[Archive! - page 114


Do you people have a shortage of women?

Better watch a political cartoon:

Everything's fine. Married, almost two kids. But tits, tits, tits.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 2.10.1869 - 30.01.1948 was an ideologue and one of the leaders and national liberation movement of India.

This has always been a mystery to me: how people can respect themselves by humiliating others like themselves.

The ability to forgive is a characteristic of the strong. The weak do not forgive.

The world is big enough to satisfy any human need, but too small to satisfy human greed.

An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind.

Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence influenced national and international peace movements.

Gandhi's views were greatly influenced by the ideas of G.D. Thoreau and L.N. Tolstoy. Gandhi was in correspondence with Tolstoy.


At the expense of what, I wonder? It is only the beginning. Right now we can only guarantee one thing - the hare will definitely not start to rise in price, so don't hold back, breed.

But that's not what we're talking about; if you're interested in talking about Belarus' prospects in the near future, you can at least move to the smoking room.

Run, Andrei, before it hits.
Run, Andrei, before it hurts.

I have not been touched by the crisis so far. And in general, it is a shame that our leading 'economists' do not even know that speculation is normal and logical for a normal market.

And they also do not understand that if the dam has got a through and through crack, you cannot cover all the holes with plaster, water will find new ones anyway. Now it is all a mess - every day new restrictions, even though the situation has temporarily stabilized...

As long as there is hope, as soon as there is no hope, I will run away.

TheXpert: It's a shame, though, that our leading "economists" don't even know that speculation is normal and logical for a normal market.

They know everything.

A scoop is a scoop. I am not talking about people but about the system. Lukashenko is a part of the system and he behaves accordingly. It is better to say at least something, any populist nonsense, as long as he does not keep silent.


I'm sitting here choking on a toad, for fuck's sake


I'm sitting here choking on a toad, for fuck's sake

It's going to go downhill for a long time yet.

It's going to go downhill for a long time yet.
No, that's it, I'm out, I'm not playing like this any more )