ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 95

And what the Central Bank is telling us by raising the interest rate is that the situation is apparently not temporary but rather more long-term.
transcendreamer #:

It is clear that the spike will bounce back, but the trading corridor will change, and the ratchet effect, there is one in pricing, and it may not allow a pullback to the previous ranges, that is what I mean, that the ranges will most likely shift, and history confirms it.

Maybe for those who haven't done anything at all with the roubles it's time to turn them into goods/services before it's too late...

Yes, invest in anything that falls, truly so.

of course

the dollar at 60-70 may be remembered :) for a while maybe a very long time.

But there will be nowhere to spend it, the border will be LOCK so it turns out that even the rich will not be very interesting and not necessary.


Interesting to see the London bourse now since the Moscow bourse is frozen and it will give an early indication of how the markets have assessed the situation with the new tightening and flirting with the what-is-not-to-name...

Sber -75% and Nornickel almost -60% Rosneft -45%

What does this give us, what information?

If you project those percentages onto Russian quotes of Sber, for example, you get just a plus or minus hitch at the level of 50, which was previously predicted as the worst-case scenario, from which to buy, if given, or as the situation presents itself.

Looking forward to the fun....

Everything will be fine 😁 oh no everything will be bad! 🤔 а... Well, the worse the better, that's it! 😊



PS the restriction on non-resident action is just not accidental, we are already well aware that this crude non-market measure is designed to reduce panic selling and falls, so perhaps indeed falls will be limited because of this use of non-market force...

There are some negotiations going on, maybe they'll come to some agreement.
Of course the markets are hoping this will already be the end of [the horrible tragedy] and that there will be no further [escalation], and it is clear that everything has its price, and now the market has estimated roughly those consequences and damages based on known information, but whether there could be an even more super-aggressive scenario in which Sber would be noticeably deeper than the 50 level is a very exciting question, I wouldn't expect much worse (that is better😁) than this... Would be interesting to hear the opinions of the regulars....
Profits to all capitalists, glitch-free performance, and a good mood! With us Πλοῦτος! 😉
transcendreamer #:


PS Restrictions on non-residents were not imposed by accident, we are already well aware that this crude non-market measure is designed to reduce panic selling and falls

Do you think the freezing of Russian banks' assets had any impact? A kind of retaliatory sanctions or compensation for losses?


The Central Bank has suspended currency interventions, Bank of Russia Governor Elvira Nabiullina said. The regulator cannot carry them out due to new EU and US sanctions. Instead, it is now obliged to sell currency on the market by exporters

The Bank of Russia has suspended currency interventions. It did not conduct them during trading on 28 February. This was announced by Central Bank Chairman Elvira Nabiullina during her speech.

Read more on RBC:

Набиуллина объявила об остановке валютных интервенций
  • Антон Фейнберг
ЦБ приостановил проведение валютных интервенций, заявила глава Банка России Эльвира Набиуллина. Регулятор не может их осуществлять из-за новых санкций ЕС и США. Вместо него продавать валюту на рынке теперь обязаны экспортеры Банк России приостановил валютные интервенции. Он не проводил их в ходе торгов 28 февраля. Об этом во время своего...