[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 404


OK, waiting for Margaret to get in touch, she promised to show up.

What we have so far:

In Brussels agreement on 16 billion euros for Greece

Chinese meeting with Merkel on Monday

Greek parliamentary vote on Tuesday

In chertverg begins Halloween, what is it I don't know, it will be interesting to see for myself.

Imho a shallow drift up in Asia today.

Separately for discussion China.

So the whole economy is made up of Group A and Group B industries, the former includes heavy engineering and military and the latter consumer goods. For the economy to function properly, the proportion must be 50:50. Geographically in Europe the predominance of Group A -- northern Italy, Germany, France, a little bit of England (not Britain as a whole).

Group A -> Group B (Group A Market) -> Group B Market -> Poverty (Group B slave labour and its potential market according to Henry Ford's cornucopia theory)

All developed countries want to achieve Group A predominance, except for harmful industries (chemical industry). Because it means more taxes, better welfare programs, better health care and better education. So as not to destroy the 50:50 balance, they are taking over the poorer countries in which group B predominates, and paying them more (I'm not talking about taxes) just to get the labour force out of the jobless market and create more jobs.

China has taken over the whole of group B, but group A is beyond its reach. While the goods of group B are easy to bend by prototypes, in group A there are many nuances, i.e. the production culture is needed plus without the technology pool, the goods of group A cannot be sold in the markets of developed countries, and the poor are not a client for this group.

By buying US government bonds, China cleared the way to group B markets, the Senate created a special amendment that says that honestly stolen fakes of US products can easily spread beyond its borders without any sanctions.

As for Group A. Already bought the Volvo car manufacturing company, along with the technology. Now I think they want to buy something that Europe kinda doesn't need anymore (obsolete), but for them it's just right. To buy a group A corporation is not an easy thing (the military is there - one, the monopoly - two), the EU bureaucrats would not approve a deal, but if they agree with Merkel, moreover if they offer help in such a delicate situation as Greece - that's another matter.

What they want to buy I don't know - either metallurgy (their metal is shit) or aero-space program is anybody's guess.

I think the final verdict will be on Thursday (on Monday they will only agree on "ah look"), so it will start on Thursday Hyloween. Or rather it will start on Tuesday, because the Greeks, if they are not the last suckers, will not vote for the package as it is now (they already have nothing to lose). Their 400 billion euro debt has been created by socialists a la Lukashenko since the 198s.

Margaret, your word...


Wow, what a mix of FX, commodities and probably funds?

According to your analysis the price will tear in two directions, you can trade with lots ;)


Wow, what a mix of FX, commodities and probably funds?

According to your analysis the price will tear in two directions, you can trade with lots ;)

This is my version of events, need constructive criticism, waiting for Margaret...

I highly recommend looking at the Eurobucks weekly and monthly charts.

They speak quite eloquently (in conjunction with any indicators) about a very short-term downward move.

They won't give away aerospace, the technology there is too cool. Especially EADS pays too much tax to give the Chinese technology and then get a competitor on their necks, reduced tax base, job cuts, etc. It may well be about Opel, which according to recent rumours GM wants to sell again. The Chinese are among the first buyers.

I highly recommend looking at the Eurobucks weekly and monthly charts.

They speak quite eloquently (in conjunction with any indicators) about a very short-term downward move.

Imho, there will be an upside lure on Monday and then it will be blamed on Greece...

I highly recommend looking at the Eurobucks weekly and monthly charts.

They speak quite eloquently (in conjunction with any indicators) about a very short-term downward move.

Avery quick prolonged downwards move.

These predictions are very useful... There are no upside options at all?

They won't give away aerospace, the technology there is too cool. Especially EADS pays too much tax to give the Chinese technology and then get a competitor on their necks, reduced tax base, job cuts, etc. It may well be about Opel, which according to recent rumours GM wants to sell again. The Chinese are among the first buyers.

Why would they want another one from the auto industry though... maybe there's a puzzle cube of their own...

about a very short-term , protracted move downwards.

These forecasts are very useful. .. There are no upside options at all?

Well, not unless the US agrees to increase the size of the national debt by August 2. The Republicans refused to discuss it last week. But this is probably a tactical game against the Democrats. Because they are well aware of the consequences. They should ))

Why would they need another one from the auto industry, though... maybe there's a puzzle cube of their own...
Volvo is in a different price segment. Opel is a cheap brand, cheap technology. As the factories are in Germany, the Chinese have very strong leverage over the Germans. Jobs in Germany are very much at stake. Last time they wanted to sell to Magne and Sberbank (I think), there was such discussion. For the Germans this is a very sore and vulnerable issue.