ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 98

Vitalii Ananev #:

In London the receipts are just receipts, the shares themselves are in our NSD. In light of recent events, I suspect that these receipts are worthless. The London dandies are just panicking and trying to dump these papers to those who are not in the know.

It is clear that the receipts are derivatives, but they nevertheless show a possible market valuation at the moment, and if there were no restrictive non-market measures, there would not be a giant Moscow-London spread, most likely they would sell here and there, in fact it is a problem of residents of a problem region with a blocked stopped market which is now cut off from the real market, not a problem of the rest of the world, the London dandies can speculate and get better prices, but the Moscow dandies can not,and the danger, as already mentioned before, is that the market could split up and get bogged down like in the Soviet Union, which is isolated from the world, if these non-market measures are permanent.

About the decree. It turns out that in fact by this decree the President has allowed not to pay foreign debts denominated in foreign currency. In the future they may be forced to pay us for raw materials and energy resources in rubles.

I do not think the decree should be interpreted that way, let us reread point 3a says that foreign exchange transactions involving the provision of foreign currency loans to non-residents are banned, that is you cannot extend credit, it is obviously to avoid disguising the transfers as non-repayable loans.

The key word in this paragraph is "granting", and the semantics embedded in it, which set of financial and economic transactions is embedded in this word.

No restrictions on existing contracts are explicitly introduced, so there is no reason to think as if one could just never pay anything 😁

But this is inaccurate 😊 and different opinions are being expressed now... Need official clarification from Central Bank...

And even if there is temporarily no ability to pay, it doesn't mean that the debt evaporates on its own.
The debt will just remain a hang-up debt until the financial unblocking is done.

Bloomberg by the way has suggested among others that it means that the RF will not pay, but that is the wrong line of reasoning, I think.

You can read some thoughts on this here:

It is not clear to me why a private individual should keep dollars if he cannot buy anything in our country with them. If you travel abroad often.

At least they are needed abroad, yes, and secondly, and I'm just too lazy to repeat that you simply lose on devaluation, your roubles depreciate and your purchasing power goes down, it must be self-evident.

Currency hedges against such risks better than even the actions of the Central Bank, you just sell your reserves at a good rate and enjoy.

Likewise with gold, you can't buy anything with gold, right? But it's a normal hedging asset.

Sitting in rubles you have already lost 25-30% of your total wealth. Don't you understand that?

Maybe you haven't felt it yet, because not all retail prices have reflected it, because the shops are still trading out of the current stock, but electronics have already gone up in price by 30% - coincidence? - I don't think so... in subsequent periods it will affect primarily all imports, they will become more expensive, because businesses will not sell at a loss and will put the effect of currency revaluation into prices, everyone knows how it was...

Someone will say that they will buy only locally made products, but even they will get more expensive, because say agricultural products in their production cycle can use foreign equipment, factories can use foreign-made components and even machines, maintenance and repairs of which will be linked to imported components,so cars and so on, economic chains are very complex to so easily cut off national and foreign production.

Everything is fading 😊

PapaYozh #:

are you writing to us from the future?


I'm from a parallel multiverse😁

Wrong, February 28th of course.


prostotrader #:
What are the dangers of transferring shares from the stock market to the OTC market?

Doesn't anyone know?

prostotrader #:
What is the risk of transferring shares from the stock market to the OTC market?

A throwback to a bygone era, all of a sudden? No standard lots, no unified bidding rules, no unified execution rules, no normal stakes, only addressable bids to match volume and price, no single guarantor-organiser, no need to register rights independently with depositories, risks of unscrupulous counterparty, high spreads, low liquidity, own local prices. But theoretically higher yields.

prostotrader #:

No one knows?

Go with your feet to the bank to close the deal


A broker executes a share order. Phoenicia.2nd millennium BC.

In 2022, the Ministry of Finance will allocate up to RUB 1 trillion from the National Wealth Fund (NWF) to purchase shares of Russian issuers. This was first reported by the May Decree Telegram channel, and this information was confirmed by a source in the government to RBC.
Read more on RBC:
Правительство направит 1 трлн из ФНБ на покупку российских акций
  • 2022.03.01
  • Екатерина Виноградова
На фоне резкого обвала бумаг российских компаний правительство начнет выкупать их на средства ФНБ. Распоряжение об этом подписал глава кабмина Михаил Мишустин В 2022 году Минфин направит на приобретение акций российских эмитентов до 1 трлн рублей из Фонда национального благосостояния (ФНБ). Первым об этом сообщил...
PapaYozh #:
In 2022, the Ministry of Finance will allocate up to 1 trillion rubles from the National Wealth Fund (NWF) to purchase shares of Russian issuers. The May Decree telegram channel was the first to announce it, and this information was confirmed by an RBC source in the government.
Read more on RBC


And they say "...if the markets open on March 6..."

Artyom Trishkin #:

And they say "...if the markets open on 6 March..."

March 6 is Sunday :)

prostotrader #:

6 March is Sunday :)

So we're 10 kopecks without the Sbera ?