I am plagued by questions of the universe - page 34


That's a good question. It has crossed my mind too. I don't know the answer yet.

Probably not yet, for otherwise the author wouldn't fail to shout about it.

Mosquito - Happy New Year!

Enough with the bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)


I recommend everyone interested in this subject to read Michael Talbot's book "The Holographic Universe" http://www.rait.airclima.ru/books/Holographic_Universe.pdf

I will briefly outline the idea. In 1982, physicist Alan Aspe conducted an experiment which showed that separated electrons instantly sense each other regardless of distance. This experiment disproved Einstein's theory that information cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Although there are many critics of the accuracy and interpretation of this experiment, physicist David Bohm took a different route and tried to explain this experiment with a radical new theory called the Holographic Universe. The essence of this theory is that elementary particles instantly sense each other, not because they send mysterious signals, but because on a deeper and invisible to us level of reality, they are parts of the same thing. According to this theory, everything in our world is interconnected and part of the same as in a hologram. Our tangible, everyday reality is really just an illusion like a holographic image. Beneath it lies a deeper order of being - an infinite and primal level of reality - from which all objects, including the appearance of our physical world, are born, similar to the way a hologram is born from a piece of holographic film. A hologram encodes an image in the form of interference patterns of two laser beams. Moreover, if one cuts a hologram into 2, 3, etc. parts, each part will still contain information about the whole object. Also the whole universe is contained in a particle of sand. Humans are also parts of the same thing, which explains telepathy, etc. This theory may seem like pseudoscientific philosophical bullshit, but in fact more and more data supports this theory(http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/172812-our-universe-is-a-hologram-and-were-floating-inside-of-it-suggests-new-research).

Unfortunately both scientists, Michael Talbot and David Bohm, died in 1992.

Also recommend:



Mosquito - Happy New Year!

Quit worrying about all sorts of bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)


You too, Romka! Good luck and profit!


Have you tried looking at it from another point of view?

In my opinion, it would be more correct to talk not about the level of development, but about the level of fall, of degradation. The world of people in which we live is low in the hierarchy of worlds.

After all, if the universe is expanding, then it is gradually cooling and degrading. And the living beings that inhabit it are gradually moving from higher worlds to lower worlds. And it would be wonderful if the process could be reversed.

"British scientists" believe that the potential for intelligence on the planet is a constant.
And the population is growing...



"British scientists" believe that the potential for intelligence on the planet is a constant.
And the population is growing...


And the population is growing... and taking the mind away from other matter -.-
And the population is growing... and taking the mind away from other matter -...
No, we're getting dumber...
Volgagrad terrorist attack! On the wagzal....
Volgagrad terrorist attack! On the wagzal....
I told you - the population is getting dumber...
I told you - the population is getting dumber...

It's the police that are doing a bad job...

There are more suicides now... Yes, people think if they have a little problem, they will leave their lives, and it is easy to persuade stupid young people to end their lives this way!


It is the police that are not doing a good job...

There are more suicides now... Yes, people think that if they have a little problem, they will leave their lives, and it is easy to persuade stupid young people to end their lives this way!

I meant you and your illiteracy.