Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 98

THIS is the emblem they say is correct

can you describe how to use it?

THIS is the emblem that is considered correct
Not all fields are clear.

I don't know either, it's just that it's all in the pile

and here she is now you all have to wonder what's what.

I'm reading Patrick Mikula. How do I transfer the planetary angles to the chart? If I really redraw them manually, I will get a total nonsense, let's say about 280 bars, with a tick every... How can I connect Ganzilla with the charts on the platform?
How can Ganzilla be linked to the charts on the platform?
Look here ))

Thank you! Watching.

But, for this chart, up to the eighth lap the low and high dates were unexpectedly quite beautiful, the low was more on the virtual cross, the high was more on the diagonals, in the course of the ninth lap, you see, the rhythm was somehow off, since May.


Well, maybe there's a little bit of a mix-up there.

And here...

Dimka the novice, here's an indie on planetary angles

What is the meaning of this turkey? What to splash from? Can you tell me if it's not difficult?


I myself do not know.I earn on forex their modest 3-4 thousand dollars a month, and do not lezu any planets and galaxies.)))))))

All right, I'm kidding. I am an ugly dilettante and earn minus thousands of dollars in a demo account.(But I do not despair. The main thing is to believe in yourself and your forces.)