• 指标类型
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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

适用于MetaTrader 4的新技术指标 - 27

icon 下面列出的技术指标信号对MetaTrader 4平台的开仓交易和平仓交易起着至关重要的作用。 指标的本质就是一种交易品种的数学转换,旨在预测价格变化。
注意️测试模式使用时: 1.为获得最接近实际使用的体验,测试模式需要使用即时价格测试,并把测试速度调到合适水平(价格跳动频繁但是K线步进缓慢)。 2.测试指标前 单击 “指标属性” -> 单击“重设” 以恢复指标默认参数。 截图内容只是冰山一角 ____由于MT4的画线功能比较基础,迈达克官方也无意改进升级,但是后起之秀TradingView的出现极大拓展了画线分析部分的功能(当然TV的优势远不止于此),甚至国内的很多看盘软件的画线功能也比MT4原生的画线功能要强大。当然市面上传播的画线工具肯定也是有很多的包括五年前我写的一些相对简单的工具。但是现存的所有加起来也无法和便捷画线工具第三版相提并论,这是MT史上最强的画线工具没有之一,这是使用画线工具的朋友给出的评价。本工具初版5-6千行代码,经过一年的升级优化写到第三版已经超过2万行代码(当然空行大括号和注释的占比也不会很低估计在10-20%左右我的代码很规范 每一个变量都不会瞎命名也不会对只用得到一两次的功能单独写一个函数当然也不会在需要反复调用的时候一遍遍复制雷同代码),最终功能呈现就是本文档所见这样几十个功能改进当然有些细节
Multi Divergence Indicator for MT4 - User Guide Introduction Overview of the Multi Divergence Indicator and its capabilities in identifying divergences across multiple indicators. Importance of divergence detection in enhancing trading strategies and decision-making. List of Indicators RSI CCI MACD STOCHASTIC AWSOME MFI ACCELERATOR OSMA MOMENTUM WPR( Williams %R) RVI Indicator Features Indicator Selection:  How to enable/disable specific indicators (RSI, CCI, MACD, etc.) for divergence detectio
Check my paid tools they work great and I share Ea's based on them for free please r ate The Dual Timeframe RSI (Relative Strength Index) indicator is a novel trading tool that allows traders to monitor RSI readings from two different timeframes on a single chart. This dual perspective enables traders to identify potential trend confirmations and divergences more effectively. For instance, a trader might use a 1-hour RSI alongside a daily RSI to ensure that short-term trades align with the broa
Trends and News
Aleksander Gladkov
5 (1)
With the Trend and News indicator you will always be up to date : News + Trends + Forecast News Displayed on the chart as vertical lines with a description in the form of a tooltip The text displays two news: the previous published and the next expected They have filters: by importance (High, Medium, Low) and time period (Day, 4 days, Week) Full table of news for a given period (T button) Controlling the display of vertical lines on the chart and the sound signal before and after the publicati
FCK Support Resistance BreakOut
Patel Hitendrakumar Mahendrabhai
Hi All, " FCK Support Resistance BreakOut " indicator is very simple indicator for new users. You can choose which indicators and timeframes you want to calculate.  " FCK Support Resistance BreakOut" that gives NON-REPAINT Buy/Sell signals  "FCK Support Resistance BreakOut"   provides the trend for buy/sell trades. Opposite side you the stop loss or hedging trade. * - Draws Dynamic S/R Boxes based on consolidation areas;  * - consolidation areas are defined by a minimum period of time during whi
ZeusArrow Smart Liquidity Finder  Smart Liquidity Finder is Ai controlled indicator based on the Idea of Your SL is My Entry. It scan and draws the major Liquidity areas on chart partitioning them with Premium and Discount Zone and allows you find the best possible trading setups and help you decide the perfect entry price to avoid getting your Stop Loss hunted . Now no more confusion about when to enter and where to enter. Benefit from this one of it's kind trading tool powered by Ai an trade
Super Trend Analyzer
Muhammed Emin Ugur
A powerful trend analysis tool for traders of all levels Super Trend Analyzer is a technical analysis tool that uses the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Moving Average (MA) indicators to identify trends in the market. It is a versatile tool that can be used by traders of all levels of experience. How does it work An uptrend begins when the main trend line and the auxiliary trend line cross from below and the lower minor oscillator is on the rise. A downtrend begins when the main trend line an
What are Heiken Ashi Candles? Heiken Ashi, derived from the Japanese term 'Heikin Ashi,' translates to average price bars. It's an indicator depicting price bars on a chart. Formula for Heiken Ashi candles: - Heiken Ashi opening price: (previous candle's opening + closing price) / 2 - Closing price Heiken Ashi: (opening + high + low + closing) / 4 - Heiken Ashi peak: Max of high, opening, or closing price - Heiken Ashi bottom price: Min of low, opening, or closing price How to Read Heiken A
The MT4 Channel Standard Deviation Indicator automatically plots support and resistance channels on the price chart using price standard deviation. It indicates BULLISH and BEARISH market conditions and is suitable for both new and advanced forex traders. This indicator offers support, resistance, entry, and exit levels, along with stop-loss and take-profit points. It accurately identifies BULLISH and BEARISH market trends, making it effective for both intraday and long-term trading across var
SDL Trend Signals is a custom MQL4 indicator named "Slope Direction Line" for MetaTrader 4. It employs weighted and simple moving averages to create customizable trend lines on charts. Using two trend line buffers (Uptrend and Downtrend) and one for indicator values (ExtMapBuffer), the indicator calculates trend lines. Bullish slopes appear in BLUE, signaling an upward trend, while Bearish slopes are in RED, indicating a downward trend. In a Bullish trend, traders can enter a BUY position wit
Prop Firm Gold Indicator
Mohit Dhariwal
5 (2)
This is a unique  Gold Indicator On channel trading pullbacks and gives accurate entries on gold and major Fx Pairs on M15tf. It has the ability to pass any prop firm Challenge and get accurate entries on gold and major fx pairs. EA FOR PROP FIRM AND CHANNEL INDICATOR IS FREE ALONG WITH THIS POWERFUL INDICATOR ALONG WITH THE BEST SET FILE FOR FIRST 25 USERS. Strategy tester report is in comment section. INDICATOR FEATURES: INDICATOR IS BEST ON M15 GIVES ACCURATE ENTRIES  EA AND CHANNEL INDICATO
Equilibrium MA
Jean Francois Le Bas
This indicator cuts right through the price, in a straight line 100% non repaint, you get a new value at the opening of each new bar It is perfect for mean reversal strategies : open far from the line and close when the price touches the line It works really well for mean reverting pairs specially (CHF, NZD). It has absolutely no lag when there is a sudden move up or down and follows trend exactly ! This indicator should be a must have tool in the toolbox of every trader
An Implied Fair Value Gap (IFVG) is a three candles imbalance formation conceptualized by ICT that is based on detecting a larger candle body & then measuring the average between the two adjacent candle shadows. This indicator automatically detects this imbalance formation on your charts and can be extended by a user set number of bars. The IFVG average can also be extended until a new respective IFVG is detected, serving as a support/resistance line. Alerts for the detection of bullish/be
Consolidation is when price is moving inside a clear trading range. When prices are consolidated it shows the market maker placing orders on both sides of the market. This is mainly due to manipulate the un informed money. This indicator automatically identifies consolidation zones and plots them on the chart. The method of determining consolidation zones is based on pivot points and ATR, ensuring precise identification. The indicator also sends alert notifications to users when a new consolida
Indicator ini berdasarkan Gain ADX - Follow Trend - Disertai Pivot, Support & Resistant Daily Dengan indicator ini semoga menjadikan indicator yang porofit able, selama mengikuti signal yang tampil, apabila berwarna Hijau siap2 untuk Buy, dan berwarna Merah siap2 untuk Sell. Akan tampil signal Sell/Buy di saat gain mencukupi, baik TF Kecil maupun TF Besar TF Besar / High TF adalah Trend Kuat TF Kecil / Low TF adalah Trend Lemah Open Posisi pada High TF, signal akan menunjukkan Sell/Buy.
The TLR indicator is a market trend identification indicator. The idea behind this indicator is to use 3 linear regression lines, one short-term, one medium-term, and one long-term. The UPTREND will be determined when: The long-term linear regression line and the medium-term linear regression line have an uptrend. The long-term linear regression line has an uptrend, the medium-term linear regression line has a sideway, and the short-term linear regression line has an uptrend. The DOWNTREND will
ʿBdalftah Yhyy ʿBdalftah Mhmwd Mrsy
An integrated analysis system that moves the trader from the random trading stage to professional trading And seeing and understanding the market with one glance instead of moving between different charts and currencies, even in times of high liquidity It will be easy for you to read the market with our excellent Price Action Expert signals and confirm entry opportunities With accurate analysis tools integrated into our analysis system, which we can work with on a daily basis One of the most i
每售出5份副本后,价格将增加30美元。 首要指标的设计意图是为了确定整体市场趋势。这一指标引入了一套明亮和深色的色彩系统,旨在辨识市场的强势和弱势条件。通过在图表上显示不同颜色,投资者可以更清晰地了解市场的变化和趋势。 从我的观点来看,这个指标是独一无二的;在市场开始活跃时,其表现格外出色。这种独特性可能归因于其设计和算法,使其在市场波动较大时表现出色。 如果您更喜欢在较长时间范围内使用指标,例如1小时、4小时或日间时间框架,以期望获得更准确的结果,请毫不犹豫地采用这一策略。这样的时间框架可以帮助您更好地捕捉市场趋势,从而做出更明智的交易决策。 当颜色变为绿色时,它表示了一个购买机会;而当颜色变为红色时,它则表示建议开启空头头寸。这种简单而清晰的信号系统有助于投资者迅速做出决策,特别是对于那些希望在市场波动中迅速把握机会的交易者而言。 为了实现最佳效果,请考虑使用趋势货币对进行交易。这种方法基于市场趋势的理念,可以提高交易的成功概率。趋势货币对通常表现出较强的方向性,因此选择这些货币对有助于更好地利用市场趋势。 如果您在使用过程中遇到任何问题,我将随时帮助您解决。理解和熟练
Trend reversal ml4
Andrey Kozak
5 (1)
「趨勢反轉ml4」是一個獨特的指標,旨在即時確定價格反轉的時刻。 這是Metatrader4現成的交易系統。 該指標不會重繪其值! 該指標基於先進的演算法和技術分析,為您提供有關可能的市場進入和退出點的清晰訊號,幫助您做出明智的決策。 此指標的優點: 訊號精度高。 指標本身向交易者顯示其配置是否正確。 在零蠟燭附近,指標繪製總計值。 如果該值為負,那麼您需要調整指標設置,如果該值為正,則表示設定選擇正確,您可以開始交易。 此指標不會重繪其值。 此指標可用於所有時間範圍和所有貨幣對。 這是一個現成的交易系統。 特點: 反轉箭頭: 紅色箭頭清楚地表明可能的開倉賣出交易點,警告即將到來的價格下跌。 藍色箭頭突出顯示了開啟買入交易的區域,表明可能出現上漲趨勢。 多時期分析: 此指標支援多個時間間隔的分析,使您能夠考慮不同時間等級的趨勢和反轉。 各種市場條件下的應用: Precision Reversal Pro 策略是基於對波動性和流動性的仔細研究,使其成為平靜和活躍市場條件下的有效工具。 設定的靈活性: 此指標可讓您根據您的喜好和交易風格自訂參數 使用方便: 輕鬆將指標安裝在
Up Down v6
Guner Koca
4.45 (11)
on demo mode use date to work. on version 13 wave added.13.1 histogram and trigger line can be changeble. wave can be set 200-500. can have different signal on wave 200 up-down indicator is no repaint and works all pairs and lower than weekly time frames charts. it is suitable also 1 m charts for all pairs. and hold long way to signal. dont gives too many signals. when red histogram cross trigger line that is up signal.and price probably will down when blue histogram cross trigger line that is
Italo Triangle Indicator
Italo Santana Gomes
5 (7)
BUY INDICATOR AND GET EA FOR FREE AS A BONUS + SOME OTHER GIFTS! ITALO TRIANGLE INDICATOR  is the best triangle indicator ever created, and why is that? Using Geometry and Fibonacci the Indicator works on all time-frames and assets, indicator built after 7 years of experience on forex and many other markets. You know many triangle indicators around the internet are not complete, does not help, and it's difficult to trade, but the   Italo Triangle Indicator is different , the Italo Triangle Indi
Up Down V9
Guner Koca
2.33 (3)
on demo mode use date to work. indicator is no repaint trend indicator. when red stars up to line that is probably end of long trades. when blue stars up to line that is probably end of down trades. indicator can use all pairs and lower than weekly charts, to use weekly chart need to at least 500 bars data on back.and lowering processing value 500. it is also suitable for 1m charts. indicator hold long way to go. there is not too many signals.
Volume Scalping Indicator
Ahmad Ar Abedalaziz Alazaizeh
This automated VOLUME SCALPING INDICATOR can be utilized to manage trades and identify potential areas of support and resistance for both buying and selling. It is designed to identify zones for Sell/Buy trades based on the volume analysis and can be effectively used in conjunction with other indicators, such as order block indicators, and more. Currently designed for MT4, it will later be adapted to function on MT5. We also offer the opportunity to customize the robot according to your trading
Doji Bar Finder Indicator
Ahmad Ar Abedalaziz Alazaizeh
This automated DOJI BAR FINDER INDICATOR can be utilized to manage trades and identify potential areas of support and resistance for both buying and selling. It is designed to identify zones for Sell/Buy trades and can be effectively used in conjunction with other indicators, such as order block indicators, and more. Currently designed for MT4, it will later be adapted to function on MT5. We also offer the opportunity to customize the robot according to your trading strategy.
With this easy to set up indicator you can display and set alerts for the following candlestick formations: Bull Breakout, Bear Breakout, Hammer, Pin, Bullish Engulfing, Bearish Engulfing. I'd appreciate if you would review the indicator Input parameters: ShortArrowColor: The color of the Arrows, displaying a Bearish candle formation LongArrowColor: The color of the Arrows displaying a Bullish candle formation BullishEngulfing: Disabled/Enabled/EnabledwithAlert BearishEngulfing:   Disabled/Enab
ASR Indicator
Arash Nikniazi
ASR (Accurate Support Resistance) Indicator Uniqe formula behind this indicator makes it one the world's best support resistance indicator. watch the tutorial video It is user-friendly and here are some key features : -- different calculations for swing traders and scalpers. -- the lower the accuracy number the further the lines distance is. --easily applicable on all charts. ( try to find the best accuracy number ) recommended accuracy number for Gold is 5or 6, for eurusd 6 or 7. other instrum
Sure Reversal
Abdulkarim Karazon
5 (1)
SURE REVERSAL is a histogram overbought/oversold type indicator that gives key reversal points that indicates a bull or bear market movment this indicator is fusion between moving average and the rsi indicator ,this indicator is non repainter , and is not delayed . Parameters : Ma period  Ma Method Ma Price Sure Period (Rsi) Sure Price (Rsi) ==============
HF Crosshair
Wong Sze Wai
4.5 (4)
For some trader's charts analysis use, specially for  multi timeframe trading strategies . When you need to check something of the time within different timeframe at the same symbol chart, even different symbol charts, this indicator will show the crosshair at sync moving. You just need to load this indicator into some charts, then the crosshair will shown automatic. 
SX Currency Strength indicator allows users to analyze currency strength through a selected period, with results resetting periodically and accumulating thereafter. It displays the historical relative strength of eight major currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CHF, CAD and NZD) across a selected timeframe. Assessing a currency's relative strength aids in evaluating its performance against a basket of other currencies. Users can select to visualize relative strength of the currencies in the shap
This trend reversal arrow indicator has an alert signal that is a valuable tool for forex traders, providing several advantages that contribute to making more informed trading decisions and potentially increasing profits. Here are some advantages: Early Identification of Reversals: The primary advantage is the early identification of potential trend reversals. This arrow indicator can visually signal when a trend may be losing momentum or about to reverse, allowing traders to be proactive rather
Introducing ZigZag Extras MT4, a Forex indicator that simplifies market analysis: - Visualizes highest highs and lowest lows over a specified "Depth" period. - Highlights potential reversal points with filled blue and red dots. - Optional display of BreakOut points, indicating probable peaks and bottoms. - Helps avoid common pitfalls of mistaking repainted points for market tops or bottoms. - Designed to enhance understanding and serve as signals for various trading strategies. Instructions:
Trend channels are vital tools in technical analysis for identifying optimal buy or sell points.   -   Upper Line:   Marks resistance. -   Lower Line:   Marks support. - Tops and bottoms of channels indicate potential support or resistance zones.   -   Bearish Channels:   Negative slope (down). -   Bullish Channels:   Positive slope (up).     Creating Channels: -   Up Channel:   Draw a parallel line matching the uptrend angle, touching the latest peak. -   Down Channel:   Draw a parallel line ma
-   Real price is 80$   - 40% Discount ( It is 49$ now ) - Lifetime update free Contact me for instruction, add group and any questions! Related Products:  Bitcoin Expert , Gold Expert - Non-repaint - I just sell my products in Elif Kaya profile, any other websites are stolen old versions, So no any new updates or support. Introduction The breakout and retest strategy is traded support and resistance levels. it involves price breaking through a previous level.  The break and retest strategy is
Ivan Stefanov
5 (7)
ENIGMERA: 市场的核心 重要提示:MQL5.com 演示版本在策略测试器中运行,可能无法完全反映 Enigmera 的功能。请查看描述、截图和视频了解详细信息。如有任何问题,请随时联系我! 该指标的代码已完全重写。版本 3.0 增加了新功能并修复了自指标发布以来积累的错误。 简介 这个指标和交易系统是金融市场的一种独特方法。ENIGMERA 使用分形周期来精确计算支撑和阻力水平。它展示了真实的积累阶段,并提供了方向和目标。无论是在趋势中还是在修正中,这个系统都能工作。 它是如何工作的 指标的大部分功能通过图表左侧的按钮控制,使得能够快速响应不同的市场情况。 按钮 ON/OFF – 显示或隐藏整个指标。 Channel – 激活支撑通道,显示可接受的偏差范围。 Dev1 (第一偏差) – 指示价格在支撑偏差内的波动,信号表示市场正在整合或积累力量。 Dev2 (第二偏差) – 显示价格在偏差之间的波动,表示趋势形成和方向。 Dev3 (第三偏差) – 表示趋势的显著加速和高波动性。 45deg (45度) – 显示市场的节奏和相对于 45 度线的运动稳定性。 Tgt1/2
Ashkan Hazegh Nikrou
QualifiedEngulfing - 是 ProEngulfing 指标的免费版本 ProEngulfing - 是 Advance Engulf 指标的付费版本, 点击此处下载。 ProEngulfing 的免费版与付费版有什么区别?免费版每天只能发出一个信号。 介绍 QualifiedEngulfing - 你的专业 Engulf 模式指标,适用于 MT4 通过 QualifiedEngulfing 发挥精准性的力量,这是一款设计用于辨识和突显外汇市场中合格 Engulf 模式的前沿指标。专为 MetaTrader 4 开发,QualifiedEngulfing 提供了一种细致入微的 Engulf 模式识别方法,确保您只收到最可靠的交易信号以做出决策。 QualifiedEngulfing 的工作原理: QualifiedEngulfing 采用先进的算法分析 Engulf 模式,超越了简单的模式识别,确保模式的合格性。以下是其工作原理: 资格标准:该指标评估实体百分比相对于整个蜡烛大小的百分比,并考虑影子百分比相对于蜡烛大小的比例。这种仔细的评估确保只有高概率的 Engul
Black horse 指标的目标是找出价格走势与VWAP指标之间的背离。它使用过滤器来排除许多虚假的背离,提供高质量、准确的信号。 红色点位于蜡烛上方,表示看跌的背离,而绿色点位于蜡烛下方,表示看涨的背离。 背离的主要过滤器聚焦在ATR(平均真实范围)和过去蜡烛的价格变动,直到回顾期结束。当回顾期内的价格变动足够急剧,超过ATR倍数乘以ATR时,将确定存在背离。 由于计算的特性,在处理较高时间框架时,建议将ATR倍数和回顾期设置得较低。在较高的时间框架上,价格波动往往更为平滑,例如15分钟图表,急剧的价格波动发生的频率较低,通常包含在较少的蜡烛中,而这些蜡烛通常出现在较低的时间框架上。较不波动的股票,如HSBC,也应使用较低的ATR倍数和较短的回顾期。 在“视觉设置”下,您可以更改VWAP线的颜色,显示交替的VWAP颜色,调整背离信号的大小,并显示或隐藏VWAP线。
TMA Stochastic
Abdulkarim Karazon
TMA 随机指标是一个基于随机震荡指标和 tma 波段指标的指标,该指标基于反转策略。 建议时间范围:15岁及以上 推荐设置:剥头皮交易的值较低,波段交易的值较高 =================================================== ===================== 参数 : tma 历史:返回多少条柱线来显示随机指标上的 tma 波段 K 周期(随机) D 期(随机) S 期(随机) TMA期 TMA转变 极端tma偏差:远带的偏差 tma偏差:内带偏差 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Candle Power Signals is a trend indicator that uses a strategy of searching for potential volatile signals to make trading decisions. By analyzing the market, the indicator identifies zones of increased and decreased volatility within the directional trend movement. The main signal generation parameters have already been configured, the remaining settings and periods are indexed into 2 parameters for manual configuration: 1. "Candle calculation method" - 2 signal generation modes, it is recomme
Yesterday High Low
Jonathan Destailleur
5 (2)
The "Yesterday High Low" indicator for the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform is a powerful tool designed to help traders identify key price levels from the previous trading day. This indicator provides a visual representation of the high prices, low prices, high/low price averages, and intermediate average levels on the chart. Primarily used by institutional and professional traders, this indicator offers an instant view of price levels that are often considered crucial in financial markets.
Volume Analysis Indicator MT4
Ahmad Ar Abedalaziz Alazaizeh
This indicator integrates the Bollinger Band strategy in calculation with a volume-over-MA calculation to further narrow down "Areas of Interest" levels for a potential re-test zone to the right of the chart. We added a Moving Average calculation for a multi-level cloud and further broke down more conditions to highlight both volume flow crossover on the High and Extreme High MA's and also high and extreme high volume spikes on set period average without bull\bear conditions. Original Bull/Bear
Forex and Gold OBI Signal
Ahmad Ar Abedalaziz Alazaizeh
Forex and Gold OBI is an innovative indicator based on a study of price and market dynamics, utilizing the RSI indicator. This indicator helps you find the best moment to enter the forex market by signaling when the market is in overbought or oversold conditions. Moreover, The indicator calculates two possible targets and the stop loss for each trade, allowing you to optimize your risk/reward ratio. Price This indicator is easy to use and set up, working with any currency pair and timeframe. If
RSI divergence indicator is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol indicator that help us find divergences between price chart and RSI indicator. Always use the divergence indicators with other technical assets like support resistance zones, candlestick patterns and price action to have a higher possibility to find trend reversals. This indicator will identify the peaks and troughs of both price and the RSI indicator. You can adjust the parameters to adjust the strength and weakness of these peaks a
TMA StochasticLimited
Abdulkarim Karazon
TMA Stochastic is an indicator based on stochastic oscillator and tma bands indicator , this indicator is based on a reversal strategy . Recommended time frame : 15 and above  Recommended settings : lower values for scalping , higher values for swing trading  WORKS ONLY ON EURUSD , GET THE FULL VERSION :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/108378 ======================================================================= Parameters :  tma history : how many bars back to show tma bands on stochas
Mfg Breakout Boss V8
Tendekai Ngundu Maposa
MFG breakout boss indicator is a Semi Autom ated  Asian session range breakout System which seeks to identify the High and low of the asian session when the Market is ranging with no major movement, With the help of sofisticated Algorithm within the system, a breakout in either direction coupled with momentum the system gives High Accurate entries, with predefined Stop loss and 3 Take profit levels.
For MT5 version please click   here . Introduction  Most traders use candle patterns as a confirmation tool before entering a trade. As you know there are lots of candle patterns out there. However I realized most of them can be generalized in simple rules. So I developed my own candle pattern(Although I cannot say for sure this is mine). pattern description The pattern consists of three consecutive candles. This is true for most of the patterns out there (considering there is a confirmation nec
The Waddah Attar Explosion (WAE) indicator is a potent tool in Forex trading, offering buy, sell, exit buy, and exit sell signals. It assesses trends as trend power and momentum as explosion power. Trend Direction: - Green bars indicate a bullish trend. - Red bars indicate a bearish trend. Signal Line: - A line serves as a threshold for momentum. Buy Trade Setup: **Entry:** Go long when a green bar crosses above the threshold. Place a stop loss below the entry candle. **Exit:** Close the tra
-   Real price is 70$   - 50% Discount ( It is 35$ now ) Contact me for instruction, any questions! Introduction The Elliott Wave in technical analysis describes price movements in the financial market that are related to changes in trader sentiment and psychology. The 5 W Pattern (Known as 3 Drives) is an Elliott Wave pattern that is formed by 5 consecutive symmetrical moves up or down. In its bullish form, the market is making 5 drives to a bottom before an uptrend forms. In a bearish 5-driv
In Forex trading, understanding support and resistance is crucial. Virtually every trading strategy incorporates these levels. MetaTrader lacks built-in support and resistance calculation features, but there's a solution— the Support and Resistance Lines indicator. This powerful MetaTrader indicator automatically calculates and displays support and resistance levels for any chosen currency pair or trading instrument. Benefits of the Support and Resistance Lines indicator: 1. Identify better
This pass-band oscillator reduces lag in market data by filtering out high and low frequencies. It uses two EMAs (Exponential Moving Averages) with periods of 40 and 60. Trigger points are added using an RMS cyclic envelope over the Signal line. The pass-band waveform output is calculated by summing its square over the last 50 bars and taking the square root to create trigger levels. Buy when the pass-band crosses above its -RMS line and short when it crosses below the RMS line. The indicator
FCK Box Break Out
Patel Hitendrakumar Mahendrabhai
Hi All, " FCK Box Break Out " indicator is very simple indicator for new users. You can choose which indicators and timeframes you want to calculate. "FCK Box Break Out" provides the day's trend for buy/sell trades. Opposite side you the stop loss or hedging trade. NON-REPAINT Buy/Sell signals  Recommendations Timeframes:    Recommended  -  H 1    (Still, EA technically works on any   Time frames   ) Spread : up to 20 Recommended pairs:   works on any metal, indices and currency pair
The London Breakout
Elvis Wangai Muriithi
The London breakout is an indicator that is designed to give London moves signals and performance. London session is such a very volatile trading hours and anticipating a breakout from one of the slowest trading sessions (Asian session) can result to potential trading profits. London breakout is a very common trading strategy among retail traders. This indicator will track previous London breakouts, calculate their trade outcome based on an input TP and SL factor and display the results on a sim
Elevate your trading with the JagzFX Market Regime Filter—adapt, optimize, succeed in navigating through smooth or volatile price movements. Gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics to refine your strategy and make informed decisions. KEY FEATURES Price Action Analysis: Distinguishes between smooth and volatile price movements. Trend Identification: Pinpoints bullish or bearish trends with precision. Strength Assessment : Evaluates the strength of identified trends—whether strong or weak M
Sergei Melnikov
Доброго времени суток уважаемые трейдеры и инвесторы. Вашему вниманию предлагается индикатор, определяющий за любой промежуток времени : Максимальную цену. Минимальную цену. 50 % от от максимума до минимума. Цену закрытия периода. Кроме того, в зависимости от настроек - индикатор может добавлять 10 процентных уровней как вниз, так и вверх, эти уровни указываются, но по стандарту начинаются от 50% с шагом 50% до 500%. В обе стороны. Индикатор реализован максимально удобно, при смене тайм-фрейма
In MetaTrader, TP & SL values aren't visible when hovering over corresponding lines. Our indicator fixes this by showing values on-screen. It displays defined SL and TP values in your account currency, facilitating easy tracking of positions. Note : The indicator estimates values, excluding commissions, and allows customization of colors and distance from SL/TP lines.
Stefano Frisetti
5 (3)
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
Supreme Diamond
Abdulkarim Karazon
5 (1)
Supreme Diamond 是一个基于反转和趋势交易策略的多时间框架指标,该指标不会重新绘制或回画,并且信号不会延迟,该指标会给出带有警报的买入和卖出信号。 该指标有 2 种信号模式可供选择(使用最佳条目作为菱形)输入,如果设置为 true,指标将过滤正常模式信号并给出最佳可能的一种作为菱形信号,在菱形模式下您无法调整菱形信号。 正常模式是当(使用最佳条目作为菱形)输入设置为 false 时,这将激活波段设置和正常模式作为布林带策略,如屏幕截图所示 我们强烈建议使用钻石模式,因为它显示出最佳性能 如何交易至尊钻石:当您从指标收到信号时进入交易,将 sl 设置为先前的低点/高点,并将 tp 设置为 1 比 1 的最小 RRR。 建议时间范围:任意 ========================================= 参数 : 用于显示信号的时间范围(仅限正常模式) 频段设置(仅限正常模式) 使用最佳参赛作品作为钻石? (普通模式=假/钻石模式=真) 警报设置 信号形状选项 =============================================
Supreme TrendHisto
Abdulkarim Karazon
Supreme TrendHisto 是一个趋势指标,可给出下降和上升趋势信号,该指标充当直方图,该指标不会重画/回画/延迟。 战略 买入交易:直方图交叉到0.65上方,我们打开买入交易,至于退出,您可以在直方图达到0.70水平时退出,也可以立即退出。 卖出交易:直方图交叉低于-0.65,我们打开买入交易,至于退出,您可以在直方图达到-0.70水平时退出,也可以立即退出。 =============================== 建议时间范围:任意 推荐期限:默认 ============================================= 参数 : 1.指标周期(倒卖较低,波段交易较高) 2.计算类型(收盘/开盘/最高最低价...等) 3.max bar(显示多少历史记录) 4.mode fast(保持true) =================================================== =================================================== ==========
Supreme Channel
Abdulkarim Karazon
基于 TV ATR 通道指标,Supreme Channel 指标是一个动态支撑和阻力带,为交易者提供当前趋势潜在反转的提示。 建议时间范围:15M及以上 推荐设置:默认,但交易者可以根据需要选择更改。 ============================================================================== 参数 : 1. 通道长度 2.带宽(两条通道线之间的距离) 3.乘数(ATR值乘数) 4. 显示频道(True/False) =========================================================================
Supreme EmaCross
Abdulkarim Karazon
Supreme EmaCross是一个基于两条指数移动平均线交叉的指标,它根据ema交叉生成买入和卖出箭头,并在信号出现时发出警报,该指标不会重新绘制或回画,并且箭头不会延迟,该指标具有快速的特点。 EMA 周期更改面板,交易者可以在不进行指标设置的情况下更改 EMA 值,该面板是可移动的。 =================================================== ==== 参数 : 快速周期:快速 EMA 周期 慢周期:慢 ema 周期 通知和警报设置 EMA 线开/关 ema 线颜色 EMA 十字箭头开/关 ema十字箭头颜色 =================================================== =========
Crypto_Forex 指标鳄鱼更高时间框架适用于 MT4。 - 鳄鱼指标是最强大的趋势指标之一。HTF 表示 - 更高时间框架。 - 此指标非常适合趋势交易者以及与价格行动条目的组合。 - HTF 鳄鱼指标允许您将更高时间框架的鳄鱼附加到当前图表。 - 仅当绿线高于红线且红线高于蓝线时才考虑买入条目 - 在图表上最新波动的最大值上安排买入止损挂单。 - 仅当绿线低于红线且红线低于蓝线时才考虑卖出条目 - 在图表上最新波动的最小值上安排卖出止损挂单。 - HTF 鳄鱼指标提供了以低风险获取巨额利润的机会。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获取: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Crypto_Forex 指标“FORCE 指数和 2 条移动平均线”适用于 MT4。无需重绘。 - 此指标非常适合顺势交易趋势方向。 - “FORCE 指数和 2 条移动平均线”指标允许您查看 Force 指数的快速和慢速移动平均线。 - Force 指数是将价格和交易量数据合并为一个值的顶级指标之一。 - Force 指数本身是强大的振荡器 - 可测量用于移动价格的能量。 - 指标提供了很早就看到趋势变化的机会。 - 通过参数设置此指标非常容易,可在任何时间范围内使用。 - 您可以在图片上看到买入和卖出入场条件。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获取: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
The   Datasource AC   indicator is a technical analysis tool developed by the author based on the Accelerator Oscillator. Everyone knows the general principles of working with the AC indicator. Therefore, I will not describe them separately. I will focus on differences. Differences are a purely technical implementation and expanded indicator. An important feature is that the indicator does not change its values even when using the closing price, since the indicator uses the safe calculation al
Flag Pattern Indicator - Your Guide to Flagging Profitable Trade Setups Welcome to the world of precision trading with the "Flag Pattern Indicator." Designed for MetaTrader, this powerful tool is your go-to solution for identifying one of the most reliable and versatile chart patterns in technical analysis: the flag pattern. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting, this indicator simplifies the process of spotting flag patterns, giving you an edge in your trading decisions. Key Feature
Head and Shoulders Pattern Indicator - Your Key to Recognizing Trend Reversals Unlock the power of pattern recognition with the "Head and Shoulders Pattern Indicator." This cutting-edge tool, designed for MetaTrader, is your trusted ally in identifying one of the most powerful chart patterns in technical analysis. Whether you're a novice or an experienced trader, this indicator simplifies the process of spotting the Head and Shoulders pattern, allowing you to make informed trading decisions. Key
The SFT Fibo Smart Pivot indicator is a powerful trading tool based on the Fibonacci Golden Ratio, designed to identify key support and resistance levels in the forex market. This indicator has the ability to pinpoint significant price levels that can serve as entry and exit points for trades. It enables traders to analyze the market more effectively and make well-informed decisions. The indicator uses the Fibonacci Golden Ratio to accurately determine support and resistance levels. These levels
Supreme HmaSignal
Abdulkarim Karazon
4 (1)
The Supreme HmaSignal indicator is an indicator for trend trading , its main character is the hull moving average colored line , and secondary is buy and sell arrows , arrows are fair but the main focus is on the colored hma , this indicator does not repaint or back paint or delay its signals. if you like this indicator please check my Supreme Trendhisto:   here   , and my Supreme Diamond indicator :   here Parameters:  HMA Period HMA Smoothing HMA Price (close/open) Signal Period (Arrows)
Wedge Chart Pattern Indicator - Unleash the Power of Wedge Patterns in Your Trading Embark on a journey of precision trading with the "Wedge Chart Pattern Indicator." Crafted for MetaTrader, this advanced tool is your ultimate companion for identifying wedge chart patterns, empowering you to make informed and strategic trading decisions. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting, this indicator simplifies the process of spotting wedge patterns, providing you with a valuable edge in the m
Supreme StochRsi
Abdulkarim Karazon
Rsi indicator and Stochastic Combined into one indicator , the Supreme StochRsi doesnt repaint / Back-paint / delay. can be used as overbought oversold strategy , or trend following on 50 level cross. if you like this indicator please check my Supreme Trendhisto: here , and my Supreme Diamond indicator : here ========================================================================= Parameters : Stochastic K and D value , Stochastic period Rsi Period Rsi price ====================================
The Moving Average Multicurrency Scanner Dashboard MT4  is a powerful trading tool designed to monitor multiple currency pairs and timeframes using customizable moving averages. It organizes signals in a grid format, displaying each symbol’s status across timeframes from M1 to MN1. Traders can enable or disable specific timeframes to align with their strategies. You can find the MT5 version here  Moving Average Multicurrency Scanner MT5 For detailed documentation click here Moving Average Integ

