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MetaTrader 5 | 7 12月 2023, 14:40
404 0
Artyom Trishkin
Artyom Trishkin

ログやモニター画面に値を表示するのは、「Hello, world」よりも複雑なものを表示しなくていい限り、シンプルで馴染みのある操作です。しかし、遅かれ早かれ、あまり需要のない値やプロパティをフォーマットして出力する必要がある状況が発生します。もちろん、MQL5のヘルプで調べることもできます。

しかし、場合によっては、MetaTrader 5ターミナルによって提供されるあらゆる種類の情報を表示するための、既製のレシピのコレクションがほしいことがあるでしょう。この記事では、PrintFormat関数の呼び出しの複雑さを理解し、コードに挿入するだけですぐに使えるようになるテンプレートを書いてみます。








("%Value1 is to be displayed like this%Value2 is to be displayed like this%Value3 is to be displayed like this ... ... %ValueN is to be displayed like this some text", Value1, Value2, Value3, ... ..., ValueN)

ご覧のように、特定のデータをテキストで表示する必要がある場所には、出力データの値を表示する方法を記述したフォーマット行が必要です。各フォーマット文字列の前には%が付いており、その後に続くのが出力フォーマットの説明であることを知らせます。フォーマット記述の間に任意のテキストを書くことができます(上の例では末尾の「some text」)。フォーマット文字とテキストで行の入力を終えたら、フォーマット行に記述された出力フォーマットの順番で、データをカンマで区切ります。上の例では、各フォーマットの説明と対応する値が同じ色でマークされています。


例:("%This text will be located in the 50 character wide column%these double data will be in the next column and left aligned", string_variable_with_text_of_the_first_column, double data_of_the_second_column);




         %[flags][width][.precision][{h | l | ll | I32 | I64}]type




  • - (マイナス記号):行テキストは指定された幅内で左揃えになります。幅は、フラグに続くwidth指定子で指定します。「%-10」は、テキストがフィールドの左端に整列され、幅が10文字であることを意味します。この行の次のテキストは、10文字の同じフィールドの右端から始まります。この10文字フィールド内に表示されるテキストが10文字より長い場合、次のテキストはフィールドではなくテキストの最後に配置されます。言い換えれば、フィールドの幅は、そこに配置されたテキストのサイズに合わせて拡大されます。テキストがフィールドの幅に沿って切り捨てられることはありません。逆に、フィールドがテキストの長さに沿って拡大するのです。
    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare the variables to be printed
       string   header="";  // Data header
       double   value1=0;   // First value
       double   value2=0;   // Second value
    //--- First line with a header of less than 10 characters and data in 20-character fields
    //--- The header and data are pressed to the left edge of their field
    //--- Second line with a header of more than 10 characters and data in 20-character fields
    //--- The header and data are pressed to the left edge of their field
       /* Sample output:
          10characters10000000            20000000            
          Over10characters10000000            20000000            

  • +(プラス記号):符号付き型の場合、出力データの値に応じて+または-の符号が常に表示されます(例:+222、-12.35)。2行のフォーマットされたテキストが連続し、同じデータ列の一番上の行では出力データの値が正で、一番下の行では負である場合、視覚的に値が1文字分(「-」の分)相対的にずれます。以下では、この視覚的な不便さを解消するフラグについて考えてみます。
    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare the variables to be printed
       string   header="";  // Data header
       double   value1=0;   // First value
       double   value2=0;   // Second value
    //--- The first line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 20-character fields
    //--- The header and data are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the second field are displayed with +/- signs
    //--- The second line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 20-character fields
    //--- The header and data are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the second field are displayed with +/- signs
       /* Sample output:
          Header1      -10000000           20000000            
          Header2      +10000000           -20000000           

  • 0(ゼロ):指定されたフィールド幅内の出力値の前にゼロが加えられます。フラグ0が整数フォーマット(i, u, x, o, d)で指定され、精度指定(例:%04.d)が設定されている場合、0は無視されます。言い換えれば、精度フォーマット(最小出力文字数)が与えられている整数型では、このフォーマット(フォーマット0)の先頭のゼロは優先されません。フィールド全体を埋めるため、精度の形式と矛盾するからです。
    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare the variables to be printed
       string   header="";  // Data header
       double   value1=0;   // First value
       double   value2=0;   // Second value
    //--- The first line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 20-character fields
    //--- The header and data are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the second field are displayed with +/- signs
    //--- The data values of the third field are pressed to the right edge with leading zeros added.
    //--- The second line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 20-character fields
    //--- The header and data of the second field are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the second field are displayed with +/- signs
    //--- The data values of the third field are pressed to the right edge with leading zeros added.
       /* Sample output:
          Header1      -10000000           00000000000020000000
          Header2      +10000000           -0000000000020000000

  • (スペース):出力値の前にスペースが入るのは、値が符号付きで正の場合です。このフラグを持つフィールドの正のデータ値は、それぞれ1文字ずつ右にシフトされます。これにより、同じ列の異なる行に正の値と負の値がある場合、視覚的に値を揃えることができます。負のデータの「-」の代わりにスペースが入ります。
    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare the variables to be printed
       string   header="";  // Data header
       double   value1=0;   // First value
       double   value2=0;   // Second value
    //--- The first line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 20-character fields
    //--- The header and data of the second field are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the third field are pressed to the right edge
    //--- For the second and third fields from the left, a space is added for positive values.
       PrintFormat("%-16s%- 20ld% 20lld",header,(int)value1,(long)value2);
    //--- The second line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 20-character fields
    //--- The header and data of the second field are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the third field are pressed to the right edge
    //--- For the second and third fields from the left, a space is added for positive values.
       PrintFormat("%-16s%- 20ld% 20lld",header,(int)value1,(long)value2);
       /* Sample output:
          Header1      -10000000                       20000000
          Header2       10000000                      -20000000

  • #記号

    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare the variables to be printed
       string   header="";  // Data header
       double   value1=0;   // First value
       double   value2=0;   // Second value
    //--- First line with a header and data in 16-character fields
    //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the second field are displayed in decimal format
    //--- Data values of the third field are displayed in octal format with 0 added before the value
       PrintFormat("%-16s(DEC) %-16ld(OCT) %-#16lo",header,(uint)value1,(uint)value2);
    //--- Second line with header and data in 16-character fields
    //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the second field are displayed in hexadecimal format with 0x added before the value
    //--- Data values of the third field are displayed in hexadecimal format with 0X added before the value
       PrintFormat("%-16s(hex) %-#16lx(HEX) %-#16lX",header,(uint)value1,(uint)value2);
       /* Sample output:
          Header1      (DEC) 10000           (OCT) 023420          
          Header2      (hex) 0x2710          (HEX) 0X2710          


    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare the variables to be printed
       string   header="";  // Data header
       double   value1=0;   // First value
       double   value2=0;   // Second value
    //--- The first line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
    //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'e' format
    //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'E' format
       PrintFormat("%-16s(e) %-22e(E) %-#22E",header,(double)value1,(double)value2);
    //--- The second line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
    //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'a' format
    //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'A' format
       PrintFormat("%-16s(a) %-#22a(A) %-#22A",header,(double)value1,(double)value2);
       /* Sample output:
          Header1      (e) 2.550000e+02          (E) 1.024000E+03          
          Header2      (a) 0x1.fe00000000000p+7  (A) 0X1.0000000000000P+10 

    3.gまたはGフォーマットとともに使用すると、このフラグは出力値に小数点があるかどうかを判断し、先頭のゼロがカットされるのを防ぎます。gフォーマットは、またはeの最もコンパクトな表示タイプを選択し、 選択したフォーマットでエントリーを表示します。Gフォーマットは、gフォーマットと同じですが、fまたはEフォーマットのどちらかを選択します。

    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare the variables to be printed
       string   header="";  // Data header
       double   value1=0;   // First value
       double   value2=0;   // Second value
    //--- The first line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
    //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'f' format with default precision
    //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'g' format
       PrintFormat("%-16s(f) %-22f(g) %-#22g",header,(double)value1,(double)value2);
    //--- The second line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
    //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'f' format with 5-character precision
    //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'G' format
       PrintFormat("%-16s(f) %-#22.5f(G) %-#22G",header,(double)value1,(double)value2);
       /* Sample output:
          Header1      (f) 0.000010              (g) 1.79769e+308          
          Header2      (f) 0.00001               (G) 1.79769E+308          



    void OnStart()
    //--- Declare the variables to be printed
       string   header="";  // Data header
       double   value1=0;   // First value
       double   value2=0;   // Second value
    //--- The first line with a header in a *-character field (16) and data in *-character fields (22)
    //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'f' format with default precision
    //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'g' format
       PrintFormat("%-*s(f) %-*f(g) %-#*g",16,header,22,(double)value1,22,(double)value2);
    //--- The second line with a header in a *-character field (16) and data in *-character fields (22)
    //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
    //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'f' format with 5-character precision
    //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'G' format
       PrintFormat("%-*s(f) %-#*.5f(G) %-#*G",16,header,22,(double)value1,22,(double)value2);
       /* Sample output:
          Header1      (f) 0.000010              (g) 1.79769e+308          
          Header2      (f) 0.00001               (G) 1.79769E+308          




    • a、A:  小数点以下の桁数を指定します。
      void OnStart()
      //--- Declare the variables to be printed
         string   header="";  // Data header
         double   value1=0;   // First value
         double   value2=0;   // Second value
      //--- The first line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
      //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
      //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'a' format with default precision
      //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'A' format with default precision
         PrintFormat("%-16s(a) %-22a(A) %-#22A",header,(double)value1,(double)value2);
      //--- The second line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
      //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
      //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'a' format with 5-character precision
      //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'A' format with 7-character precision
         PrintFormat("%-16s(a) %-#22.5a(A) %-#22.7A",header,(double)value1,(double)value2);
         /* Sample output:
            Header1      (a) 0x1.4f8b588e368f1p-17 (A ) 0X1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFP+1023
            Header2      (a) 0x1.4f8b6p-17         (A) 0X2.0000000P+1023     

    • d、i、u、o、x、X:最小表示桁数を指定します。対応するパラメータの桁数が指定された精度より少ない場合、出力の左側をゼロ埋めします。出力桁数が指定精度より多い場合、表示値は切り捨てられません。
      void OnStart()
      //--- Declare the variables to be printed
         string   header="";  // Data header
         double   value1=0;   // First value
         double   value2=0;   // Second value
      //--- The first line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
      //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
      //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'd' format with 4-character precision
      //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'i' format with 11-character precision
         PrintFormat("%-16s(d) %-22.4d(i) %-#22.11i",header,(int)value1,(int)value2);
      //--- The second line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
      //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
      //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'u' format with 4-character precision
      //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'o' format with 11-character precision
         PrintFormat("%-16s(u) %-#22.4u(o) %-#22.11o",header,(double)value1,(double)value2);
      //--- The third line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
      //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
      //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'x' format with 4-character precision
      //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'X' format with 11-character precision
         PrintFormat("%-16s(x) %-#22.4x(X) %-#22.11X",header,(double)value1,(double)value2);
         /* Sample output:
            Header1      (d) 2147483647            (i) 02147483647           
            Header2      (u) 4290772992            (o) 037760000000          
            Header3      (x) 0xffc00000            (X) 0X000FFC00000         

    • e、E、f:小数点以下の表示桁数を指定します。表示される最後の桁は四捨五入されます。
      void OnStart()
      //--- Declare the variables to be printed
         string   header="";  // Data header
         double   value1=0;   // First value
         double   value2=0;   // Second value
      //--- The first line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
      //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
      //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'e' format with 4-character precision
      //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'E' format with 11-character precision
         PrintFormat("%-16s(e) %-22.4e(E) %-#22.11E",header,(double)value1,(double)value2);
      //--- The second line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
      //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
      //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'f' format with 4-character precision
      //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'f' format with 11-character precision
         PrintFormat("%-16s(f) %-#22.4f(f) %-#22.11f",header,(double)value1,(double)value2);
         /* Sample output:
            Header1      (e) 1.7977e+308           (E) 1.79769313486E+308    
            Header2      (f) 1.2729                (f) 1.27286000000         

    • g、G:最大有効桁数を指定します。
      void OnStart()
      //--- Declare the variables to be printed
         string   header="";  // Data header
         double   value1=0;   // First value
         double   value2=0;   // Second value
      //--- The first line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
      //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
      //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'g' format with 4-character precision
      //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'G' format with 11-character precision
         PrintFormat("%-16s(g) %-22.4g(G) %-#22.11G",header,(double)value1,(double)value2);
      //--- The second line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
      //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
      //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'g' format with 4-character precision
      //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'G' format with 11-character precision
         PrintFormat("%-16s(g) %-#22.4g(G) %-#22.11G",header,(double)value1,(double)value2);
         /* Sample output:
            Header1      (g) 1.798e+308            (G) 1.2731600000          
            Header2      (g) 1.273                 (G) 1.7976931349E+308     

    • s:表示される行の文字数。行の長さが精度値を超えた場合、出力中に行が切り捨てられます。
      void OnStart()
      //--- Declare the variables to be printed
         string   header="";  // Data header
         double   value1=0;   // First value
         double   value2=0;   // Second value
      //--- The first line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
      //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
      //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'g' format with 4-character precision
      //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 's' format with 11-character precision
         PrintFormat("%-16s(g) %-22.4g(s) %-#22.11s",header,(double)value1,(string)value2);
      //--- The second line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 22-character fields
      //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
      //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'g' format with 5-character precision
      //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 's' format with 4-character precision
         PrintFormat("%-16s(g) %-#22.5g(s) %-#22.4s",header,(double)value1,(string)value2);
         /* Sample output:
            Header1      (g) 1.798e+308            (s) 1.2872                
            Header2      (g) 1.7977e+308           (s) 1.28                  

        データサイズ指定子(h | l | ll | I32 | I64):パラメータとして渡される整数データのサイズを指定します。このデータのサイズ(int、uint、short、ushort、long、ulong)は、パラメータとして整数を渡すことで指定できます。以下は、サイズ指定子とデータ型の互換性の表です。

          short   h
          d, i, o, x, X
          ushort   h
          u, o, x, X
          d, i, o, x, X
          u, o, x, X
          d, i, o, x, X
          u, o, x, X


         種類 フォーマット
        「[ – ]d.dddd e [sign]ddd」のフォーマットを持つ実数値。ここで、dは小数点以下1桁、ddddは小数点以下1桁以上、dddは指数の大きさを定義する3桁の数字、「sign」はプラスまたはマイナスの符号。
        「 [ – ]dddd.dddd」フォーマットを持つ実数値。ここで、ddddは1桁以上の10進数。小数点の前に表示される桁数は、数値の値によって異なる。小数点以下の桁数は、要求される精度によって決まる。
        「[−]0xh.hhhh p±dd」フォーマットを持つ実数値。ここで、h.hhhhはabcdefを用いた16進数による仮数、ddは1桁以上の指数。小数点以下の桁数は精度指定によって決定される。
        「[−]0xh.hhhh P±dd」フォーマットを持つ実数値。ここで、h.hhhhはABCDEFを使用した16進数による仮数、ddは1桁以上の指数。小数点以下の桁数は精度指定によって決定される。


        void OnStart()
        //--- Declare the variables to be printed
           string   header="";  // Data header
           char     value1=0;   // First value
           char     value2=0;   // Second value
        //--- The first line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 10-character fields
        //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
        //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'c' format
        //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'C' format
           PrintFormat("%-16s(c) %-10c(C) %-10C",header,(char)value1,(char)value2);
        //--- The second line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 10-character fields
        //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
        //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'c' format
        //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'C' format
           PrintFormat("%-16s(c) %-10c(C) %-10C",header,(char)value1,(char)value2);
        //--- The third line with a header in a 16-character field and data in 10-character fields
        //--- The header and data of all fields are pressed to the left edge.
        //--- Data values of the second field are displayed together with the 'd' format
        //--- Data values of the third field are displayed together with the 'i' format
           PrintFormat("%-16s(d) %-10d(i) %-10i",header,(int)value1,(int)value2);
           /* Sample output:
              Header1      (c) A         (C) B         
              Header2      (c) C         (C) D         
              Header3      (d) 65        (i) 66        








        //| Print a description of the account number into the journal       |
        void AccountLoginPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Login:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
           /* Sample output:
              Login: 68008618



        //| Print a trading account type into the journal                    |
        void AccountTradeModePrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the value of the trading account type
        //--- "Cut out" the name of the trading account type from the line obtained from enum
           string mode=StringSubstr(EnumToString(trade_mode),19);
        //--- Convert the characters of the resulting line to lower case and replace the first letter from small to capital
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Trade mode:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
           /* Sample output:
              Trade mode: Demo


        //| Print a description of the provided leverage size in the journal |
        void AccountLeveragePrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Leverage:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
           /* Sample output:
              Leverage: 1:100


        //| Print a description of the maximum allowed                       |
        //| number of active pending orders                                  |
        void AccountLimitOrdersPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Limit orders:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
           /* Sample output:
              Limit orders: 200


        //| Print a description of the mode for setting a minimal            |
        //| accepted level of collateral in the journal                      |
        void AccountMarginSOModePrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the value of the mode for setting the minimum available collateral
        //--- "Cut out" the mode name from the line obtained from enum 
           string mode=StringSubstr(EnumToString(so_mode),21);
        //--- Convert the characters of the resulting line to lower case and replace the first letter from small to capital
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="StopOut mode:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
           /* Sample output:
              StopOut mode: Percent


        //| Print a description                                              |
        //| of allowing trading for the current account in the journal       |
        void AccountTradeAllowedPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Trade allowed:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- Depending on the bool value of the property, pass the "Yes" or "No" line as a parameter
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-s",indent,"",w,header,((bool)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_ALLOWED) ? "Yes" : "No"));
           /* Sample output:
              Trade allowed: Yes


        //| Print a description                                              |
        //| allowing trading for an EA                                       |
        void AccountTradeExpertPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Trade expert:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- Depending on the bool value of the property, pass the "Yes" or "No" line as a parameter
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-s",indent,"",w,header,((bool)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_EXPERT) ? "Yes" : "No"));
           /* Sample output:
              Trade expert: Yes


        //| Print a description of the margin calculation mode in the journal|
        void AccountMarginModePrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the value of the margin calculation mode
        //--- "Cut out" the mode name from the line obtained from enum 
           string mode=StringSubstr(EnumToString(margin_mode),20);
        //--- Convert the characters of the resulting line to lower case and replace the first letter from small to capital
        //--- Replace all underscore characters with space in the resulting line
           StringReplace(mode,"_"," ");
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Margin mode:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
           /* Sample output:
              Margin mode: Retail hedging


        //| Print a description of the number of                             |
        //| decimal places for an account currency                           |
        void AccountCurrencyDigitsPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Currency digits:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
           /* Sample output:
              Currency digits: 2


        //| Print a description of the flag indicating                       |
        //| that positions can only be closed using the FIFO rule            |
        void AccountFIFOClosePrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="FIFO close:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- Depending on the bool value of the property, pass the "Yes" or "No" line as a parameter
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-s",indent,"",w,header,((bool)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_FIFO_CLOSE) ? "Yes" : "No"));
           /* Sample output:
              FIFO close: No


        //| Print a description of the flag indicating                       |
        //| opposite positions are allowed on a single symbol                |
        void AccountHedgeAllowedPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Hedge allowed:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- Depending on the bool value of the property, pass the "Yes" or "No" line as a parameter
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-s",indent,"",w,header,((bool)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_HEDGE_ALLOWED) ? "Yes" : "No"));
           /* Sample output:
              Hedge allowed: Yes



        //| Print a description of the account balance in the deposit currency in the journal  |
        void AccountBalancePrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the balance, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double ballance=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Balance:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value for the symbol
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %-s",indent,"",w,header,digits,ballance,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Balance: 10015.00 USD


        //| Print a description of account credit size                       |
        //| in a deposit currency                                            |
        void AccountCreditPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the credit, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double credit=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_CREDIT);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Credit:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value for the symbol
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %-s",indent,"",w,header,digits,credit,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Credit: 0.00 USD


        //| Print a description                                              |
        //| of the current profit in the deposit currency                    |
        void AccountProfitPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the current profit, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double profit=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_PROFIT);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Profit:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value for the symbol
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %-s",indent,"",w,header,digits,profit,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Profit: 0.00 USD


        //| Print a description of the value of                              |
        //| equity on an account in a deposit currency                       |
        void AccountEquityPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the equity, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double equity=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Equity:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value for the symbol
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %-s",indent,"",w,header,digits,equity,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Equity: 10015.00 USD


        //| Print a description of                                           |
        //| reserved collateral funds on the account in a deposit currency   |
        void AccountMarginPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the reserved collateral, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double margin=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Margin:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value for the symbol
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %-s",indent,"",w,header,digits,margin,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Margin: 0.00 USD


        //| Print a description of the free funds,                                               |
        //| available for opening a position on an account in a deposit currency, in the journal |
        void AccountMarginFreePrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the reserved collateral, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double margin_free=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_FREE);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Margin free:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value for the symbol
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %-s",indent,"",w,header,digits,margin_free,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Margin free: 10015.00 USD


        //| Print a description                                              |
        //| of the collateral level on an account in %                       |
        void AccountMarginLevelPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Margin level:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- The value is set with 'digits' equal to 2 and the fact that the property is displayed in % is specified
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.2f %%",indent,"",w,header,AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_LEVEL));
           /* Sample output:
              Margin level: 0.00 %


        //| Print a description of the collateral level,                               |
        //| at which a deposit to an account is required (Margin Call), in the journal |
        void AccountMarginSOCallPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the MarginCall level values, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double margin_so_call=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_CALL);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- If the level of collateral for MarginCall is calculated as %,
        //--- specify 'currency' in % rather than in account currency, while 'digits' will be equal to 2
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Margin Call:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value obtained above
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %s",indent,"",w,header,digits,margin_so_call,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Margin Call: 50.00 %


        //| Print a description of the collateral level,                     |
        //| upon reaching which                                              |
        //| the most loss-making position is forcefully closed (Stop Out)    |
        void AccountMarginStopOutPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the StopOut level values, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double margin_so_so=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_SO);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- If the level of collateral for StopOut is calculated as %,
        //--- specify 'currency' in % rather than in account currency, while 'digits' will be equal to 2
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Margin Stop Out:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value obtained above
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %s",indent,"",w,header,digits,margin_so_so,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Margin Stop Out: 30.00 %


        //| Print a description of the funds                                 |
        //| reserved on the account for security                             |
        //| of a guarantee amount for all pending orders                     |
        void AccountMarginInitialPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the amount of the reserved funds, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double margin_initial=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_INITIAL);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Margin initial:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value for the symbol
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %-s",indent,"",w,header,digits,margin_initial,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Margin initial: 0.00 USD


        //| Print a description of the funds                                 |
        //| reserved on the account for security                             |
        //| of the min amount of all open positions                          |
        void AccountMarginMaintenancePrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the amount of the reserved funds, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double margin_maintenance=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Margin maintenance:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value for the symbol
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %-s",indent,"",w,header,digits,margin_maintenance,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Margin maintenance: 0.00 USD


        //| Print a description of the current asset size on the account in the journal|
        void AccountAssetsPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the current asset size on the account, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double assets=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_ASSETS);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Assets:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value for the symbol
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %-s",indent,"",w,header,digits,assets,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Assets: 0.00 USD


        //| Print a description                                              |
        //| of the current liabilities on the account                        |
        void AccountLiabilitiesPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the current liabilities on the account, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double liabilities=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_LIABILITIES);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Liabilities:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value for the symbol
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %-s",indent,"",w,header,digits,liabilities,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Liabilities: 0.00 USD


        //| Print a description                                              |
        //| of the current sum of blocked commissions on an account          |
        void AccountComissionBlockedPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get the current blocked commissions on the account, the number of decimal places for the symbol and its name
           double commission_blocked=AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_COMMISSION_BLOCKED);
           int digits=(int)AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_DIGITS);
           string currency=AccountInfoString(ACCOUNT_CURRENCY);
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Comission blocked:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
        //--- To display the value correctly, replace the asterisk in the format line with the digits value for the symbol
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-.*f %-s",indent,"",w,header,digits,commission_blocked,currency);
           /* Sample output:
              Comission blocked: 0.00 USD



        //| Print a description of the client name into the journal          |
        void AccountNamePrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Name:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
           /* Sample output:
              Name: Artem


        //| Print a description of the trade server name into the journal    |
        void AccountServerPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Server:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
           /* Sample output:
              Server: MetaQuotes-Demo


        //| Print a description of a deposit currency name                   |
        void AccountCurrencyPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Currency:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
           /* Sample output:
              Currency: USD


        //| Print a description of the company name,                         |
        //| serving an account, into the journal                             |
        void AccountCompanyPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Company:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the property value in the log with a header with the required width and indentation
           /* Sample output:
              Company: MetaQuotes Software Corp.




        //| Print account data into the journal                              |
        void AccountInfoPrint(const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Display descriptions of integer properties according to their location in ENUM_ACCOUNT_INFO_INTEGER
           Print("AccountInfoInteger properties:");
        //--- Display descriptions of real properties according to their location in ENUM_ACCOUNT_INFO_DOUBLE
           Print("AccountInfoDouble properties:");
        //--- Display descriptions of string properties according to their location in ENUM_ACCOUNT_INFO_STRING
           Print("AccountInfoString properties:");



        void OnStart()
        //--- Print trading account properties in the journal
           /* Sample output:
              AccountInfoInteger properties:
                Login:              68008618
                Trade mode:         Demo
                Leverage:           1:100
                Limit orders:       200
                StopOut mode:       Percent
                Trade allowed:      Yes
                Trade expert:       Yes
                Margin mode:        Retail hedging
                Currency digits:    2
                FIFO close:         No
                Hedge allowed:      Yes
              AccountInfoDouble properties:
                Balance:            10015.00 USD
                Credit:             0.00 USD
                Profit:             2.11 USD
                Equity:             10017.11 USD
                Margin:             25.61 USD
                Margin free:        9991.50 USD
                Margin level:       39114.06 %
                Margin Call:        50.00 %
                Margin Stop Out:    30.00 %
                Margin initial:     0.00 USD
                Margin maintenance: 0.00 USD
                Assets:             0.00 USD
                Liabilities:        0.00 USD
                Comission blocked:  0.00 USD
              AccountInfoString properties:
                Name:               Artem
                Server:             MetaQuotes-Demo
                Currency:           USD
                Company:            MetaQuotes Software Corp.






        void OnStart()
           MqlTick tick;
              string time_str=string((datetime)tick.time_msc / 1000)+"."+string(tick.time_msc % 1000);
           /* Sample output:
              time_str=2023.07.10 18:49:36.463

        ミリ秒単位で時刻を受け取り、Date Time.Mscフォーマットで時刻を表示する関数を書いてみましょう。

        //| Print the time in the Date Time.Msc format in the journal        |
        void TimeMSCPrint(const long time_msc,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Define the header text and the width of the header field
        //--- If the header width is passed to the function equal to zero, then the width will be the size of the header line + 1
           string header="Time msc:";
           uint w=(header_width==0 ? header.Length()+1 : header_width);
        //--- Print the date and time in the journal with a header with the required width and indentation, milliseconds with 3 digit precision 
           PrintFormat("%*s%-*s%-s.%.3lu",indent,"",w,header,string((datetime)time_msc / 1000),time_msc % 1000);
           /* Sample output:
              Time msc: 2023.07.10 19:49:05.233


        //| Print the time in the Date Time.Msc format for a symbol          |
        void TimeMSCPrint(const string symbol,const uint header_width=0,const uint indent=0)
        //--- Get time from the tick
           MqlTick tick;
              Print(__FUNCTION__,": SymbolInfoTick error: ",(string)GetLastError());
        //--- Print the time in milliseconds using the first version of the function
           /* Sample output:
              Time msc: 2023.07.10 20:07:08.202



        MetaQuotes Ltdによってロシア語から翻訳されました。
        元の記事: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/12905

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