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MetaTrader 5インディケータ | 11 4月 2024, 14:16
204 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin


















int  CopyBuffer(
   int       indicator_handle,     // indicator handle
   int       buffer_num,           // indicator buffer index
   int       start_pos,            // starting point 
   int       count,                // amount to copy
   double    buffer[]              // array the data to be copied to


int  CopyBuffer(
   int       indicator_handle,     // indicator handle
   int       buffer_num,           // indicator buffer index
   datetime  start_time,           // starting date
   int       count,                // amount to copy
   double    buffer[]              // array the data to be copied to


int  CopyBuffer(
   int       indicator_handle,     // indicator handle
   int       buffer_num,           // indicator buffer index
   datetime  start_time,           // starting date
   datetime  stop_time,            // end date
   double    buffer[]              // array the data to be copied to



[in] 該当する指標関数によって得られる指標ハンドル


[in] 指標バッファの番号


[in] コピーされた最初の要素のインデックス


[in] コピーされた要素の数


[in] 最初の要素に対応するバー時刻


[in] 最後の要素に対応するバー時刻


[out] double型の配列


コピーされた配列要素の数、またはエラーの場合は -1






  1. すべての指標に共通する主な機能を含む、多銘柄、多期間の指標の基本クラス
  2. 基本オブジェクトから派生したクラス(各指標を種類別に説明)
  3. 指標のコレクション - このクラスを使用して任意の指標を作成し、コレクションに追加することができます。このクラスでは、指標を作成し、指標からデータを受信するためのすべてのツールを提供します。




OnCalculate()ハンドラには、(時系列または配列の)入力データサイズ直前の OnCalculate() 呼び出し時に計算されたデータ量を格納する、定義済みの定数変数があります。


int  OnCalculate(
   const int        rates_total,       // price[] array size
   const int        prev_calculated,   // number of processed bars at the previous call
   const int        begin,             // index number in the price[] array meaningful data starts from
   const double&    price[]            // array of values for calculation


int  OnCalculate(
   const int        rates_total,       // size of input timeseries
   const int        prev_calculated,   // number of processed bars at the previous call
   const datetime&  time{},            // Time array
   const double&    open[],            // Open array
   const double&    high[],            // High array
   const double&    low[],             // Low array
   const double&    close[],           // Close array
   const long&      tick_volume[],     // Tick Volume array
   const long&      volume[],          // Real Volume array
   const int&       spread[]           // Spread array


//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      //--- If the indicator has any buffers, initialize them here with empty values set for these buffers




   for(int i=limit;i>=0;i--)
      // Calculating indicator at each bar of the loop (i)






   int i=fmax(0, prev_calculated-1);
      // Calculating indicator at each bar of the loop (i)


ここでは、関数Bars()BarsCalculated() を使用します。これらは、定義済みの定数指標変数rates_totalとprev_calculatedの類似です。これらの指標は、指定した銘柄/期間のバー数と、指標が計算したデータ量を返します。指標は作成時に指定された銘柄/期間に対して作成されるため、計算されたデータ量もこの銘柄/期間を指します。ハンドルネームで指標を把握します。









SeriesInfoInteger(symbol,period,SERIES_FIRSTDATE);      // The very first date for a period and symbol at the moment
SeriesInfoInteger(symbol,period,SERIES_LASTBAR_DATE);   // Time of opening the last bar for the period and symbol


すべてのデータが受信され、指標が正しく計算されると、計算成功フラグがセットされます。このフラグは、limit > 1の条件で確認されます(この場合、指標バッファ配列を「空」で初期化する必要がある)。最初の起動では、成功フラグがリセットされ、配列が初期化され、現在のチャート銘柄/期間以外での指標の計算が試みられます。計算に失敗した場合は、次のティックまで(タイマーに従って)20秒待機します。





//|                                                      IndMSTF.mqh |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//--- includes
#include <Object.mqh>
//| Base class of the multi-symbol multi-period indicator            |
class CIndMSTF : public CObject


//--- Constructor/destructor



  • 90秒後に、現在の銘柄/期間ではなく、計算された指標の時系列に変わる
  • 20秒後に、ティックをエミュレーションして週末に指標をプロットする
//--- includes
#include <Object.mqh>
//--- defines
#define TIMER_COUNT_1   (90)  // Timer 1 size. Must not be more than two minutes (120)
#define TIMER_COUNT_2   (20)  // Timer 2 size. Too small values quickly trigger tick emulation, which is not desirable in an active market


//--- defines
#define TIMER_COUNT_1   (90)  // Timer 1 size. Must not be more than two minutes (120)
#define TIMER_COUNT_2   (20)  // Timer 2 size. Too small values quickly trigger tick emulation, which is not desirable in an active market
//--- enums
enum ENUM_IND_CATEGORY        // Indicator categories
   IND_CATEGORY_NONE,         // Not set
   IND_CATEGORY_TREND,        // Trend
   IND_CATEGORY_OSCILLATOR,   // Oscillators
   IND_CATEGORY_VOLUME,       // Volume
   IND_CATEGORY_WILLIAMS,     // Bill Williams
   IND_CATEGORY_CUSTOM,       // Custom



enum ENUM_COMPARE_MODE        // Comparison mode
   // By default, the comparison mode is set to zero, which compares all properties
   COMPARE_MODE_HANDLE=1,     // Compare by handle
   COMPARE_MODE_SYMBOL,       // Compare by symbol
   COMPARE_MODE_TIMEFRAME,    // Compare by chart period
   COMPARE_MODE_ID,           // Compare by ID
   COMPARE_MODE_DESCRIPTION,  // Compare by custom description
   COMPARE_MODE_CATEGORY,     // Compare by category




enum ENUM_LINE_STATE          // Indicator line state
   LINE_STATE_NONE,           // Undefined
   LINE_STATE_UP,             // Upward
   LINE_STATE_DOWN,           // Downward
   LINE_STATE_TURN_UP,        // Upward reversal
   LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN,      // Downward reversal
   LINE_STATE_STOP_UP,        // Upward stop
   LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN,      // Downward stop
   LINE_STATE_ABOVE,          // Above value
   LINE_STATE_BELOW,          // Below value
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP,       // Upward value crossing
   LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN,     // Downward value crossing
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW,    // Touching value from below
   LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE,    // Touching value from above
   LINE_STATE_EQUALS,         // Equal to value



enum ENUM_ERR_TYPE            // Indicator calculation error type
   ERR_TYPE_NO_ERROR,         // No error
   ERR_TYPE_NO_CYNC,          // Data not synchronized
   ERR_TYPE_NO_DATA,          // Data not loaded
   ERR_TYPE_NO_CALC,          // Calculation not completed




  1. 計算部分のバッファ:指標を作成すると、メモリ上に作成されます。これは指標の計算部分です。端末サブシステムによって管理される独自のバッファを持ちます。このハンドルは、指標の作成に成功した後に返されます。正常に作成され計算された指標のバッファには、指標が計算された時系列に対応するデータが常に含まれています。このバッファのデータは、ゼロインデックスが指標の計算対象となる時系列の現在のバーに対応するように配置されます。

  2. 指標オブジェクトのバッファ:作成された多指標クラスの各オブジェクトは、この指標のバッファの数に応じて、それ自身のバッファ配列を持つことになります。計算部バッファのデータは、これらの配列に置かれます。指標オブジェクトのバッファはクラスオブジェクトの内部で管理され、その中で初期化され、指標が作成された時系列のサイズに応じてサイズが増加し、新しいティックごとに更新されます。CopyBufer()を使用して計算部バッファから指標オブジェクト配列にデータをコピーする場合、現在のバーが配列の最後(ArraySize()-1)に位置するようにデータが配置されます。

  3. 指標プロット部分のバッファ:各指標オブジェクトは、EAとカスタム指標の両方で作成できます。EAで複数の指標を作成する場合、指標を計算するために、指標を計算するメソッドを呼び出し、計算されたデータを取得するために、指標オブジェクトの目的のバッファインデックスにアクセスします。カスタム指標の場合、マルチ指標のデータをチャートにプロットする必要もあります。そのため、ここではプロット用バッファも用意しています。このバッファは、カスタム指標のプロットとして割り当てられます。指標オブジェクトのバッファに保存されたデータを表示します。チャートに線を表示するには、カスタム指標から指標コレクションクラスのメソッドを呼び出し、指標を計算し、計算が成功したら、指標オブジェクトのバッファデータをカスタム指標のプロットバッファに配置するメソッドを呼び出すだけで十分です。


//--- struct
struct SBuffer                // Structure of the indicator buffer
   double            array[];    // Indicator buffer array
   double            init_value; // Initializing value
   int               shift;      // Horizontal shift of the buffer
   string            descript;   // Buffer description
   //--- (1) Sets, (2) returns the initializing value,
   void              SetInitValue(const double value) { init_value=value;                             }
   double            InitValue(void)                  { return init_value;                            }
   //--- (1) Sets, (2) returns the buffer offset
   void              SetShift(const int value)        { shift=value;                                  }
   int               Shift(void)                      { return shift;                                 }
//--- (1) Resizes the buffer array, (2) returns the size of the buffer array,
//--- (3) initializes the array with the set "empty" value
   bool              BuffResize(const int new_size)   { return(ArrayResize(array,new_size)==new_size);}
   uint              BufferSize(void)                 { return array.Size();                          }
   int               InitBuffer(void)                 { return ArrayInitialize(array,init_value);     }



//| Return the indicator line state description                      |
string BufferLineStateDescription(const ENUM_LINE_STATE state)
      case LINE_STATE_NONE       :  return "None";
      case LINE_STATE_UP         :  return "Up";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_UP    :  return "Stop Up";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_UP    :  return "Turn Up";
      case LINE_STATE_DOWN       :  return "Down";
      case LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN  :  return "Stop Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN  :  return "Turn Down";
      case LINE_STATE_ABOVE      :  return "Above level";
      case LINE_STATE_BELOW      :  return "Below level";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   :  return "Crossing Up";
      case LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN :  return "Crossing Down";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_BELOW:  return "Touch from Below";
      case LINE_STATE_TOUCH_ABOVE:  return "Touch from Above";
      case LINE_STATE_EQUALS     :  return "Equals";
      default                    :  return "Unknown";
//| Return error description in indicator calculation                |
string TypeErrorcDescription(ENUM_ERR_TYPE error_type)
      case ERR_TYPE_NO_CYNC   :  return "Data is not synchronized";
      case ERR_TYPE_NO_DATA   :  return "Data not loaded";
      case ERR_TYPE_NO_CALC   :  return "Calculation not completed";
      default                 :  return "No error";



//| Base class of the multi-symbol multi-period indicator            |
class CIndMSTF : public CObject
   ENUM_PROGRAM_TYPE m_program;           // Program type
   ENUM_INDICATOR    m_type;              // Indicator type
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   m_timeframe;         // Chart timeframe
   string            m_symbol;            // Chart symbol
   int               m_handle;            // Indicator handle
   int               m_id;                // Identifier
   bool              m_success;           // Successful calculation flag
   ENUM_ERR_TYPE     m_type_err;          // Calculation error type
   string            m_description;       // Custom description of the indicator
   string            m_name;              // Indicator name
   string            m_parameters;        // Description of indicator parameters

   ENUM_IND_CATEGORY m_category;          // Indicator category
   MqlParam          m_param[];           // Array of indicator parameters
   string            m_title;             // Title (indicator name + description of parameters)
   SBuffer           m_buffers[];         // Indicator buffers
   int               m_digits;            // Digits in indicator values
   int               m_limit;             // Number of bars required to calculate the indicator on the current tick
   int               m_rates_total;       // Number of available bars for indicator calculation
   int               m_prev_calculated;   // Number of calculated bars on the previous indicator call
//--- (1) Sets indicator name, (2) description of parameters
   void              SetName(const string name)                      { this.m_name=name;           }
   void              SetParameters(const string str)                 { this.m_parameters=str;      }
//--- Resizes the (1) specified, (2) all indicator buffers
   bool              BufferResize(const uint buffer_num,const int new_buff_size);
   bool              BuffersResize(const int new_buff_size);
//--- Initializes the (1) specified, (2) all indicator buffers
   bool              BufferInitialize(const uint buffer_num,const int new_buff_size);
   bool              BuffersInitialize(const int new_buff_size);
//--- Returns the flag indicating equality of the structure of one parameter of two objects
   bool              IsEqualParameters(const MqlParam &this_param,const MqlParam &compared_param) const
                        if(this_param.type==compared_param.type                     && 
                           this_param.integer_value==compared_param.integer_value   && 
                           this_param.string_value==compared_param.string_value     && 
                          ) return true;
                        return false;
//--- Return the result of comparison on one parameter of two objects
   int               CompareParams(const MqlParam &this_param,const MqlParam &compared_param)
                           return 0;
                        else if(this_param.type>compared_param.type                 || 
                           this_param.integer_value>compared_param.integer_value    || 
                           this_param.string_value>compared_param.string_value      || 
                          ) return 1;
                        else if(this_param.type<compared_param.type                 || 
                           this_param.integer_value<compared_param.integer_value    || 
                           this_param.string_value<compared_param.string_value      || 
                          ) return -1;
                           return -1;
//--- Creates the calculation part of the indicator, returns the handle
   int               CreateIndicator(void);
//--- (1) Calculates the indicator, (2) fills the passed buffer array (taking into account the chart period/symbol) with data from the indicator calculation buffer of this class
   bool              Calculate(void);
   bool              DataToBuffer(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const uint buffer_num,const int limit,double &buffer[]);

//--- (1) Sets (2) returns the initializing value for the specified buffer
   void              SetBufferInitValue(const uint buffer_num,const double value);
   double            BufferInitValue(const uint buffer_num) const;

//--- (1) Sets (2) returns the offset value for the specified buffer
   void              SetBufferShift(const uint buffer_num,const int value);
   double            BufferShift(const uint buffer_num) const;

//--- Returns data of the specified buffer (1) as is, (2) relative to the specified symbol/timeframe,
//--- (3) amount of data in the specified buffer, (4) the state of the indicator line as it is in the calculation part buffer,
//--- (5) indicator line state taking into account the chart symbol/period, description of the line state (6) as is in the buffer (7) taking into account the chart symbol/period
   double            GetData(const uint buffer_num,const int index)           const;
   double            GetDataTo(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const uint buffer_num,const int index) const;
   uint              DataTotal(const uint buffer_num)                         const;
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineState(const uint buffer_num,const int index)   const;
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineState(const string symbol_from,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframes_from,const uint buffer_num,const int index) const;
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineStateRelative(const int buffer_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineStateRelative(const string symbol_from,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframes_from,const int buffer_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE);

//--- Returns (1) success flag, (2) calculation error type
   bool              IsSuccess(void)                           const { return this.m_success;               }
   ENUM_ERR_TYPE     TypeError(void)                           const { return this.m_type_err;              }
//--- Sets (1) identifier, (2) Digits, (3) custom description, (4) description of the specified buffer
   void              SetID(const int id)                             { this.m_id=id;                        }
   void              SetDigits(const uint digits)                    { this.m_digits=(int)digits;           }
   void              SetDescription(const string descr)              { this.m_description=descr;            }
   void              SetBufferDescription(const uint buffer_num,const string descr);

//--- Sets the indexing of buffer arrays of the calculation part not as in the timeseries
   void              SetAsSeriesOff(void);
//--- Returns flag of whether the buffer is set as series, (2) historical data for symbol/period is synchronized
   bool              IsSeries(const uint buffer_num) const;
   bool              IsSynchronized(void) const
                        return (bool)::SeriesInfoInteger(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,SERIES_SYNCHRONIZED);
//--- Returns (1) timeframe, (2) symbol, (3) name, (4) list of parameters, (5) handle, (6) Digits
//--- number of (7) buffers, (8) bars, (9) identifier, (10) description, (11) title, (12) category,
//--- (13) number of parameters, (14) program type, description of (15) category, (16) indicator buffer
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   Timeframe(void)                           const { return this.m_timeframe;             }
   string            Symbol(void)                              const { return this.m_symbol;                }
   string            Name(void)                                const { return this.m_name;                  }
   string            Parameters(void)                          const { return this.m_parameters;            }
   int               Handle(void)                              const { return this.m_handle;                }
   int               Digits(void)                              const { return this.m_digits;                }
   uint              BuffersTotal(void)                        const { return this.m_buffers.Size();        }
   uint              RatesTotal(void)                          const { return this.m_rates_total;           }
   int               ID(void)                                  const { return this.m_id;                    }
   string            Description(void)                         const { return this.m_description;           }
   string            Title(void)                               const { return this.m_title;                 }
   ENUM_IND_CATEGORY Category(void)                            const { return this.m_category;              }
   uint              ParamsTotal(void)                         const { return this.m_param.Size();          }
   ENUM_PROGRAM_TYPE Program(void)                             const { return this.m_program;               }
   string            CategoryDescription(void);
   string            BufferDescription(const uint buffer_num);

//--- Returns (1) structure of parameters by index from array, (2) flag of indicator program, (3) timeframe description
   MqlParam          GetMqlParam(const int index)              const { return this.m_param[index];          }
   bool              IsIndicator()                 const { return(this.Program()==PROGRAM_INDICATOR);       }
   string            TimeframeDescription(void)    const
                        return ::StringSubstr(::EnumToString(this.m_timeframe),7);
//--- Returns amount of calculated data
   int               Calculated(void)  const { return ::BarsCalculated(this.m_handle);                      }
//--- Virtual method returning the type of object (indicator)
   virtual int       Type(void)                                const { return this.m_type;                  }
//--- Virtual method for comparing two objects
   virtual int       Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const
                        const CIndMSTF *compared=node;
                           case COMPARE_MODE_ID          : return(this.ID()>compared.ID()                   ? 1 : this.ID()<compared.ID()                   ? -1 : 0);
                           case COMPARE_MODE_HANDLE      : return(this.Handle()>compared.Handle()           ? 1 : this.Handle()<compared.Handle()           ? -1 : 0);
                           case COMPARE_MODE_CATEGORY    : return(this.Category()>compared.Category()       ? 1 : this.Category()<compared.Category()       ? -1 : 0);
                           case COMPARE_MODE_SYMBOL      : return(this.Symbol()>compared.Symbol()           ? 1 : this.Symbol()<compared.Symbol()           ? -1 : 0);
                           case COMPARE_MODE_TIMEFRAME   : return(this.Timeframe()>compared.Timeframe()     ? 1 : this.Timeframe()<compared.Timeframe()     ? -1 : 0);
                           case COMPARE_MODE_DESCRIPTION : return(this.Description()>compared.Description() ? 1 : this.Description()<compared.Description() ? -1 : 0);
                           //--- Equality of all object parameters
                           default                       : return(this.IsEqualIndicators(compared) ? 0 : -1);
//--- Returns the flag of equality of parameters of two indicator objects
   bool              IsEqualIndicators(const CIndMSTF *compared) const
                        if(this.Type()!=compared.Type() || this.ParamsTotal()!=compared.ParamsTotal())
                           return false;
                        bool res=true;
                        int total=(int)this.ParamsTotal();
                        for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
                           res &=this.IsEqualParameters(this.m_param[i],compared.GetMqlParam(i));
                        res &=(this.Timeframe()==compared.Timeframe());
                        res &=(this.Symbol()==compared.Symbol());
                        return res;
//--- Timer
   void OnTimer(void);
//--- Constructor/destructor
                     CIndMSTF(const ENUM_INDICATOR type,const uint buffers,const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe);



//| Constructor                                                      |
CIndMSTF::CIndMSTF(const ENUM_INDICATOR type,const uint buffers,const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe)
//--- Start the timer
      ::PrintFormat("%s: EventSetTimer failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
//--- Set properties to the values passed to the constructor or to default values
   this.m_symbol=(symbol==NULL || symbol=="" ? ::Symbol() : symbol);
   this.m_timeframe=(timeframe==PERIOD_CURRENT ? ::Period() : timeframe);
//--- Set the size of the buffer structure array to the number of indicator buffers
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Buffers ArrayResize failed. Error  %lu"__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
//--- Set the "empty" value for each buffer by default (can be changed it later)
   for(int i=0;i<(int)this.m_buffers.Size();i++)
//--- Set initial values of variables involved in resource-efficient calculation of the indicator
//--- If the indicator is calculated on non-current chart, request data from the required chart
//--- (the first access to data starts data pumping)
   datetime array[];
   if(symbol!=::Symbol() || timeframe!=::Period())



//| Destructor                                                       |
//--- Delete timer
//--- Release indicator handle
   if(this.m_handle!=INVALID_HANDLE && !::IndicatorRelease(this.m_handle))
      ::PrintFormat("%s: %s, handle %ld IndicatorRelease failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),m_handle,::GetLastError());
//--- Free up the memory of buffer arrays
   for(int i=0;i<(int)this.BuffersTotal();i++)



//| Timer                                                            |
void CIndMSTF::OnTimer(void)
//--- If the indicator symbol and timeframe match those of the current chart, exit
   if(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period())
//--- Declare time counter variable
   static int count1=0;
   static int count2=0;
//--- If the counter of timer 1 has reached the specified value,
      //--- call the CopyTime function (timeseries hold) and reset the counter
      datetime array[1];
//--- If the counter of timer 2 has reached the specified value
      static int count=0;
      //--- if the previous indicator calculation failed, emulate a tick and print the relevant log
            ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Tick emulation. Attempt %ld of 3 ...",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),count);
      //--- reset the counter
//--- Increase timer counters



//| Creates an indicator, returns a handle                           |
int CIndMSTF::CreateIndicator(void)
//--- Create indicator name to print to logs
   string name=::StringFormat("%s(%s,%s)",::StringSubstr(::EnumToString(this.m_type),4),this.m_symbol,this.TimeframeDescription());
//--- Create the calculation part of the indicator
//--- If the calculation part is not created, log a message about the failed creation of the indicator
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to create indicator handle %s. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,name,::GetLastError());
//--- If the indicator is created, set non-timeseries indexing of indicator arrays
//--- Return the handle of the created indicator or -1 if unsuccessful
   return this.m_handle;



//| Resize the specified indicator buffer                            |
bool CIndMSTF::BufferResize(const uint buffer_num,const int new_buff_size)
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to the log and return 'false'
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      return false;
//--- Resize the buffer
   bool res=this.m_buffers[buffer_num].BuffResize(new_buff_size);
//--- If unsuccessful, print a message to the log
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Buffer(%lu) resize failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),buffer_num,::GetLastError());
//--- Return the result of resizing the buffer array
   return res;



//| Resize all indicator buffers                                     |
bool CIndMSTF::BuffersResize(const int new_buff_size)
//--- In a loop through all indicator buffers, add to the 'res' variable the resizing result of each next buffer
   bool res=true;
   int total=(int)this.BuffersTotal();
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      res &=this.m_buffers[i].BuffResize(new_buff_size);
//--- Return the result of resizing all arrays of indicator buffers
   return res;




//| Initialize the specified indicator buffer                        |
bool CIndMSTF::BufferInitialize(const uint buffer_num,const int new_buff_size)
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to the log and return 'false'
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      return false;
//--- resizing the buffer array
   bool res=this.BufferResize(buffer_num,new_buff_size);
//--- If successfully resized, initialize the buffer with the set initializing value
//--- Return the result
   return res;



//| Initialize all indicator buffers                                 |
bool CIndMSTF::BuffersInitialize(const int new_buff_size)
//--- In a loop through all indicator buffers, add to the 'res' variable the resizing result of each next buffer
//--- If successfully resized, initialize the buffer with the set initializing value
   bool res=true;
   int total=(int)this.BuffersTotal();
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      res &=this.m_buffers[i].BuffResize(new_buff_size);
//--- Return the overall result
   return res;



//| Set the initializing value for the specified buffer              |
void CIndMSTF::SetBufferInitValue(const uint buffer_num,const double value)
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to the log and exit
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
//--- Set a new initializing value for the specified buffer
//| Return the initialization value of the specified buffer          |
double CIndMSTF::BufferInitValue(const uint buffer_num) const
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to log
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      //--- If the indicator has buffers, return the initializing value of the first one, otherwise EMPTY_VALUE
      return(this.BuffersTotal()>0 ? this.BufferInitValue(0) : EMPTY_VALUE);
//--- Return the initializing value of the requested buffer
   return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].InitValue();
//| Sets the offset value for the specified buffer                   |
void CIndMSTF::SetBufferShift(const uint buffer_num,const int value)
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to the log and exit
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
//--- Set the offset value for the buffer
//| Return the offset value of the specified buffer                  |
double CIndMSTF::BufferShift(const uint buffer_num) const
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to log
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      //--- If the indicator has buffers, return the shift value of the very first one, otherwise 0
      return(this.BuffersTotal()>0 ? this.m_buffers[0].Shift() : 0);
//--- Return the offset value of the requested buffer
   return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].Shift();





//| Fill object buffers with data from the calculation part buffer   |
bool CIndMSTF::Calculate(void)
//--- Set the success flag to true, and the error type to no error
//--- If the data is not yet synchronized with the trade server,
      //--- Log a message about non-synchronized data,
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Waiting for data to sync...",__FUNCTION__,this.Title());
      //--- set the error type, add 'false' to the error flag and return 'false'
      this.m_success &=false;
      return false;
//--- If the Calculated method returned -1, this means the start of data downloading
      //--- Log a message about the start of data downloading,
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Start downloading data by %s/%s. Waiting for the next tick...",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),this.m_symbol,this.TimeframeDescription());
      //--- set the error type, add 'false' to the error flag and return 'false'
      this.m_success &=false;
      return false;
//--- If the Calculated method returned 0, this means that the indicator has not yet been calculated
      //--- Log a message about waiting for the indicator to be calculated,
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Waiting for a new tick and when the indicator will be calculated...",__FUNCTION__,this.Title());
      //--- set the error type, add 'false' to the error flag and return 'false'
      this.m_success &=false;
      return false;
//--- Get the number of data bars for the indicator symbol/period
   int bars=::Bars(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe);
//--- If the Bars function returned a zero value, which often happens on weekends, calculate the available number of bars
      //--- Get the date of the very first available bar in history for the symbol/period
      datetime firstdate=(datetime)::SeriesInfoInteger(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,SERIES_FIRSTDATE);
      //--- Get the date of the last (current) bar in history for the symbol/period
      datetime lastdate=(datetime)::SeriesInfoInteger(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,SERIES_LASTBAR_DATE);
      //--- Calculate the number of bars between the first and last dates of history
      int sec=::PeriodSeconds(this.m_timeframe);
      ulong date_bars=(((ulong)lastdate-(ulong)firstdate)/(sec>0 ? sec : 1))+1;
      //--- Write to the 'bars' variable the smaller value of the calculated number of bars and the maximum number of bars available in the terminal
//--- Write the resulting number of available bars to m_rates_total
//--- If the number of available bars is received, and it is 2 or less,
   if(this.m_rates_total>=0 && this.m_rates_total<3)
      //--- Log a message about the number of available bars being too small
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Not enough data for calculation: %ld bars. Waiting for the next tick...",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),this.m_rates_total);
      //--- set the error type, add 'false' to the error flag and return 'false'
      this.m_success &=false;
      return false;

//--- Calculate the number of bars required to calculate the indicator
//--- Either the entire available history, or 1 when a new bar opens, or 0 on the current tick

//--- Declare an array of size 2 to receive data into it from the indicator's calculation part buffer
//--- We always get two bars: previous and current
   double array[2];
//--- Get the number of indicator buffers
   int total=(int)this.BuffersTotal();
//--- If the calculated m_limit is greater than 1, it means either the first launch or changes in historical data
//--- In this case, a complete recalculation of the indicator is necessary
      //--- In a loop over the number of indicator buffers
      for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
         //--- resize the indicator buffer array and initialize it to the "empty" value set for this buffer
         //--- Copy all available historical data from indicator's calculation part array to buffer array of indicator object
         int copied=::CopyBuffer(this.m_handle,i,-this.m_buffers[i].Shift(),this.m_rates_total,this.m_buffers[i].array);
         //--- If not all data is copied
            //--- If CopyBuffer returned -1, this means the start of historical data downloading
            //--- print a message about this to the log
               ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Start downloading data by %s/%s. Waiting for the next tick...",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),this.m_symbol,this.TimeframeDescription());
            //--- In any other case, not all data has been copied yet
            //--- print a message about this to the log
               ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Not all data was copied. Data available: %lu, total copied: %ld",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),this.m_rates_total,copied);
            //--- Write the absence of data to the error type
            //--- Add 'false' to the result and return 'false' to exit the method and wait for the next tick
            this.m_success &=false;
            return false;
      //--- If we exited the loop of copying all indicator buffers, then everything was successful - return 'true'
      return true;
//--- If calculated m_limit is less than or equal to 1, this means either opening of a new bar (m_limit==1) or current tick (m_limit==0)
//--- In this case, it is necessary to calculate two bars - the first and the current
      //--- In a loop over the number of indicator buffers
      for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
         //--- If this is the opening of a new bar and resizing the indicator buffer failed,
         if(this.m_limit==1 && !this.BufferResize(i,this.m_rates_total))
            //--- add 'false' to the m_success variable and return 'false'
            //--- Here, an error message will be printed to log from the BufferResize method
            this.m_success &=false;
            return false;
         //--- If failed to copy two bars from the indicator's calculation part buffer,
            //--- report this via the log, add 'false' to the m_success variable and return 'false'
            ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: CopyBuffer(%lu) failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),i,::GetLastError());
            this.m_success &=false;
            return false;
         //--- If got here, it means copying was successful -
         //--- copy data from array[], into which the last two bars were copied, to the indicator object buffer
      //--- Success
      return true;
//--- Undefined 'limit' option - return 'false'
   return false;





//| Fill the passed array with data from the class buffer            |
bool CIndMSTF::DataToBuffer(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const uint buffer_num,const int limit,double &buffer[])
//--- Set the success flag
//--- Get the indexing direction of the buffer array passed to the method and,
//--- if non-timeseries indexing, set timeseries indexing
   bool as_series=::ArrayGetAsSeries(buffer);
//--- Set the symbol name and timeframe value passed to the method
   string symbol=(symbol_to=="" || symbol_to==NULL ? ::Symbol() : symbol_to);
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=(timeframe_to==PERIOD_CURRENT ? ::Period() : timeframe_to);
   datetime array[2];
//--- If this is the first launch or history changes, initialize the buffer array passed to the method
   if(limit>1 && this.m_limit>1)
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s First start, or historical data has been changed. Initialize Buffer(%lu)",__FUNCTION__,this.Title(),buffer_num);
//--- Set the value of the loop counter (no more than the maximum number of bars in the terminal on the chart)
   int count=(limit<=1 ? 2 : ::fmin(::TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MAXBARS),limit));
//--- In a loop from the zero bar to the value of the loop counter
   for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
      //--- If the chart timeframe matches the class object timeframe, fill the buffer directly from the class object array
      if(timeframe==::Period() && this.m_timeframe==::Period())
      //--- Otherwise, if the chart timeframe is not equal to the timeframe of the class object
         //--- Find out which time of this class the bar of the current chart timeframe, corresponding to the loop index, belongs to
            //--- If there is no data in the terminal, move on
            //--- Error in obtaining existing data - return false
            this.m_success &=false;
            return false;
         //--- Using time of bar of current chart timeframe, find corresponding index of bar of class object's chart period
         int bar=::iBarShift(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,array[0]);
            this.m_success &=false;
         //--- If this is historical data (not the first or zero bar) -
         //--- in the indicator buffer at the loop index, write the value obtained from the calculation part buffer
         //--- If this is the current (zero) or previous (first) bar
            //--- Get the time of bars 0 and 1 by symbol/timeframe of the class object
               this.m_success &=false;
               return false;
            //--- Using time, get indexes of current and previous bars on the chart whose symbol/period was passed to method
            int bar0=::iBarShift(symbol,timeframe,array[1]);
            int bar1=::iBarShift(symbol,timeframe,array[0]);
            if(bar0==WRONG_VALUE || bar1==WRONG_VALUE)
               this.m_success &=false;
               return false;
            //--- If the chart timeframe is lower than the timeframe of the class object,
               //--- in a loop from bar with smaller time to current chart bar, fill the buffer with data from the last 2 cells of the indicator buffer array
               for(int j=bar1;j>=0;j--)
                  buffer[j]=this.GetData(buffer_num,(j>bar0 ? 1 : 0));
            //--- If the chart timeframe is higher than the timeframe of the class object,
               //--- Get the time of the current and previous bars by symbol/timeframe of the current chart
                  this.m_success &=false;
                  return false;
               //--- Using time, get indexes of bars in indicator's calculation part buffer, corresponding to time of current and previous bars on the chart
               int bar0=::iBarShift(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,array[1]);
               int bar1=::iBarShift(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,array[0]);
               //--- Write into indicator buffer, at indexes 1 and 0, values from corresponding indexes of calculation part buffer
//--- Set initial indexing of the buffer array passed to the method
//--- Successful
   return true;



//| Return the data of the specified buffer as is                    |
double CIndMSTF::GetData(const uint buffer_num,const int index) const
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to log
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      //--- If the indicator has buffers, return "empty" value of the first one, otherwise EMPTY_VALUE
      return(this.BuffersTotal()>0 ? this.BufferInitValue(0) : EMPTY_VALUE);
//--- If an incorrect index is specified, return the "empty" value of the specified buffer
   if(index<0 || index>(int)this.DataTotal(buffer_num)-1)
      return this.BufferInitValue(buffer_num);
//--- Calculate the real index in the buffer array and return the value at this index
   int n=int(this.DataTotal(buffer_num)-1-index);
   return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array[n];



//| Returns data from specified buffer for specified symbol/timeframe |
double CIndMSTF::GetDataTo(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const uint buffer_num,const int index) const
//--- If current symbol/period of the chart is specified
   if(timeframe_to==::Period() && this.m_timeframe==::Period() && symbol_to==::Symbol() && this.m_symbol==::Symbol())
      return this.GetData(buffer_num,index);
//--- Find out which time of this class the current chart timeframe's bar, corresponding to the loop index, belongs to
   datetime array[];
      return this.BufferInitValue(buffer_num);
//--- Using time of bar of current chart timeframe, find corresponding bar index of bar this class chart period
   int bar=iBarShift(this.m_symbol,this.m_timeframe,array[0]);
//--- If the bar is not found, return the "empty" value set for the buffer
      return this.BufferInitValue(buffer_num);
//--- Return value from the indicator object buffer at the found index
   return this.GetData(buffer_num,bar);



//| Return the state of the indicator line as is                     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE CIndMSTF::BufferLineState(const uint buffer_num,const int index) const
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=this.GetData(buffer_num,index);
   const double value1=this.GetData(buffer_num,index+1);
   const double value2=this.GetData(buffer_num,index+2);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)>0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)<=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)<=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)<0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)>=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)>=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;



//| Return indicator line state for the specific symbol/period       |
ENUM_LINE_STATE CIndMSTF::BufferLineState(const string symbol_from,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframes_from,const uint buffer_num,const int index) const
//--- Determine the chart symbol/period passed to the method
   string symbol=(symbol_from=="" || symbol_from==NULL ? ::Symbol() : symbol_from);
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=(timeframes_from==PERIOD_CURRENT ? ::Period() : timeframes_from);
//--- If we get data from symbol/period equal to current chart, return state from the buffer "as is"
   if(symbol==::Symbol() && symbol==this.m_symbol && timeframe==::Period() && timeframe==this.m_timeframe)
      return this.BufferLineState(buffer_num,index);
//--- Declare variables to search for the required bars on the current chart
   datetime array[1];
   int      bar0=WRONG_VALUE;
   int      bar1=WRONG_VALUE;
   int      bar2=WRONG_VALUE;

//--- Get the time of the first bar on the chart
      ::PrintFormat("%s: CopyTime for %s/%s, bar %ld failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,symbol,::StringSubstr(::EnumToString(timeframe),7),index,::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get index of the first bar in indicator object buffer based on bar opening time on the chart
      ::PrintFormat("%s: iBarShift for %s/%s, time %s failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,this.m_symbol,this.TimeframeDescription(),string(array[0]),::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get the time of the second bar on the chart
      ::PrintFormat("%s: CopyTime for %s/%s, bar %ld failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,symbol,::StringSubstr(::EnumToString(timeframe),7),index+1,::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get index of the second bar in indicator object buffer based on bar opening time on the chart
      ::PrintFormat("%s: iBarShift for %s/%s, time %s failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,this.m_symbol,this.TimeframeDescription(),string(array[0]),::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get the time of the third bar on the chart
      ::PrintFormat("%s: CopyTime for %s/%s, bar %ld failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,symbol,::StringSubstr(::EnumToString(timeframe),7),index+2,::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get index of the third bar in indicator object buffer based on bar opening time on the chart
      ::PrintFormat("%s: iBarShift for %s/%s, time %s failed. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,this.m_symbol,this.TimeframeDescription(),string(array[0]),::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1,2) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=this.GetData(buffer_num,bar0);
   const double value1=this.GetData(buffer_num,bar1);
   const double value2=this.GetData(buffer_num,bar2);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE || value2==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Line upward reversal (value2>value1 && value0>value1)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)>0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_UP;
//--- Line upward direction (value2<=value1 && value0>value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)<=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_UP;
//--- Line upward stop (value2<=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)<=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_UP;
//--- Line downward reversal (value2<value1 && value0<value1)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)<0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_TURN_DOWN;
//--- Line downward direction (value2>=value1 && value0<value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)>=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_DOWN;
//--- Line downward stop (value2>=value1 && value0==value1)
   else if(::NormalizeDouble(value2-value1,this.m_digits)>=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-value1,this.m_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_STOP_DOWN;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;



//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
ENUM_LINE_STATE CIndMSTF::BufferLineStateRelative(const int buffer_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=this.GetData(buffer_num,index);
   const double value1=this.GetData(buffer_num,index+1);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)<0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_BELOW;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)>0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)<=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)>=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)<0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)>0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)==0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;


//| Return the state of the line relative to the specified level     |
//| on the specified chart symbol/period                             |
ENUM_LINE_STATE CIndMSTF::BufferLineStateRelative(const string symbol_from,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframes_from,const int buffer_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Determine the chart symbol/period passed to the method
   string symbol=(symbol_from=="" || symbol_from==NULL ? ::Symbol() : symbol_from);
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe=(timeframes_from==PERIOD_CURRENT ? ::Period() : timeframes_from);
//--- Get the values of the indicator line with the shift (0,1) relative to the passed index
   const double value0=this.GetDataTo(symbol,timeframe,buffer_num,index);
   const double value1=this.GetDataTo(symbol,timeframe,buffer_num,index+1);
//--- If at least one of the values could not be obtained, return an undefined value 
   if(value0==EMPTY_VALUE || value1==EMPTY_VALUE)
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Define the second level to compare
   double level=(level1==EMPTY_VALUE ? level0 : level1);
//--- The line is below the level (value1<level && value0<level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)<0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)<0)
      return LINE_STATE_BELOW;
//--- The line is above the level (value1>level && value0>level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)>0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_ABOVE;
//--- The line crossed the level upwards (value1<=level && value0>level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)<=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)>0)
      return LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP;
//--- The line crossed the level downwards (value1>=level && value0<level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)>=0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)<0)
//--- The line touched the level from below (value1<level0 && value0==level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)<0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)==0)
//--- The line touched the level from above (value1>level0 && value0==level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)>0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)==0)
//--- Line is equal to the level value (value1==level0 && value0==level0)
   if(::NormalizeDouble(value1-level,this.m_digits)==0 && ::NormalizeDouble(value0-level0,this.m_digits)==0)
      return LINE_STATE_EQUALS;
//--- Undefined state
   return LINE_STATE_NONE;



//| Return category description                                      |
string CIndMSTF::CategoryDescription(void)
//--- Create a category name from ENUM_IND_CATEGORY and return the resulting text
   string category=::StringSubstr(::EnumToString(this.m_category),13);
   return category;
//| Return the description of the indicator buffer                   |
string CIndMSTF::BufferDescription(const uint buffer_num)
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to the log and return empty string
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      return "";
//--- If indicator has buffers, return description of the specified buffer, otherwise description of the indicator
   return(this.BuffersTotal()>0 ? this.m_buffers[buffer_num].descript : this.m_title);
//| Set indicator buffer description                                 |
void CIndMSTF::SetBufferDescription(const uint buffer_num,const string descr)
//--- If the indicator has no buffers, exit
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to the log and exit
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
//--- Write the description passed to the method into the specified buffer
//| Disable timeseries indexing of buffer arrays                     |
void CIndMSTF::SetAsSeriesOff(void)
//--- In a loop through all indicator buffers, disable the array as timeseries flag
   for(int i=0;i<(int)this.BuffersTotal();i++)
//| Returns the timeseries flag of the given buffer                  |
bool CIndMSTF::IsSeries(const uint buffer_num) const
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to the method and, if the number is incorrect, print a message to the log and return 'false'
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      return false;
//--- Return the timeseries flag of the array of the specified buffer
   return (bool)::ArrayGetAsSeries(this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array);
//| Returns the amount of data in the specified buffer               |
uint CIndMSTF::DataTotal(const uint buffer_num) const
//--- Validate the buffer number passed to method and, if number is incorrect, print a message to log and return zero
      string buff_limit=(this.BuffersTotal()==1 ? "0" : "0 - "+string(this.BuffersTotal()-1));
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Invalid buffer number passed (%lu). Value must be %s",__FUNCTION__,buffer_num,buff_limit);
      return 0;
//--- Return the array size of the specified buffer
   return this.m_buffers[buffer_num].array.Size();






//| Accelerator Oscillator indicator class                           |
class CIndAC : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndAC(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe) : CIndMSTF(IND_AC,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetDescription("Accelerator Oscillator");
      //--- Write description of line buffers

指標の種類、バッファ数、チャート銘柄、指標が計算されるチャートの期間は、初期化文字列で親クラスに渡されます。クラス本体には、指標パラメータの説明を記述した文字列が作成されます。この場合、指標が現在のチャートのデータに基づいて作成されると、パラメータ文字列は空になります。そうでない場合は、例えばEURUSD,H1のように、チャートの銘柄と期間が含まれます。次に、この種類の指標(ここでは Accelerator Oscillator指標)に固有のすべてのパラメータをコンストラクタ本体に設定します。



//| Accumulation/Distribution indicator class                        |
class CIndAD : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndAD(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
          const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume // used volume
         ) : CIndMSTF(IND_AD,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      //--- Write description of line buffers



//| Accelerator Oscillator indicator class                           |
class CIndAC : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndAC(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe) : CIndMSTF(IND_AC,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetDescription("Accelerator Oscillator");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Accumulation/Distribution indicator class                        |
class CIndAD : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndAD(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
          const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume // used volume
         ) : CIndMSTF(IND_AD,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Average Directional Movement Index indicator class               |
class CIndADX : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndADX(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int adx_period                    // averaging period
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_ADX,3,symbol,timeframe)
      // Номера буферов: 0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - PLUSDI_LINE, 2 - MINUSDI_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(adx_period<1 ? 14 : adx_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),adx_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Average Directional Movement Index");
      //--- write descriptions of MAIN_LINE, PLUSDI_LINE and MINUSDI_LINE line buffers
//| Average Directional Movement Index Wilder indicator class        |
class CIndADXW : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndADXW(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
            const int adx_period                      // averaging period
           ) : CIndMSTF(IND_ADXW,3,symbol,timeframe)
      // Номера буферов: 0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - PLUSDI_LINE, 2 - MINUSDI_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(adx_period<1 ? 14 : adx_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),adx_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetName("ADX Wilder");
      this.SetDescription("Average Directional Movement Index Wilder");
      //--- write descriptions of MAIN_LINE, PLUSDI_LINE and MINUSDI_LINE line buffers
//| Alligator indicator class                                        |
class CIndAlligator : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndAlligator(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                 const int jaw_period,                   // period for calculating jaws
                 const int jaw_shift,                    // horizontal shift of jaws
                 const int teeth_period,                 // period for calculating teeth
                 const int teeth_shift,                  // horizontal shift of teeth
                 const int lips_period,                  // period for calculating lips
                 const int lips_shift,                   // horizontal shift of lips
                 const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method,         // smoothing type
                 const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price  // price type or handle
                ) : CIndMSTF(IND_ALLIGATOR,3,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - GATORJAW_LINE, 1 - GATORTEETH_LINE, 2 - GATORLIPS_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- period for jaw line calculation
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(jaw_period<1 ? 13 : jaw_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the jaw line
         //--- period for teeth line calculation
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(teeth_period<1 ? 8 : teeth_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of teeth line
         //--- period for lip line calculation
         this.m_param[4].integer_value=(lips_period<1 ? 5 : lips_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of lips line
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),jaw_period,teeth_period,lips_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      //--- Write descriptions of GATORJAW_LINE, GATORTEETH_LINE and GATORLIPS_LINE line buffers
      this.SetBufferDescription(GATORJAW_LINE,::StringFormat("Jaws(%s%lu)", (current ? "" : symbol_period+":"),jaw_period));
      this.SetBufferDescription(GATORTEETH_LINE,::StringFormat("Teeth(%s%lu)",(current ? "" : symbol_period+":"),teeth_period));
      this.SetBufferDescription(GATORLIPS_LINE,::StringFormat("Lips(%s%lu)", (current ? "" : symbol_period+":"),lips_period));
      //--- Write offsets to buffers GATORJAW_LINE, GATORTEETH_LINE and GATORLIPS_LINE
//| Adaptive Moving Average indicator class                          |
class CIndAMA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndAMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int ama_period,                   // AMA period
           const int fast_ma_period,               // fast MA period
           const int slow_ma_period,               // slow MA period
           const int ama_shift,                    // horizontal shift of the indicator
           const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price  // price type or handle
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_AMA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- AMA period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ama_period<1 ? 9 : ama_period);
         //--- fast MA period
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(fast_ma_period<1 ? 2 : fast_ma_period);
         //--- slow MA period
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(slow_ma_period<1 ? 30 : slow_ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ama_period,fast_ma_period,slow_ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Adaptive Moving Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
//| Awesome Oscillator indicator class                               |
class CIndAO : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndAO(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe) : CIndMSTF(IND_AO,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Awesome Oscillator");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Average True Range indicator class                               |
class CIndATR : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndATR(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int ma_period                     // averaging period
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_ATR,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetDescription("Average True Range");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Bears Power indicator class                                      |
class CIndBears : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndBears(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int ma_period                      // averaging period
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_BEARS,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 13 : ma_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Bears Power");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Bulls Power indicator class                                      |
class CIndBulls : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndBulls(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int ma_period                      // averaging period
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_BULLS,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 13 : ma_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Bulls Power");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Bollinger Bands® indicator class                                 |
class CIndBands : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndBands(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int bands_period,                  // central line calculation period
             const int bands_shift,                   // horizontal shift of the indicator
             const double deviation,                  // number of standard deviations
             const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price   // price type or handle
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_BANDS,3,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - BASE_LINE, 1 - UPPER_BAND, 2 - LOWER_BAND
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- central line calculation period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(bands_period<1 ? 20 : bands_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- number of standard deviations
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),bands_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Bollinger Bands");
      //--- Description of line buffers BASE_LINE, UPPER_BAND and LOWER_BAND
      this.SetBufferDescription(BASE_LINE,this.m_title+" Middle");
      this.SetBufferDescription(UPPER_BAND,this.m_title+" Upper");
      this.SetBufferDescription(LOWER_BAND,this.m_title+" Lower");
      //--- Write offsets to the BASE_LINE, UPPER_BAND and LOWER_BAND buffers
//| Commodity Channel Index indicator class                          |
class CIndCCI : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndCCI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int ma_period,                    // averaging period
           const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price  // price type or handle
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_CCI,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period<2 ? 2 : ma_period);
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Commodity Channel Index");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Chaikin Oscillator indicator class                               |
class CIndCHO : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndCHO(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int fast_ma_period,                  // fast period
           const int slow_ma_period,                  // slow period
           const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method,            // smoothing type
           const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume   // used volume
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_CHAIKIN,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- fast period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(fast_ma_period<1 ? 3 : fast_ma_period);
         //--- slow period
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(slow_ma_period<1 ? 10 : slow_ma_period);
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- used volume
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),slow_ma_period,fast_ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Chaikin Oscillator");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Double Exponential Moving Average indicator class                |
class CIndDEMA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndDEMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
            const int ma_period,                      // averaging period
            const int ma_shift,                       // horizontal indicator shift
            const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price    // price type or handle
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_DEMA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Double Exponential Moving Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
//| DeMarker indicator class                                         |
class CIndDeM : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndDeM(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int ma_period                     // averaging period
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_DEMARKER,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Envelopes indicator class                                        |
class CIndEnvelopes : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndEnvelopes(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                 const int ma_period,                    // middle line calculation period
                 const int ma_shift,                     // horizontal shift of the indicator
                 const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method,         // smoothing type
                 const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price, // price type or handle
                 const double deviation                  // deviation of envelope borders from the middle line
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_ENVELOPES,2,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - UPPER_LINE, 1 - LOWER_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- central line calculation period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- price type or handle
         //--- deviation of envelope borders from the muddle line
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      //--- Description of UPPER_LINE and LOWER_LINE line buffers
      this.SetBufferDescription(UPPER_LINE,this.m_title+" Upper");
      this.SetBufferDescription(LOWER_LINE,this.m_title+" Lower");
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
//| Force Index indicator class                                      |
class CIndForce : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndForce(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int                 ma_period,     // averaging period
             const ENUM_MA_METHOD      ma_method,     // smoothing type
             const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume // volume type for calculation
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_FORCE,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 13 : ma_period);
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- volume type for calculation
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Force Index");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Fractals indicator class                                         |
class CIndFractals : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndFractals(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe) : CIndMSTF(IND_FRACTALS,2,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - UPPER_LINE, 1 - LOWER_LINE
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      //--- Description of UPPER_LINE and LOWER_LINE line buffers
      this.SetBufferDescription(UPPER_LINE,this.m_title+" Up");
      this.SetBufferDescription(LOWER_LINE,this.m_title+" Down");
//| Fractal Adaptive Moving Average indicator class                  |
class CIndFrAMA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndFrAMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int ma_period,                     // averaging period
             const int ma_shift,                      // horizontal shift of the indicator
             const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price   // price type or handle
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_FRAMA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Fractal Adaptive Moving Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
//| Gator Oscillator indicator class                                 |
class CIndGator : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndGator(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int jaw_period,                    // period for jaw line calculation
             const int jaw_shift,                     // horizontal shift of jaw line
             const int teeth_period,                  // period for calculating teeth line
             const int teeth_shift,                   // horizontal shift of teeth line
             const int lips_period,                   // period for calculating lip line
             const int lips_shift,                    // horizontal shift of lip line
             const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method,          // smoothing type
             const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price   // price type or handle
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_GATOR,4,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - UPPER_HISTOGRAM, 1 - color buffer of the upper histogram, 2 - LOWER_HISTOGRAM, 3 - color buffer of the lower histogram
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- period for jaw line calculation
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(jaw_period<1 ? 13 : jaw_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the jaw line
         //--- period for teeth line calculation
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(teeth_period<1 ? 8 : teeth_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of teeth line
         //--- period for lip line calculation
         this.m_param[4].integer_value=(lips_period<1 ? 5 : lips_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of lips line
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),jaw_period,teeth_period,lips_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Gator Oscillator");
      //--- Description of line buffers UPPER_HISTOGRAM, upper histogram color buffer, LOWER_HISTOGRAM and lower histogram color buffer
      this.SetBufferDescription(UPPER_HISTOGRAM,this.m_title+" Up");
      this.SetBufferDescription(1,this.m_title+" Colors Up");
      this.SetBufferDescription(LOWER_HISTOGRAM,this.m_title+" Down");
      this.SetBufferDescription(3,this.m_title+" Colors Down");
      //--- Записываем смещения в буферы UPPER_HISTOGRAM, 1, LOWER_HISTOGRAM и 2
//| Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator class                               |
class CIndIchimoku : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndIchimoku(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                const int tenkan_sen,                    // period of Tenkan-sen
                const int kijun_sen,                     // period of Kijun-sen
                const int senkou_span_b                  // period of Senkou Span B
               ) : CIndMSTF(IND_ICHIMOKU,5,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- period of Tenkan-sen
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(tenkan_sen<1 ? 9 : tenkan_sen);
         //--- period of Kijun-sen
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(kijun_sen<1 ? 26 : kijun_sen);
         //--- period of Senkou Span B
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(senkou_span_b<1 ? 52 : senkou_span_b);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),tenkan_sen,kijun_sen,senkou_span_b);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Ichimoku Kinko Hyo");
      this.SetBufferDescription(SENKOUSPANA_LINE,"Senkou Span A");
      this.SetBufferDescription(SENKOUSPANB_LINE,::StringFormat("Senkou Span B(%lu)",senkou_span_b));
      this.SetBufferDescription(CHIKOUSPAN_LINE,"Chikou Span");
      //--- Write shifts to buffers SENKOUSPANA_LINE, SENKOUSPANB_LINE and CHIKOUSPAN_LINE
//| Market Facilitation Index indicator class                        |
class CIndBWMFI : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndBWMFI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume // volume type for calculation
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_BWMFI,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- volume type for calculation
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetName("BW MFI");
      this.SetDescription("Market Facilitation Index");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Momentum indicator class                                         |
class CIndMomentum : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndMomentum(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                const int                 mom_period,    // averaging period
                const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price  // price type or handle
               ) : CIndMSTF(IND_MOMENTUM,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(mom_period<1 ? 14 : mom_period);
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),mom_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Money Flow Index indicator class                                 |
class CIndMFI : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndMFI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int                 ma_period,       // averaging period
           const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume   // volume type for calculation
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_MFI,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         //--- volume type for calculation
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetDescription("Money Flow Index");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Moving Average indicator class                                   |
class CIndMA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
          const int                 ma_period,     // averaging period
          const int                 ma_shift,      // horizontal shift of the indicator
          const ENUM_MA_METHOD      ma_method,     // smoothing type
          const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price  // price type or handle
         ) : CIndMSTF(IND_MA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 10 : ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Moving Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
//| Moving Average of Oscillator indicator class                     |
class CIndOsMA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndOsMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
            const int                fast_ema_period, // fast MA period
            const int                slow_ema_period, // slow MA period
            const int                signal_period,   // difference averaging period
            const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price    // price type or handle
           ) : CIndMSTF(IND_OSMA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- fast MA period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(fast_ema_period<1 ? 12 : fast_ema_period);
         //--- slow MA period
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(slow_ema_period<1 ? 26 : slow_ema_period);
         //--- difference averaging period
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(signal_period<1 ? 9 : signal_period<2 ? 2 : signal_period);
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),fast_ema_period,slow_ema_period,signal_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Moving Average of Oscillator");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Moving Averages Convergence/Divergence indicator class           |
class CIndMACD : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndMACD(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
            const int                fast_ema_period, // fast MA period
            const int                slow_ema_period, // slow MA period
            const int                signal_period,   // difference averaging period
            const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price    // price type or handle
           ) : CIndMSTF(IND_MACD,2,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - SIGNAL_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- fast MA period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(fast_ema_period<1 ? 12 : fast_ema_period);
         //--- slow MA period
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(slow_ema_period<1 ? 26 : slow_ema_period);
         //--- difference averaging period
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(signal_period<1 ? 9 : signal_period);
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),fast_ema_period,slow_ema_period,signal_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Moving Averages Convergence/Divergence");
      //--- Description of MAIN_LINE and SIGNAL_LINE line buffers
//| On Balance Volume indicator class                                |
class CIndOBV : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndOBV(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume   // volume type for calculation
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_OBV,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- volume type for calculation
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("On Balance Volume");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Parabolic Stop and Reverse system indicator class                |
class CIndSAR : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndSAR(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const double step,                      // price change step — acceleration factor
           const double maximum                    // maximum step
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_SAR,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- price change step — acceleration factor
         //--- maximum step
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%.2f,%.2f)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),step,maximum);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetDescription("Parabolic SAR");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Класс индикатора Relative Strength Index                         |
class CIndRSI : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndRSI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int                ma_period,     // averaging period
           const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price  // price type or handle
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_RSI,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period<2 ? 2 : ma_period);
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Relative Strength Index");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Relative Vigor Index indicator class                             |
class CIndRVI : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndRVI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int ma_period                     // averaging period
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_RVI,2,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - SIGNAL_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 10 : ma_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Relative Vigor Index");
      //--- Description of MAIN_LINE and SIGNAL_LINE line buffers
//| Standard Deviation indicator class                               |
class CIndStdDev : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndStdDev(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
              const int                ma_period,        // averaging period
              const int                ma_shift,         // horizontal shift of the indicator
              const ENUM_MA_METHOD     ma_method,        // smoothing type
              const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price     // price type or handle
             ) : CIndMSTF(IND_STDDEV,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 20 : ma_period<2 ? 2 : ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Standard Deviation");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
//| Stochastic Oscillator indicator class                            |
class CIndStoch : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndStoch(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int              Kperiod,          // K-period (number of bars for calculations)
             const int              Dperiod,          // D-period (primary smoothing period)
             const int              slowing,          // final smoothing
             const ENUM_MA_METHOD   ma_method,        // smoothing type
             const ENUM_STO_PRICE   price_field       // Stochastic calculation method
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_STOCHASTIC,2,symbol,timeframe)
      // Buffer indexes: 0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - SIGNAL_LINE
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- K period (number of bars for calculation)
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(Kperiod<1 ? 5 : Kperiod);
         //--- D period (primary smoothing period)
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(Dperiod<1 ? 3 : Dperiod);
         //--- final smoothing
         this.m_param[2].integer_value=(slowing<1 ? 3 : slowing);
         //--- smoothing type
         //--- Stochastic calculation method
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),Kperiod,Dperiod,slowing);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Stochastic Oscillator");
      //--- Description of MAIN_LINE and SIGNAL_LINE line buffers
//| Triple Exponential Moving Average indicator class                |
class CIndTEMA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndTEMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
            const int                  ma_period,     // averaging period
            const int                  ma_shift,      // horizontal shift of the indicator
            const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   applied_price  // price type or handle
           ) : CIndMSTF(IND_TEMA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Triple Exponential Moving Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
//| Triple Exponential Moving Averages Oscillator indicator class    |
class CIndTriX : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndTriX(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
            const int                ma_period,       // averaging period
            const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price    // price type or handle
           ) : CIndMSTF(IND_TRIX,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(ma_period<1 ? 14 : ma_period<2 ? 2 : ma_period);
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),ma_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
      this.SetDescription("Triple Exponential Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Larry Williams' Percent Range indicator class                    |
class CIndWPR : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndWPR(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
           const int calc_period                   // averaging period
          ) : CIndMSTF(IND_WPR,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- averaging period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(calc_period<1 ? 14 : calc_period);
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),calc_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Williams' Percent Range");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Variable Index Dynamic Average indicator class                   |
class CIndVIDyA : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndVIDyA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
             const int                 cmo_period,    // the Chande Momentum period
             const int                 ema_period,    // period of the smoothing factor
             const int                 ma_shift,      // horizontal shift of the indicator
             const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE  applied_price  // price type or handle
            ) : CIndMSTF(IND_VIDYA,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- Chande Momentum period
         this.m_param[0].integer_value=(cmo_period<1 ? 9 : cmo_period);
         //--- smoothing factor period
         this.m_param[1].integer_value=(ema_period<1 ? 12 : ema_period);
         //--- horizontal shift of the indicator
         //--- price type or handle
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=StringFormat("(%s%s%lu,%lu)",symbol_period,(current ? "" : ":"),cmo_period,ema_period);
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      this.SetDescription("Variable Index Dynamic Average");
      //--- Write description of line buffers
      //--- Write shift to buffer 0
//| Volumes indicator class                                          |
class CIndVolumes : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndVolumes(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
               const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume  // volume type
              ) : CIndMSTF(IND_VOLUMES,1,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- Set the size of the parameter array and fill it
         //--- volume type
         ::PrintFormat("%s: ArrayResize failed. Error %ld",__FUNCTION__,::GetLastError());
      //--- Create description of parameters
      //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
      bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
      string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
      string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
      //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title, category and Digits
      //--- Write description of line buffers
//| Custom indicator class                                           |
class CIndCustom : public CIndMSTF
//--- Constructor
   CIndCustom(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
              const string path,                      // path to the indicator (for example, "Examples\\MACD.ex5")
              const string name,                      // name of the custom indicator
              const uint   buffers,                   // number of indicator buffers
              const MqlParam &param[]                 // array of custom indicator parameters
             ) : CIndMSTF(IND_CUSTOM,buffers,symbol,timeframe)
      //--- If an empty array of parameters is passed, print this to log
      int total=(int)param.Size();
         ::PrintFormat("%s Error. Passed an empty array",__FUNCTION__);
      //--- If the array is not empty and its size is increased by 1 (the first string parameter must contain the indicator name)
      if(total>0 && ::ArrayResize(this.m_param,total+1)==total+1)
         //--- Reset data in the array and enter name (path to file and name of .ex5 file)
         //--- name of the custom indicator
         //--- fill the array of indicator parameters
         for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
         //--- Create description of parameters
         //--- If non-current chart symbol or period, their descriptions are added to parameters
         bool current=(this.Symbol()==::Symbol() && this.Timeframe()==::Period());
         string symbol_period=(current ? "" : ::StringFormat("%s,%s",this.Symbol(),this.TimeframeDescription()));
         string param=(current ? "" : StringFormat("(%s)",symbol_period));
         //--- Write description of parameters, indicator name, its description, title and category
         //--- Write a description of the first line buffer








//| Indicator collection class                                       |
#include <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh>
class CMSTFIndicators



//| Indicator collection class                                       |
#include <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh>
class CMSTFIndicators
   CArrayObj         m_list;
//--- Creates an indicator for the passed object
   bool              CreateIndicator(CIndMSTF *ind_obj);
//--- Adds the specified indicator to the collection
   int               AddNewIndicator(CIndMSTF *ind_obj,const string source);

//--- Returns (1) indicator object by handle, (2) number of indicators in the collection
   CIndMSTF         *GetIndicatorObj(const int ind_handle,const string source) const;
   uint              IndicatorsTotal(void)                  const { return this.m_list.Total(); }

//--- Populates buffers of (1) the indicator by handle, (2) all indicators in the collection
   bool              Calculate(const int ind_handle);
   bool              Calculate(void);
//--- Sets the (1) specified, (2) default description of the indicator buffer line
   void              SetPlotLabel(const uint plot_index,const string descript);
   void              SetPlotLabelFromBuffer(const uint plot_index,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num);
//--- Sets the shift to the specified plotting buffer
   void              SetPlotShift(const uint plot_index,const int shift);
//--- (1) Sets (2) returns the initializing value of the given buffer specified by the indicator handle
   void              SetBufferInitValue(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const double value);
   double            BufferInitValue(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num) const;

//--- Returns indicator data by handle from the specified buffer at index (1) as is, (2) for the specified symbol/timeframe
   double            GetData(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint index);
   double            GetDataTo(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint index);

//--- (1) Copies data of the specified calculation part buffer of the indicator by handle into the indicator buffer, taking into account chart symbol/period,
//--- (2) returns the amount of data in the specified buffer of the indicator by handle
   bool              DataToBuffer(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const int limit,double &buffer[]);
   uint              DataTotal(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num) const;

   //--- Returns (1) buffer description, (2) state of the line data of given buffer of indicator specified by handle on the specified bar
   //--- (3) indicator line state for the specific chart symbol/period, (4) indicator line state relation to the specified level,
   //--- (5)  state of relation of indicator line with specified level for certain chart symbol/period, (6) indicator category description
   string            BufferDescription(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineState(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const int index);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineState(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const int index);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int buffer_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE   BufferLineStateRelative(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ind_handle,const int buffer_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE);
   string            CategoryDescription(const int ind_handle);
//--- Sets (1) identifier, (2) Digits, (3) user description, (4) buffer description
   void              SetID(const int ind_handle,const int id);
   void              SetDigits(const int ind_handle,const int digits);
   void              SetDescription(const int ind_handle,const string descr);
   void              SetBufferDescription(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const string descr);

//--- Returns flag of whether the buffer is set as series, (2) historical data for symbol/period is synchronized
   bool              IsSeries(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num) const;
   bool              IsSynchronized(const int ind_handle) const;
//--- Returns (1) timeframe, (2) symbol, (3) name, (4) list of parameters, (5) handle, (6) Digits
//--- number of (7) buffers, (8) bars, (9) identifier, (10) description, (11) title, (12) category,
//--- (13) number of parameters, (14) program type, description of (15) category, (16) indicator buffer
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   Timeframe(const int ind_handle) const;
   string            Symbol(const int ind_handle) const;
   string            Name(const int ind_handle) const;
   string            Parameters(const int ind_handle) const;
   int               Digits(const int ind_handle) const;
   uint              BuffersTotal(const int ind_handle) const;
   uint              RatesTotal(const int ind_handle) const;
   int               ID(const int ind_handle) const;
   string            Description(const int ind_handle) const;
   string            Title(const int ind_handle) const;
   ENUM_IND_CATEGORY Category(const int ind_handle) const;
   uint              ParamsTotal(const int ind_handle) const;
//--- Returns (1) structure of parameters by index from array, (2) timeframe description
   MqlParam          GetMqlParam(const int ind_handle,const int index) const;
   string            TimeframeDescription(const int ind_handle)    const;
//--- Returns amount of calculated data
   int               Calculated(const int ind_handle) const;
//--- Virtual method returning the type of object (indicator)
      ENUM_INDICATOR    Type(const int ind_handle) const;
//--- Methods for adding indicators to the collection
   int               AddNewAC(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe);
   int               AddNewAD(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK);
   int               AddNewADX(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int adx_period=14);
   int               AddNewADXWilder(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int adx_period=14);
   int               AddNewAlligator(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int jaw_period=13,
                                                                                         const int jaw_shift=8,
                                                                                         const int teeth_period=8,
                                                                                         const int teeth_shift=5,
                                                                                         const int lips_period=5,
                                                                                         const int lips_shift=3,
                                                                                         const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMMA,
                                                                                         const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_MEDIAN);
   int               AddNewAMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ama_period=9,
                                                                                   const int fast_ma_period=2,
                                                                                   const int slow_ma_period=30,
                                                                                   const int ama_shift=0,
                                                                                   const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewAO(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe);
   int               AddNewATR(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=14);
   int               AddNewBearsPower(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=13);
   int               AddNewBullsPower(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=13);
   int               AddNewBands(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int bands_period=20,
                                                                                     const int bands_shift=0,
                                                                                     const double deviation=2.0,
                                                                                     const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewCCI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=14,
                                                                                   const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_TYPICAL);
   int               AddNewChaikin(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int fast_ma_period=3,
                                                                                       const int slow_ma_period=10,
                                                                                       const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_EMA,
                                                                                       const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK);
   int               AddNewDEMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=14,
                                                                                    const int ma_shift=0,
                                                                                    const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewDeMarker(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=14);
   int               AddNewEnvelopes(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=14,
                                                                                         const int ma_shift=0,
                                                                                         const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMA,
                                                                                         const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE,
                                                                                         const double deviation=0.1);
   int               AddNewForce(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=13,
                                                                                     const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMA,
                                                                                     const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK);
   int               AddNewFractals(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe);
   int               AddNewFrAMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=14,
                                                                                     const int ma_shift=0,
                                                                                     const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewGator(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int jaw_period=13,
                                                                                     const int jaw_shift=8,
                                                                                     const int teeth_period=8,
                                                                                     const int teeth_shift=5,
                                                                                     const int lips_period=5,
                                                                                     const int lips_shift=3,
                                                                                     const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMMA,
                                                                                     const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_MEDIAN);
   int               AddNewIchimoku(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int tenkan_sen=9,
                                                                                        const int kijun_sen=26,
                                                                                        const int senkou_span_b=52);
   int               AddNewBWMFI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK);
   int               AddNewMomentum(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int mom_period=14,
                                                                                        const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewMFI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=14,
                                                                                   const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK);
   int               AddNewMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=10,
                                                                                  const int ma_shift=0,
                                                                                  const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMA,
                                                                                  const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewOsMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int fast_ema_period=12,
                                                                                    const int slow_ema_period=26,
                                                                                    const int signal_period=9,
                                                                                    const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewMACD(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int fast_ema_period=12,
                                                                                    const int slow_ema_period=26,
                                                                                    const int signal_period=9,
                                                                                    const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewOBV(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK);
   int               AddNewSAR(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const double step=0.02,
                                                                                   const double maximum=0.2);
   int               AddNewRSI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=14,
                                                                                   const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewRVI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=10);
   int               AddNewStdDev(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=20,
                                                                                      const int ma_shift=0,
                                                                                      const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMA,
                                                                                      const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewStochastic(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int Kperiod=5,
                                                                                          const int Dperiod=3,
                                                                                          const int slowing=3,
                                                                                          const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMA,
                                                                                          const ENUM_STO_PRICE price_field=STO_LOWHIGH);
   int               AddNewTEMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=14,
                                                                                    const int ma_shif=0,
                                                                                    const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewTriX(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=14,
                                                                                    const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewWPR(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int calc_period=14);
   int               AddNewVIDyA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int cmo_period=9,
                                                                                     const int ema_period=12,
                                                                                     const int ma_shift=0,
                                                                                     const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE);
   int               AddNewVolumes(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK);
   int               AddNewCustom(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const string path,       // path to the indicator (for example, "Examples\\MACD.ex5")
                                                                                      const string name,       // name of custom indicator (for example, "Custom MACD")
                                                                                      const uint   buffers,    // number of buffers
                                                                                      const MqlParam &param[]);// array of parameters
//--- Timer
   void OnTimer(void)
      //--- In a loop through all indicators form the collection
      int total=this.m_list.Total();
      for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
         //--- get a pointer to the next indicator object
         //--- and call its timer
         CIndMSTF *obj=this.m_list.At(i);
//--- Constructor/destructor
                     CMSTFIndicators(void){ this.m_list.Clear(); }


//| Creates indicator calculation part for the passed object         |
bool CMSTFIndicators::CreateIndicator(CIndMSTF *ind_obj)
   //--- If the calculation part of the indicator could not be created
      //--- look for the index of the indicator object in the collection list
      //--- using the index, delete the indicator object from the collection list
      int index=this.m_list.Search(ind_obj);
      //--- Return false
      return false;
//--- The calculation part has been successfully created - return true
   return true;
//| Returns indicator object by the calculation part handle          |
CIndMSTF *CMSTFIndicators::GetIndicatorObj(const int ind_handle,const string source) const
//--- If an invalid handle is passed to the method, report this and return NULL
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error handle",source);
      return NULL;
//--- In a loop through all indicator objects in the collection list
   int total=this.m_list.Total();
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      //--- get a pointer to the next indicator object
      CIndMSTF *obj=this.m_list.At(i);
      //--- If the indicator handle is equal to that passed to the method -
      //--- return a pointer to the found indicator object
         return obj;
//--- Nothing is found - return NULL
   return NULL;
//| Populate buffers of the indicator at the handle                  |
bool CMSTFIndicators::Calculate(const int ind_handle)
   //--- Get a pointer to an indicator object using the handle
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      return false;
   //--- Return the result of the Calculate method obtained from the handle of the indicator object
   return obj.Calculate();
//| Populate buffers of all indicators in the collection             |
bool CMSTFIndicators::Calculate(void)
   //--- Declare the variable for storing the result
   bool res=true;
//--- In a loop through all indicator objects in the collection list
   int total=this.m_list.Total();
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      //--- get a pointer to the next indicator object
      CIndMSTF *obj=this.m_list.At(i);
      //--- Add to the 'res' variable the result of calling the Calculate method of the next indicator object
      res &=obj.Calculate();
      //--- If the method worked with an error, inform that in the journal
         ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Error in indicator calculation: %s",__FUNCTION__,obj.Title(),TypeErrorcDescription(obj.TypeError()));
//--- If the overall result is false, inform of that in the journal
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Not all indicators have been calculated successfully. It is necessary to recalculate the buffers of all indicators",__FUNCTION__);
//--- Return the result of calling the Calculate methods of all indicators in the collection
   return res;
//| Returns data of the indicator at the handle                      |
//| from the specified buffers by index as is                        |
double CMSTFIndicators::GetData(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint index)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
//--- Return data from the specified indicator buffer at the index passed to the method
   return obj.GetData(buffer_num,index);
//| Returns data of the indicator at the handle                      |
//| from the specified buffer at index for this symbol/timeframe     |
double CMSTFIndicators::GetDataTo(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const uint index)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return EMPTY_VALUE;
//--- Return data from the specified indicator buffer at the index passed to the method
   return obj.GetDataTo(symbol_to,timeframe_to,buffer_num,index);
//| Fills the passed indicator buffer with data                      |
bool CMSTFIndicators::DataToBuffer(const string symbol_to,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe_to,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const int limit,double &buffer[])
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return false;
//--- Fill the buffer array passed to the method from the specified indicator buffer
   return obj.DataToBuffer(symbol_to,timeframe_to,buffer_num,limit,buffer);
//| Set the specified description for the buffer line                |
void CMSTFIndicators::SetPlotLabel(const uint plot_index,const string descript)
//| Set default description for the buffer line                      |
void CMSTFIndicators::SetPlotLabelFromBuffer(const uint plot_index,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
//--- Set the description of the specified indicator buffer to the specified plotting buffer
//| Set the shift for the specified plotting buffer                  |
void CMSTFIndicators::SetPlotShift(const uint plot_index,const int shift)
//| Return the description of the given buffer                       |
//| of the indicator specified by handle                             |
string CMSTFIndicators::BufferDescription(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
//--- If pointer to object received, return description of the specified buffer from it. Otherwise error text
   return(obj!=NULL ? obj.BufferDescription(buffer_num) : ::StringFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__));
//| Set the initializing value for the specified buffer              |
//| of the indicator specified by handle                             |
void CMSTFIndicators::SetBufferInitValue(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const double value)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
//--- Set the specified initializing "empty" value for the specified buffer
//| Return the initialization value of the specified buffer          |
//| of the indicator specified by handle                             |
double CMSTFIndicators::BufferInitValue(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return WRONG_VALUE;
//--- Return the initializing "empty" value set for the specified buffer
   return obj.BufferInitValue(buffer_num);
//| Returns the line data state of the given buffer                  |
//| specified by indicator handle at the specified bar               |
ENUM_LINE_STATE CMSTFIndicators::BufferLineState(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const int index)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Return the state of the line of the specified buffer at the specified index
   return obj.BufferLineState(buffer_num,index);
//| Returns the line data state of the given buffer                  |
//| specified by indicator handle at the symbol/timeframe bar        |
ENUM_LINE_STATE CMSTFIndicators::BufferLineState(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const int index)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get the time of the passed to the method
   datetime array[1];
      ::PrintFormat("%s::%s: Failed to get the time of the bar with index %ld. Error %lu",__FUNCTION__,obj.Title(),index,::GetLastError());
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Get the bar index in the indicator object buffer corresponding to the found time
   int bar=::iBarShift(obj.Symbol(),obj.Timeframe(),array[0]);
//--- If a bar is found, return the line state on the found bar, otherwise an undefined state
   return(bar!=WRONG_VALUE ? obj.BufferLineState(buffer_num,bar) : LINE_STATE_NONE);
//| Return the line data ratio for the given buffer                  |
//| specified by indicator handle at the specified bar               |
//| with specified valiues                                           |
ENUM_LINE_STATE CMSTFIndicators::BufferLineStateRelative(const int ind_handle,const int buffer_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Return the ratio of the indicator line and the level in the specified buffer at the specified index
   return obj.BufferLineStateRelative(buffer_num,index,level0,level1);
//| Return the line data ratio for the given buffer                  |
//| specified by indicator handle at the specified bar               |
//| with the specified values on the specified chart symbol/period   |
ENUM_LINE_STATE CMSTFIndicators::BufferLineStateRelative(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ind_handle,const int buffer_num,const int index,const double level0,const double level1=EMPTY_VALUE)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return LINE_STATE_NONE;
//--- Return the ratio of the indicator line and the level in the specified buffer at the specified index
   return obj.BufferLineStateRelative(symbol,timeframe,buffer_num,index,level0,level1);
//| Return category description                                      |
string CMSTFIndicators::CategoryDescription(const int ind_handle)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
//--- If the object is received, return the description of the category Otherwise error text
   return(obj!=NULL ? obj.CategoryDescription() : ::StringFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__));
//| Set identifier                                                   |
void CMSTFIndicators::SetID(const int ind_handle,const int id)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
//--- Set the identifier for the received object
//| Set Digits of the indicator                                      |
void CMSTFIndicators::SetDigits(const int ind_handle,const int digits)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
//--- Set Digits for the received object
//| Set a custom description                                         |
void CMSTFIndicators::SetDescription(const int ind_handle,const string descr)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
//--- Set a description for the received object
//| Set a description of the specified buffer                        |
void CMSTFIndicators::SetBufferDescription(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num,const string descr)
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
//--- Set a description for the specified buffer of the received object
//| Returns the timeseries flag of the given buffer                  |
bool CMSTFIndicators::IsSeries(const int ind_handle,const uint buffer_num) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return false;
//--- Return the timeseries flag of the specified buffer of the received object
   return obj.IsSeries(buffer_num);
//| Returns the synchronization flag for                             |
//| historical data for the symbol/period                            |
bool CMSTFIndicators::IsSynchronized(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return false;
//--- Return the synchronization flag of the received object
   return obj.IsSynchronized();
//| Return the timeframe of the specified indicator                  |
ENUM_TIMEFRAMES CMSTFIndicators::Timeframe(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return WRONG_VALUE;
//--- Return the timeframe of the received object
   return obj.Timeframe();
//| Returns the symbol of the specified indicator                    |
string CMSTFIndicators::Symbol(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
//--- If the object is received, return the name of the symbol Otherwise error text
   return(obj!=NULL ? obj.Symbol() : ::StringFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__));
//| Return the name of the specified indicator                       |
string CMSTFIndicators::Name(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
//--- If the object is received, return the name of the indicator Otherwise error text
   return(obj!=NULL ? obj.Name() : ::StringFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__));
//| Returns a list of parameters of the specified indicator          |
string CMSTFIndicators::Parameters(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
//--- If the object is received, return a list of indicator parameters Otherwise error text
   return(obj!=NULL ? obj.Parameters() : ::StringFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__));
//| Return Digits of the specified indicator                         |
int CMSTFIndicators::Digits(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return WRONG_VALUE;
//--- Return Digits of the received object
   return obj.Digits();
//| Return the number of buffers of the specified indicator          |
uint CMSTFIndicators::BuffersTotal(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return 0;
//--- Return the number of buffers of the received object
   return obj.BuffersTotal();
//| Return the number of timeseries bars for specified the indicator |
uint CMSTFIndicators::RatesTotal(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return 0;
//--- Return the number of bars in the timeseries of the received object
   return obj.RatesTotal();
//| Return the identifier of the specified indicator                 |
int CMSTFIndicators::ID(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return WRONG_VALUE;
//--- Return the identifier of the received object
   return obj.ID();
//| Return a description of the specified indicator                  |
string CMSTFIndicators::Description(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
//--- If the object is received, return the indicator description Otherwise error text
   return(obj!=NULL ? obj.Description() : ::StringFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__));
//| Return the title of the specified indicator                      |
string CMSTFIndicators::Title(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
//--- If the object is received, return the indicator title Otherwise error text
   return(obj!=NULL ? obj.Title() : ::StringFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__));
//| Return the category of the specified indicator                   |
ENUM_IND_CATEGORY CMSTFIndicators::Category(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return IND_CATEGORY_NONE;
//--- Return the category of the received object
   return obj.Category();
//| Return the number of parameters of the specified indicator       |
uint CMSTFIndicators::ParamsTotal(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return 0;
//--- Return the number of parameters of the received object
   return obj.ParamsTotal();
//| Return the structure of parameters by index from the array       |
//| for the specified indicator                                      |
MqlParam CMSTFIndicators::GetMqlParam(const int ind_handle,const int index) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      MqlParam null;
      return null;
//--- Return the structure of parameters of the received object by index from the array of parameters
   return obj.GetMqlParam(index);
//| Return a timeframe description for the specified indicator       |
string CMSTFIndicators::TimeframeDescription(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
//--- If the object is received, return a description of the indicator timeframe Otherwise error text
   return(obj!=NULL ? obj.Description() : ::StringFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__));
//| Return the amount of calculated data of the specified indicator  |
int CMSTFIndicators::Calculated(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return WRONG_VALUE;
//--- Return the amount of calculated data of the received object
   return obj.Calculated();
//| Return the type of the specified indicator                       |
ENUM_INDICATOR CMSTFIndicators::Type(const int ind_handle) const
//--- Get a pointer to the indicator object using the handle passed to the method
   CIndMSTF *obj=this.GetIndicatorObj(ind_handle,__FUNCTION__);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Failed to get indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
//--- Return the indicator type of the received object
   return (ENUM_INDICATOR)obj.Type();



//| Add the specified indicator to the collection                    |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewIndicator(CIndMSTF *ind_obj,const string source)
//--- Set the sorted list flag to the collection list
//--- Search the list for an index matching the indicator object passed to the method
   int index=this.m_list.Search(ind_obj);
//--- If such an indicator with the same parameters is already in the list,
      //--- report this to journal and delete the new indicator object
      ::PrintFormat("%s: The %s indicator with such parameters %s is already in the collection",source,ind_obj.Name(),ind_obj.Parameters());
      delete ind_obj;
      //--- Get a pointer to an already existing indicator object in the list and return its handle
      return(ind_obj!=NULL ? ind_obj.Handle() : INVALID_HANDLE);
//--- If such an indicator is not in the list, but it could not be placed in the list
      //--- report the error in the journal, delete the indicator object and return INVALID_HANDLE
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to add %s indicator to collection",source,ind_obj.Name());
      delete ind_obj;
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- If indicator is placed in list, but creating a calculation part for it failed, return INVALID_HANDLE
//--- (if there is an error creating a calculation part, the indicator object is deleted in the CreateIndicator method)
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Successful - inform about addition of a new indicator to collection and return its handle
   ::PrintFormat("%s: %s indicator (handle %ld) added to the collection",source,ind_obj.Title(),ind_obj.Handle());
   return ind_obj.Handle();
//| Add the Accelerator Oscillator indicator to the collection       |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewAC(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndAC *ind_obj=new CIndAC(symbol,timeframe);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create AC indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Accumulation/Distribution indicator to the collection     |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewAD(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndAD *ind_obj=new CIndAD(symbol,timeframe,applied_volume);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create A/D indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add Average Directional Movement Index to the collection           |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewADX(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int adx_period=14)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndADX *ind_obj=new CIndADX(symbol,timeframe,adx_period);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create ADX indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add to the collection the indicator                              |
//| Average Directional Movement Index by Welles Wilder              |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewADXWilder(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int adx_period=14)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndADXW *ind_obj=new CIndADXW(symbol,timeframe,adx_period);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create ADX Wilder indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Alligator indicator to the collection                    |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewAlligator(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                      const int jaw_period=13,
                                      const int jaw_shift=8,
                                      const int teeth_period=8,
                                      const int teeth_shift=5,
                                      const int lips_period=5,
                                      const int lips_shift=3,
                                      const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMMA,
                                      const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_MEDIAN)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndAlligator *ind_obj=new CIndAlligator(symbol,timeframe,jaw_period,jaw_shift,teeth_period,teeth_shift,lips_period,lips_shift,ma_method,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Alligator indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Adaptive Moving Average indicator to the collection      |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewAMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                const int ama_period=9,
                                const int fast_ma_period=2,
                                const int slow_ma_period=30,
                                const int ama_shift=0,
                                const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndAMA *ind_obj=new CIndAMA(symbol,timeframe,ama_period,fast_ma_period,slow_ma_period,ama_shift,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create AMA indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Awesome Oscillator indicator to the collection           |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewAO(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndAO *ind_obj=new CIndAO(symbol,timeframe);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create AO indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Average True Range indicator to the collection           |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewATR(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=14)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndATR *ind_obj=new CIndATR(symbol,timeframe,ma_period);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create ATR indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Bears Power indicator to the collection                  |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewBearsPower(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=13)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndBears *ind_obj=new CIndBears(symbol,timeframe,ma_period);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Bears indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Bulls Power indicator to the collection                  |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewBullsPower(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=13)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndBulls *ind_obj=new CIndBulls(symbol,timeframe,ma_period);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Bulls indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Bollinger Bands® indicator to the collection             |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewBands(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                  const int bands_period=20,
                                  const int bands_shift=0,
                                  const double deviation=2.0,
                                  const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndBands *ind_obj=new CIndBands(symbol,timeframe,bands_period,bands_shift,deviation,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Bands indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Commodity Channel Index indicator to the collection      |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewCCI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                               const int ma_period=14,
                               const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_TYPICAL)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndCCI *ind_obj=new CIndCCI(symbol,timeframe,ma_period,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create CCI indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Chaikin Oscillator indicator to the collection           |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewChaikin(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                    const int fast_ma_period=3,
                                    const int slow_ma_period=10,
                                    const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_EMA,
                                    const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndCHO *ind_obj=new CIndCHO(symbol,timeframe,fast_ma_period,slow_ma_period,ma_method,applied_volume);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Chaikin indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add Double Exponential Moving Average to the collection           |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewDEMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                const int ma_period=14,
                                const int ma_shift=0,
                                const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndDEMA *ind_obj=new CIndDEMA(symbol,timeframe,ma_period,ma_shift,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create DEMA indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the DeMarker indicator to the collection                     |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewDeMarker(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=14)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndDeM *ind_obj=new CIndDeM(symbol,timeframe,ma_period);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create DeMarker indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Envelopes indicator to the collection                    |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewEnvelopes(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                      const int ma_period=14,
                                      const int ma_shift=0,
                                      const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMA,
                                      const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE,
                                      const double deviation=0.1)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndEnvelopes *ind_obj=new CIndEnvelopes(symbol,timeframe,ma_method,ma_shift,ma_method,applied_price,deviation);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Envelopes indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Force Index indicator to the collection                  |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewForce(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                  const int ma_period=13,
                                  const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMA,
                                  const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndForce *ind_obj=new CIndForce(symbol,timeframe,ma_period,ma_method,applied_volume);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Force indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Fractals indicator to the collection                     |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewFractals(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndFractals *ind_obj=new CIndFractals(symbol,timeframe);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Fractals indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Fractal Adaptive Moving Average indicator to collection  |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewFrAMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                 const int ma_period=14,
                                 const int ma_shift=0,
                                 const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndFrAMA *ind_obj=new CIndFrAMA(symbol,timeframe,ma_period,ma_shift,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create FrAMA indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Gator indicator to the collection                        |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewGator(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                  const int jaw_period=13,
                                  const int jaw_shift=8,
                                  const int teeth_period=8,
                                  const int teeth_shift=5,
                                  const int lips_period=5,
                                  const int lips_shift=3,
                                  const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMMA,
                                  const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_MEDIAN)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndGator *ind_obj=new CIndGator(symbol,timeframe,jaw_period,jaw_shift,teeth_period,teeth_shift,lips_period,lips_shift,ma_method,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Gator indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator to the collection           |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewIchimoku(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                    const int tenkan_sen=9,
                                    const int kijun_sen=26,
                                    const int senkou_span_b=52)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndIchimoku *ind_obj=new CIndIchimoku(symbol,timeframe,tenkan_sen,kijun_sen,senkou_span_b);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Ichimoku indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Market Facilitation Index indicator to the collection    |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewBWMFI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndBWMFI *ind_obj=new CIndBWMFI(symbol,timeframe,applied_volume);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create BW MFI indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Momentum indicator to the collection                     |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewMomentum(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                    const int mom_period=14,
                                    const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndMomentum *ind_obj=new CIndMomentum(symbol,timeframe,mom_period,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Momentum indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Money Flow Index indicator to the collection             |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewMFI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                               const int ma_period=14,
                               const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndMFI *ind_obj=new CIndMFI(symbol,timeframe,ma_period,applied_volume);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create MFI indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Moving Average indicator to the collection               |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                               const int ma_period=10,
                               const int ma_shift=0,
                               const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMA,
                               const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndMA *ind_obj=new CIndMA(symbol,timeframe,ma_period,ma_shift,ma_method,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create MA indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Moving Average of Oscillator indicator to the collection |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewOsMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                const int fast_ema_period=12,
                                const int slow_ema_period=26,
                                const int signal_period=9,
                                const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndOsMA *ind_obj=new CIndOsMA(symbol,timeframe,fast_ema_period,slow_ema_period,signal_period,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create OsMA indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add to the collection the indicator                              |
//| Moving Averages Convergence/Divergence                           |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewMACD(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                const int fast_ema_period=12,
                                const int slow_ema_period=26,
                                const int signal_period=9,
                                const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndMACD *ind_obj=new CIndMACD(symbol,timeframe,fast_ema_period,slow_ema_period,signal_period,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create MACD indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the On Balance Volume indicator to the collection            |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewOBV(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndOBV *ind_obj=new CIndOBV(symbol,timeframe,applied_volume);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create OBV indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add Parabolic Stop and Reverse system to the collection           |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewSAR(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                               const double step=0.02,
                               const double maximum=0.2)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndSAR *ind_obj=new CIndSAR(symbol,timeframe,step,maximum);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create SAR indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Relative Strength Index indicator to the collection      |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewRSI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                               const int ma_period=14,
                               const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndRSI *ind_obj=new CIndRSI(symbol,timeframe,ma_period,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create RSI indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Relative Vigor Index indicator to the collection         |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewRVI(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int ma_period=10)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndRVI *ind_obj=new CIndRVI(symbol,timeframe,ma_period);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create RVI indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Standard Deviation indicator to the collection           |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewStdDev(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                  const int ma_period=20,
                                  const int ma_shift=0,
                                  const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMA,
                                  const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndStdDev *ind_obj=new CIndStdDev(symbol,timeframe,ma_period,ma_shift,ma_method,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create StdDev indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Stochastic Oscillator indicator to the collection        |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewStochastic(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                      const int Kperiod=5,
                                      const int Dperiod=3,
                                      const int slowing=3,
                                      const ENUM_MA_METHOD ma_method=MODE_SMA,
                                      const ENUM_STO_PRICE price_field=STO_LOWHIGH)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndStoch *ind_obj=new CIndStoch(symbol,timeframe,Kperiod,Dperiod,slowing,ma_method,price_field);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Stochastic indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add Triple Exponential Moving Average indicator to the collection |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewTEMA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                const int ma_period=14,
                                const int ma_shift=0,
                                const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndTEMA *ind_obj=new CIndTEMA(symbol,timeframe,ma_period,ma_shift,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create TEMA indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add to the collection the indicator                              |
//| Triple Exponential Moving Averages Oscillator                    |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewTriX(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                const int ma_period=14,
                                const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndTriX *ind_obj=new CIndTriX(symbol,timeframe,ma_period,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create TriX indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add Larry Williams' Percent Range to the collection              |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewWPR(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const int calc_period=14)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndWPR *ind_obj=new CIndWPR(symbol,timeframe,calc_period);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create WPR indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add Variable Index Dynamic Average to the collection             |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewVIDyA(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,
                                  const int cmo_period=9,
                                  const int ema_period=12,
                                  const int ma_shift=0,
                                  const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndVIDyA *ind_obj=new CIndVIDyA(symbol,timeframe,cmo_period,ema_period,ma_shift,applied_price);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create VIDyA indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add the Volumes indicator to the collection                      |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewVolumes(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME applied_volume=VOLUME_TICK)
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndVolumes *ind_obj=new CIndVolumes(symbol,timeframe,applied_volume);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create Volumes indicator object",__FUNCTION__);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);
//| Add a custom indicator to the collection                         |
int CMSTFIndicators::AddNewCustom(const string symbol,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const string path,const string name,const uint buffers,const MqlParam &param[])
//--- Create a new indicator object. If there is an error, add a journal message and return INVALID_HANDLE
   CIndCustom *ind_obj=new CIndCustom(symbol,timeframe,path,name,buffers,param);
      ::PrintFormat("%s: Error. Failed to create %s custom indicator object",__FUNCTION__,name);
      return INVALID_HANDLE;
//--- Return the result of adding the created indicator object to the collection list
   return this.AddNewIndicator(ind_obj,__FUNCTION__);






TestMSTFM MovingAverages.mq5という名前の新しい指標ファイルを作成します。




//|                                       TestMSTFMovingAverages.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- plot MA1
#property indicator_label1  "MA1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1
//--- plot MA2
#property indicator_label2  "MA2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1
//--- indicator buffers
double         MA1Buffer[];
double         MA2Buffer[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call
//| Timer function                                                   |
void OnTimer()
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)


//|                                       TestMSTFMovingAverages.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- enums
   USED_MA_AMA    =  IND_AMA,    // Adaptive Moving Average
   USED_MA_DEMA   =  IND_DEMA,   // Double Exponential Moving Average
   USED_MA_FRAMA  =  IND_FRAMA,  // Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
   USED_MA_MA     =  IND_MA,     // Moving Average
   USED_MA_TEMA   =  IND_TEMA,   // Triple Exponential Moving Average
   USED_MA_VIDYA  =  IND_VIDYA,  // Variable Index Dynamic Average
//--- plot MA1
#property indicator_label1  "MA1"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot MA2
#property indicator_label2  "MA2"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- includes
#include <IndMSTF\IndMSTF.mqh>
#include <Dashboard\Dashboard.mqh>
//--- input parameters
input ENUM_USED_MA         InpIndicator   =  USED_MA_MA;       /* Used MA        */ // Type of moving average to use
input string               InpSymbol      =  NULL;             /* Symbol         */ // Moving average symbol
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      InpTimeframe   =  PERIOD_CURRENT;   /* Timeframe      */ // Moving average timeframe
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpPrice       =  PRICE_CLOSE;      /* Applied Price  */ // Price used for calculations
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod      =  MODE_SMA;         /* MA Method      */ // Moving Average calculation method
input int                  InpShift       =  0;                /* MA Shift       */ // Moving average shift
input bool                 InpAsSeries    =  true;             /* As Series flag */ // Timeseries flag of indicator buffer arrays

//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferMA1[];
double         BufferMA2[];
//--- global variables
int handle_ma1;
int handle_ma2;
CMSTFIndicators indicators;      // An instance of the indicator collection object
//--- variables for the panel
CDashboard *panel=NULL;          // Pointer to the panel object
int         mouse_bar_index;     // Index of the bar the data is taken from


//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- Set a timer with an interval of 1 second
//--- Assign the BufferMA1 and BufferMA2 arrays to the plot buffers 0 and 1, respectively
//--- sets indicator shift
   //PlotIndexSetInteger(0,PLOT_SHIFT,InpShift);   // analog in line 116
   //PlotIndexSetInteger(1,PLOT_SHIFT,InpShift);   // analog in line 117
//--- Set the timeseries flags for the indicator buffer arrays (for testing, to see that there is no difference)
//--- For different indicators, the dashboard width will be individual (due to the number of parameters in the description)
   int width=0;
//--- According on the indicator selected in the settings, create two indicators of the same type
//--- The first one is calculated on the current chart symbol/period, the second - on those specified in the settings
      case USED_MA_AMA     :
      case USED_MA_DEMA    :
      case USED_MA_FRAMA   :
      case USED_MA_TEMA    :
      case USED_MA_VIDYA   :
//--- If failed to create indicator handles, return initialization error
   if(handle_ma1==INVALID_HANDLE || handle_ma2==INVALID_HANDLE)
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set descriptions for indicator lines from buffer descriptions of calculation part of created indicators
//--- Set "empty" values for calculation part buffers of the created indicators
//--- Set shifts for indicator lines
//--- Dashboard
//--- Create the panel
   panel=new CDashboard(1,20,20,width,264);
      Print("Error. Failed to create panel object");
      return INIT_FAILED;
//--- Set font parameters
//--- Display the panel with the "Symbol, Timeframe description" header text
   panel.View(Symbol()+", "+StringSubstr(EnumToString(Period()),7));

//--- Create a table with ID 0 to display bar data in it
//--- Draw a table with ID 0 on the dashboard background

//--- Create a table with ID 1 to display the data of indicator 1
//--- Get the Y2 table coordinate with ID 0 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 1
   int y1=panel.TableY2(0)+22;
//--- Draw a table with ID 1 on the dashboard background

//--- Create a table with ID 2 to display the data of indicator 2
//--- Get the Y2 coordinate of the table with ID 1 and
//--- set the Y1 coordinate for the table with ID 2
   int y2=panel.TableY2(1)+3;
//--- Draw a table with ID 2 on the background of the dashboard
//--- Initialize the variable with the index of the mouse cursor bar
//--- Display the data of the current bar on the dashboard

//--- Successful initialization


//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- Delete the timer
//--- If the panel object exists, delete it
      delete panel;
//--- Delete all comments


//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Number of bars for calculation
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- If limit > 1, then this is the first calculation or change in the history
      //--- specify all the available history for calculation
      // If the indicator has any buffers that display other calculations (not multi-indicators),
      // initialize them here with the "empty" value set for these buffers
//--- Calculate all created multi-symbol multi-period indicators
      return 0;

//--- Display the bar data under cursor (or current bar if cursor is outside the chart) on the dashboard

//--- From buffers of calculated indicators, output data to indicator buffers
      return 0;
      return 0;

//--- return value of prev_calculated for the next call


//| Timer function                                                   | 
void OnTimer()
//--- Call the indicator collection timer


//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Handling the panel
//--- Call the panel event handler

//--- If the cursor moves or a click is made on the chart
      //--- Declare the variables to record time and price coordinates in them
      datetime time=0;
      double price=0;
      int wnd=0;
      //--- If the cursor coordinates are converted to date and time
         //--- write the bar index where the cursor is located to a global variable
         //--- Display the bar data under the cursor on the panel 

//--- If we received a custom event, display the appropriate message in the journal
      //--- Here we can implement handling a click on the close button on the panel
      PrintFormat("%s: Event id=%ld, object id (lparam): %lu, event message (sparam): %s",__FUNCTION__,id,lparam,sparam);


//| Display data from the specified timeseries index to dashboard    |
void DrawData(const int index,const datetime time)
//--- Declare the variables to receive data in them
   MqlRates rates[1];

//--- Exit if unable to get the bar data by the specified index

//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data headers
   int  size=0;
   uint flags=0;
   uint angle=0;
   string name=panel.FontParams(size,flags,angle);
   panel.DrawText("Bar data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(0)-16,clrMaroon,panel.Width()-6);
   panel.DrawText("Indicators data ["+(string)index+"]",3,panel.TableY1(1)-16,clrGreen,panel.Width()-6);
//--- Set font parameters for bar and indicator data

//--- Display the data of the specified bar in table 0 on the panel
   panel.DrawText("Date",  panel.CellX(0,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_DATE),     panel.CellX(0,0,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,0,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Time",  panel.CellX(0,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,0)+2); panel.DrawText(TimeToString(  rates[0].time,TIME_MINUTES),  panel.CellX(0,1,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,1,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Open",  panel.CellX(0,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].open,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,2,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("High",  panel.CellX(0,3,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].high,Digits()),      panel.CellX(0,3,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,3,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Low",   panel.CellX(0,4,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].low,Digits()),       panel.CellX(0,4,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,4,1)+2,clrNONE,90);
   panel.DrawText("Close", panel.CellX(0,5,0)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,0)+2); panel.DrawText(DoubleToString(rates[0].close,Digits()),     panel.CellX(0,5,1)+2, panel.CellY(0,5,1)+2,clrNONE,90);

//--- Output the data of indicator 1 from the specified bar into table 1
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_ma1), panel.CellX(1,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,0,0)+2);
   double value1=indicators.GetData(handle_ma1,0,index);
   string value_str1=(value1!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value1,indicators.Digits(handle_ma1)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 1 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(1,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(1,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state1=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ma1,0,index);
//--- Output the data of indicator 2 from the specified bar into table 2
   panel.DrawText(indicators.Title(handle_ma2), panel.CellX(2,0,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,0,0)+2);
   double value2=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ma2,0,index);
   string value_str2=(value2!=EMPTY_VALUE ? DoubleToString(value2,indicators.Digits(handle_ma2)) : " ");
//--- Display a description of the indicator 2 line state
   panel.DrawText("Line state", panel.CellX(2,1,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,1,0)+2);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE state2=indicators.BufferLineState(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ma2,0,index);
//--- Display description of relationship between indicator 1 line relative to indicator 2 line
   double value21=indicators.GetDataTo(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ma2,0,index+1);
   ENUM_LINE_STATE stateR=indicators.BufferLineStateRelative(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,handle_ma1,0,index,value2,value21);
   string ma1=indicators.Name(handle_ma1);
   string ma2=indicators.Name(handle_ma2);
   string state_relative=
      stateR==LINE_STATE_ABOVE      ? StringFormat("%s1 > %s2",ma1,ma2)   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_BELOW      ? StringFormat("%s1 < %s2",ma1,ma2)           :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_DOWN ? "Top-down crossing"   :
      stateR==LINE_STATE_CROSS_UP   ? "Bottom-up crossing"  :
   panel.DrawText(StringFormat("%s1 vs %s2",ma1,ma2), panel.CellX(2,2,0)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,0)+2);
   panel.DrawText(state_relative, panel.CellX(2,2,1)+2, panel.CellY(2,2,1)+2,clrNONE,110);
//--- Redraw the chart to immediately display all changes on the panel







MetaQuotes Ltdによってロシア語から翻訳されました。
元の記事: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/13578

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