ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 99

PapaYozh #:

go with your feet to the bank to make a deal

I have classic arbitrage, futures versus spot, Polymellal shares transferred to the OTC market.

How will my "negative" shares be calculated when the futures expire?

Will they send them to the OTC market? How will they be recalculated?


I have, in fact, bought shares and sold shares in the same quantity (but so far in futures),

i.e. after 16 days I have 0 shares, the question is how will I be counted?

On the last trading day, the futures were slightly cheaper than the SPOT

I.e. to 8.45% p.a. still a slight plus, but we'll see....

prostotrader #:

March 6 is Sunday :)

Funny :) But heard it with my own ears on RBC. So much for the quality of the news.

prostotrader #:

i.e. after 16 days I have 0 shares, the question is, how will I be calculated?

Asked such a question to the broker, they could not answer right away 🤔

Actually there are execution rules, but it's not so obvious there...

On smartlab there is a similar question for mosbirzha, no answer yet either.


Article 16 of the rules allows the Exchange to make special decisions in special cases, but it's mostly about stopping trading, not execution...

transcendreamer #:

Electronics have already gone up in price by 30% - coincidence? - I don't think so... in subsequent periods it will affect primarily all imports, they will be more expensive, because businesses will not sell at a loss and will put the effect of currency revaluation in prices, everyone knows how it was from history...

Someone will say that they will buy only locally made products, but even they will become more expensive, because say agricultural products in their production cycle can use foreign equipment, factories can use foreign-made components and even machines, maintenance and repairs of which will be linked to imported components,so cars and so on, economic chains are very complex to so easily cut off domestic and foreign production.

Everything is futile 😊

When the dollar jumped from RUR 32 to RUR 64 (on average, once it's settled), food prices went up 30% (my basket, same goods). For IMPORT medicines - doubled. And for electronics - I don't remember, I haven't bought them, in theory imports should have almost doubled for the same models, and less for Russian-made ones.


Because everyone has a different consumption pattern and so the inflation factor will be different for everyone.

As for electronics, it's easy to see on Yandex by taking any model of anything you like.

For example, Lenovo and Asus laptops from the list of popular top laptops:

Consumers haven't realized the shock yet...

But the rafaels have gone down in price 😁


You should find the good in everything and look optimistic!


transcendreamer #:

Consumers haven't realised the shock yet...

Yes, they have. At least everyone who was an adult in 2014. We have been there...

No one, I hope, thinks that we won't even notice the sanctions and the problems. But we must keep our spirits up. Let's remember that our neighbours are very bad now, just like we were in the 90s.

My western Ukrainian friend is in Poland (he left Sweden). We call each other every day. He is thinking whether to stay in Poland or go to Germany, as long as there is an opportunity to take advantage of the refugee invitation.


It will all go round and round on the same rake, time after time, unless a complete deconstruction and reformatting is done from scratch.

transcendreamer #:

It's all going to go round and round on the same rake

Full stop.


gas prices

2200 is probably a small, modest warning to the market, as if to say that this is just the beginning,

now it is scary to imagine what the price will be when the gates are closed, but they are open for now.

seems to be in a very reasonable range for the contracts (which may be revised due to the situation), looks like charity.

For the year ended 31 December
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
rub./1000 cubic metres 11 763,3 11 670,5 15 499,5 13 613,0 10 355,9
USD */1000 cubic metres 176,0 200,2 246,4 210,6 143,0
Euro */1000 cubic metres 159,0 176,8 209,1 188,2 124,9

When I look at these figures and the graph, there is a degree of bewilderment.