What's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes on the way - page 30

I agree to any form of server "fooling" (like cunning filtering, or individual quoting. I can fudge them all in my favour) except trivial quote manipulation. Like we broadcast one thing, but write another in the story. And then we rewrite the history again (under the carefree name of "correction"). Therefore, responsible broadcasting and writing the tick history "from the producer" at least one day in depth should be implemented. And (of course!) fully coinciding with the minute, etc. history. Only this step is able to clear the market of impudent shamsters on the side of the brokers. Let them market-maker as much as they want, but let them be responsible for the quotes provided. By the way, there are many brokers who would support me in this opinion. Those who bet on an honest business.

// I'm not against a price correction. I am against "correction". There are times when a correction is necessary (server failure, for example, or loading a deeper story).

// But this is force majeure, which can be openly announced on the broker's off-site, and described in detail in the news (what exactly and for what purpose was corrected).

// A background uncontrolled "correction" opens the door to very large machinations. (For example a complete inoperability of the seemingly tested strategies. Since they have been tested on a "setup").

I like it. Maybe when I finish the catalogue I can try to do some kind of mega lice test on these fat cats, who have more than one life's worth of fat already accumulated. )) Public tests, "shouting to the world" and reasonable highlighting of the fraudsters should give them a bit of a stir. )))
Therefore, responsible broadcasting and recording of teak history "from the producer" at least a day in depth must be implemented. And (of course!) fully coinciding with the minute, etc. history. Only this step is able to clear the market of impudent shamsters on the side of the brokers. Let them market-maker as much as they want, but let them be responsible for the quotes provided. By the way, there are many brokers who would support me in this opinion. Those who bet on an honest business.

Just not within the existing platform (chopping the bough you're sitting on???) is utopian... :(

P.S. I'm not for passivity, but (if you approach business seriously) it's easier to gain strength and patience and make up your project - the probability of getting what you want (IMHO) is much higher. :)


This has nothing to do with the platform. History correction is available on all platforms.

The integrity of a broker is a question of the relationship between the broker and the trader, not of the platform, the windscreen, the diagonal of the monitor, etc.


This has nothing to do with the platform. History correction is available on all platforms.

The integrity of a broker is a question of the relationship between the broker and the trader, not the platform, the wind, the diagonal of the monitor, etc.

Of course, but at least some verification of the broker's lousiness by manipulating the history you can install in the product, so that I could see at least a couple of days before whether the data I received changed retroactively or not, force majeure and non-market quotes are not taken into account.
And secondly: Who said voluntarily? What are your legs for? Vote!

As practice shows: vote or no vote, you will still get what the doctor ordered.


When you open an account with CME/any exchange, then we'll talk about the tick deep stories they don't provide for retail traders.

I also recommend reading the terms of paid access to historical data broadcast by exchanges. Their allowed method of consumption(personal only), prohibition on retransmission etc. In fact, no broker is even able to buy out tick history on a couple or three markets. There is simply not enough money, and no one agrees to pay for it. And this is exactly what traders need - access to a deep tick history (talk about a couple of months - this is just a pretext for a real request of everything).

The issue with tick flows in forex is easier, but not by much. Virtually few brokers (few, one hand fits all) have the ability to give their own 100% synchronized history for the last 5-10 years. All the others don't even care much about basic history.

One should not confuse wishful thinking with reality.


Renat, no one is demanding the impossible from you. Give us the opportunity to work with ticks, and leave the question of tick history to someone who needs it. We will organise ourselves and do everything. I will be able to download the tick history of Iqfeed for a couple of years and pass it to my friends, without your blessing.

What could be easier?


Renat, nobody is demanding the impossible from you. Give us the opportunity to work with ticks, and leave the question of tick history to someone who needs it. We will organise ourselves and do everything. I will be able to download the tick history of Iqfeed for a couple of years and pass it to my friends, without your blessing.

What could be easier?

We are talking about millions of traders who are ready to push the Start button.

Look at how it's done with MetaTrader 5, which is a head above MT4 when it comes to quotes. You simply use the platform and do not bother yourself with history questions. Everything works and swaps automatically.

In general, it's strange to see algotraders testing on MT4 and not wanting to compare the MT5 tester. After the MT5 tester there is no point in going back to MT4.


We're talking about millions of traders who at most agree to click the Start button.

Look at how it's done with MetaTrader 5, which is a head above MT4 when it comes to quotes. You just use the platform and don't bother yourself with history questions. Everything works and downloads automatically.

Generally speaking, it is strange to see how algotraders who are testing continue to sit on MT4 and do not want to compare the MT5 tester. After the MT5 tester there is no point in going back to MT4.

It is a bad idea to deprive traders of the opportunity to use the quotes they want, very bad.
Here is an example, RTS - MT5 vs Finam:


When you open an account with CME/any exchange, then we'll talk about the tick deep stories they don't provide for retail traders.

I also recommend reading the terms of paid access to historical data broadcast by exchanges. Their allowed way of consumption(personal only), prohibition on retransmission etc. In fact no broker is even able to buy a tick history on a couple or three markets. There is simply not enough money, and no one agrees to pay for it. And this is exactly what traders need - access to a deep tick history (talk about a couple of months - this is just a pretext for a real request of everything).

The issue with tick flows in forex is easier, but not by much. Virtually few brokers (few, one hand fits all) have the ability to give their own 100% synchronized history for the last 5-10 years. All the others don't even care much about basic history.

One should not confuse wishful thinking with reality.

I have already opened one, and with more than one broker:) So there is something to compare it with, how it was and how it is in the civilised world. I come here out of habit, like to troll)))))