Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 93


use the table to calculate the levels:

Example: 0.9782=9782, the square root of that number is 98.9.

98.9-0.5=98.4*98.4=9682.56=0.9682 This is the 90 degree level.

It's all there, it's not clear what you're going to start with, there's an open price in the indicator, the rest of the calculations are the same as in your table.
It's all there, it's not clear what you're going to base it on, it's based on the opening price in the indicator, the other calculations are the same as in your table.
It suggests that we start from the extrema. You bet! )
He's suggesting a pushback from the extremes. You betcha! )



try the robi11 indicator I posted it in kodobaza.


try the robi11 indicator I put it in the kodobase.

By the way, Askar, it would be great if the indicator showed both support and resistance levels. I.e. we enter two extremums - high and low, and the indicator shows support levels from the high, and resistance levels from the low.
Better yet, don't type in, set an object - a label on the 2 bars you want and count from that
Better yet, don't type in, set an object - a label on the 2 bars you want and count from that

Check everything seems to be as described, except the descriptions, but it's simple on the chart chart levels 1-7 level up, from 8-14 level down.

Thank you very much I will check


Martingeil thanks again! It's perfect!

I wish I could make it show 22.5=0.125 degrees above the lines, so just 22.5

Also, it does not correctly count pairs where there is 0 before the comma instead of 1 like Canadians, can you fix it?