What's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes on the way - page 42


Has there been client matching? Were the limits affecting the spread? That's the main thing for me.

All affecting is the liquidity providers' business.

Try Alpari on Carrenex - things should change there. Look at how the real on RTS works through Otkrytie - there's already a crowd of people happily moving stakes through MT5.

Right now, the matching is at the ISP/ECN/exchange level. And advanced matchmaking at home will be in Exchange Server, which is itself a matching engine.


And why on my forums do potential clients hardly ever ask to launch MT5? Or do you think that those who need it don't go to the forums? Are you sure that if I launch MT5, its client base will be bigger than MT4?

If you draw conclusions on forums, you may go far. God forbid a couple percent of traders are sitting on all forums, and even less - an active micro-nucleus that sets the tone. Usually highly inaccurate.

I tell you - those who did not sabotage and started working attracted clients and continue to grow. But the brokers fooled themselves and chose to put the brakes on progress.


Well, if you draw conclusions from the forums, you can go far. God forbid a couple percent of traders sit on all forums, and even less - an active micro-nucleus that sets the tone. Usually highly inaccurate.

I tell you - those who did not sabotage and started working attracted clients and continue to grow. But the brokers cheated themselves and chose to stall progress.

I read the forum and occasionally think of windows 8

And is it just me or does it happen to anyone else?


and it's just me or someone else.

Of course, it's not just me or someone else.

It's a forum feature ;)


If you draw conclusions from forums, you can go far. Probably a couple percent of traders sit on all forums, and even less - an active micro-nucleus that sets the tone. Usually highly inaccurate.

I tell you - those who did not sabotage and started working have attracted clients and continue to grow. But the brokers fooled themselves and chose to put the brakes on progress.

It's not about whether the micro-core is accurate or inaccurate, it's about the fact that this micro-core is extremely aggressive, boorish and out to get thoughtful people who have their own opinions based on their own experience. Have a look at your MQL4 forum - a complete degradation over the last year and a half: offtops are the norm, flooding turning into outright insults. And the "Kurilka" thread - slop from all over the Internet: fakes, abusive collages on political topics....

The first thread I saw on this site was about errors in MT4. Some dude was booing on MT4, he was asked to provide proof, he kept booing without providing proof... in the end he got banned. This is normal. It's been like that in almost all threads. Newbies started off with apologies for unqualified questions.... Got qualified answers without a shadow of derision. Now it's okay to bullshit all you want.... Misrepresentation, misrepresentation.... And this is only allowed by this active micro-nucleus...

Even two years ago the site was moderated. Now literally a few characters give the main stream of posts and can write whatever they want - covered by moderators and people protesting are banned. A number of serious people I don't see for a long time or very rarely. And there were many more of these people on the site than members of the "active micro-core". Personally, I've asked many times to be given the opportunity to clean up the site of my posts and topics.... At any rate, for almost a year I've tried not to participate on the site's topics... This thread is one of the exceptions.

PS. Now we're in a topic where what I've described may not be noticeable. But it's hardly the only topic on MQL4 site ( 5 I don't know ). And the benchmark of this outrage is the "Smoking Room".


Better late than late) Revolutions are not always well received by the masses.... The main thing is not to overdo it and ruin MT4


In a couple of weeks we will start publishing beta versions available to all.

It will be interesting to see.


Flooding that turns into outright insults. And the "Kurilka" thread is crap from all over the internet: fakes, insulting collages on political topics....

Personally, I've asked many times to be given the opportunity to clean up the site of my posts and topics....

Try just not writing

Better late than late) Revolutions are not always well received by the masses.... The main thing is not to overdo it and ruin MT4

It will be interesting to watch.


If you draw conclusions from forums, you can go far. God forbid a couple percent of traders sit on all forums, and even less - an active micro-nucleus that sets the tone. Usually highly inaccurate.

I tell you - those who did not sabotage and started working have attracted clients and continue to grow. But the brokers fooled themselves and chose to put the brakes on progress.

Mischek2 06.08.2013 08:17 #

Flub turning into outright insults. And the "Kurilka" thread is crap from all over the internet: fakes, insulting collages on political topics....

Personally, I've asked many times to be given the opportunity to clean up the site of my posts and topics....

Try just not posting


And here's an example of the behaviour of an aggressive minority. The evidence arises on its own.