The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 154


Alsu has already given hints when he posted his block diagram (the market one).

Another hint was given by Alexey in the post above.

Yes, the task is nontrivial and not everyone can do.

SZS: Actually, you know yourself without any hints.

Ours is a more complicated task, and doesn't lend itself to such correct clues.
Maybe it's time to formulate the task itself about the market: what is our goal, what we want, what opportunities we have, how, with what and when to act????.....??

The goal is money!

What we want - more money!

Opportunity - 100 quid in a cent account!

How, with what and when - with the terminal, with the mind, from Monday to Friday!

Let's go!)


Let's pose a question:

Is it possible to determine from the available output data what was the control signal that led to this actual data?

what will happen next?

The goal is money!

What we want - more money!

Opportunity - 100 quid in a cent account!

How, with what and when - the terminal, the mind, from Monday to Friday!

Let's go!)

For a start, this is exactly the kind of simple problem statement that will do. Next, it needs to be polished.


I didn't give any hints, I gave my ideas. They have, of course, undergone some changes in implementation, some of which have been prompted, among other things, by the criticisms here.

Some do the work "in plain sight", some are team players. I prefer to work out 95% on my own. If I need to listen to criticism, I write here or elsewhere. In short, don't take my posts (those that are on point, not flub) either as tips, or as a guide to action, or even as an attempt to defend an opinion.

For a start, this is exactly the kind of simple problem statement that will do. Next, it needs to be polished.

Work on it. Understanding comes later (c)

The task of input signal recovery arises in many fields of science and technology.




I did not give any hints, but expressed my ideas. They have, of course, undergone some changes in the process of implementation, some of which were prompted, among other things, by critical comments here.

Some do the work "in plain sight", some are team players. I prefer to work out 95% on my own. If I need to listen to criticism, I write here or elsewhere. In short, don't take my posts (those that are on point, not flub) either as tips, or as a guide to action, or even as an attempt to defend an opinion.

Alexey, your posts (at least for me) are always interesting and worthwhile.

I don't put any double meaning in the word "hints" except one - examples of criteria.

I apologize if I have found anything inappropriate or offensive.

Your ideas are very useful for participants, if only because it allows you to draw attention to some fundamental points, and what and how to do next - everyone decides.

Sooner or later, this thread will reach the limit when further detailing becomes unnecessary for obvious reasons.


Get to work. Understanding will come later (c)

And Dalembert was absolutely right.

The task of reconstructing an input signal arises in many fields of science and technology.

Why is it necessary to reconstruct the input signal?

If we know all the parameters of the output signal, is that not enough to predict it?

Simply by making a prediction of the output signal, the next step is to calculate the error and make a correction for it.

But there is nothing to check the input signal with, we can't see it.