What's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes on the way - page 37

Ah churrrrrrrr!... That's right! I hadn't thought about the importance of sysadmins' personal preferences... Once I started thinking (thank you!) about their potential problems, I realized the danger I'd run by trying to pull my own life away from them (as a pathetic terminal user). Obviously... make sysadmins work in UTC environment, and with fatal inevitability, gradually POSIX time will completely disorient them in time, and then in space.... and they are simply doomed to never make their date at the right place, much less the right time... and therefore stop reproducing.... and eventually die out like mammoths.... and the saber-toothed trilobites..... will be left without admins..... tech support will open their veins ... etc ...until a tsunami hits me too, by being rolled into asphalt by investors.... .......Ъ Ж=[

Good, from the heart . It sticks.)

Man, it's the 21st century ... it's about time we abolished time zones in principle.

In five years, the withdrawal will be over and the ordnung will come

When you get to Mars, while on Earth they break bones about how Lugansk has 20 minutes in a time zone +3, and Frankovsk has 15 minutes in a time zone +1, so who has the coolest deputies, so the whole country will live.


And then they finally met


But this is when you get to Mars, while on earth they break bones about how you see Lugansk 20 minutes in time zone +3, and Frankivsk 15 minutes in time zone +1, so who has deputies cooler, so the whole country will live.

This is an inexplicable inertia. There is NO practical benefit to linking noon to the 12 - 00 numbers on the clock. Especially as the coincidence only exists for one meridian.

But how it would be convenient if everybody had only one time on their computers, in schedules of airports, railway and other transport, on doors of shops and cafes, etc.

I wish we could get rid of the historical time limit of 60 . Make it 100 . But the withdrawal would be global and unaffordable.


This is an inexplicable inertia. There is NO practical benefit to linking midday with the 12 - 00 numbers on the clock. Especially as the coincidence only exists for one meridian.

But how convenient it would be if everyone had only one time on their computers, in schedules of airports, railway and other transport, on doors of shops and cafes, etc.

"It was last summer, mid-January" ))

"It was last summer, mid-January" ))

In Australia, I mean.)

It's not normal for everyone to be using thousandths of a second but it turns into a minute after 60.
The only thing worse than the old monetary system in Britain


And then they finally met


Come on, Renat and I have known each other personally for a long time, we've not only met many times for work, but we've also spent many holidays together.
Yes, I understand.

This is our local colouring... untranslatable wordplay... get used to it :)

In Australia.)

No, it's not normal for everyone to be using thousandths of a second, but it turns into a minute after 60
Only the old monetary system in Britain is worse

You just need to get started. Get a small group of out-of-this-world people together first, who will just start living the schedule you described. Gradually, maybe the community will grow and eventually everyone? will realise what crutches they were living in before and things will change globally.

That's it. You started it, you drive. You will be in charge of the project. )