The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 146


You're clearly showing some common sense. I may have been a little overzealous with the year. I'd be happy to be wrong.

By the way, how is the theorem that got lost somewhere in the margins?



By the way, how is the theorem that got lost somewhere in the margins?


Quite alive so far. Is there a rebuttal? :) Ready to be satisfied with a quite empirical state, instead of theoretical trashing.


Inflated self-esteem, never mind.
Nah, it's just a game of 'inflated self-esteem' . avtomat is adequate in this case. ;)

Quite alive so far. Is there a rebuttal? :) Ready to settle for a quite empirical state, instead of theoretical trashing.


you're quite an empirical practitioner ;)))

You're such a practitioner of empiricism ;)))
I advise you too. Reality is territory, models are maps. A good map is very useful, but will never become territory.
And I advise you to do the same. Reality is territory, models are maps. A good map is very useful, but will never become territory.

Do you really think I don't know reality, counsellor?

Do you really think I don't know reality, counsellor?
Objective? I'm afraid not.
Objective? I'm afraid not.

What is the reason for your fear?

What is the reason for your fear?

I fear that on page 148, the topic of the thread does not correspond to the issues being discussed.

I am afraid in that on page 148, the topic of the thread does not correspond to the issues being discussed.
Apparently, this is partly due to the fact that dear avtomat hasnot yet clearly formulated goals and objectives of the branch in the first post, as promised. I'm sure after that, a lot can be clarified immediately.

Participants will immediately divide into 2 camps:

1. Into those who agree and make the case that the market is indeed a controlled dynamic system;

2. On those who believe that being a dynamic system, the market cannot be controlled, at least by the scale and scope of action of the average trader, limited to funds from 1 to 100K greenbacks.