Searching for market patterns - page 123


What does that have to do with the fact that "if the price went up, it means more selling, and if it went down, it means more buying.

Well I wrote about the two phases of price movement above.

The first (definitely not in the vein) - the spread

The second - after the dummy decides - where to move


Well, I wrote about the two phases of price movement above.

The first (definitely not in the vein) - the spread

The second - after the doll decides - where to move

What does all this have to do with anything? In any deal, you buy as much as you sell. In any market with or without a doll
What does that have to do with anything? In any deal, you buy exactly as much as you sell. In any market with or without the puppet

The doll is the epitome of the market - a battle of supply and demand, only he is against everyone)))

If the doll agrees with you, the deal is done. Otherwise it's a loss.

Sorry to pry, who is KUKL????
Sorry to pry, who is KUKL????
the master of the forfeit

The doll is the epitome of the market - a battle of supply and demand, only it's against everyone)))

If the doll agrees with you, the deal is done

And who is this puppet? Currencies turnover is several trillion a session. Who has the money to stand against everyone and put trillions of dollars on the line?

so who's the dolt? On currencies, the turnover is several trillion per session. Who has enough money to stand against everyone and put trillions of dollars on the line?

Well, you don't pay/pick up money to/from the bank (they can only keep it there)...

I think the question about the turnover is removed, as it is clear what it consists of...


well, who's the dolt? Currencies turnover is several trillion in a session. Who has the money to stand against everyone and put trillions of dollars on the line?

A group of followers...

Well, you don't pay the money to the bank...

I think the question of turnover is off the table as it is clear what it is made of...

there are dozens of liquidity providers on the eu. Which one of them is the dummy?

there are dozens of liquidity providers for the eu. Which one of them is the dummy?

Liquidity is a tool to show the price from the banks to the forecourt staff (note that not all are there, but mainly the ovshora banks). And the forex price and cash rates are very dissimilar because there is no leverage in cash exchange. Can you feel the point? Playing with small price deviations (thousandths of a cent) can do wonders))))