I am plagued by questions of the universe - page 29

languor, not schizophrenia!

Yep. And a sweet languor at that... :-)

Yep. And the sweet languor... :-)
You should have rubbed them with green as soon as they started - they would have been gone by now.

I will follow FAGOTT's positive example and be kind to you too. )))


I will follow FAGOTT's positive example and be kind to you too. )))

You know where the road leads with good intentions (words), if you don't want to talk, just say so).
Only the construction of lunar and Martian bases can save our world from destruction and starvation!
Only the construction of lunar and Martian bases can save our world from destruction and starvation!
Exactly! For the officials and their families. Let them corrupt themselves there.
With good intentions (words) you know where the road leads, if you don't want to talk, just say so)

Michael, the topic of quantum mechanics, as well as many other things in sciences, is very difficult for human understanding/perception.

People are used to believe only what they see and touch and only then are ready to let in new information, despite the fact that our senses fool us every day. ))

Whoever I ask the question "How do you imagine infinity?" all reply that they imagine it grimly at the edge or beyond the boundaries of the universe.

And when you say that infinity is everywhere, it is near, it is here and now, they look at you with rounded perplexed eyes. However, if you take an object (a pencil, for example) in your hand and ask the question "How many points are there, how many lines or planes can be drawn through the pencil?" they begin to understand that everything is much simpler in the question of infinity.

Once people move away from perceiving the world with their eyes and hands and move to perceiving it with their minds, we will realise that we live in a multidimensional world in which infinity is not somewhere outside the universe, but here and now, perhaps in another dimension not realised by our minds.

This or these dimensions of space, despite not being perceived by our consciousness, we nevertheless feel and experience, but only as time.

If we view the world from this perspective, unnecessary questions and problems eliminate themselves.

Like this).


People are used to believing only what they see and touch.

People believe in fairy tales
Only the construction of lunar and Martian bases can save our world from destruction and starvation!
Which part of the world do you want to save? If you want to save Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc., I think they will react without proper enthusiasm. If it's the CIS countries, I think they will give you a hard time (you'd better get drunk somewhere ...). Maybe the DPRK? In principle, if you write in the postulates of Juche, I think they will fly the hell out.
Exactly! For the officials and their families. Let them corrupt themselves there.
