The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 145


The market is a controlled dynamic system.

If you take the sabre, yes. И? And - I mean - what? What's next? Is there a zeitgeist in that? It seems to be forgetting the point.

Okay. That's just me. Really unbanned. Hello, everyone who hasn't forgotten. :) Hi!

Hi!!! Glad to read you!!! (I suggest "you").

No shit you've been banned - a block or what? :-)


I remember being banned, but not that much!!!!


You cannot see the white light behind your clever formulas.

About formulas, behind which it is supposedly impossible to see the white light...

Formulas are just a tool. A tool to get things done. And to do it, you have to know how to use it.

Here is an analogy: a good mechanic, for example, has a tool kit -- hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, diagonal cutters, spanners, a vice, hacksaws, files, etc., etc. A good locksmith knows the purpose of each of his tools --- and he will tighten the nut with a spanner, though he could have used a pair of pliers. But a good locksmith, unlike a bad locksmith, won't do that. Because he knows that he can damage the nut with a pair of pliers. But it's all a set of tools designed for the task at hand -- an engine repair task, for example. And in order to perform an engine repair task well, knowing how to use tools is a prerequisite. I hope this doesn't raise any objections. Well, to get an idea of quantity of necessary and useful tools, necessary for performance of various tasks, look in a service station.

And you will not begin to say, that the locksmith is not able to see a white light behind his tools.


Many things are incomprehensible to us not because our concepts are weak, but because these things are not included in the circle of our concepts. (Kozma Prutkov)


For example, a task can be formulated as a distant target, like a lighthouse



Homeostat (from ὁμοιος - same, similar and στάσις - state, immobility) is a self-organising system that models the ability of living organisms to maintain certain values (such as body temperature) within physiologically acceptable limits (see homeostasis).

Modern Dictionary

HOMEOSTAT (from homeo ... and ...stat), an analogue electromechanical device that simulates the ability of living organisms to maintain some of their characteristics (e.g. body temperature, oxygen content in blood) within acceptable limits. It was proposed in 1948 by the English cybernetics scientist W. R. Ashby. W. R. Ashby. The homeostat principle is used to determine the optimum values of technical automatic control systems (e.g. autopilots).


Great Soviet Encyclopaedia

Self-organising system

Self-organising system
A self-adaptive system in which adaptation to changing conditions or optimisation of control processes is achieved by changing the structure of the control system - including or disabling individual subsystems, qualitative changes in control algorithms
, links between subsystems and their chain of command, etc.
The main difference between s. s. and self-adjusting systems (See
:) is that qualitative changes prevail in the adaptation process in the former, and quantitative changes - in the latter.

The Great Soviet Encyclopaedia.-Moscow: Sovetskaya Encyclopedia. 1969-1978




    This is the area I'm working on at the moment. It's like the next tier of the UDS.

    A very interesting picture is emerging.


    The market is a controlled dynamic system.

    If you take the sabre, yes. И? And -- I mean, what? And what's next? Is there a zeitgeist in that? It seems to be forgetting the point.

    Okay. That's just me. Really unbanned. Hello, everyone who hasn't forgotten. :) Hi!

    95% want to make money and only 5 think about how to do it.

    Piotr!!! Where have you been? Good to see you. Come back with fresh ideas.


    95% want to make money and only 5 think about how to do it...

    ...of which 95% just think and 5% do)

    95% want to make money and only 5 think about how to do it.

    Petr!!! Where have you been? Nice to see you. Come back with fresh thoughts.

    He was banned...

    Homeostasis (from ὁμοιος - same, similar and στάσις - state, immobility) is a self-organising system that models the ability of living organisms to maintain certain values (such as body temperature) within physiologically acceptable limits (see Homeostasis).



    I am currently engaged in this area. It is like the next tier of the UDS.

    A very interesting picture is emerging.

    You're clearly showing some common sense. I may have been a little overzealous with the year. I'd be happy to be wrong.

    You're clearly showing some common sense. I may have been a little overzealous with the year. I'd be happy to be wrong.

    Huh... funny ;)))

    Was there no common sense until now?

    Inflated self-esteem, never mind.
    on the contrary, it's fun ;)))