ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 94

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

Thanks. As long as it's not fake.

Just working today, need to update another release on the job.

The Central Bank has raised its key rate to a record 20% per annum all at once

Read more on RBC:

Well what a fake, it's the Central Bank's official data, you can go to the website and see for yourself, they are not likely to joke like this 😄

The measure is symbolic and shows similarities with previous episodes in history, sort of hinting...

The proportions as you can see are similar too, which is an illusory indication of (everyone knows what)

There will be commentary at 4pm, but it's unlikely we'll hear anything exceptional...

Кадыров дал политикам срок «до 31 февраля» для отказа от санкций
Кадыров дал политикам срок «до 31 февраля» для отказа от санкций
  • Татьяна Зыкина
В случае отказа от выполнения требований глава Чечни пригрозил ввести санкции. Он предложил закрыть воздушное пространство республики, заморозить на ее территории активы в рублях и признать, что английского чая не существует Премьер-министр Великобритании Борис Джонсон, глава МИД Великобритании Лиз Трасс, глава Еврокомиссии Урсула фон дер Ляйен...
Yuriy Zaytsev #:

A sharp increase in the key rate, the Central Bank explained, would lead to an equally serious increase in interest rates on deposits at Russian banks, which should compensate depositors for "increased devaluation and inflation risks".

I like these neat euphemisms 😁


Phenomenal asymmetric response, world markets panic! 🤣

transcendreamer #:

I love these neat euphemisms 😁

Gotta be filigree to walk the blade with bare feet )
Yuriy Zaytsev #:

You have to filigree to walk the blade with bare feet )
And what conclusions can be drawn from a trading perspective from the fact that the Central Bank has raised the rate?
Yuriy Zaytsev #:

You have to walk the blade filigree with bare feet )

Nah... that's not what I mean... even that 20% is not likely to compensate the distressed holders of a distressed currency...

Well, let's assume for a moment that the midpoint of the new range is in place (although it's probably not yet)

I have roughly taken the middle of the past range and I have drawn the price range up to the current price roughly:

Assuming that this is where it stops (in fact apparently not) then already now the forced hostages of the ruble have lost and you can calculate how much:

Savings/capital has depreciated by a quarter. All of them. At once. As well as their future income.

That's a colossal flow of money, which will be the main redistribution, the value outcome of all these events discussed earlier.

Who wins and who loses in this situation is quite clear, so we remain silent.

But the most surprising thing about this situation is that there are voluntary holders of the ruble, these amazing people of course, believers in miracles...

Prices (retail) have not yet fully reflected the new reality, while electronics and autos have jumped, the rest will pick up...

The revaluation of assets and revenue streams is the main central factor in any such event, not the news noise of who-when-where-bent-who.

I continue to stick to the assumption that the upper edge of the trading range has not been formed yet, because the projection from the last time known events was bigger, and now the "force of excitement and discomfort" (let's call it such a streamlined term) is even higher.

It only makes sense to sell currencies in portions and against a panicking crowd and only to buy up super-cheap Russian assets.

transcendreamer #:

I like these neat euphemisms 😁

I try to walk with my bare feet filigree on a sharp blade :) so as not to cut myself.

Well , you have to take the Sber rate - by the way it seems to be $1 on the London Stock Exchange at the moment

In russia the exchange rate is around 100rub at the moment in the same Sber

the official Uber exchange rate is now frozen in the terminal at 132

that's 32 difference and it was already at 90.

It may flip a spike once more and then fly off.

After his 2 flips and 3 deflections, the algorithm is understandable.

From experience, this is the best time to invest.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

I try to walk with my bare feet on a sharp blade :) so as not to cut myself.

Well, there is only the Uber exchange rate - by the way it seems to be $1 on the London Stock Exchange at the moment

In russia the exchange rate is around 100rub at the moment in the same Sber

the official Uber exchange rate is now frozen in the terminal at 132

that's 32 difference and it was already at 90.

It may flip a spike once more and then fly off.

After his 2 flips and 3 deflections, the algorithm is understandable.

From experience, this is the best time for investment.

I understand that the spike will bounce, but the trading corridor will change, and the ratchet effect, there is one in the pricing, and it may not lead to the previous ranges, I mean the ranges will shift, most likely, and the history confirms it.

Maybe for those who haven't done anything at all with the roubles it's time to turn them into goods/services before it's too late...

Yes, invest in anything that falls, truly so.