ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 91

transcendreamer #:

Well the news is there, officially everything, I am just trying to choose my words so that it is neutral, there is a deterioration of rhetoric, an objective fact, and it may have consequences in the form of new restrictions-sanctions-isolations, another thing is that it is very difficult to assess how exactly it will develop, but if the parties have gone to such hints, it makes you think...

Negotiations are a thing (I hope so).

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

farking baton?

Role-playing, if intended, can serve different purposes, but we know how markets react to such things: risk-aversion involves the flight of assets to safe havens, and it is easy to imagine what withdrawal of foreign investors, dumping of long-term positions, currency conversions involve.

China is getting involved. They are preparing to sanction the US over Taiwan. It's just been on the news. So it's just getting started.
transcendreamer #:

Role-playing, if intended, can serve different purposes, but we know how markets react to such things: risk-aversion involves the flight of assets to safe havens, and it is not hard to imagine what withdrawal of foreign investors, shedding of long-term positions and currency conversions entails.

Indirectly, by the way, it was already detected by anomalies in the spread of cash/prefs, for example for Sberbank and the logic is that non-residents, which was much more numerous in ordinary shares up to 90% free-float (ie, the share without the Ministry of Finance) and the percentage of prefs was less (about half) and the flight of non-residents was seen as a jump in spread of cash/prefs and now we need a new report to understand how much has fled now ...

And why is that important? Because if in a hardening and madness of course the non-residents run away completely, the market will bog down and the growth will be much slower and we will have to wait longer for our fabulous super profits and that will be sad (if we will ever see it...hahaha)


The Brits have sold their stake in Rosneft and BP head B. Mooney has resigned from the board.

I wonder if they will dump their stake straight into the market or if they have agreed a buyout with someone.

Глава BP выходит из совета директоров "Роснефти"
Глава BP выходит из совета директоров "Роснефти"
  • votes: 96
  • 2022.02.27
  • Севастиан Котов
ЛОНДОН, 27 фев - РИА Новости. Британская нефтекорпорация British Petroleum (BP) избавится от своей доли в "Роснефти" из-за военной операции России по демилитаризации на Украине, говорится в сообщении компании."Совет директоров BP сегодня объявил, что продаст свою доли в "Роснефти". BP владела 19,75% акций "Роснефти" с 2013 года. Кроме того...
Vitalii Ananev #:
The British have sold their stake in Rosneft and BP head B. Mooney has resigned from the board.
"Get rid of" does not mean they have already sold.
Sergey Gridnev #:
"Get rid of" doesn't mean they've already sold.

Yes, I agree I wrote it a little wrong. But they have made their intentions clear.

it's going to be bad 😉
transcendreamer #:
Everything will be bad 😉

Yes. But not everything. And not bad, but good. But not anytime soon. It will get easier in 2026 ;)

A deep short is now visible.