General - page 1072

  MT4 & MT5 Users  (1)
Anyone give corret figures how many users in mt4 and mt5? In Percent(% )basis.....Out of 100%, how many % in MT4 and % in MT5. From a forum i read, they say it is 90% MT4 users, 10% MT5 users? Can someone here verify???? For vote on the poll. Link can be found below https://www.mql5...
I know that if I am looking at a daily or weekly or whichever time frame and I want the ATR of the 1HR chart, I can use: double ATR_V2= iATR(NULL,PERIOD_H1,period,shift); But what if I want the ATR of whichever time period I am looking at from 2 periods earlier? i.e. if I am viewing the Daily...
Hello, I'm making some tests in Excel and I used the function STANDARDIZE ( This is not de standard deviation (iStdDev), but a different function. In fact it uses the standard deviation as one of...
Both signal and my account are $10,000. But because my account leverage is 1:100 and signal is 1:500 when the signal buys 1.0 - my system will only buy a small amount 0.15 or 0.2. How can I change this?
HI. I try it as below, can you please check this part of code; i have store data in " write " part and they are true and i have the file .(have problem about time ) then i want to read them in " read " part and when i print them on chart have problem for time : the part have time parameter...
Currency investors should consider selling USD/JPY* on further rallies this week, advises Morgan Stanley in its weekly FX pick to clients. "Japan’s GPIF said there was no need to make any changes to the portfolio as the fund is achieving its target returns which should allow USDJPY to remain...
Two ICM/Guardian polls A telephone poll from ICM/Guardian shows the 'leave' side at 45% compared to 42% to 'remain' in the EU. An online poll from the same firm shows 47% to leave and 44% to stay. The numbers are just crossing and GBP is quickly falling....
I use the demo version on metatrade 5 just to make tests, and i noted that in options- community they already get my login and usernamoe in this community, but how its possible? It feels like they have all acess to your EAs, indicators, who knows
The June ECB decision should prove to be a non-event for EUR on our economists’ base case scenario of no change in policy particularly ahead of the start of CSPP and another TLTRO. These policies afford the ECB time to assess the impact on the real economy before deciding whether further measures...
i am trying to create a new chart and add objects to it. the problem is that the objects appears on the first chart only :( see below a code example. why the object doesn't appear in the new opened chart? void OnInit(){ long ChNum = ChartOpen("EURAUD",PERIOD_H4);...
Your help is required please! How can I change the MT4 Push Notifications alert sound? It is too sharp (and annoying) a ping for my earing aid and need to change it to something softer; preferably something I like! Thanks Jozoz707
  OTP  (1)
Hi all, I tryin to find out, how to connect to my trading acc. I have just instal mt5 on iPhone and tryin to sign in. Login and pswd are correct, but it does not accept generated OTP pswd. I used it on another device, but its broken and I dont have acces to it. Does anyone knows how to get thru? Thx...
I want to make Head & Shoulders pattern indicator . But I Don't find out how I use ZigZag for it .
Hey all, just wanted to see if anyone knew more or less the theoretical number of agents needed on the cloud network to produce the sum of $100.00 USD per day. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  CHF news  (39   1 2 3 4)
May 2016 Swiss KOF leading indicator 102.9 vs 102.8 exp The Swiss KOF leading indicator for May 2016 Prior 102.7
Hello, how can I visualize my balance in MT4? Is there a function or a plugin? Regards.
GOLD:  The commodity continues to hold on to its downside pressure with more weakness expected in the new week. On the downside, support comes in at the 1,200.00 level where a break will turn attention to the 1,190.00 level. Further down, a cut through here will open the door for a move lower...
  90% Backtest Data  (15   1 2)
Good enough Not good enough
Hello. I have a problem with signal subskryption. Maybe some of you understand it better than my. I have an account based on PLN: 729,11 PLN inside(CADPLN = +/- 3.00), an leverage 1:500 (after leverage: 364555 PLN). My signal provider has one based on CAD: 528,40 CAD(arround 1590 PLN),...
Expect a slow start to the week It's the Spring bank holiday in the UK and Memorial Day in the United States. Expect to see markets with a bit of a hangover on Tuesday. source
Pound sterling retains a positive bias on global foreign exchange markets with a halt in the advance of US real yields halting the broad-based dollar strength we have become increasingly familiar with. At the same time, the British pound will see the support of pro-Remain polling data likely fade,...
  Name of digits?  (1)
Hi, what is the 4th digit behind the comma called? And the 5th? Do the digits 1-3 also have a name?
I would like to change the value of sl and tp pips at mql5 wizard programming. I change 500.0 sl level and 900.0 tp level. But the result is same. Please let me know how to change sl and tp level at mql5 wizard.
I currently have 4 agents running but I believe that my PC can run more. The add button however is un-clickable and I would like to ask why. I am new to this and would like to have some help, I am not familiar with this website and would appreciate links to good sources of information which would...
Is there GZip algorithm in MQL? I searched the MQL4 and MQL5 sites and Google, but no results found out.
The policy divergence trade is back with a vengeance and investors are scrambling to buy USD against other G10 currencies. We suspect that the USD resilience will extend into next week ahead of the important US NFP release. The focus, as per usual, will be on earnings data, with investors looking...
  Indicators  (1)
Hi! I am a beginner and I could not see all my indicators in my MT4? I have in my folder/ indicator, 143 indicators. But when I should add an indicator to my chart, I only see 108 indicatorer but it's just 83 that are selectable, and 25 that are grayed out, but not selectable. Are there any...
  Preparing the perfect trader  (87   1 2 3 4 5 ... 8 9)
Everything can be broken down into simple elements and so can the trader. How do you see the actions, thoughts, of a professional market trader
Hi all! I've been seriously interested in forex lately, but I can't trade by myself, or rather I can, but it's unstable and I'm always thinking about money, which I'm strongly advised not to do. The human factor, so to speak)) I've done everything - I even closed my balance and traded like that ))
Posibble to reset Metatrader4 account Profit and loss?