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not quite sure which contact ?




Durov on guard )) http://vkontakte.ru/boris_akunin

Durov on guard )) h ttp://vkontakte.ru/boris_akunin

I'm not registered, I don't see any pages from there, and I've seen some before without registering, so I'm interested.

The bloody gobny has reached here with its tentacles as well, that's for sure.

In fact, you'd have to ask Akunin himself. I personally don't give a shit about his LiveJournal, so I can't say whether it's fake or not.

The writer is good. As a person - dumb luck.

I talked to him personally.

Once again Svetlana, how do you feel about the hacking of the blog of writer Boris Akunin after his speeches in defence of fair elections?

Mishek, can you open a demo NDD account at Al***pari?

I'm not getting any. Regular's fine.


Once again Svetlana, how do you feel about the hacking of the blog of writer Boris Akunin after his speeches in defence of fair elections?

How am I supposed to feel about it?

Firstly, was there a break-in?

Secondly, in my view, the question is constructed so that the hack was knowingly carried out by er... EP supporters.

Thirdly, if citizen G. Chkhartishvili has any complaints, let him write a statement to the appropriate authorities.


How am I supposed to feel about it?

First of all, was there a break-in?

Once again Svetlana, how do you feel about the hacking of the writer Boris Akunin's blog after his advocacy for fair elections?

Again Svetlana, how do you feel about the hacking of the blog of the writer Boris Akunin after his speeches in defence of fair elections?

I have no facts that it was indeed a hack and no facts that it was done as so-called opposition PR or self-publicity.

I can only assume the latter.


Census: Russia's people are ageing and dying out (16 December 2011)

According to the final data of the 2010 population census, the rate of extinction of Russians is increasing. The situation is particularly deplorable in villages and towns.
We are now 142 million 857 thousand people, 2.3 million fewer than in 2002. At that time the first All-Russian Population Census was taken and it showed the difference with the last Soviet one in 1989 - 1.8 million. So, in those 13 years, Russia has lost less population than in the last 8.
So we have dropped to 8th place in the world ranking of number of inhabitants, giving way to Bangladesh. The average age of a Russian is 39, almost a year and a half more than in 2002.
The saddest thing is happening in rural areas, where three times as many residents have died as in cities. The number of settlements has also decreased: the number of villages, settlements and villages has decreased by 8.5 thousand.
The percentage of married couples has decreased by two million and the number of divorces has increased. Slowly but surely, the gender gap is also increasing - there are now 10.7 million more women.
As for the national distribution, the percentage of people not wanting to identify themselves in any way with that characteristic increased - 5.6 million against 1.5 million in the last census. There were 0.26% more people who called themselves Russians and 0.64% fewer Ukrainians. The number of Armenians, Avars and Chechens has increased.

Recall that according to a UN study, Russia is among the ten countries which will die out first. Their prognosis is not encouraging: at such a rate the country's population will completely disappear by 2888. h ttps://www.mql5.com/go?link=http://vchera.com/news/483/


But there are no horrors of life in the USSR.

The basis of prosperity and well-being is de-Stalinisation and opposition rallies.