[Archive! - page 235

Nothing new....That's what they think everywhere.... So what next? .... Communists to the Duma.... Putin and Medvedev should be swapped)))) At least it will be more interesting to watch television)))

What's going on? Well, the gop-campaign came to power, well, it clung to it. Can't tear it off. So?

Neither I nor my acquaintances are reacting to it. Let them.

I can leave at any moment. What's all the fuss about?


Where to go? They will find it everywhere and make ......... a hero or vice versa.... Doesn't anyone want to die in poverty?

They made all these laws and got themselves tangled up in them.... Now they are wallowing in lies.....

In my opinion, only convict notions work in Russia.... All that is left is to destroy them and then come ...................


Where to go? They will find it everywhere and make ......... a hero or vice versa.... Doesn't anyone want to die in poverty?

They made all these laws and got themselves tangled up in them.... Now they are wallowing in lies.....

In my opinion, only convict notions work in Russia.... All that is left is to destroy them and then come ...................

Is your last name Litvinenko? Well, relax. Who needs us (you)...
By the way, how beautiful the countryside was yesterday. Sunshine, yellow leaves. Overhead and underfoot. Puddles - look, there you are. And above you is the blue (there's no such thing anymore!) sky. And these leaves. Oak leaves, walnut leaves, maple leaves... Even grapes. Yes, I have grapes growing on my property. Such beautiful leaves...
By the way, how beautiful it was outside the city yesterday. Sunshine, yellow leaves. Overhead and underfoot. Puddles - you look, there you are. And above you is the blue (there's no such thing anymore!) sky. And these leaves. Oak leaves, walnut leaves, maple leaves... Even grapes. Yes, I have grapes growing on my property. Such beautiful leaves...

I've been to the cottage, too. I've just got bananas, coconuts and feijuhua. My mother-in-law will make feijuhu jam and I'll dip bananas in it.

Maple leaves falling from the ash tree

♪ Wow, wow, wow, wow ♪

I took a closer look, and it's really...

Awesome ............

Your last name is Litvinenko? Well, relax. Who needs us (you)...

No Sobchak .... I don't know how to relax ((( I've run out of imagination ))))))))) Eh, it's a pity nobody needs us... We could have been useful (((

My mother-in-law will make feijuhu jam and dip bananas in it.

Feijuhu jam isn't good, I'd rather let her make Ofejuhuen jam. You'll thank her later.


Feijuhu is no good, I'd rather have Ofejuhuen brewed. You'll thank her later.

Whatever with my mother-in-law's feihuen.

Let's argue

I'm starting to argue.

You don't regret 100 rubles, do you? I don't, it's a fact.

I chose Tim, you have almost no choice, I did not look at the others, except for the first ten, there's no point in looking before a month, right ? So

The odds of both me and you winning are close to 50%, right? Right.

So each of us two for just a packet of cigarettes buys a ticket to a little ride.

But the ride doesn't work if one of us buys it, so it has to be two of us, right? Right?

And you want to deprive me of the ride on those odds? That's unjustifiably cruel of you, but if you think I deserve it, have it your way, I'll take whatever you decide.