The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 147


Do you really think I don't know reality, counsellor?

Reality is even worse than reality.

The reality is even worse than the reality.
What is the difference between reality and reality as you see it? Please explain.
Apparently, this is partly due to the fact that dear avtomat hasnot yet clearly formulated goals and objectives of the branch in the first post, as promised. I'm sure after that, a lot can be clarified immediately.

Participants will immediately divide into 2 camps:

1. Those who agree and make the case that the market is indeed a controlled dynamic system;

2. On those who believe that being a dynamic system, the market cannot be controlled, at least to the extent and possibilities of action of an ordinary trader, limited by funds from 1 to 100K greenbacks.

All those who are here will join point number 2. Because those who can relate to point 1 do not come to these sites.

p.s. If you learn about all the thermonuclear processes going on in the Sun, it will not shine brighter for you. Take my word for it.


If you learn about all the thermonuclear processes going on in the Sun, it won't get brighter for you. Take my word for it.

I wonder if this knowledge can help you manage the quality of your tan.
What is the difference between reality and reality, as you understand it? Explain, please.

What is unclear here? Reality is what is worse.
I wonder if this knowledge can help manage the quality of a tan?

Even more openly, then - manageable or unmanageable, the main thing is how much you can take from it. In your example, tanning.
The following may be chosen as a definition for the term "management":

Control is a function of organised systems of different nature (technical, biological, social, economic, etc.), aimed at realising their objectives and supporting their intrinsic structure (system integrity).

Within the framework of cybernetics, the following provision is substantiated: the degree of complexity of a control system should correspond ("be equal" or be "higher") to the degree of complexity of the object controlled by the system. The use of this circumstance makes it possible to predict the reliability and efficiency of the management of social and economic systems. "Simple solutions" are a myth.

I will try once again to explain the idea of a controlled dynamic system in a popular way. I will try to do it as clearly as possible - in the form of diagrams and graphs. And without the use of "smart formulas", so as not to destabilize the perception of a certain part of the audience.


Actually, such popularization is not an easy task.




Actually, this kind of promotion is a very difficult task.

Who's easy now...? :)

I will try once again to explain the idea of a controlled dynamic system in a popular way. I will try to do it as clearly as possible - in the form of diagrams and graphs. And without the use of "smart formulas", so as not to destabilize the perception of a certain part of the audience.


Actually, such popularization is not an easy task.

It's always like this. Came in, intrigued and bye.... Intriguer....