Searching for market patterns - page 92

Why not, it happens. They say that 95 per cent of them do.

What kind of opinion on architecture can someone without a residence permit have?

What kind of opinion on architecture can someone without a residence permit have?

We are not against beauty, but we are against excess in architecture!



We are not against beauty, but against architectural excess!

N.S. Khrushchev

You are so direct ...

And finally - you haven't defined your position on the principle of squirrels :)


There hasn't been much of a scandal lately. It's all a bit dull. No fire. Used to be...

Sabluk, Katana, the Nevermind. Niroba at the very least.

And Piglet's sleeping all day now.

The moderators... One quits, the other "doesn't moderate", the third moved to a fiver, the fourth looks in once a month. One Sergeev burbles a little now and then.

Paukas runs around the 'Buy, buy, buy, ...'.

No one remembers the Pindos at all. It wasn't Paukas before, it was the Pindos in every thread. And what a philosophical thread it was... And now the main thread is "Triangles are coming."

Everyone to fight the triangles. It's crazy. It's not a software forum, it's a chat room in a nursing home.

Who went to the 5?
Who went to the 5:00?

Nikolaev only pops up there from time to time.

I wrote there about the championship and he erased me. It's not much, but it's nice.)


Paukas is still running around the branches " buy, buy, buy, ..."

You lie like Trotsky,

Never wrote a word like that.


Where are Integer, Timbo, Puck?



And who are the pindos? ...


And who are the pindos? ...
