ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 102



Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has promised that Russian IT companies will be exempt from income taxes and audits for three years.

And employees of these companies will get a deferment from being drafted into the army.

"They will be able to take loans on favourable terms to continue operations and new projects at a rate not exceeding 3%," Mishustin said.

In recent days, employees of Russian IT companies have been actively sharing information in social networks about the possibility of leaving the country.

According to Kommersant's sources, about five thousand specialists are talking about the desire to leave.

Yuriy Zaytsev projects at a rate not exceeding 3%," Mishustin said.

In recent days, employees of Russian IT companies have been actively sharing information in social networks about the possibility of leaving the country.

According to Kommersant's sources, about five thousand specialists are talking about the desire to leave.

Dead man's poultice .......

Those who outsourced their work to foreign customers are now cut off, and local customers, as it is easy to guess, will save on back-office and IT (except business-critical infrastructure) in the new environment, i.e. IT budgets for business intelligence will be squeezed (it was like this in 2014-2015) and new implementation projects will be reviewed or postponed... Only the fattened subsidiary companies will survive, but it is slavery to work there...

We went through all this last time...

Even in the fat years IT-budgets of EU customers were much more interesting, and now it seems to be dead, but the main thing is great reputational damage, so brain drain is a quite natural response to the situation...


The fun continues...

transcendreamer #:

The fun continues...

Oh! It's time to take...

for 1 cent, you should definitely take it...

transcendreamer #:

The fun continues...

It's not shares, it's depositary receipts.

Vitalii Ananev #:

They are not shares, but depositary receipts.

we know )

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

Oh! It's time to get it...

for 1 cent, you should definitely take it...

Only if you have an account in London...

Out of the financial reservation, they won't give you any more...

Current price of Sber would be 18-19 if projected assuming zero restrictions and other equal conditions...

Which is worse than the worst expected level...

Wonderful, delightful...

transcendreamer #:

Only if you have an account in London...

From the financial reservation, they won't give any more...

Current price of Sber would be 18-19 if projected assuming zero constraints and other level playing field...

Which is worse than the worst expected level...

Wonderful, delightful...

It's derivative paper.

Чем отличаются депозитарные расписки от акций: термины и сферы применения
Чем отличаются депозитарные расписки от акций: термины и сферы применения
Инвестировать в привлекательную компанию или отрасль обычному инвестору может быть затруднительно, если она торгуется на иностранных биржах. Но сами компании ...
The interesting thing is that I have a few products on the mcl I haven't bought in over half a year. And then suddenly in the last 5 days I've had 2 purchases from Spain. It's a paradox, though.