Searching for market patterns - page 30


There is no definite answer to this question. It depends on what you want to get. Basically, for EURUSD analysis only EURUSD data is sufficient. And if you trade only EURUSD, why do you need something else? But you have to understand at least the following things:

1. Some days it is better to trade EURUSD, some days USDCHF, and some days something else. There has to be an objective criterion for choosing a currency pair. Lack of it in most trading systems is one of the main reasons for loss.

2. There are equations such as EURCHF=EURUSD*USDCHF that are always fulfilled accurately enough, if we do not look inside the bar and do not analyze ticky-ticky. If the Swiss Central Bank decides to draw a 1000 pips candlestick on EURCHF, this candlestick must be drawn on EURUSD or USDCHF, or both of them. There will be plenty of pairs, where this candle will appear.

3. it is easier to analyse single currencies than currency pairs because there are fewer currencies than pairs. But splitting pairs into separate currencies is quite a complicated and ambiguous task, there are always 1 more unknowns than equations. Nevertheless, it is possible to get a good result. What is needed for that, everyone should decide for himself, I use 17 pairs with dollar. Crosses are additionally useless, if to avoid tiki-pookey, gold and all the rest non-currencies are also better to be excluded.

It gives the impression that you want to solve all problems at once. So you run the risk of not solving any. You have to define your objectives and solve them one by one as you get them. If you want to get a nice picture from digital filters, then why bother with ticky-ticky. A constant sampling rate is required for normal filter operation, and Kotelnikov's theorem says that frequencies above half of sampling rate are not amenable to any digital processing.

1-Paradox- you say if we trade on the Eurobucks why do we need anything else - what for - there will be no solution without a general pair analysis from the euro and dollar and maybe some other additional instruments

2 - I agree that it is possible and necessary (for better trading) to choose more profitable options for a deal out of pairs available, but it may be done only after you have built indexes for pairs and only then look at which currencies are the most divergent from the rate and trade between them ...

Maybe you don't need ticks for accuracy and more trades at my stage, yet ..... but I have doubts that tick volumes - if you separate positive and negative ticks, there is useful information... maybe you just didn't analyze it, maybe the nature of tick volume change leads to the same results as just prices on bars... i want to make sure that i can do it without using ticks, i want to synchronize everything and do the math with Askas and Bids - get them by dividing each of euro pairs by the corresponding dollar pair and analyze the difference + 1 or more points --- which may grow and perhaps lead to some hidden patterns

by the way about sampling rate it can be smoothed and that's why I wrote that I want such a table in excel -I gave an example somewhere if in the table where each row is 0.001 milliseconds to arrange ticks of all pairs for each cluster synchronously in time, then you can analyze divergences for example even 1 point and they increase just can not imagine how and in what program to do it - you can not in excel - you get a billion rows.... There's basically no need for more analysis, this is the limit from which you can gain more accurate and early signal detection... And the segment is not pipsing ..... where you can make a single sampling rate for all pairs....

4 - I do not understand about 17 pairs with the dollar - you can only get the dollar index from it --- where do you get the indices of other currencies

Finding patterns is a good thing, of course. And it is possible to approach problems from different angles. Maybe it will help someone to understand the big picture of what is going on. "Searching for patterns" is done in order to "take a profit" - that's one side. The other side gives maybe a much larger notion... namely... get under the skin of a market maker... and make sure that the price you give out satisfies everyone. Get in the shoes of the banks that give out quotes... Solving riddles - fascinating, interesting... Puzzling a riddle is many times more difficult. Once you understand the principle of "riddles" you won't need to solve them... Now think carefully - do you need it? You will lose the excitement, interest, adrenaline, the spark in the eyes, the joy of victory ... You'll be devastated and disappointed... of understanding what's going on... Because if you know too much, you'll grow old. In fact, there will be no "common search". Only each of us can find something for himself. Why not "help the more knowledgeable"? It is not a grateful occupation. Dragging someone who resists into their own niche to prove something to someone - who needs it? Whoever is going in the same direction understands what is going on with a few words, and that is enough when you are stuck and cannot move from the dead point. On the other hand - different methods should not be a sign of disunity, because in the end it is the price that will judge... "on a chosen stretch of time". It is the combination of approaches to explaining price behaviour on the SAME stretch of time that can serve as a unifying start.
... different methods should not be a sign of disunity, ...
Finding patterns is a good thing, of course. And it is possible to approach problems from different angles. Maybe it will help someone to understand the big picture of what is going on. "Searching for patterns" is done in order to "take a profit" - that's one side. The other side is maybe a much bigger concept... namely... get under the skin of a market maker... and make sure that the price you give out satisfies everyone. Get in the shoes of the banks that give out quotes... Solving riddles - fascinating, interesting... Puzzling a riddle is many times more difficult. Once you understand the principle of "riddles" you won't need to solve them... Now think carefully - do you need it? You will lose the excitement, interest, adrenaline, the spark in the eyes, the joy of victory ... You'll be devastated and disappointed... of understanding what's going on... Because if you know too much, you'll grow old. In fact, there will be no "common search". Only each of us can find something for himself. Why not "help the more knowledgeable"? It is not a grateful occupation. Dragging someone who resists into their own niche to prove something to someone - who needs it? Whoever is going in the same direction understands what is going on with a few words, and that is enough when you are stuck and cannot move from the dead point. On the other hand - different methods should not be a sign of disunity, because in the end it is the price that will judge... "on a chosen stretch of time". It is the combination of approaches to explaining price behaviour on the SAME stretch of time that can serve as a unifying start.
You have no idea of the perspectives that this would open up for me... and certainly not devastation and disappointment... nowadays people mostly have to live for their security and safety (which also depends on security) putting themselves in limits and not being able to be engaged in what one really wants and either develop spiritually or expand their consciousness more and more (as long as one cannot fully dedicate oneself to (I dare say it) life.... and since there is no other way, one has to be concerned first of all with security......(((( alas... the principle of "riddles" is also unlikely to be permanent.
You have no idea what kind of perspectives that would open up for me... and certainly not devastation and disappointment ... nowadays people are forced to live mostly by the concerns of security and safety (which also depends on security) putting themselves in limits and not being able to be engaged in what one really wants and to develop spiritually or to expand their consciousness more and more (as long as it is in those limits - one cannot fully give oneself to (I dare say it) life.... and if there is no other way, one must be concerned first of all with security......(((( alas... besides, the principle of "riddles" is unlikely to be permanent, either.
Oh, yeah. Learn. I'm gonna go get a drink. I can't digest it otherwise.
Finding patterns is a good thing, of course. And it is possible to approach problems from different angles. Maybe it will help someone to understand the big picture of what is going on. "Searching for patterns" is done in order to "take a profit" - that's one side. The other side gives maybe a much larger notion... namely... get under the skin of a market maker... and make sure that the price you give out satisfies everyone. Get in the shoes of the banks that give out quotes... Solving riddles - fascinating, interesting... Puzzling a riddle is many times more difficult. Once you understand the principle of "riddles" you won't need to solve them... Now think carefully - do you need it? You will lose the excitement, interest, adrenaline, the spark in the eyes, the joy of victory ... You'll be devastated and disappointed... of understanding what's going on... Because if you know too much, you'll grow old. In fact, there will be no "common search". Only each of us can find something for himself. Why not "help the more knowledgeable"? It is not a grateful occupation. Dragging someone who resists into their own niche to prove something to someone - who needs it? Whoever is going in the same direction understands what is going on with a few words, and that is enough when you are stuck and cannot move from the dead point. On the other hand - different methods should not be a sign of disconnection, because in the end it is the price that will judge... "on a chosen stretch of time". It is the combination of approaches to explaining price behaviour on the SAME stretch of time that can serve as a unifying start.
The fault of the one who resists (perhaps it is not resistance at all) I believe that there is no fault at all (it may simply be a misunderstanding, and sometimes fear of being misled unintentionally or deliberately (which is more often in our worldly dimension, which is far from being pure)).
Oh, boy. Learn. I, of course, went for a drink. Can't digest it otherwise.
I'm shocked myself.)
I'm shocked myself.)
Well, good for you. Cheers. // and drank immediately

On the subject.

The market is inertial. No matter what anyone says. The essence of successful trading is to understand what's going on now and get involved.

And just as important - to understand that your context is over. Otherwise, it's a margin call.

For you morons, TA is exactly the kind of tool that doesn't predict (what, disappointed?) but simply tells you where you are.


On the subject.

The market is inertial. No matter what anyone says. The essence of successful trading is to understand what's going on now and get involved.

And just as important - to understand that your context is over. Otherwise, it's a margin call.

For you morons, TA is exactly the kind of tool that doesn't predict (what, disappointed?) but simply tells you where you are.

Well, finally!!! Really in the other branch... the wrong branch!!! Bravo! Bravo! It's done. Thank you, peter.