see the relative strength of all other currencies compared to a selected currency You can optionally display the timeframe selection toolbar; timeframe is always synchronized to the current chart timeframe. Use keyboard shortcuts to quickly navigate currencies (up/d

Coral Multi TF Meter allows you to quickly see how price is moving on a single currency pair across multiple timeframes at once. You can select which timeframes to display; the size, position, colors of cells; whether to display values or not; and how often the meter is updated. The calculation is based on ATR distance for each displayed timeframe. Hover over the header cell for the row (with the currency name in it) to see the current ATR value (in pips) for that period. When "Display Values

CoralPage is a simple little utility to add navigation controls to your chart. You can now easily step through the symbols in the Market Watch without having to click-and-drag a symbol from the Market Watch onto your chart. It's a simple but indispensable time-saver! Click move to the first, previous, next or last symbol in the Market Watch. Shift-click to go the the previous or next symbol that has an open order. CoralPage is completely free. If you like this, please check out my other prod

CoralDash is a simple symbol shortcut dashboard. The Symbol List has many presets to choose from: Market Watch Open Orders Current Chart Majors A custom list Clicking the symbol has two available actions Set the current chart symbol Filter the list of symbols shown in the dashboard based on one currency (e.g., see all EUR pairs) Click the "PAIR" cell in the header to toggle between the two available actions Click the symbol cell to apply the action For the filter, click the left side to selec

Highly configurable Rate of Change (ROC) indicator. Features: Highly customizable alert functions (at levels, crosses, direction changes via email, push, sound, popup) Multi timeframe ability Color customization (at levels, crosses, direction changes) Linear interpolation and histogram mode options Works on strategy tester in multi timeframe mode (at weekend without ticks also) Adjustable Levels Parameters:
ROC Timeframe: You can set the current or a higher timeframes for ROC. ROC Bar Shift:

Этот индикатор имеет универсальный алгоритм торговли, который основан на импульсе цены . Все максимально упрощено - только сигналы на Buy и Sell . Есть оповещения, чтобы не пропустить открытие позиции.
Не требует оптимизации и дополнительных настроек!
Для любых типов инструментов: валюты, нефть, металлы, криптовалюты. Для любых таймфреймов: от M1 до D1 . Для любых стилей торговли: скальпинг, интрадэй, свинг, долгосрок . Если Вам необходима дополнительная информация или есть вопросы по

Индикатор " Nostradamus ind" мощный инструмент для торговли на рынке форекс. " Nostradamus ind" не перерисовывается и не меняет свои значения при переключении временных периодов. The "Nostradamus ind" indicator is a powerful tool for trading on the forex market. "Nostradamus ind" does not redraw and does not change its values when switching time periods.

Индикатор "Trend direction ind" является трендовым индикатором. Индикатор "Trend direction ind"не запаздывает, выдает сигналы на нулевом баре и не перерисовывает при переключении таимфреймов. С индикатором "Trend direction ind" вы будете с легкостью определять текущую тенденцию. The "Trend direction ind" indicator is a trend indicator. The "Trend direction ind" indicator does not lag, gives signals at the zero bar and does not redraw when switching time frames. With the "Trend direction ind
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