Interesting and humorous - page 162

No, you've got it all wrong here. Astafiev was not in prison. And his name was Viktor. Victor Astafyev.

Not so much a circle. Peter, his father, went to prison after Victor was born.

But at the same time, Viktor is both a Hero of Socialist Labour and a winner of the USSR State Prize. Leonid, why such revolutionary progress, why all of a sudden you decided to rely on the authority of something Socialist and USSR?


Not so much a circle. Peter, his father, went to prison after Victor was born.

But at the same time, Viktor is both a Hero of Socialist Labour and a winner of the USSR State Prize. Leonid, why such revolutionary progress, why suddenly decide to secure the authority of something Socialist and USSR?

The hero and the winner it became even before he has fallen into senile marasmus with the statements like: Stalin and Zhukov have burnt in flames of war of Russian people and Russia. It is not clear what Hitler was doing in the ashes.
He was a hero and a laureate even before he fell into senile marasmus with his statements like: Stalin and Zhukov burned the Russian people and Russia in the fire of war. It is not clear what Hitler was doing in the ashes.

Did veterans call Stalin a war criminal?

From there:

Stalin is the collapse of the defence industry...

Dear fagott, when was the last time you checked your head to see if it had any brains in it?


From there:

Dear fagott, when was the last time you checked your head for the presence of brains in it?

fagott considers the term "dear" to be covert gay propaganda. He's fine with "respected" or simply and democratically "fagott".

What's the point of the hit-and-run?

I am not defending Stalin and I am aware of all his atrocities. But agree: Stalin and Zhukov burning the Russian people and Russia in the flames of war is clearly too much.Russia, albeit with heavy losses, ended the war victorious, despite Stalin's major mistakes, was able to quickly rebuild its industry, create a nuclear missile weapon and become a leader in space exploration. And this cannot be taken out of the country's history. I do not know whether our country could win the war without such tough leaders as Stalin and Zhukov at the helm. What would have happened to the country if Voroshilov and Khrushchev had been at the helm? Can anyone imagine what the outcome of the war would have been? I think the outcome would have been sad.
I am not defending Stalin and I am aware of all his atrocities. But you should agree: Stalin and Zhukov burnedin the fire of war the Russian people and Russia - this is clearly too much.Russia, albeit with heavy losses, ended the war victorious, despite Stalin's major mistakes, was able to quickly rebuild its industry, create a nuclear missile weapon and become a leader in space exploration. And this cannot be taken out of the country's history. I do not know whether our country could win the war without such tough leaders as Stalin and Zhukov at the helm. What would have happened to the country if Voroshilov and Khrushchev had been at the helm? Can anyone imagine what the outcome of the war would have been? I think the outcome would have been sad.

Is the wording outrageous?

History knows no subjunctive mood.


Is the wording outrageous?

History knows no subjunctive mood

You cannot be motivated by the fact that there was a villain in power and blame everything that has happened in the country. It is necessary to assess what is good and what is bad in a balanced way. And the easiest way to smear everything with black paint is not to think. Otherwise you will have to start all over again, from scratch. But it is better to forget the bad and use the positive experience of the previous system of the society management, which allowed the USSR to enjoy weight in the world politics and respect of its enemies.
You cannot justify it by saying that there was a villain in power by blaming everything that happened in the country. It is necessary to assess what is good and what is bad in a balanced way. And the easiest way to smear everything with black paint is not to think. Otherwise you will have to start all over again, from scratch. But it is better to forget the bad and use the positive experience of the previous system of the society management, which allowed the USSR to enjoy weight in the world politics and respect of its enemies.

No "balanced" assessment of the Second World War is possible in the next 50 years. A generation must change who have been indoctrinated with this in their heads since childhood.
You cannot justify the fact that there was a villain in power by blaming everything that happened in the country. It is necessary to assess what is good and what is bad in a balanced way. And the easiest way to smear everything with black paint is not to think. Otherwise you will have to start all over again, from scratch. But it is better to forget the bad and use the positive experience of the previous system of the society management, which allowed the USSR to enjoy weight in the world politics and respect of its enemies.

I agree in many respects. But how can it be implemented if there is a team of crooks and thieves in power that has completely different objectives, and they do not listen to your words and even try to gag you.
Especially since they have very intelligently monopolized television, gradually cutting everyone off from truthful information.
Plus the elaborate moderation of electoral processes.

Under the circumstances, we will soon be innovating to mice.

A customer ordered a product made of stainless steel. He set a condition - no China! Only genuine Russian stainless steel.
You'll laugh but I couldn't find any suitable one in the great metallurgical country.

Then I read that Russian stainless steel exports amount to about 1000 tonnes a year and that Indian exports come close to 50,000 tonnes.
It looks like the mice and I have already twinned.