Gunn, astromechanics. Forecasts, discussion - page 102

rather than sit and wait to work and offer your version with an explanation?))

suggest it ))))

Some kind of top on 26.07 will be, I agree. The bottom will be 01.08, but it would be better to consider 11.08 as some kind of bottom.

Regards, Alexander.


Hi all!

Ferro, did you manage to figure out the square and get the correct data? I'm not asking to show you anything, just answer, soothe my soul...


Hi all!

Ferro, did you manage to figure out the square and get the correct data? I'm not asking to show you anything, just answer, soothe my soul...

Ferro was able to understand not only the square, but the whole concept and methodology of Gann.
Tell me, gentlemen, is everything all set in there? Is it working?

It's working, but there are still a lot of open questions.


suggest it ))))

I did... a few pages ago... no one wrote a word to my posts))) so draw your own conclusions...
Gentlemen speculators, TC on Gunn workers who knows??? Links if you don't mind...
Today 29.07, take out the weekend 01.08 - low, i.e. today. 03.08. - high ~ 1.4400.And again the fall to ~ 1.4100.
Regards, Alexander.
Gentlemen speculators, TC on Gunn workers who knows??? Links if you don't mind...?,107.0.html