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MetaTrader 5 | 8 12月 2023, 13:53
455 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin










struct MqlDateTime
   int year;           // year
   int mon;            // month
   int day;            // day
   int hour;           // hour
   int min;            // minutes
   int sec;            // seconds
   int day_of_week;    // day of the week (0-Sunday, 1-Monday, ... ,6-Saturday)
   int day_of_year;    // number of a day in the year (1st of January has number 0)



TimeToStruct()関数は、特にdatetime 値型(1970年01月01日からの秒数)からMqlDateTime構造体型変数に構造体を埋めるように設計されています。

bool  TimeToStruct(
   datetime      dt,            // date and time
   MqlDateTime&  dt_struct      // structure for accepting values 


日付の構造体は完成しましたが、どうやって表示するのでしょうか。標準のTimeToString()関数は、1970年1月1日からの秒単位の時刻を含む値を「yyyy.mm.dd hh:min:sec」形式の文字列に変換します。


MqlDateTime, 表示メソッド


void OnStart()
//--- Declare a date structure variable
   MqlDateTime  time;
//--- Get the current time and at the same time fill in the date structure
//--- Declare an array with the MqlDateTime type and write the data of the filled structure into it

   MqlDateTime array[1];
//--- Display the header and time using the standard ArrayPrint()
   Print("Time current (ArrayPrint):");
   /* Sample output:
      Time current (ArrayPrint):
          [year] [mon] [day] [hour] [min] [sec] [day_of_week] [day_of_year]
      [0]   2023     7    17     12     8    37             1           197


//| Take a date structure and display its data to the journal.       |
//| Use ArrayPrint() for display                                     |
void MqlDateTimePrint(const MqlDateTime& time_struct)
//--- Declare an array with the MqlDateTime type and write the data of the obtained structure into it
   MqlDateTime array[1];
//--- Print the array
   /* Sample output:
      Time current (ArrayPrint):
          [year] [mon] [day] [hour] [min] [sec] [day_of_week] [day_of_year]
      [0]   2023     7    17     12     8    37             1           197



void OnStart()
//--- Declare a date structure variable
   MqlDateTime  time;
//--- Get the current time and at the same time fill in the date structure
//--- Display the header and time using the standard ArrayPrint()
   Print("Time current (ArrayPrint):");
   /* Sample output:
      Time current (ArrayPrint):
          [year] [mon] [day] [hour] [min] [sec] [day_of_week] [day_of_year]
      [0]   2023     7    17     12     8    37             1           197



//| Accept the datetime array, convert it into MqlDateTime and       |
//| display converted data into the journal.                         |
//| Use ArrayPrint() for display                                     |
void MqlDateTimePrint(const datetime& array_time[])
//--- Declare a dynamic array of the MqlDateTime type
   MqlDateTime array_struct[];
//--- Get the size of the array passed to the function
   int total=(int)array_time.Size();
//--- If an empty array is passed, report on that and leave the function
      PrintFormat("%s: Error. Empty array.",__FUNCTION__);
//--- Change the size of the MqlDateTime array to match the size of the datetime array
      PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize() failed. Error %s",__FUNCTION__,(string)GetLastError());
//--- Convert dates from the datetime array into the date structure in the MqlDateTime array
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
         PrintFormat("%s: [%s] TimeToStruct() failed. Error %s",__FUNCTION__,(string)i,(string)GetLastError());
//--- Print the filled MqlDateTime array
   /* Sample output:
      Time data of the last 10 bars GBPUSD H1 (ArrayPrint):
          [year] [mon] [day] [hour] [min] [sec] [day_of_week] [day_of_year]
      [0]   2023     7    17      7     0     0             1           197
      [1]   2023     7    17      8     0     0             1           197
      [2]   2023     7    17      9     0     0             1           197
      [3]   2023     7    17     10     0     0             1           197
      [4]   2023     7    17     11     0     0             1           197
      [5]   2023     7    17     12     0     0             1           197
      [6]   2023     7    17     13     0     0             1           197
      [7]   2023     7    17     14     0     0             1           197
      [8]   2023     7    17     15     0     0             1           197
      [9]   2023     7    17     16     0     0             1           197


void OnStart()
//--- Declare a time array
   datetime array[];
//--- Copy the time of the last 10 bars to the array
      PrintFormat("CopyTime() failed. Error %s",(string)GetLastError());
//--- Display the header and the time data array of the last 10 bars using the standard ArrayPrint()
   PrintFormat("Time data of the last 10 bars %s %s (ArrayPrint):",Symbol(),StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));
   /* Sample output:
      Time data of the last 10 bars GBPUSD H1 (ArrayPrint):
          [year] [mon] [day] [hour] [min] [sec] [day_of_week] [day_of_year]
      [0]   2023     7    17      7     0     0             1           197
      [1]   2023     7    17      8     0     0             1           197
      [2]   2023     7    17      9     0     0             1           197
      [3]   2023     7    17     10     0     0             1           197
      [4]   2023     7    17     11     0     0             1           197
      [5]   2023     7    17     12     0     0             1           197
      [6]   2023     7    17     13     0     0             1           197
      [7]   2023     7    17     14     0     0             1           197
      [8]   2023     7    17     15     0     0             1           197
      [9]   2023     7    17     16     0     0             1           197





  1. 短いフォーマット(曜日、月、日、年、時間)でデータを表示する
  2. 表にデータを表示する(データヘッダ値)




//| Return the name of a week day                                    |
string DayWeek(MqlDateTime &date_time)
//--- Define a week day name
   string dw=EnumToString((ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK)date_time.day_of_week);
//--- Convert all obtained symbols to lower case and replace the first letter from small to capital
//--- Return a resulting string
   return dw;
   /* Sample output:



//| Return a month name                                              |
string Month(MqlDateTime &date_time)
//--- Define a month name
      case  1  :  return "January";
      case  2  :  return "February";
      case  3  :  return "March";
      case  4  :  return "April";
      case  5  :  return "May";
      case  6  :  return "June";
      case  7  :  return "July";
      case  8  :  return "August";
      case  9  :  return "September";
      case 10  :  return "October";
      case 11  :  return "November";
      case 12  :  return "December";
      default  :  return "Undefined";
   /* Sample output:





//| Return the year as a string from MqlDateTime                     |
string MqlDateTimeYear(MqlDateTime &date_time,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
//--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
//--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
   string header="Year:";
   uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
//--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
   return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-lu",indent,"",w,header,date_time.year);
   /* Sample output:
      Year: 2023


//| Return the month as a string from MqlDateTime                    |
string MqlDateTimeMonth(MqlDateTime &date_time,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
//--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
//--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
   string header="Month:";
   uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
//--- Get a month name
   string mn=Month(date_time);
//--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
   return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%02lu (%s)",indent,"",w,header,date_time.mon,mn);
   /* Sample output:
      Month: 07 (July)


//| Return the day as a string from the MqlDateTime structure        |
string MqlDateTimeDay(MqlDateTime &date_time,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
//--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
//--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
   string header="Day:";
   uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
//--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
   return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%02lu",indent,"",w,header,date_time.day);
   /* Sample output:
      Day: 19

MqlDateTime 構造体の時間:

//| Return hours as a string from the MqlDateTime structure          |
string MqlDateTimeHour(MqlDateTime &date_time,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
//--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
//--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
   string header="Hour:";
   uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
//--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
   return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%02lu",indent,"",w,header,date_time.hour);
   /* Sample output:
      Hour: 08


//| Return minutes as a string from MqlDateTime                      |
string MqlDateTimeMin(MqlDateTime &date_time,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
//--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
//--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
   string header="Minutes:";
   uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
//--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
   return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%02lu",indent,"",w,header,date_time.min);
   /* Sample output:
      Minutes: 41


//| Return seconds as a string from MqlDateTime                      |
string MqlDateTimeSec(MqlDateTime &date_time,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
//--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
//--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
   string header="Seconds:";
   uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
//--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
   return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%02lu",indent,"",w,header,date_time.sec);
   /* Sample output:
      Seconds: 23


//| Return a week day as a string from the MqlDateTime structure     |
string MqlDateTimeDayWeek(MqlDateTime &date_time,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0,bool descr=true)
//--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
//--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
   string header="Day of week:";
   uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
//--- Get a week day name
   string dw=DayWeek(date_time);
//--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
   return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-s (%-lu)",indent,"",w,header,dw,date_time.day_of_week);
   /* Sample output:
      Day of week: Wednesday (3)


//|Return a number of a day in a year from MqlDateTime               |
string MqlDateTimeDayYear(MqlDateTime &date_time,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
//--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
//--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
   string header="Day of year:";
   uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
//--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
   return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-lu",indent,"",w,header,date_time.day_of_year);
   /* Sample output:
      Day of year: 199


MqlDateTime構造体から日付時刻の短いレコードを表示するために、「DW, Month DD, YYYY, HH:MM:SS」フォーマットで日付を返す関数を書きます。

//| Return the date as a string from the MqlDateTime structure       |
//| in the DW, Month DD, YYYY, HH:MM:SS format                       |
string DateTime(MqlDateTime &date_time)
//--- Get the month and the first three characters of a week day
   string mn=Month(date_time);
   string dw=StringSubstr(DayWeek(date_time),0,3);
//--- Return a string in the DW, Month DD, YYYY, HH:MM:SS format
   return StringFormat("%s, %s %02lu, %lu, %02lu:%02lu:%02lu",dw,mn,date_time.day,date_time.year,date_time.hour,date_time.min,date_time.sec);
   /* Sample output:
      Wed, July 19, 2023, 08:41:23


void OnStart()
   datetime array[];
   MqlDateTime adt[];
      int total=(int)array.Size();
         for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
               Print("TimeToStruct failed. Error: ",GetLastError());
            PrintFormat("%s %s [%02u] %s",Symbol(),StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7),i,DateTime(adt[i]));
   /* Sample output:
      GBPUSD H1 [00] Wed, July 19, 2023, 02:00:00
      GBPUSD H1 [01] Wed, July 19, 2023, 03:00:00
      GBPUSD H1 [02] Wed, July 19, 2023, 04:00:00
      GBPUSD H1 [03] Wed, July 19, 2023, 05:00:00
      GBPUSD H1 [04] Wed, July 19, 2023, 06:00:00
      GBPUSD H1 [05] Wed, July 19, 2023, 07:00:00
      GBPUSD H1 [06] Wed, July 19, 2023, 08:00:00
      GBPUSD H1 [07] Wed, July 19, 2023, 09:00:00
      GBPUSD H1 [08] Wed, July 19, 2023, 10:00:00
      GBPUSD H1 [09] Wed, July 19, 2023, 11:00:00


//| Logs descriptions of all fields of the MqlDateTime structure     |
void MqlDateTimePrint(MqlDateTime &date_time,const bool short_entry=true,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
//--- If it is a short entry, log the date and time in the DW, Month DD, YYYY, HH:MM:SS format
   /* Sample output:
      Wed, July 19, 2023, 08:41:23
//--- Otherwise
      //--- create a string describing all the data of the structure with indents and a given width of the header field 
      string res=StringFormat("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s",
      //--- Display the obtained string in the journal
   /* Sample output:
      Year: 2023
      Month: 07 (July)
      Day: 19
      Hour: 09
      Minutes: 32
      Seconds: 25
      Day of week: Wednesday (3)
      Day of year: 199


void OnStart()
   MqlDateTime dt;
   /* Sample output:
      Wed, July 19, 2023, 09:33:56
        Year:         2023
        Month:        07 (July)
        Day:          19
        Hour:         09
        Minutes:      33
        Seconds:      56
        Day of week:  Wednesday (3)
        Day of year:  199




struct MqlTick
   datetime     time;          // Last price update time
   double       bid;           // Current Bid price
   double       ask;           // Current Ask price
   double       last;          // Current price of the last trade (Last)
   ulong        volume;        // Volume for the current Last price
   long         time_msc;      // Last price update time in milliseconds
   uint         flags;         // Tick flags
   double       volume_real;   // Volume for the current Last price




  • TICK_FLAG_BID - ティックが買値を変更
  • TICK_FLAG_ASK - ティックが売値を変更
  • TICK_FLAG_LAST:ティックが最後の取引価格を変更
  • TICK_FLAG_VOLUME - ティックがボリュームを変更
  • TICK_FLAG_BUY - ティックは買い取引の結果
  • TICK_FLAG_SELL - ティックは売り取引の結果



    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare a variable with the MqlTick type
       MqlTick  tick;
    //--- If failed to get the last tick, display the error message and exit the method
          Print("SymbolInfoTick failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
    //--- Display the tick using standard ArrayPrint()
    //--- To do this, declare an array of dimension 1 with type MqlTick,
    //--- enter the value of the 'tick' variable into it and print it
       MqlTick array[1];
       Print("Last tick (ArrayPrint):");
       /* Sample output:
          Last tick (ArrayPrint):
                           [time]   [bid]   [ask] [last] [volume]    [time_msc] [flags] [volume_real]
          [0] 2023.07.19 17:02:49 1.28992 1.28996 0.0000        0 1689786169589       6       0.00000


    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare a dynamic array of the MqlTick type
       MqlTick  array[];
    //--- If failed to get the last 10 ticks, display the error message and exit the method
          Print("CopyTicks failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
       Print("Last 10 tick (ArrayPrint):");
       /* Sample output:
          Last 10 tick (ArrayPrint):
                           [time]   [bid]   [ask] [last] [volume]    [time_msc] [flags] [volume_real]
          [0] 2023.07.19 17:24:38 1.28804 1.28808 0.0000        0 1689787478461       6       0.00000
          [1] 2023.07.19 17:24:38 1.28806 1.28810 0.0000        0 1689787478602       6       0.00000
          [2] 2023.07.19 17:24:38 1.28804 1.28808 0.0000        0 1689787478932       6       0.00000
          [3] 2023.07.19 17:24:39 1.28806 1.28810 0.0000        0 1689787479210       6       0.00000
          [4] 2023.07.19 17:24:39 1.28807 1.28811 0.0000        0 1689787479765       6       0.00000
          [5] 2023.07.19 17:24:39 1.28808 1.28812 0.0000        0 1689787479801       6       0.00000
          [6] 2023.07.19 17:24:40 1.28809 1.28813 0.0000        0 1689787480240       6       0.00000
          [7] 2023.07.19 17:24:40 1.28807 1.28811 0.0000        0 1689787480288       6       0.00000
          [8] 2023.07.19 17:24:40 1.28809 1.28813 0.0000        0 1689787480369       6       0.00000
          [9] 2023.07.19 17:24:40 1.28810 1.28814 0.0000        0 1689787480399       6       0.00000






    //| Accept a date in ms, return time in Date Time.Msc format         |
    string TimeMSC(const long time_msc)
       return StringFormat("%s.%.3hu",string((datetime)time_msc / 1000),time_msc % 1000);
       /* Sample output:
          2023.07.13 09:31:58.177


    //| Return the time of the last price update as a string             |
    string MqlTickTime(const MqlTick &tick,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Time:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-s",indent,"",w,header,(string)tick.time);
       /* Sample output:
          Time: 2023.07.19 20:58:00


    //| Return the Bid price as a string                                 |
    string MqlTickBid(const string symbol,const MqlTick &tick,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Bid:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Get the number of decimal places
       int dg=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f",indent,"",w,header,dg,tick.bid);
       /* Sample output:
          Bid: 1.29237


    //| Return the Ask price as a string                                 |
    string MqlTickAsk(const string symbol,const MqlTick &tick,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Ask:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Get the number of decimal places
       int dg=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f",indent,"",w,header,dg,tick.ask);
       /* Sample output:
          Ask: 1.29231


    //| Return the Last price as a string                                |
    string MqlTickLast(const string symbol,const MqlTick &tick,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Last:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Get the number of decimal places
       int dg=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f",indent,"",w,header,dg,tick.last);
       /* Sample output:
          Last: 0.00000


    //| Return the volume for the Last price as a string                 |
    string MqlTickVolume(const MqlTick &tick,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Volume:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-I64u",indent,"",w,header,tick.volume);
       /* Sample output:
          Volume: 0


    //| Return the time in milliseconds as a string                      |
    string MqlTickTimeMSC(const MqlTick &tick,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Time msc:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-s",indent,"",w,header,TimeMSC(tick.time_msc));
       /* Sample output:
          Time msc: 2023.07.19 21:21:09.732


    //| Return tick flags as a string                                    |
    string MqlTickFlags(const MqlTick &tick,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Flags:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Define a variable to describe tick flags
       string flags="";
    //--- Parse tick flags into components
       if((tick.flags & TICK_FLAG_BID)==TICK_FLAG_BID)
          flags+=(flags.Length()>0 ? "|" : "")+"BID";
       if((tick.flags & TICK_FLAG_ASK)==TICK_FLAG_ASK)
          flags+=(flags.Length()>0 ? "|" : "")+"ASK";
       if((tick.flags & TICK_FLAG_LAST)==TICK_FLAG_LAST)
          flags+=(flags.Length()>0 ? "|" : "")+"LAST";
       if((tick.flags & TICK_FLAG_VOLUME)==TICK_FLAG_VOLUME)
          flags+=(flags.Length()>0 ? "|" : "")+"VOLUME";
       if((tick.flags & TICK_FLAG_BUY)==TICK_FLAG_BUY)
          flags+=(flags.Length()>0 ? "|" : "")+"BUY";
       if((tick.flags & TICK_FLAG_SELL)==TICK_FLAG_SELL)
          flags+=(flags.Length()>0 ? "|" : "")+"SELL";
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-s",indent,"",w,header,flags);
       /* Sample output:
          Flags: BID|ASK


    //| Return the volume for the Last price as a string                 |
    string MqlTickVolumeReal(const MqlTick &tick,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Volume Real:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-.2f",indent,"",w,header,tick.volume_real);
       /* Sample output:
          Volume Real: 0.00


    ティックデータを操作ログに表示する関数を書きます。操作ログに表示される価格の精度を知るために、銘柄名を関数に渡します。VolumeフィールドとVolume Realフィールドには、最終価格ボリュームが含まれているため、Lastがゼロ(翻訳されていない)であれば、ボリュームを表示する意味はありません。ティックの配列からティックのインデックスを指定して表示できるようにするために、関数の入力パラメータにこのインデックスを渡します。デフォルトは-1であり、この値ではインデックスは表示されません。

    //| Logs descriptions of all fields of the MqlTick structure         |
    //| If Last==0, Last, Volume and Volume Real fields are not displayed|
    void MqlTickPrint(const string symbol,const MqlTick &tick,const bool short_entry=true,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0,int index=WRONG_VALUE)
    //--- Declare the variable for storing the result
       string res="";
    //--- Get the number of decimal places
       int dg=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);
       string num=(index==WRONG_VALUE ? "" : StringFormat("[%ld] ",index));
    //--- If it is a short entry, log the tick data in the Symbol TimeMSC, Bid, Ask, Last, Vol/VolR, Flags format
          //--- If Last is not zero, display Last, Volume and Volume Real, otherwise they are all zero and there is no point in displaying them
          string last=(tick.last!=0 ? StringFormat(", Last: %.*f, Vol: %I64u/%.2f",dg,tick.last,tick.volume,tick.volume_real) : "");
          res=StringFormat("%sTick %s Time: %s, Bid: %.*f, Ask: %.*f%s, %s",num,symbol,TimeMSC(tick.time_msc),dg,tick.bid,dg,tick.ask,last,MqlTickFlags(tick));
       /* Sample output (if Last is not zero):
          Tick GBPUSD Time: 2023.07.20 13:57:31.376, Bid: 1.28947, Ask: 1.28951, Last: 1.28947, Vol: 33/33.45, Flags: BID|ASK
          Sample output (if Last is zero):
          Tick GBPUSD Time: 2023.07.20 13:59:33.274, Bid: 1.28956, Ask: 1.28960, Flags: BID|ASK
    //--- Otherwise
          //--- create a string describing all the data of the structure with indents and a given width of the header field 
                           (tick.last!=0 ? "\n"+MqlTickLast(symbol,tick,header_width,indent) : ""),
                           (tick.last!=0 ? "\n"+MqlTickVolume(tick,header_width,indent) : ""),
                           (tick.last!=0 ? "\n"+MqlTickVolumeReal(tick,header_width,indent) : "")
          //--- Display the obtained string in the journal
       /* Sample output (if Last is not zero):
          Time:         2023.07.20 14:42:33
          Bid:          1.28958
          Ask:          1.28962
          Last:         1.28947
          Volume:       33
          Time msc:     2023.07.20 14:42:33.401
          Flags:        BID|ASK
          Volume Real:  33.45
          Sample output (if Last is zero):
          Time:         2023.07.20 14:42:33
          Bid:          1.28958
          Ask:          1.28962
          Time msc:     2023.07.20 14:42:33.401
          Flags:        BID|ASK


    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare a dynamic array of the MqlTick type
       MqlTick  array[];
    //--- If failed to get the last 10 ticks, display the error message and exit the method
          Print("CopyTicks failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
       Print("Last 10 tick (MqlTickPrint):");
       for(int i=0;i<(int)array.Size();i++)
       /* Sample output:
          Last 10 tick (MqlTickPrint):
          [0] Tick GBPUSD Time: 2023.07.20 15:36:29.941, Bid: 1.28686, Ask: 1.28690, Flags: BID|ASK
          [1] Tick GBPUSD Time: 2023.07.20 15:36:29.970, Bid: 1.28688, Ask: 1.28692, Flags: BID|ASK
          [2] Tick GBPUSD Time: 2023.07.20 15:36:30.061, Bid: 1.28689, Ask: 1.28693, Flags: BID|ASK
          [3] Tick GBPUSD Time: 2023.07.20 15:36:30.212, Bid: 1.28688, Ask: 1.28692, Flags: BID|ASK
          [4] Tick GBPUSD Time: 2023.07.20 15:36:30.259, Bid: 1.28689, Ask: 1.28693, Flags: BID|ASK
          [5] Tick GBPUSD Time: 2023.07.20 15:36:30.467, Bid: 1.28682, Ask: 1.28686, Flags: BID|ASK
          [6] Tick GBPUSD Time: 2023.07.20 15:36:30.522, Bid: 1.28681, Ask: 1.28685, Flags: BID|ASK
          [7] Tick GBPUSD Time: 2023.07.20 15:36:30.572, Bid: 1.28673, Ask: 1.28677, Flags: BID|ASK
          [8] Tick GBPUSD Time: 2023.07.20 15:36:30.574, Bid: 1.28672, Ask: 1.28676, Flags: BID|ASK
          [9] Tick GBPUSD Time: 2023.07.20 15:36:30.669, Bid: 1.28674, Ask: 1.28678, Flags: BID|ASK


    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare a dynamic array of the MqlTick type
       MqlTick  array[];
    //--- If the last 4 ticks are not received in the array, display an error message and leave
          Print("CopyTicks failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
       Print("Last 4 tick (MqlTickPrint):");
       for(int i=0;i<(int)array.Size();i++)
          PrintFormat("Tick[%lu] %s:",i,Symbol());
       /* Sample output:
          Last 4 tick (MqlTickPrint):
          Tick[0] GBPUSD:
            Time:         2023.07.20 17:04:51
            Bid:          1.28776
            Ask:          1.28780
            Time msc:     2023.07.20 17:04:51.203
            Flags:        BID|ASK
          Tick[1] GBPUSD:
            Time:         2023.07.20 17:04:51
            Bid:          1.28772
            Ask:          1.28776
            Time msc:     2023.07.20 17:04:51.331
            Flags:        BID|ASK
          Tick[2] GBPUSD:
            Time:         2023.07.20 17:04:51
            Bid:          1.28771
            Ask:          1.28775
            Time msc:     2023.07.20 17:04:51.378
            Flags:        BID|ASK
          Tick[3] GBPUSD:
            Time:         2023.07.20 17:04:51
            Bid:          1.28772
            Ask:          1.28776
            Time msc:     2023.07.20 17:04:51.680
            Flags:        BID|ASK



    struct MqlRates
       datetime time;         // period start time
       double   open;         // open price
       double   high;         // high price for the period
       double   low;          // low price for the period
       double   close;        // close price
       long     tick_volume;  // tick volume
       int      spread;       // spread
       long     real_volume;  // exchange volume



    void OnStart()
       MqlRates array[];
          Print("CopyRates failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
       Print("Current bar ",Symbol()," ",StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7)," (ArrayPrint):");
       /* Sample output:
          Current bar GBPUSD H1 (ArrayPrint):
                           [time]  [open]  [high]   [low] [close] [tick_volume] [spread] [real_volume]
          [0] 2023.07.21 04:00:00 1.28763 1.28765 1.28663 1.28748          2083        7             0


    void OnStart()
       MqlRates array[];
          Print("CopyRates failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
       Print("Data of the last 10 bars: ",Symbol()," ",StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7)," (ArrayPrint):");
       /* Sample output:
          Data of the last 10 bars: GBPUSD H1 (ArrayPrint):
                           [time]  [open]  [high]   [low] [close] [tick_volume] [spread] [real_volume]
          [0] 2023.07.20 20:00:00 1.28530 1.28676 1.28512 1.28641          2699        4             0
          [1] 2023.07.20 21:00:00 1.28641 1.28652 1.28557 1.28587          1726        3             0
          [2] 2023.07.20 22:00:00 1.28587 1.28681 1.28572 1.28648          2432        3             0
          [3] 2023.07.20 23:00:00 1.28648 1.28683 1.28632 1.28665           768        4             0
          [4] 2023.07.21 00:00:00 1.28663 1.28685 1.28613 1.28682           396        1             0
          [5] 2023.07.21 01:00:00 1.28684 1.28732 1.28680 1.28714           543        8             0
          [6] 2023.07.21 02:00:00 1.28714 1.28740 1.28690 1.28721           814        2             0
          [7] 2023.07.21 03:00:00 1.28721 1.28774 1.28685 1.28761          2058        5             0
          [8] 2023.07.21 04:00:00 1.28763 1.28791 1.28663 1.28774          3480        7             0
          [9] 2023.07.21 05:00:00 1.28774 1.28776 1.28769 1.28774            18        7             0







    //| Return the bar opening time as a string                          |
    string MqlRatesTime(const MqlRates &rates,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Time:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-s",indent,"",w,header,(string)rates.time);
       /* Sample output:
          Time: 2023.07.21 06:00:00



    //| Return the bar open price as a string                            |
    string MqlRatesOpen(const string symbol,const MqlRates &rates,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Open:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Get the number of decimal places
       int dg=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f",indent,"",w,header,dg,rates.open);
       /* Sample output:
          Open: 1.28812


    高値 - 構造体に書き込まれたデータが要求された、銘柄とチャート期間のバーの最高値です。

    //| Return the High bar price as a string                            |
    string MqlRatesHigh(const string symbol,const MqlRates &rates,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="High:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Get the number of decimal places
       int dg=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f",indent,"",w,header,dg,rates.high);
       /* Sample output:
          High: 1.28859


    安値 - 構造体に書き込まれたデータが要求された銘柄とチャート期間のバーの最安値です。

    //| Return the bar Low price as a string                             |
    string MqlRatesLow(const string symbol,const MqlRates &rates,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Low:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Get the number of decimal places
       int dg=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f",indent,"",w,header,dg,rates.low);
       /* Sample output:
          Low: 1.28757


    終値 - 構造体に書き込まれたデータが要求された銘柄とチャート期間のバーの終値です。

    //| Return the bar close price as a string                           |
    string MqlRatesClose(const string symbol,const MqlRates &rates,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Close:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Get the number of decimal places
       int dg=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f",indent,"",w,header,dg,rates.close);
       /* Sample output:
          Close: 1.28770



    //| Return the tick volume of a bar as a string                      |
    string MqlRatesTickVolume(const MqlRates &rates,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Tick Volume:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-lld",indent,"",w,header,rates.tick_volume);
       /* Sample output:
          Tick Volume: 963



    //| Return the bar spread as a string                                |
    string MqlRatesSpread(const MqlRates &rates,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Spread:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-ld",indent,"",w,header,rates.spread);
       /* Sample output:
          Spread: 4



    //| Return the bar exchange volume as a string                       |
    string MqlRatesRealVolume(const MqlRates &rates,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Real Volume:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-lld",indent,"",w,header,rates.real_volume);
       /* Sample output:
          Real Volume: 0



    void OnStart()
    //--- Copy the last 10 data bars to the MqlRates array
       MqlRates array[];
          Print("CopyRates failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
    //--- Set the indexing of the array like a timeseries
    //--- Print short entries in the journal in a loop through the array with the received bar data
       for(int i=0;i<(int)array.Size();i++)
       /* Sample output:
          GBPUSD H1[0]: 2023.07.21 14:00:00, O: 1.28451, H: 1.28541, L: 1.28451, C: 1.28501, S:  4, V:   821, RV: 0
          GBPUSD H1[1]: 2023.07.21 13:00:00, O: 1.28678, H: 1.28685, L: 1.28418, C: 1.28452, S:  1, V:  3602, RV: 0
          GBPUSD H1[2]: 2023.07.21 12:00:00, O: 1.28581, H: 1.28696, L: 1.28557, C: 1.28678, S:  1, V:  4807, RV: 0
          GBPUSD H1[3]: 2023.07.21 11:00:00, O: 1.28695, H: 1.28745, L: 1.28401, C: 1.28581, S:  1, V:  7440, RV: 0
          GBPUSD H1[4]: 2023.07.21 10:00:00, O: 1.28933, H: 1.28960, L: 1.28651, C: 1.28696, S:  1, V:  8883, RV: 0
          GBPUSD H1[5]: 2023.07.21 09:00:00, O: 1.28788, H: 1.29040, L: 1.28753, C: 1.28934, S:  1, V:  5474, RV: 0
          GBPUSD H1[6]: 2023.07.21 08:00:00, O: 1.28794, H: 1.28848, L: 1.28713, C: 1.28787, S:  1, V:  1885, RV: 0
          GBPUSD H1[7]: 2023.07.21 07:00:00, O: 1.28762, H: 1.28808, L: 1.28744, C: 1.28794, S:  4, V:   878, RV: 0
          GBPUSD H1[8]: 2023.07.21 06:00:00, O: 1.28812, H: 1.28859, L: 1.28743, C: 1.28760, S:  3, V:  1112, RV: 0
          GBPUSD H1[9]: 2023.07.21 05:00:00, O: 1.28774, H: 1.28820, L: 1.28747, C: 1.28812, S:  7, V:  1671, RV: 0



    void OnStart()
    //--- Copy the last 4 data bars to the MqlRates array
       MqlRates array[];
          Print("CopyRates failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
    //--- Set the indexing of the array like a timeseries
    //--- Print short entries in the journal in a loop through the array with the received bar data
       for(int i=0;i<(int)array.Size();i++)
       /* Sample output:
          GBPUSD H1[0]:
            Time:         2023.07.21 14:00:00
            Open:         1.28451
            High:         1.28541
            Low:          1.28451
            Close:        1.28491
            Tick Volume:  1098
            Spread:       4
            Real Volume:  0
          GBPUSD H1[1]:
            Time:         2023.07.21 13:00:00
            Open:         1.28678
            High:         1.28685
            Low:          1.28418
            Close:        1.28452
            Tick Volume:  3602
            Spread:       1
            Real Volume:  0
          GBPUSD H1[2]:
            Time:         2023.07.21 12:00:00
            Open:         1.28581
            High:         1.28696
            Low:          1.28557
            Close:        1.28678
            Tick Volume:  4807
            Spread:       1
            Real Volume:  0
          GBPUSD H1[3]:
            Time:         2023.07.21 11:00:00
            Open:         1.28695
            High:         1.28745
            Low:          1.28401
            Close:        1.28581
            Tick Volume:  7440
            Spread:       1
            Real Volume:  0



    struct MqlBookInfo
       ENUM_BOOK_TYPE   type;            // order type from ENUM_BOOK_TYPE enumeration
       double           price;           // price
       long             volume;          // volume
       double           volume_real;     // volume with increased accuracy

    この構造体を使うには、この型の変数を宣言するだけで済みます。市場深度はすべての金融商品について利用できるわけではありません。市場深度のデータを受信する前に、MarketBookAdd() を使用して購読する必要があります。完了したら、MarketBookRelease()を使用して、購読を解除します。EAプログラムには、受信された通知を処理するOnBookEvent() void関数を含める必要があります。


    市場深度の各受信には、その中の注文リストの受信が含まれます。これはデータ配列です。したがって、ArrayPrint() を使用して、市場深度のスナップショットを表示できます。

    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare an array to store a snapshot of the market depth
       MqlBookInfo array[];
    //--- If unable to open the market depth and subscribe to its events, inform of that and leave
          Print("MarketBookAdd failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
    //--- If unable to obtain the market depth entries, inform of that and leave
          Print("MarketBookGet failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
    //--- Print the header in the journal and the market depth snapshot from the array below
       Print("MarketBookInfo by ",Symbol(),":");
    //--- If unable to unsubscribe from the market depth, send an error message to the journal
          Print("MarketBookRelease failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
       /* Sample output:
          MarketBookInfo by GBPUSD:
              [type] [price] [volume] [volume_real]
          [0]      1 1.28280      100     100.00000
          [1]      1 1.28276       50      50.00000
          [2]      1 1.28275       20      20.00000
          [3]      1 1.28273       10      10.00000
          [4]      2 1.28268       10      10.00000
          [5]      2 1.28266       20      20.00000
          [6]      2 1.28265       50      50.00000
          [7]      2 1.28260      100     100.00000





    //| Return the order type in the market depth as a string            |
    string MqlBookInfoType(const MqlBookInfo &book,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Get the value of the order type
       ENUM_BOOK_TYPE book_type=book.type;
    //--- "Cut out" the type from the string obtained from enum
       string type=StringSubstr(EnumToString(book_type),10);
    //--- Convert all obtained symbols to lower case and replace the first letter from small to capital
    //--- Replace all underscore characters with space in the resulting line
       StringReplace(type,"_"," ");
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Type:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-s",indent,"",w,header,type);
       /* Sample output:
          Type: Sell


    //| Return the order price in the market depth as a string           |
    string MqlBookInfoPrice(const string symbol,const MqlBookInfo &book,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Price:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Get the number of decimal places
       int dg=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f",indent,"",w,header,dg,book.price);
       /* Sample output:
          Price: 1.28498


    //| Return the order volume in the market depth as a string          |
    string MqlBookInfoVolume(const MqlBookInfo &book,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Volume:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-lld",indent,"",w,header,book.volume);
       /* Sample output:
          Volume: 100


    //| Return the order volume with increased accuracy as a string      |
    string MqlBookInfoVolumeReal(const MqlBookInfo &book,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
    //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
    //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
       string header="Volume Real:";
       uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
    //--- Return the property value with a header having the required width and indentation
       return StringFormat("%*s%-*s%-.2f",indent,"",w,header,book.volume_real);
       /* Sample output:
          Volume Real: 100.00



    //| Logs a description of all fields of the MqlRates structure       |
    void MqlBookInfoPrint(const string symbol,const MqlBookInfo &book,
                          const bool short_entry=true,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0,int index=WRONG_VALUE)
    //--- Declare the variable for storing the result
       string res="";
    //--- Get the number of decimal places and the string index value
       int dg=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);
       string num=(index==WRONG_VALUE ? "" : StringFormat("[%02ld]",index));
    //--- "Cut out" the type from the order type name string obtained from enum
       string type=StringSubstr(EnumToString(book.type),10);
    //--- Convert all obtained symbols to lower case and replace the first letter from small to capital
    //--- Replace all underscore characters with space in the resulting line
       StringReplace(type,"_"," ");
    //--- If it is a short entry, log the market depth data in the [index] Type Price V VR format
          res=StringFormat("%-8s%-11s%- *.*f Volume%- 5lld Real%- 8.2f",
       /* Sample output:
          [00]    Sell        1.28598  Volume 100  Real 100.00 
    //--- Otherwise
          //--- create a string describing all the data of the structure with indents and a given width of the header field 
          res=StringFormat("Market Book by %s %s:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s",symbol,num,
          //--- Display the obtained string in the journal
       /* Sample output
          BoolInfo by GBPUSD [00]:
            Type:         Sell
            Price:        1.28588
            Volume:       100
            Volume Real:  100.00


    //| Display the market depth entries in the journal in the short format  |
    void MqlBookInfoPrintShort(const string symbol,const MqlBookInfo &book_array[])
       PrintFormat("Market Book by %s:",symbol);
       for(int i=0;i<(int)book_array.Size();i++)



    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare an array to store a snapshot of the market depth
       MqlBookInfo array[];
    //--- If unable to open the market depth and subscribe to its events, inform of that and leave
          Print("MarketBookAdd failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
    //--- If unable to obtain the market depth entries, inform of that and leave
          Print("MarketBookGet failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
    //--- Print in the journal a snapshot of the market depth from the array in the form of strings
    //--- If unable to unsubscribe from the market depth, send an error message to the journal
          Print("MarketBookRelease failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
       /* Sample output:
          Market Book by GBPUSD:
          [00]    Sell        1.28674  Volume 100  Real 100.00 
          [01]    Sell        1.28668  Volume 50   Real 50.00  
          [02]    Sell        1.28666  Volume 20   Real 20.00  
          [03]    Sell        1.28664  Volume 10   Real 10.00  
          [04]    Buy         1.28657  Volume 10   Real 10.00  
          [05]    Buy         1.28654  Volume 20   Real 20.00  
          [06]    Buy         1.28653  Volume 50   Real 50.00  
          [07]    Buy         1.28646  Volume 100  Real 100.00 


    //| Display the market depth entries in the journal in the tabular format  |
    void MqlBookInfoPrintTable(const string symbol,const MqlBookInfo &book_array[],const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
       for(int i=0;i<(int)book_array.Size();i++)


    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare an array to store a snapshot of the market depth
       MqlBookInfo array[];
    //--- If unable to open the market depth and subscribe to its events, inform of that and leave
          Print("MarketBookAdd failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
    //--- If unable to obtain the market depth entries, inform of that and leave
          Print("MarketBookGet failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
    //--- Print in the journal a snapshot of the market depth from the array in the form of strings
    //--- If unable to unsubscribe from the market depth, send an error message to the journal
          Print("MarketBookRelease failed, error: ",(string)GetLastError());
       /* Sample output:
          Market Book by GBPUSD [00]:
            Type:         Sell
            Price:        1.28627
            Volume:       100
            Volume Real:  100.00
          Market Book by GBPUSD [01]:
            Type:         Sell
            Price:        1.28620
            Volume:       50
            Volume Real:  50.00
          Market Book by GBPUSD [02]:
            Type:         Sell
            Price:        1.28618
            Volume:       20
            Volume Real:  20.00
          Market Book by GBPUSD [03]:
            Type:         Sell
            Price:        1.28615
            Volume:       10
            Volume Real:  10.00
          Market Book by GBPUSD [04]:
            Type:         Buy
            Price:        1.28610
            Volume:       10
            Volume Real:  10.00
          Market Book by GBPUSD [05]:
            Type:         Buy
            Price:        1.28606
            Volume:       20
            Volume Real:  20.00
          Market Book by GBPUSD [06]:
            Type:         Buy
            Price:        1.28605
            Volume:       50
            Volume Real:  50.00
          Market Book by GBPUSD [07]:
            Type:         Buy
            Price:        1.28599
            Volume:       100
            Volume Real:  100.00



    MetaQuotes Ltdによってロシア語から翻訳されました。
    元の記事: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/12900

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